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Islamic State kills two Chinese teachers kidnapped in Pakistan

Then who pumping billions of dollars on ISIS ? Bhutaan ?
No idea how ISIS is financing its operations but stealing from various communities seems to be a strong possibility. Conversely, costs won't be high because ISIS fighters are not using expensive military assets to project power and occupy large swaths of territory. They are largely foot soldiers armed with cost-effective weapons and employ asymmetric tactics to achieve their ends.
No idea how ISIS is financing its operations but stealing from communities seems to be a strong possibility. Conversely, costs won't be high because ISIS fighters are not using expensive military assets to project power and occupy large swaths of territory. They are largely foot soldiers armed with cost-effective weapons.
Do you really believe that the mighty US dont know about who is main sponsor of ISIS ? you should remember they invested billions on saddam hussain to attack on kuwait and rest all know what happens to saddam hussain...You cant imagine how much they gaining after spending few billion on fake war with ISIS
Pretty futile effort, China isn't leaving Pakistan anytime soon and will probably setup some military bases in the country. If they decide to help Pakistan in dealing with militancy that is rampant across the country, they are going to be a lot more heavy handed than the Pakistani military could ever be.
Do you really believe that the mighty US dont know about who is main sponsor of ISIS ? you should remember they invested billions on saddam hussain to attack on kuwait and rest all know what happens to saddam hussain...You cant imagine how much they gaining after spending few billion on fake war with ISIS



Fake war with ISIS?

If Americans say today that Pakistani anti-terrorism operations are FAKE, how would you feel?

Don't let propaganda and nonsense cloud your judgement; some disgruntled Bengali are spreading this propaganda in this forum. They are really a strange bunch. Concentrate on facts at hand.

If US is profiteering from various conflicts around the world, it is through 'sales of arms' to other stakeholders/states.

US drop one bomb than so far no concrete action against ISIS and while than Taliban is moving Faster than US took Afghanistan

The Islamic State-Khorasan Province (ISKP, Wilayah Khorasan)

The Islamic State has increased its influence in Afghanistan since mid-2014, acting under the name of Islamic State-Khorasan Province (ISKP, often also referred to as Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant-Khorasan, ISIL-K), named after an area that once included parts of what is now Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. The group is designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization pursuant to Section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C §1189) and is listed as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) by the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). The group’s presence in Afghanistan has crystallized from several small Afghan Taliban and other militant factions—such as Da Fidayano Mahaz and Tora Bora Mahaz—that announced affiliation with the organization in early 2013. The Islamic State presence grew further as additional Taliban factions broke with the Taliban and declared allegiance to the group, including capturing some small areas primarily in eastern Afghanistan. In late 2015, press reports indicated that Afghan affiliates of the Islamic State have begun receiving financial assistance from the core organization located in the self-declared “caliphate” in parts of Iraq and Syria.

U.S. commanders estimated in late 2015 that there were 1,000-3,000 ISKP fighters in Afghanistan and estimated that U.S. and Afghan military efforts had reduced ISKP fighting strength by 15%-20% as of October 2016 to roughly 1,000 personnel. A U.S. strike killed ISKP’s leader Hafiz Saeed Khan in July 2016. U.S. officials say the Islamic State’s goal in Afghanistan is likely to expand its presence further in northeastern Afghanistan as well as in areas east of Qandahar. To address the threat from ISKP, President Obama authorized U.S. commanders to combat ISKP fighters by affiliation, i.e., whether or not these fighters pose an immediate threat to U.S. forces, partners, or the Afghanistan National Defense Forces. In October 2016, U.S. Brigadier General Charles Cleveland said that the United States had conducted “about 240” counter-terrorism strikes from January-October 2016, of which about “two thirds to three quarters” were targeted against ISKP. In April 2016, Brigadier General Cleveland said that U.S. action had reduced the ISKP presence to two to three provinces, from six to eight provinces at the start of 2016.

Source: https://fas.org/sgp/crs/mideast/R43612.pdf

Some details in this article: https://www.rt.com/usa/389616-increased-us-bombing-afghanistan/

..India has openly show its concern over CPEC and their intentions to destabilize Pakistan by exploiting our internal Situation , we are proud of our Pak-China Friendship and what's more best to attack Chinese in Pakistan to sabotage things ? it make a lot more sense ..
States are not friends but business partners.

China granted membership of SCO to Pakistan (and India) recently. Go figure.
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SARC is a dead horse. Sino-Pak Friends need to build a new organisation around CPEC and OBOR and bring all South Asian in the fold of Win-Win Paradigm.

The indians are welcome to join.

But the counter productive farce needs to end. South Asia belongs to the people of SA and is nobody's personal fiefdom!
Those were just ordinary crimes, nothing to do with militancy/insurgency

So death and raped by common crimes is OK only militant related attacks bad???? which r lesser in Pakistan on foreigner then your crimes against foreigners :)
All were deaths due natural causes or murder by criminals or personal reasons.
None related with militancy or insurgency.

