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Islamic emirate in Afghanistan is an existential threat to Pakistan and national security threat to Iran and India: Iranian Foreign Minister

Guy, come back here and repeat your nonsense when you completely destroy the TTP in your own land.
If Taliban tries to fill the gap by enforcing its ruling system over people of Afghanistan, then the country will experience civil war even worse than the past, millions of refugees will end up in your borders, everyone having slightest ideological problem with your country, would try to recruit them and hence unrest in Pakistan. Zarif despite being an imbecile is right in that case. Talibs should be under control of people chosen government, drop their weapons and try for peace in the country. Government should also consider their wishes and allow them to have their own lives.

TTP was formed when TTA was not in power and USA was there . We have taken many steps since 2001 to secure our borders esp after 2011 and more importantly after 2014 . Are these highlighted parts apply to Afghan Taliban only or Iran's proxies in Iraq , Syria , Lebanon , Yemen e.t.c as well .
Iran itself never defeated its anti state or terrorist groups in its country along borders and within it . focus on yourself before lecturing us . Iran supported Northern Alliance in 1990s as well . Dont present yourself as an Angel .
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Are these highlighted parts apply to Afghan Taliban only or Iran's proxys in Iraq , Syria , Lebanon , Yemen e.t.c as well .
Yes sir, they Apply. Currently PMU is under command of Iraqi government/Army, Hezbollah is political wing of Lebanon under control of Central government. Taliban should have a say in the government if you Ask me, otherwise they won't tolerate getting removed from Afghanistans future.

Iran itself never defeated its anti state or terrorist groups in its country along borders and within it . focus on yourself before lecturing us . Iran supported Northern Alliance in 1990s as well . Dont present yourself as an Angel .
Like i said, we wouldve never morally supported the northern alliance if Talibs didn't murder and kidnap our diplomats.
All in all, we have had our mistakes too, no one is angle. But the point is, we focus on the Jews in west and we will surely Ask for a peaceful agreement between all sides in this region.
i am damn sure the moment usa pull out someone will start eliminating everyone with indian nationality.

i am damn sure pashtuns will unite with their afghan borothers , india will help develop new afghanistan.
I agree with you. Those are facts, no doubt.

I am saying another fact. Taliban relies on Pakistan to counter Yankees, but not any more soon.

Just like Vietnam relied on China to counter Yankees back in 60s-70s. Did you see Vietnam appreciate Chinese help after the war? No, they don't.

Vietnam changed the history in their school books. The current Vietnam government was literally created and protected by Chinese government. The Vietnam will not survive without Chinese back in 60s-70s.

I am not saying Vietnam is ungrateful, I am saying:
"This is quite a game, politics. There are no permanent enemies, and no permanent friends, only permanent interests."

It's very true that Pakistan still hold quite some leverages over Taliban, there was friendship.

But it's also very true that Taliban is more and more independent. The day Yankee leave Afghanistan, the day Taliban is no one's proxy. They are an power which will be admitted by many powers around, such as Russia, China, and so on.

Literally no one is interested to repeat Yankee failure, no one want to build Afghanistan. It's unavoidable that Taliban will be in charge.

Pakistan & Taliban relationship will be very important for Pakistan. Pakistan doesn't want two front war neither.

Taliban are primarily Pakhtoon militia. There are more pakhtoons in Karachi then in Kabul. It's not just economic, trade, safe Adobe, but blood relations across the border which knot Pakistan and Afghanistan. China didnt have same bond with Vietnam.

When Taliban were in power pre 9/11, that was the most peaceful and conflict free era of Pakistan-Afghanistan relations. Western borders of Pakistan were completely safe.
But Taliban is a regressive organization which intends to take Afghanistan 1000 years back. It rejects democracy, modernity, fraternity, etc. Your cause for Kashmir gets even more fragile when you vigorously support organizations like this. I think Pakistan along with India and other world powers should support the Afghan government which promises democracy as it will ensure a stable Afghanistan and for once, Pakistan and India will be on the same side.

My question remain, would you not fight the forigen occupiers if your land is occupied by them? Taliban are the only ones who resisted foreign occupation of their lands, the rest , laid red carpets for forigen occupiers, you can equate them to mir jaffar and mir sadiq, and these turds were wrapped with fancy terms such as democracy, human rights and what not, will not make them any less what they are, turds.

No one in Afghanistan right now is free and independent then Taliban with full legitimacy. Those who are called Afghan government are nothing but bunch of sell outs and traitors who not only laid red carpet for forigen occupiers but benefited from the occupation of Afghanistan.

If there was anyone else fighting forigen occupation other then Taliban then yes those would have legitimacy as well, but there is none.
Taliban are primarily Pakhtoon militia. There are more pakhtoons in Karachi then in Kabul. It's not just economic, trade, safe Adobe, but blood relations across the border which knot Pakistan and Afghanistan. China didnt have same bond with Vietnam.

When Taliban were in power pre 9/11, that was the most peaceful and conflict free era of Pakistan-Afghanistan relations. Western borders of Pakistan were completely safe.

pashtun love reflects in PTM movement . there is hardly any love last .
Insulted Other Member/Nationality
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stop showing your bad upbringing , stop abusing ,
afghan know their land has been used by you for your personal benefit of strategic depth , barring few talibann leaders who are on payrole of you normal afghans understand contemp and humiliation meted out to them in pakistan , this is why PTM leadership is so agressive against you. time is not far away even taliban pashtuns will start giving support to their pakistani pashtun brothers.
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Look like the region never learn from the mistakes happening so far......keep intervening other country own problem will create unstable region that will drag economic development and spur terrorism.

Better Iran stay away from this. Their intervention in Syria has made their previous good image around Sunni Muslim countries turn into negative. In the past Iran image is very good in Indonesia, recently it is more neutral and many resentment felt over their intervention in Syria.
stop showing your bad upbringing , stop abusing ,
afghan know their land has been used by you for your personal benefit of strategic depth , barring few talibann leaders who are on payrole of you normal afghans understand contemp and humiliation meted out to them in pakistan , this is why PTM leadership is so agressive against you. time is not far away even taliban pashtuns will start giving support to their pakistani pashtun brothers.
Say you are correct

Do you think the Pashtun will not turn their guns on you after they are done with pakistan? 😀

Read about the Durrani empire
Say you are correct

Do you think the Pashtun will not turn their guns on you after they are done with pakistan? 😀

Read about the Durrani empire

this is not 18th century, durranis took shelter in ranjit singhs asylum home handed over koh i noor dimond to sikhs , this is 21st century afghan cricket team lives in india. afghans are now family , india has invested billions of dollars in development of afghan infrastructure .
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pashtun love reflects in PTM movement . there is hardly any love last .
PTM is nothing but political front for TTP, their entire existence is based on the blood of innocent pasthuns who died at the very hands of terrorists whom PTM leadership is protecting today....

too be naive & get deceived by the crowd you see at PTM rallies because that crowd is not local but people are brought from other provinces .... for - example - in order to fill up the arena at Karachi, PTM had to pull students from Quetta....do you know how far Quetta is from Karachi?? .... in order to support their rally in Waziristan - students were pulled from Islamabad / Lahore university .... do you know why it feels the need to do that?? because PTM has failed to attract enough crowd in local population ....

They tried to do politics over the dead in Jani Khel, what was the end result?? PTM leadership was left humiliated when local jirga cut deal with the Govt officials without the presence of PTM monkeys ----

so please correct yourself & start reading from correct sources

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