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A lot of Indians get defensive whenever some kind of alliance between Muslim countries is considered. I don't know what is this insecurity for? India is a large country and would no doubt hold a large sway in world affairs in the future. But do we want yet another global bully who will be able to force its own decision down others throats? The small countries will be the ones to loose. Europeans countries realized that and therefore moving towards a unified system.

Personally I am in favor of alliance but no Khilafat as that institution will not be stable in today's age. It just so happens that Muslim countries have shared borders and so it is natural for them to align together. Religion just helps to cement it further by providing a shared cultural bond. First steps towards that goal is to start joint development projects, establish trade links, and promote cultural exchange. OIC is a failed and toothless project because it is populated by dictators, kings and sheikhs who have zero vision. It should be discarded or ignored as it is. Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan and central asian states can band together for this initial alliance as these countries are the most progressive minded in their thinking. Once despots are overthrown in Arab countries and replaced with better leaders, they can join the alliance as well. As for India, I am in favor of making pacts and treaties with it, but it shouldn't be part of the alliance as India will be too large for the others to swallow.

actually indians have a lot of faltoo time, also they cant spare a minute to show thumbs down to pakistan ideology, which promotes unity among muslims, so any opportunity bharatis get, they utilize for maximum trolling activity..
Think again...
Why do you think that far way islands such as cyprus and Malta are included in EU..But Turkey is still not accepted?

turkey is yet to agree with EU on the additional protocols which include 8 chapters

Free Movement of Goods, Right of Establishment and Freedom to Provide Services, Financial Services, Agriculture and Rural Development, Fisheries, Transport Policy, Customs Union and External Relations.

Turkey iiself is not interested in a union with EU,it seems
actually indians have a lot of faltoo time, also they cant spare a minute to show thumbs down to pakistan ideology, which promotes unity among muslims, so any opportunity bharatis get, they utilize for maximum trolling activity..

I'll ignore your comments about trolling, faltu time and all that stuff, but let me point out one thing which for some reason, Pakistanis are just unable to comprehend. India does not equal Hindu. India has more Muslims than Pakistan. Think about it.
I just finished a loooooong english essay and I am no mood to discuss anything 'serious' so I will add to Pakistan being stronger than other Muslim nations militarily; we have jointly developed a fighter jet. Nukes are no matter, they will never be used. We have a relatively large army. Our tech isn't top-shape, but our pilots on a different league. This was proven time and time again. GCC countries have a contract with Pakistan- Pakistani pilots are to fly Arbi (e.g. UAE) jets. We have a capable intelligence system. ISI strikes fear in the hearts of evil :devil:. Our soldiers are tough. We won gold in Cambrian Patrol. Psychological warfare is on our side- many of our soldiers are readily willing to die; almost eager to do so*. Our military industries, while not great, are better than most ME countries. SSG is pure ownage. We have acquired the general know-how of warfare after fighting so many wars in such a short time span.

*I think you've figured out why... but this applies to some other Muslim countries too.
Dear members, i am creating this thread to discuss the problem and prospect of different muslim countries co- operation in research and development on defence equipment to be produce in muslim countries . the goal is to reduce reliance on other non muslim country's and uses our own man power and resources so that our resources evolve between ourself .

The Muslim world is just too fragmented to be united. The competing interest of individual nations ailing any united approach. Middle East sees SA and SE Asian Muslims differently.

For better or worse the Palestinian-Israeli conflict places the Muslim issues centered squarely around ME.

US actively and EU tacitly supports the status quo in the ME. I don't see any change taking place in the near future.
Turkey is not a Islamic country. Therefore we will play no role in the defence agency. If you would like to reword your statement to include Muslim majority nations then. Nations like Turkey and Indonesia which would also be the countries with the most capable arms industries could then join.
If world could unit based on religion what is the need of country?
Yes, sadly right now Muslim unity is a pipe dream but it is not impossible as proven during the golden age of Islam. For the sake of discussion lets keep history away and work on theoretical situations.

The golden days of Islam was under the Arabian caliphates.(Umayyad, Abbasid, etc Caliphate)


It didn't last to long, but yes there was much peace in the middle east(for the most part) at that time like no other place on the planet.

Science, mathematics, art, etc thrived.
@ Indian posters: please study the concept of "nations" as defined by the europeans. Imagined communities by Benedict Anderson would be a good start. The successor states of the colonials were patterned after the colonial pattern with the "natives", who had been trained by the colonial masters to preform lower level administration, seeking the privileges of the colonials.

The Islamic concept of nationhood, in the sunni approach, differentiates between "nation" and "state". The muslims are one nation but there have been different states - even mutiple khalifas (Caliphs) at times.
One does not create nations by drawing lines in the dirt as the colonial masters did.

The concept of muslims being brothers is part and parcel of the faith. However, there is no mechanism for enforcement i.e. it is up to those who claim to be muslims to find ways and means to coexist and prosper together i.e. the state has no legal basis for forcing or enforcing social relations - it is only expected to administer justice.
What has nukes got to do with strongest??..

For example if Bhutan gets 100 nukes will it make more powerfull than UK???

wooaah dude, only countries like pakistan can come up with stuff like nukzzz, its not a toy that any body can easy get it or make it???
i havent read the posts in the thread.. i sw this thread pretty late... a comment on the title - why do you want further segregation? The idea of the future world should be constant co operation irrespective of religion/ politics and culture.

everytime why is it that I hear Muslim this and Muslim that? I havent heard of a christian congregation or a Hindu one..

The world should be free of any shackles for our kids to come.. they should not be bound by differences that we have.. for that it is necessary that our differences should not be propagated.
Turkey is not a Islamic country. Therefore we will play no role in the defence agency. If you would like to reword your statement to include Muslim majority nations then. Nations like Turkey and Indonesia which would also be the countries with the most capable arms industries could then join.

Well that's basically the idea, but non-muslim nations should be able to join as well that are geographically in the neighborhood, as just religion specific is not going to work. Organizations that are formed on negative mentality and defensiveness will fail. The idea is therefore secular in nature. Joint defense organization is not a good idea at this stage. The role should be only to promote joint projects in science, education and tech research (eg a joint space exploration agency that can pool resources to achieve better results), increase trade ties so as to improve self reliance in manufacturing and form lobbying groups in international organizations such as WTO and UN to promote joint interests.
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The golden days of Islam was under the Arabian caliphates.(Umayyad, Abbasid, etc Caliphate)

It didn't last to long, but yes there was much peace in the middle east(for the most part) at that time like no other place on the planet.

Science, mathematics, art, etc thrived.
The golden age of Islam was under Persian Abbasids. Arab Umayyads did not produce any science. There never was much peace, however.
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