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the umayyad dynasty in aundalusia produced a great knowledge in science artecture etc, dont come without knowledge and get education yahudi!!!,
I was talking about Umayad Califate (its map was posted). Umayyad Caliphate 661–750 produced virtually no science. Scientific develpement started with Abbasids, when Muslim world was spleated.

This is Islamic world in 10-11th centuries, when most of Islamic scientists came:


On the other hand when Islamic world was united like this:


There was very little science if at all. Diversity brings developement.

and it was situated in baghdad, an arabic city..
In fact it had Persian majority then and it was one of the main reason why they moved capital from all Arab Damascus to Persian majority Baghdad.
the talking about our past glory is ok lets disscuss the military industrial capability of muslim country like turkey pakistan indoneshia egypt .and possible joint afford to produce something with utilizing own merit and afford
it isn't good to divide people on the basis of religion ..........this was the biggest blunder done by British in India that led to the formation of three countries.......
the talking about our past glory is ok lets disscuss the military industrial capability of muslim country like turkey pakistan indoneshia egypt .and possible joint afford to produce something with utilizing own merit and afford

War starts when every attempt of negotiation and peace fails.Military is meant for war basically.

There are some basic flaws here.While Pakistan can be regarded as an Islamic country,Turkey,Indonesia and Egypt can not be termed as Islamic country,as they all are secular by nature.
Dear members, i am creating this thread to discuss the problem and prospect of different muslim countries co- operation in research and development on defence equipment to be produce in muslim countries . the goal is to reduce reliance on other non muslim country's and uses our own man power and resources so that our resources evolve between ourself .

Such an experiment can only be fruitful if we reject petty nationalism and merge as a single Islamic state i.e the Caliphate...

Otherwise we have tried all sorts of unions amongst Muslim countries and they simply dont work... Just look at RCD and ECO...
monitor my bro from Bangladesh...

You might enjoy reading this detailed report and why the enemies of Muslims consider Unity amongst Muslims as a never ending nightmare...

BOOK: Emerging World Order - The Islamic Khilafah State

---------- Post added at 03:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:57 PM ----------

War starts when every attempt of negotiation and peace fails.Military is meant for war basically.

There are some basic flaws here.While Pakistan can be regarded as an Islamic country,Turkey,Indonesia and Egypt can not be termed as Islamic country,as they all are secular by nature.

Pakistan is an Islamic country... lol

Joke of the century...
it isn't good to divide people on the basis of religion ..........this was the biggest blunder done by British in India that led to the formation of three countries.......

I would nt say it was a blunder... rather it was preplanned and calculated... The British have used this tact everywhere... divide and rule...

There is something to consider here... A Muslim is not the same as a Hindu and that is obvious distinction... but this does not mean that Muslims and Hindus cannot or have not lived in peace together...
Pakistan is an Islamic country... lol

Joke of the century...

Look now what a joke you have made out of yourself.
How old are you??

FYI,Pakistan is named as "Islamic Republic of Pakistan"

Have a look at the Preamble to the Constitution of Pakistan.
Whereas sovereignty over the entire Universe belongs to Almighty Allah alone, and the authority to be exercised by the people of Pakistan within the limits prescribed by Him is a sacred trust;

And whereas it is the will of the people of Pakistan to establish an order :-

Wherein the State shall exercise its powers and authority through the chosen representatives of the people;

Wherein the principles of democracy, freedom, equality, tolerance and social justice, as enunciated by Islam, shall be fully observed;

Wherein the Muslims shall be enabled to order their lives in the individual and collective spheres in accordance with the teachings and requirements of Islam as set out in the Holy Quran and Sunnah;

Wherein adequate provision shall be made for the minorities freely to profess and practise their religions and develop their cultures;

Wherein the territories now included in or in accession with Pakistan and such other territories as may hereafter be included in or accede to Pakistan shall form a Federation wherein the units will be autonomous with such boundaries and limitations on their powers and authority as may be prescribed;

Therein shall be guaranteed fundamental rights, including equality of status, of opportunity and before law, social, economic and political justice, and freedom of thought, expression, belief, faith, worship and association, subject to law and public morality;

Wherein adequate provision shall be made to safeguard the legitimate interests of minorities and backward and depressed classes;

Wherein the independence of the judiciary shall be fully secured;

Wherein the integrity of the territories of the Federation, its independence and all its rights, including its sovereign rights on land, sea and air, shall be safeguarded;

So that the people of Pakistan may prosper and attain their rightful and honoured place amongst the nations of the World and make their full contribution towards international peace and progress and happiness of humanity :

Now, therefore, we, the people of Pakistan,

Cognisant of our responsibility before Almighty Allah and men;

Cognisant of the sacrifices made by the people in the cause of Pakistan;

Faithful to the declaration made by the Founder of Pakistan, Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, that Pakistan would be a democratic State based on Islamic principles of social justice;

Dedicated to the preservation of democracy achieved by the unremitting struggle of the people against oppression and tyranny;

Inspired by the resolve to protect our national and political unity and solidarity by creating an egalitarian society through a new order;

Do hereby, through our representatives in the National Assembly, adopt, enact and give to ourselves, this Constitution.


Turkey and Indonesia are just called Republic,where as Egypt is called "Arab Republic"
I would nt say it was a blunder... rather it was preplanned and calculated... The British have used this tact everywhere... divide and rule...

There is something to consider here... A Muslim is not the same as a Hindu and that is obvious distinction... but this does not mean that Muslims and Hindus cannot or have not lived in peace together...

thats true because before the introduction of divide and rule policy there were never a problem between hindu and Muslims in India ..........but seriously then British were the most cunning of all
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