Those were just ordinary crimes, nothing to do with militancy/insurgency

All were deaths due natural causes or murder by criminals or personal reasons.
None related with militancy or insurgency.
So death and raped by common crimes is OK only militant related attacks bad???? which r lesser in Pakistan on foreigner then your crimes against foreigners :)
Pretty futile effort, China isn't leaving Pakistan anytime soon and will probably setup some military bases in the country. If they decide to help Pakistan in dealing with militancy that is rampant across the country, they are going to be a lot more heavy handed than the Pakistani military could ever be.

Precisely. Which is why the US may want China bogged down fighting militants along the CPEC. Someone wants to bring back the Mujahideen days again.
Two innocent compatriots go all the way, believing that we will eradicate the abominable extreme terrorists in the near future。To the most painful mourning!Terrorists in the human enemies, the world's human together, thoroughly eradicate the extreme organization of this group of human beings do not human nature!Justice will eventually win!!!!!!!!:pissed::pissed::pissed::pissed:
Precisely. Which is why the US may want China bogged down fighting militants along the CPEC. Someone wants to bring back the Mujahideen days again.
The US is unlikely to be currently funding anti CPEC militants. That may change in the future though.
This can be a fake news to get security forces off the hunt.... as no evidence provided which is bit unusual for IS..

They have failed to move them to Afghanistan and are still stuck in Pakistan some where... forces found the car in mastung op
Then who pumping billions of dollars on ISIS ? Bhutaan ?

It would be amazed for you to know how a Legitimate funding can be used to fund terrorist organisation...

Like a buying groceries in supermarket, or buying books in the book store, or getting a coffee in your local shop, if you are doing that, YOU MAY be sponsoring terrorist yourself.

The latest report suggested ISIS made 12 million per month alone in Mosul during 2014. And that is only one city. The combination of legal and illegal funding included

-Water/Electricity control.
-Oil procurement
-Extortion, Kidnapping, Money Laundry.
-Legal Trade
-Human trafficking
-Drug/Opium trafficking

How ISIS operate is much like how Drug Lord operate in Mexico, Columbia and in the Street of Brazil. Minus the oil.

The problem is, most of the way ISIS Funded is underground, and they don't pay tax, which mean what they earn is what they get, and the full amount they can use to fund their war. In Mosul alone, there were about 140-200 high profile kidnapping of wealthy individual, that alone would have bring in tens or hundreds of millions of dollars.

Another way is to extort criminal organisation, in common practices, it was called "Creaming Tax" which mean they charge a % of money on top of your earning to allow Illegal activities such as Gambling, Prostitution or any other illegal activities to go on their territories, That way, you don't get the competition and you don't have any cost associated with this operation.

Human and Drug trafficking is a by-product of planning terrorist attack all over the world. If you can smuggle Terrorist overseas, you can smuggle women as prostitute to South East Asia or UAE or Drug in China or Russia. Which have a high dependence base.

Oil - Do I need to say more?

Donation is money coming from legitimate source when they were either diverted or laundered to appear into their account, of course you cannot curt a check to ISIS, but you can cut a check to a local group, charity or community group, they could have been used, in part to fund a legitimate cost, but it could also used to funnel money that ISIS received illegally.

Water, Electricity, infrastructure control mean they would charge a high price for these infrastructure to offer to local, they don't paid the worker and they have more than abundant source to generate electricity (well, they are in Iraq for crying out loud) in fact, ISIS may had supplied electricity and/or water to surrounding country, like Turkey, Iran, Syria.

Legal Trade is basically anything that legal, like tailoring, retailing, home building, or anything that you would do in normal day to day life. There were rumoured one of the big fashion brand had their textile came from ISIS controlled Iraq and they were smuggled into Turkey and ship it as product of Turkey to by pass sanction.

There are sanction, and there are always way to by-pass this, it's quite easy to funnel money into a group if you are outlaw controlling the land, and you have a lot of people.
American forces with infinite resources are not able to eradicate the terrorism, why expect so much from Pakistan with limited resources and so far highest toll in fight with terrorism. whatever you are suggesting is bullshit or accept the US forces are incapable. RIP to both of our Chinese friend ,

If you are not able to clean up then why allow them sanctuary in your land ??

Good terrorist bad terrorist ??
Precisely. Which is why the US may want China bogged down fighting militants along the CPEC. Someone wants to bring back the Mujahideen days again.
If US wanted that, situation would have been terrible in our provinces bordering Afghanistan with frequent assassinations and large-scale sabotaging efforts. And work on CPEC would have ceased.

By making this political and throwing accusations around without solid evidence, we are not helping the situation. We are only contributing to the confusion.
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I hope, army can parade those Isis animals in media and show the world how Islamic they are actually and from whom they take directions, weapons and money.
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