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Islamic Eschatology - Strategic importance!

What about JEWS!
You mentioned that JEWS are waiting and preparing for THEIR messiah. So who would that be? What have you studied about it, if you can share.

Yes, so the the concept/personality of Messiah for Muslims and Christians is same but for JEWS they are waiting for a different person. Is he, the Messiah Jews wait for the anti-Christ that we Muslims and Christians know about? Do the Jews know it? Are there some who even know that this is the actual case?

Actually, Jews were foretold that the Messiah prophet will lead them and will form a world government of bani-israel (Bani Israel is a tribe of sons of Hazrat Ishaaq A.S.). When Jesus revealed his prophethood, he was an ordinary man with no kingship opposite to what Jews were expecting, a government similar to Hazart Solomon AS; furthermore, Jesus A.S. also highlighted the corruption within Jews as a result of which Jews were against Jesus A.S. and did not accept him as their true Messiah. Infact they were waiting for rulership of Jesus A.S. to accept him as messiah but after the apparent death of Jesus A.S. jews were convinced that he was not promised, messiah and they are still waiting ...

Now Muslims and Christians were foretold that Jesus A.S. was the messiah but he will form the world government in his second coming which bChristiansains and Muslims are awating ...

Now muslims belief slightly differs from Christains, as muslims believes that world government will be formed initially by Hazrat Imam Mehdi A.S. with the assistance of Hazrat Issa A.S and Hazrat Issa A.S. will be his successor.

Furthermore, Muslims and Christains belief that jews will mistook Dajjal as their Messaih, as Dajjal will have a lot of ressemblance with the powers of foretold messiah i.e. Hazrat Issa A.S.:

Dajjal will be able to heal all the diseases.
Dajjal will be able to bring deads alive.
Dajjal will be world leader and will lead the world from Jerusalem

The few differences that I know off are: Dajjal will eventually claim that he is god and Dajjal will bring and implement 10 commandments whereas real Jesus A.S. will not be born and will descend from heavens and he will follow the leadership of Hazrat Imam Mehdi A.S.

Dajjal means great deceiver and his time will be time of greatest deceiving ...

@Shane although I have tried to summarize alot of things in a very short post, if I have missed something then kindly add.

There is a need to translate the name and let people wake up to the reality. The current day Jerusalem is hardly a city that one would call peaceful. Read Surah Ibrahim verse 35 onward.

“And (remember) when Abraham said: ‘My Lord, make this city secure and distance me and my children from worshipping the idols’.” 35

“My Lord, verily, they (idols) have misled many of the people. Then, whoever follows me, he is definitely of me, and whoever disobeys me; then verily you are Forgiving, Merciful.” 36

“Our Lord! Verily I have settled (a part) of my offspring in a valley without cultivation near Your Sacred House, in order, Our Lord! that they may establish prayer; therefore, make the hearts of some people yearn towards them, and provide them with fruits so that they may be grateful.” 37

Does this leave any doubt which city is actually Jerusalem?

Muslims are backward because they stopped obeying Quran's invitation to ponder upon signs, creation, universe .... and started believing in prophecies that are alien to Islam ...... waiting for a Messiah since centuries to establish their rule on the world is totally against many verses of Quran.
What these ayats has to do with Jerusalem ? This is a separate event where Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) is praying for his one family ... Predictions about Jerusalem in end times are in hadiths ... Are you the one who are in denial of hadiths ? if yes then why you offer prayers the way you do ? there is not methods of prayers in Quran ...

Here are the sahih hadiths about end of time predictions ... If you deny from these then you should stop praying namaz as the way you do as same was communicated through hadiths ..

Here are some of the hadith prophesizing end of times ...

The world will not come to pass until a man from among my family, whose name will be my name, rules over the Arabs.
(Tirmidhi Sahih, Vol. 9, P. 74; Abu Dawud, Sahih, Vol. 5, P. 207;
also narrated by Ali b. Abi Talib, Abu Sa'id, Umm Salma, Abu Hurayra)

After the death of a Ruler there will be some dispute between the people. At that time a citizen of Madina will flee (from Madina) and go to Makkah. While in Makkah, certain people will approach him between Hajrul Aswad and Maqaame Ibraheem, and forcefully pledge their allegiance to him.

