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Islamic State kills two Chinese teachers kidnapped in Pakistan

LAW OF KARMA in action in PAKISTAN. EYE FOR AN EYE will make the whole world go blind
Bast@rd , son of B!tches , Haram Khor .. i hope when SSG storm that cave, they have killed every single one of them in Mastong .. RIP to those poor Chinese people, Our nation stand with their families and as they are martyred in this holy Month, Allah has blessed them with heaven ..

Just wondering whether it's possible without accepting Islam?

Aren't the non-believers condemned to eternal hellfire in afterlife? @Zarvan

yes brother, and i wont be surprised if they have full support from India and Afghanistan .. we know Indians are not happy with CPEC and they will stoop to any level to Sabotage it .. but i will say that these bast@rds will not live long, we already killed 12 of them in cave in mustang , and few other operations today FC capture weapons and explosive ..but we need to work more on intelligence sharing , Chinese are very friendly and nice people, they must not feel scared when travelling to Pakistan..

Lool not 11, kill all of these sad IS sympathisers and supporters. Don't bring India where Islamic terrorism is concerned. We've been the biggest victims of terrorism. They're your coreligionists who seem to be lost.

Also, don't forget to go after Talibans and Haqqani group. Or wait, those terrorists are doing God's work. right?
Just wondering whether it's possible without accepting Islam?

Aren't the non-believers condemned to eternal hellfire in afterlife? @Zarvan

People who remain righteous and do good deeds, and donate charity are also forgiven.

People who become non-believers even after the right word of God has been spoke to them are the ones who are punished no matter which deeds they do.
People who remain righteous and do good deeds, and donate charity are also forgiven.

People who become non-believers even after the right word of God has been spoke to them are the ones who are punished no matter which deeds they do.

So, a non-Muslim like me can be allowed in heaven if I've done enough good deeds then? Gotcha. :)
So, a non-Muslim like me can be allowed in heaven if I've done enough good deeds then? Gotcha. :)

The equation is simple,
( Good deeds == Bad Ones ) * Intentions

Did you ever try to question reality around you ?
How much effort did you try to make and understand ?
How sincerely did you try to think to find the one real truth.

once the truth was found; how hard did you work to stay on the right path.

It's all subjective; there is no one yard stick for everyone.
It's our own demons that we will have to answer for.
RIP for chinese citizens.. There are two main ISIS & ISIL groups, one is being funded by CIA using azerbaijani soils & 2nd is being funded by Raw using afghan soils. so why not create a combine operational base near gwadar to eradicate the bastards. we both china & pak don't need to hide we need to retaliate actively.

Osama found in Pakistan,
All Taliban heads found in Pakistan,
2 Chinese nationals killed by IS in Pakistan.

And you have the cheek to call this a CIA/RAW/Jew conspiracy? Get a grip and clean your house or the rest of the world will do it for you, like they are in Syria.
So while we regularly fail to provide security to our own citizens, we now even fail to provide security to the citizens of our friendly country whom is investing heavily inside Pakistan and its citizens coming to Pakistan when no one else.
RIP my Chinese friends, we have failed to provide security to you guys and this makes be feel ashamed and embarrassed.
Afghan Taliban kill 12 ISIS terrorists in Afghanistan
Posted By: News Deskon: June 09, 2017


Deadly clashes broke out between the Afghan Taliban and militants affiliated with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorist group, leaving 12 ISIS terrorists dead

The provincial governor’s spokesman Ataullah Khogyani said the incident took place in the vicinity of Pacher Agam district.

He said the militants of both the groups exchanged heavy fire in Suri Village, Judri, Saleh Baba shrine, and Wachi Lagadi areas.

Khogyani further added that so far 12 ISIS militants have been killed and two others have been wounded and two civilians were also killed.

READ MORE: ISIS threat to West
At least three Taliban insurgents have also been killed during the clashes, Khogyani said, adding that hundreds of families have been forced to flee from the area.

According to Khogyani, provincial governor Mohamamd Gulab Mangal has also visited the affected families and security personnel in Hejratullah Rahmani area.

He promised that the Pacher Agam areas where the militants are conducting insurgency will be cleared in the near future.

READ MORE: Iraq officially approaches UN Security Council for Turkish Forces deployment in Iraqi territory
The ISIS loyalists have long been attempting to gain foothold in the strategic Pacher Agam district in a bid to expand their presence and operations in this province.

The deputy house speaker of the Afghan parliament Zahir Qadir earlier had warned that the loyalists of the terror group are attempting to establish the Khurasan Caliphate in Afghanistan and are busy expanding their presence in some of the difficult terrains of the country.
@Sinopakfriend @Chinese-Dragon
@The Eagle

Ohh good terrorists? You guys really don't understand that you're playing with fire here! Talibans are not your allies! Ideologically they've more in common with IS than you guys!
Osama found in Pakistan,
All Taliban heads found in Pakistan,
2 Chinese nationals killed by IS in Pakistan.

