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The golden days of Islam was under the Arabian caliphates.(Umayyad, Abbasid, etc Caliphate)


It didn't last to long, but yes there was much peace in the middle east(for the most part) at that time like no other place on the planet.

Science, mathematics, art, etc thrived.

Yes but there was more or less unity for almost a thousand years.
I really could not believe that within twenty four hour so many reply will come to this thread and will be viewed thousands times.thanks to all member for participating in discussion on this matter.
Yes but there was more or less unity for almost a thousand years.

This unity brought us prosperity and respect from all over the world .By dividing ourself in the narrow mentality of race and color and separating ourself from other muslim brother in different country and flag didn't bring any good thing for muslim ummah .
Either way, it is no use defining nationalities of Muslim scientists during the Islamic Golden age because almost all Muslim scientists and thinkers of that time would have not stayed in one place and usually conduct their studies in different places of the Islamic empire.

Most books were written in Persian, Arabic and later on Turkish at that time because that was the lingua franca.
i havent read the posts in the thread.. i sw this thread pretty late... a comment on the title - why do you want further segregation? The idea of the future world should be constant co operation irrespective of religion/ politics and culture.

everytime why is it that I hear Muslim this and Muslim that? I havent heard of a christian congregation or a Hindu one..

The world should be free of any shackles for our kids to come.. they should not be bound by differences that we have.. for that it is necessary that our differences should not be propagated.

to the bolded part:

it is because Muslims are stupid, we say things in front of everyone but in action we do bloody nothing. but others like jews and some other fanatic christians have exactly the same alliances against muslims. What do you think zionism, and other chirstian factions are about? Darfur(going to be) and East Timur were very lucky to get justice because they were christians, but palestinians who are muslims(majority) are getting killed everyday and their land stolen systematically, if this is not religion alliance between americans and the israelis then god knows what it is, although i dont rule out political interest in this equation.. Iran cant have nukes but isreal have already nukes and many other examples. dont forget that root cause of today's terrorism is palestine(not afghanistan and iraq as some may think), solve it in a just manner and things will be better in the near future
to the bolded part:

it is because Muslims are stupid, we say things in front of everyone but in action we do bloody nothing. but others like jews and some other fanatic christians have exactly the same alliances against muslims. What do you think zionism, and other chirstian factions are about? Darfur(going to be) and East Timur were very lucky to get justice because they were christians, but palestinians who are muslims(majority) are getting killed everyday and their land stolen systematically, if this is not religion alliance between americans and the israelis then god knows what it is. Iran cant have nukes but isreal have already nukes and many other examples. dont forget that root cause of today's terrorism is palestine(not afghanistan and iraq as some may think), solve it in a just manner and things will be better in the near future

What you are saying is absolute sense. For people to say 'humanity first' it is definitely not happening. I also agree that we talk much and do little.
Abbasids came to power with Persian support. Caliphs were Arabs, but all their officials were Persians, including veziers. Since 945 Persian Buyids officialy took power (although nominally Abbasids still remains Caliphs).

Ya, I still consider it an Arabic empire though.

Arabs have also contributed a lot to science and mathematics.
The golden age of Islam was under Persian Abbasids. Arab Umayyads did not produce any science. There never was much peace, however.

the umayyad dynasty in aundalusia produced a great knowledge in science artecture etc, dont come without knowledge and get education yahudi!!!, u r saying because u got ur yahudi arse kicked from aundalus and umayyads didnt protect u.

and abbasids were a tribe in arabia, the abbas was the uncle of prophet muhammad dont bullshitt here, abbasids had support from iranian beaurucrats but practically abbasid empire was in arabia, and its official language was arab, persia was under abbasid empire.the abbassids were known to aknowledge any scientist from any corner of its empire to flourish madinah ul hikmah was the centre for learning, books are written in arabic and it was situated in baghdad, an arabic city..

most of the literary work either by arabs or persian was written in arabic, and even persians had names similar to arabic names, like ibn al tusi etc etc
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Divya dear
when we talk about the Muslim alliance it doesn't mean to merge all the Muslim countries to a continent.Its means a organization like European union..
As we already have OIC but it is not as functional as European union so we need a big agenda and a platform on this all the Muslim countries can gather and resolve their all type of problems, economic, defense,trade etc

So,the purpose of gathering isn't you feared off...

This alliance is very necessary right now because most of Muslims countries are Backward.
We have nothing to do with Indian Muslims on Country level but as our Muslim brother we have good wishes for them..

So,stop that bull crap you people always bubling .............

Muslim no matter live anywhere in the world in any country of the world are our brothers and a part of UMMAH

very good. .i really like the ummah concept..that can make the muslim nation a future super power
When they talk about this overwhelming muslim brotherhood, One should come to the gulf to see how these ****** rich arabs treats the ordinary south asians, muslims or other-wise. Specially in Saudi, Qatars & Kuwait, they are treated worst then slaves were treated 100 years ago.

So much for muslim brotherhood!!
An Islamic Defense Agency is not a good idea. Futhermore I am for the seperation of religion and state as they should not be a single entity. Religion is what is keeping Muslims backwards. Turkey should be taken as an example and be followed. An Islamic Defense Agency will just keep Muslims backwards.


Musharraf berates Muslim world


Musharraf wants young Muslims to study in the West

By Zaffar Abbas in Islamabad

Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf has said Islamic countries will remain backward unless they concentrate more on scientific and technological development.

Muslim nations are internally involved in fratricidal conflicts and perceived by the outside world as terrorists with little attention being given on their uplift, he said.

General Musharraf made his comments in an address to a conference of science and technology attended by ministers from Muslim countries.
President Musharraf said the time had come for Islamic nations to take part in collective self-criticism.

Once such an assessment is made, it would not be difficult to realise that the entire Islamic world was far behind the developed world, he argued.

'The most unhealthy'

The Muslim Ummah, or the Islamic world, he said was presently living in darkness.

"Today we are the poorest, the most illiterate, the most backward, the most unhealthy, the most un-enlightened, the most deprived, and the weakest of all the human race," he told the delegates.

President Musharraf then made a comparison of the economic growth in Islamic countries with some developed countries.

While the collective Gross National Product of the all Muslim countries stands at $1,200bn, that of Germany alone is $2,500bn and that of Japan $5,500bn.

He said one of the main reasons for this disparity was that none of the Muslim countries had ever paid any attention to educational and scientific development.

He asked the countries participating in the conference to concentrate on scientific and technological development in order to compete with the developed world.

The real jihad

The Pakistani leader suggested the setting up of a multi-billion dollar fund for such a purpose.

Beside this, he said, there was a need for creating centres of excellence in the field of science and technology.

He also called for the creation of scholarships for young scientists to seek knowledge from universities in developed countries.

President Musharraf described it as the real jihad, or holy war.

Unless this was done, the Islamic world and Muslims would always be perceived as backward, illiterate - those who only indulge in extremism and violence.

BBC News | SOUTH ASIA | Musharraf berates Muslim world
An Islamic Defense Agency is not a good idea. Futhermore I am for the seperation of religion and state as they should not be a single entity. Religion is what is keeping Muslims backwards. Turkey should be taken as an example and be followed. An Islamic Defense Agency will just keep Muslims backwards.

Can you Please Justify this.....:what:
how Islam is keeping us backward...??
Are you a muslim or not?

Don't mention taliban or Al-qaeda
Can you Please Justify this.....:what:
how Islam is keeping us backward...??
Are you a muslim or not?

Don't mention taliban or Al-qaeda

try to use your brain, think and read the article and try to comprehend what it means if you can. then ask questions.
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