Thereafter a huge army will proceed from Syria to attack him but when they will be at Baida, which is between Makkah and Madina, they will be swallowed into the ground.

On seeing this, the Abdaals of Shaam as well as large numbers of people from Iraq will come to him and pledge their allegiance to him. Then a person from the Quraish, whose uncle will be from the Bani Kalb tribe will send an army to attack him, only to be overpowered, by the will of Allah. This (defeated) army will be that of the Bani Kalb. Unfortunate indeed is he who does not receive a share from the booty of the Kalb. This person (Imam Mahdi) will distribute the spoils of war after the battle. He will lead the people according to the Sunnat and during his reign Islam will spread throughout the world. He will remain till seven years (since his emergence). He will pass away and the Muslims will perform his Janazah salaat.
(Abu Dawood)

A group of my Ummah will fight for the truth until near the day of judgment when Jesus, the son of Marry, will descend, and the leader of them will ask him to lead the prayer, but Jesus declines, saying: "No, Verily, among you Allah has made leaders for others and He has bestowed his bounty upon them.
(Sahih Muslim)

Sahih Bukhari Volume 3, Book 34, Number 425:

Narrated Abu Huraira:

Allah's Apostle said, "By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, son of Mary (Jesus) will shortly descend amongst you people (Muslims) as a just ruler and will break the Cross and kill the pig and abolish the Jizya (a tax taken from the non-Muslims, who are in the protection, of the Muslim government). Then there will be abundance of money and no-body will accept charitable gifts.

Sunan Abu Dawud Book 37, Number 4310:

Narrated Abu Huraira:

The Prophet (pbuh) said: There is no prophet between me and him, that is, Jesus (pbuh). He will descend (to the earth). When you see him, recognize him: a man of medium height, reddish fair, wearing two light yellow garments, looking as if drops were falling down from his head though it will not be wet. He will fight the people for the cause of Islam. He will break the cross, kill swine, and abolish jizya. Allah will perish all religions except Islam. He will destroy the Antichrist and will live on the earth for forty years and then he will die. The Muslims will pray over him.

Abu Umamah al-Bahili said,

"The Prophet (saas) delivered a speech to us, most of which dealt with the Dajjal (the Antichrist) and warned us against him. Umm Sharik bint Abi'l-'Akr said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, where will the Arabs be at that time?’ He said, ‘At that time they will be few in number; most of them will be in the Bayt al-Maqdis (Jerusalem), and their Imam will be a righteous man. While their Imam is going forward to lead the people in the Salat al-Subh (the morning prayer), 'Isa son of Maryam will descend. The Imam will step back, to let 'Isa lead the people in prayer, but 'Isa will place his hand between the man's shoulders and say, “Go forward and lead the prayer, for the Iqamah was made for you.” So the Imam will lead the people in prayer… 'Isa son of Maryam will be a just administrator and leader of my Ummah. He will break the cross, kill the pigs, and abolish the Jizyah (tax on non-Muslims). He will not collect the Sadaqah, so he will not collect sheep and camels. Mutual enmity and hatred will disappear. Every harmful animal will be made harmless, so that a small boy will be able to put his hand into a snake's mouth without being harmed, a small girl will be able to make a lion run away from her, and a wolf will go among sheep as if he were a sheepdog. The earth will be filled with peace as a container is filled with water. People will be in complete agreement, and only Allah will be worshipped. Wars will cease…’” (Ibn Majah, Kitab al-Fitan, Tradition No. 4077, 2: 1363)

@The Accountant

Bai zara tahamul say jazbat say nai ......... I will appreciate if you could give me short answers for these questions

  • What are the prerequisites for dajjal to appear, does it include demolishing Al Aqsa (Bayt ul Muqadas)?
  • Where would the dajjal first appear?
  • Where is Al Aqsa located?
  • Where would the dajjal get killed?
@The Accountant

Bai zara tahamul say jazbat say nai ......... I will appreciate if you could give me short answers for these questions

  • What are the prerequisites for dajjal to appear, does it include demolishing Al Aqsa (Bayt ul Muqadas)?
  • Where would the dajjal first appear?
  • Where is Al Aqsa located?
  • Where would the dajjal get killed?