And you have the cheek to call this a CIA/RAW/Jew conspiracy? Get a grip and clean your house or the rest of the world will do it for you, like they are in Syria.

There are symptom events and there are root cause events.

The root cause of all the above is that a country called Afghanistan is to our west,
with whom we have had an open border < --- Root cause.
the same country which peaks world's drug production, gun running, smuggling, money laundering .. any crime that you can think of under the sun.
Osama found in Pakistan,
All Taliban heads found in Pakistan,
2 Chinese nationals killed by IS in Pakistan.

And you have the cheek to call this a CIA/RAW/Jew conspiracy? Get a grip and clean your house or the rest of the world will do it for you, like they are in Syria.

ok you brainwashed fellow let me remind you some hursh true history..
if you really concern that why osama bin laden found in pakistan and there were taliban's head then first ask a question to U.S why they strengthen those butchers? it is really easy to blame a weaker country officially but it's really hard to ask even a single hursh question officially,publicly from super power(U.S) especially if they are master to destabilize your country by spreading false propaganda around the world..
Taliban, al-quada had been created by U.S against soviet union.. Pakistan had nothing to do with it, pak always helped U.S because still pak is a weaker country economically and could'n t face the world ignorance, sanctions so pak decided to go with U.S in order to capture Osama bind laden in afghanistan. that time pakistan had long unsafe, unsecure border with afghanistan called durand line & that time pakistan never faced any attack from afghan soils therefore pakistan never considered to secure the western border so anyone could easily travel across the border... that is why taliban succeed to build many hideouts in pakistan without any permission by pak establishment & army.. but now all the hideouts have been eradicated during army operations.
come to the point.. yes we provided shelter to osama bin laden because we didn't want any anarchy and civil war inside Pakistan.. we had our reservations that if we hand over OBL to US then US can withdraw it's troops soon from Afghanistan and Pakistan have to face massive terrorist attacks by talibans, so we decided to secure Duran line in 2008 during Musharraf era but unfortunately instead of supporting us President Bush administration interfered to not fence the durand line instead they offered they will provide technology to watch out the movement along the border but U.S never delivered that technology.. if once we achieved our target to secure Duran line we were surely gonna hand over OBL. but U.S killed OBL and pak had to suffer 70 thousands lives and still suffering militarily, economically.
some CIA agents including shakeel afridi knows the real truth and even pak secrete agency knows the truth of U.S propaganda to invade afghanistan, iraq that is the biggest reason to target Pak intelligence agency & now military by U.S influential Nations... after that U.S allowed india in afghanistan to establish indian influence with indian agency..and now india is busy for doing dirty jobs by using mercenaries against pak.
if you have enough courage why not ask the question to U.S that if they could trial saddam hussein for chemical weapons (those weapons never yet captured) then why were they so much helpless to trail OBL publicly rather then killing him? or they could even keep watching the OBL movement by using CIA agents in pakistan..

but still U.S managed to spread their fake propaganda by international media... now first research your self logically rather then buying the fake old propaganda by CIA..
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Fucking Daesh chutiyapa bastards.

And I'm guessing the young girl was violated by those cave beasts.

....perform surgical drone strike
Leave USA to do this lame business. It's like fucking operating on tumor with remote-controlled robot.
Time for good ol' fashioned violence. Get the boots on, overrun them bastards and kill EVERY living things not in your uniforms.
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Just wondering whether it's possible without accepting Islam?

There is no such thing that only Muslim go to Heaven .. and its neither my place nor anyone else place to decide who will go to heaven , so on this blessed month of Ramadan these two Chinese were educating Muslim kids, and they die in this noble cause so as far as i am concern , I pray that Allah forgive their past sins and give them a good place in Heaven
Islamic State kills two Chinese teachers kidnapped in Pakistan: group's news agency
World News | Thu Jun 8, 2017 | 11:14am EDT

Islamic State has killed two Chinese citizens it kidnapped in southwest Pakistan last month, the militant group's Amaq news agency said on Thursday.

Armed men pretending to be policemen kidnapped two Chinese language teachers in the Pakistani city of Quetta on May 24.

"Islamic State fighters kill two Chinese people they had been holding in Baluchistan province, southwest Pakistan,"
Amaq said.​

(Reporting by Ali Abdelaty; Writing by Ahmed Aboulenein; Editing by Giles Elgood)

It is rumored these two are part of Korean-led Evangelical missionary group. Sad, why some Chinese fellows are so stupid if true.
Chinese should understand that China is a secular society, we do not accept other people's interference on religious issue, reciprocally, we do not transfer religious belief to other people too...
sad but shameful...
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