Answeres in bold
  • What are the prerequisites for dajjal to appear, does it include demolishing Al Aqsa (Bayt ul Muqadas)?
  • Not necessarily. It does include building of Jewish temple but it could be at the place of temple mount.
  • Where would the dajjal first appear?
  • I am not aware of exact location disclosed in any sahih hadith.
  • Where is Al Aqsa located?
  • Besides temple mount in Jerusalem.
  • Where would the dajjal get killed?
  • at the place of ludd, or modern day Lod, Israel.
Actually, Jews were foretold that the Messiah prophet will lead them and will form a world government of bani-israel (Bani Israel is a tribe of sons of Hazrat Ishaaq A.S.). When Jesus revealed his prophethood, he was an ordinary man with no kingship opposite to what Jews were expecting, a government similar to Hazart Solomon AS; furthermore, Jesus A.S. also highlighted the corruption within Jews as a result of which Jews were against Jesus A.S. and did not accept him as their true Messiah. Infact they were waiting for rulership of Jesus A.S. to accept him as messiah but after the apparent death of Jesus A.S. jews were convinced that he was not promised, messiah and they are still waiting ...

Now Muslims and Christians were foretold that Jesus A.S. was the messiah but he will form the world government in his second coming which bChristiansains and Muslims are awating ...
The Messiah for Christians+Muslims is same but for Jews it is different. Now for majority of Jews, they really believe in that other person or promised figure as a Messiah but there are a few among them who actually KNOW that what their community awaits as Messiah is actually Dajjal. These are the people who make up the secrete societies linked with various conspiracy theories. They know that they (jews) are waiting for a Messiah who is actually not a messiah but is anti-Christ.

Now muslims belief slightly differs from Christains, as muslims believes that world government will be formed initially by Hazrat Imam Mehdi A.S. with the assistance of Hazrat Issa A.S and Hazrat Issa A.S. will be his successor.

Furthermore, Muslims and Christains belief that jews will mistook Dajjal as their Messaih, as Dajjal will have a lot of ressemblance with the powers of foretold messiah i.e. Hazrat Issa A.S.:

Dajjal will be able to heal all the diseases.
Dajjal will be able to bring dead alive.
Dajjal will be world leader and will lead the world from Jerusalem
Some unintentionally and some intentionally. Those who are actually waiting for arrival of ANTI-CHRIST are not limited to Jewish community alone but since they bulk of them is from Jews people usually associate all bad things to them. In truth, it is a separate group.

Now a different question to take this further?? You also said that Jews will mistook him to be Messiah, BUT, there are clear signs of his appearance, his personality and his physical appearance is described (having one eye). How can someone still confuse him to be someone else?
According to my opinion , imam Mahdi or Messiah will not be in human form . It will be a kind of state form in which there will be justice , blessings , honesty and equality. The righteous state will be made in Arabian peninsula after the demise of Arab king . Whose sons will quarrel over kingdom . So Saudi citzens will reject them and ''elect ruler'' .

As now dajjal of the world is not in human form . It is a state that is creating violence and chaos everywhere.

So two states righteous and wrong will fight and it will be a world war 3
According to my opinion , imam Mahdi or Messiah will not be in human form . It will be a kind of state form in which there will be justice , blessings , honesty and equality. The righteous state will be made in Arabian peninsula after the demise of Arab king . Whose sons will quarrel over kingdom . So Saudi citzens will reject them and ''elect ruler'' .

As now dajjal of the world is not in human form . It is a state that is creating violence and chaos everywhere.

So two states righteous and wrong will fight and it will be a world war 3
Its not correct ... They are humans clearly explained in hadiths ...

The Messiah for Christians+Muslims is same but for Jews it is different. Now for majority of Jews, they really believe in that other person or promised figure as a Messiah but there are a few among them who actually KNOW that what their community awaits as Messiah is actually Dajjal. These are the people who make up the secrete societies linked with various conspiracy theories. They know that they (jews) are waiting for a Messiah who is actually not a messiah but is anti-Christ.

Some unintentionally and some intentionally. Those who are actually waiting for arrival of ANTI-CHRIST are not limited to Jewish community alone but since they bulk of them is from Jews people usually associate all bad things to them. In truth, it is a separate group.

Now a different question to take this further?? You also said that Jews will mistook him to be Messiah, BUT, there are clear signs of his appearance, his personality and his physical appearance is described (having one eye). How can someone still confuse him to be someone else?
You are absoultely right about the secret societies , they know it and are actually agent of devil and dajjal ... Regarding jews mistakenly consider dajjal to be messiah is due to the fact that dajjal will resemble alot with hazrat Issa A.S. as told in jewish prophesies ... He will be a world leader, having power to heal and bringing deads alive and having control all over the world resources ... Physical appearance of dajjal being blind in one eye is muslim prophecy on which jews dont believe ...

One thing i would like to highlight with regret is that i am afraid that there is a high probablity that our shia brothers may also mistakenly treat dajjal as Hazrat Imam Mehdi AS... There is no mention of any special powers of hazrat Imam Mehdi AS in sahih hadith but as per traditions of our shia brothers Hazrat Mehdi AS has lot of powers resembling the power of dajjal referred in hadith ...

Besides all above discussion in my opinion the cow they are talking about is not the propesized one. As per my understanding this cow will be slaughtered at an age of 2.5 years in front of third temple and after which dajjal will appear and malhama (armagadon) also has to be fought before appearance of dajjal and both of these events are pending ... I.e. reconstruction of third temple and the great battle of malhma are yet to happen ... Only after these events cow will be sacrificed and dajjal will appear ...
I am NOT a strictly religious person but an avid reader of history. Ones you have mentioned apart from Dr Israr & iqbal is nothing noteworthy. Iqbal made a mountain of a mistake, the biggest of all. Masood is condemned by court of law as a liar. Most of the work in eschatology apart from imran hosein does not come from the islamic world, it comes from the christian world as far as back as the schism of christian church in 1054.

Besides Imran N Hosein, there are a few other scholars with videos online who I know discuss these things Dr. Israr Ahmad (Rahmat Allah alayh,) Khalid Mehmood Abbasi (student of Dr. Israr,) and newscasters Dr. Shahid Masood (Endtimes program) and Orya Maqbool Jan (both also students of Dr. Israr.)

For example, Dr. Israr Ahmad's take was very interesting because he used not only Quran and Sunnah, but also the poetry of Allama Iqbal to make sense of the situation.


This picture was created by the following Twitter account. https://twitter.com/TruthfulAgenda

Is anyone aware of any other reputable scholars who discuss Endtimes prophesies, Dajjal, Yajuj Majuj, return of Imam Mahdi?
You are absoultely right about the secret societies , they know it and are actually agent of devil and dajjal ...

I am going to let you guys in on something. Muslim Brotherhood is another secret society modeled after Freemasons (and their higher form, Shriners.) It used to be called 'The Society of the Muslim Brothers.' Note, this does not necessarily refer to the one in Egypt, but all the independent Muslim Brotherhood sects around the world.

The one in the US is closely linked to KSA and the US establishment. They are the farthest in the causes of gay rights and pushing for regime change in Arab countries. They helped the US build domestic support for intervention in Libya, Syria, and Yemen. Many of them are pushing for an invasion against Iran.

Muslim Brotherhood has taken over most American Muslim organizations and many masajid in the US. They censor khutbahs and cooperate with law enforcement to entrap other Muslims. Mostly in the beginning they were competing with Jamat e Islami and W. Deen Muhammad, but have since marginalized those two groups in the US.

Many of the Muslim Brotherhood branches have become quasi-religious political groups expounding secular Arab nationalism and Arab supremacy with a tough Salafist stance, far removed from the original one in Egypt which is a religious group.

Muslim Brotherhood in Syria effectively hijacked the Syrian National Coalition, which was originally a student-based revolt. US funneled arms to Syrian groups using the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood.

We are surrounded by enemies, internal and external.
Its not correct ... They are humans clearly explained in hadiths ...

You are absoultely right about the secret societies , they know it and are actually agent of devil and dajjal ... Regarding jews mistakenly consider dajjal to be messiah is due to the fact that dajjal will resemble alot with hazrat Issa A.S. as told in jewish prophesies ... He will be a world leader, having power to heal and bringing deads alive and having control all over the world resources ... Physical appearance of dajjal being blind in one eye is muslim prophecy on which jews dont believe ...

One thing i would like to highlight with regret is that i am afraid that there is a high probablity that our shia brothers may also mistakenly treat dajjal as Hazrat Imam Mehdi AS... There is no mention of any special powers of hazrat Imam Mehdi AS in sahih hadith but as per traditions of our shia brothers Hazrat Mehdi AS has lot of powers resembling the power of dajjal referred in hadith ...

Besides all above discussion in my opinion the cow they are talking about is not the propesized one. As per my understanding this cow will be slaughtered at an age of 2.5 years in front of third temple and after which dajjal will appear and malhama (armagadon) also has to be fought before appearance of dajjal and both of these events are pending ... I.e. reconstruction of third temple and the great battle of malhma are yet to happen ... Only after these events cow will be sacrificed and dajjal will appear ...

Dajjal will appear between Shaam & Iraq

Dajjal will appear between Shaam & Iraq

Also Dajjal will come when Lake Tiberius becomes empty...if you check now it is at a dangerously low level

Dajjal will appear between Shaam & Iraq

Also Dajjal will come when Lake Tiberius becomes empty...if you check now it is at a dangerously low level

Also the precursor to WW3 will be that Turkey will be conquered by a foreign power? (Russia / US?)

One narration I read stated that Istanbul will become ‘red’.

Also regarding Hazrat Mahdi Alayhis Salam...I have read that he will have a shawl which is not Arab but is similar to what the Afghanis wear.
Dajjal will appear between Shaam & Iraq

Also Dajjal will come when Lake Tiberius becomes empty...if you check now it is at a dangerously low level

Also the precursor to WW3 will be that Turkey will be conquered by a foreign power? (Russia / US?)

One narration I read stated that Istanbul will become ‘red’.

Also regarding Hazrat Mahdi Alayhis Salam...I have read that he will have a shawl which is not Arab but is similar to what the Afghanis wear.

Re-conquest of Constantinople/Istanbul by Muslims is one of the signs of the coming of the Mahdi. Dr. Imran Hosein believes its in Kaffir hands today, but that is a minority opinion.

The majority opinion is that Muslims will one day lose Istanbul to the Christians. Alliance between Muslims and Christians, and Christians will betray us.

The Orthodox Christian world (Russia, Greece, Armenia, Serbia) don't hide they covetous eyes which they have had on Istanbul since it was conquered in 1453 by Sultan Mahmet el Fatih (RA.)

Also regarding Hazrat Mahdi Alayhis Salam...I have read that he will have a shawl which is not Arab but is similar to what the Afghanis wear.

It is not necessary for Imam Mahdi to be an Arab. He could be African, Iranian, Turk, Afghan, or my favorite thought, Seraiki :azn: (there is a large Seraiki community in Makkah and Madinah, all sayyids)

The only thing required for Imam Mahdi is that he is a direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad and that his name is Muhammad, and his father's name Abdullah.

Some say that Imam Mahdi is alive and a child, and being protected. I have heard from some famous scholars. Allahu alim.
@Mr ambassador

All messiahs of other religions are false, only Islam is true. The Mahdi is a real guy and is known by several people or scholars in KSA. He does not know them or himself, however. I'll swear on the Quran this is true but better to dismiss me as someone with false claim. Muslims should not perceive that as being a real thing until it actually happens. We will see this happen if we live long inshallah.

Also he will lead a state in Arab land which all Muslims will be part of, but he will not have world government or control over the world. Anyway how he is or who he is will not help us, you can't tell him apart from others just by looks. Best thing as Muslim today is sideline yourself from fitn(un-Islamic trends in society) and make sure to try meeting 5 prayers, even if you're late with some of them.

It is not necessary for Imam Mahdi to be an Arab. He could be African, Iranian, Turk, Afghan, or my favorite thought, Seraiki :azn: (there is a large Seraiki community in Makkah and Madinah, all sayyids)

The only thing required for Imam Mahdi is that he is a direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad and that his name is Muhammad, and his father's name Abdullah.

Some say that Imam Mahdi is alive and a child, and being protected. I have heard from some famous scholars. Allahu alim.

Not true, he is an Arab and is not an child and does not need protection. He is normal person who is out public scene before Bayah.
Besides Imran N Hosein, there are a few other scholars with videos online who I know discuss these things Dr. Israr Ahmad (Rahmat Allah alayh,) Khalid Mehmood Abbasi (student of Dr. Israr,) and newscasters Dr. Shahid Masood (Endtimes program) and Orya Maqbool Jan (both also students of Dr. Israr.)

For example, Dr. Israr Ahmad's take was very interesting because he used not only Quran and Sunnah, but also the poetry of Allama Iqbal to make sense of the situation.


This picture was created by the following Twitter account. https://twitter.com/TruthfulAgenda

Is anyone aware of any other reputable scholars who discuss Endtimes prophesies, Dajjal, Yajuj Majuj, return of Imam Mahdi?

I would suggest Shaykh Asrar Ahmad (Bham). He has many YouTube lectures on the end of times. Many of Imran Hoseins predictions were untrue...
One thing i would like to highlight with regret is that i am afraid that there is a high probablity that our shia brothers may also mistakenly treat dajjal as Hazrat Imam Mehdi AS... There is no mention of any special powers of hazrat Imam Mehdi AS in sahih hadith but as per traditions of our shia brothers Hazrat Mehdi AS has lot of powers resembling the power of dajjal referred in hadith ...

Correct, he has no special powers. He is given title 'Mahdi' by Allah(SWT), so prior to his rule, Allah guided him to the truths. 'Truths' meaning divine truths for all matters, he understands them the best or was granted understanding of them. Does not make him 'infallible' as our Shia brothers believe, it does not mean he is 100% with everything. Allah will forgive him(for any past shortcomings) in one night and also he will not be mentally sufficient or prepared for such leadership(as he is civilian) and Allah(SWT) will mentally fix him and grant him leadership qualities all in one hour or less during the night.

Don't believe anyone who is showing pictures of someone or suggests some specific person is the Mahdi. This would make them a group of deceivers. His identity is not relevant and nothing is needed from anyone prior to the bayah in Mecca. And there will be no Bayah before that, no one is going to secretly plan to get someone into power. It's going to happen naturally and only at the right time. Once we all witness it then you need to support him in your heart, or better yet move to his state and support the state.

Anyway we don't need him or wait for him like some believe. Allah(SWT) guided him and he will guide us back into his fold inshallah. What matters is we pray , enjoin good and have patience. But, we are the generation who live these through these events and we are more prepared than we assume.
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I would suggest Shaykh Asrar Ahmad (Bham). He has many YouTube lectures on the end of times. Many of Imran Hoseins predictions were untrue...

Can you post a link of one of his lectures here (Dr Asrar Ahmad of Birmingham)?

I realized that about Sheikh Imran N Hosein around 2007, when he attacked the Pakistani army for fighting TTP. Since then he has become a Russian agent.
A video on Black flags of Khorasan.

Is pakistan even part of khorasan?

Can you post a link of one of his lectures here (Dr Asrar Ahmad of Birmingham)?

I realized that about Sheikh Imran N Hosein around 2007, when he attacked the Pakistani army for fighting TTP. Since then he has become a Russian agent.

Shaykh Imran Hussein came to our masjid in Newport early 2018 to do a talk. He spoke well but on some points he is adamant...like Russians are only killing Al-Qaida in Syria etc. He thinks it’s his way or the highway which is a bit demented tbh with you and I know many on here are rabid followers.

Correction : Shaykh Asrar Rashid


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