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Islam and science: The road to renewal - ECONOMIST

Sir because Muslims are backward in science because Muslim leaders are corrupt and have not invested in education they are busy in making money buying cars spending on women and makin huge homes Quran is book of guidance but contain some scientific facts but Abu Juhals and those who don't know about Quran only speak ****

Islam supports the science the most but ignorant enemies of Islam only talk ****

well blah blha blha reasons , and sir they(m. leaders) never invested and will never invest for science/education because Islam/jehad is been most important part of Islamic culture, which was always been very anti-science climate . instaed of producing scientist you people only produce hoax of conversion of scientist on INTERNET.

well All is not about money it's more about spirit and culture . low money conditions couldn't stop western inverters if you read about their lives .
Islamic world don't have science culture and spirit, intelligence required for science.

well enemy of Islam it's by default i am . beacause i am non-muslim according to your Islamic newtons Sharia rules written in quran , try to understand idiot you will ever improve if you will try to find every problem answer in quran . science and religion are different things
science has nothing to do with any religious scriptures and at least not Islamic scripture.

speak for yourself, we are fine with our faith and our quest for knowledge our very first word is "Read"...
if Muslims choose to be ignorant then this not the problem with the source just like you cant blame the famous scientists and philosophers for the majority of ignorant people on this planet who cant articulate a single sentence without insulting someone

sadly your logic and reasoning is clouded by your prejudice and bigotry so for you the glass will always be half empty.
people take inspirations from different things, objects and people to achieve something in life.

when Muslim Mathematicians like Al Khwarzmi wrote books on Algebra and Jaber Bin Hayyan on Chemistry, Astrology, Maths .. they forgot to write a book for Fools who are incapable of realising that religion like Islam can coexist and actually help inspire some fine people of the past and present.
okay I wasnt talking about the embyogenisis as it would have required a whole book but as I said Quran mentioned in one liners many important things.. And the above mentioned three protective layers was just one of them and I was asking you how can someone know those details that there are three layers protecting an embryo inside a mother back then ? And here is some more..

[size=+1][We] then formed the drop into a clot and formed the clot into a lump and formed the lump into bones and clothed the bones in flesh; and then brought him into being as another creature. Blessed be Allah, the Best of Creators! (Qur'an, 23:14)[/size]

Wont you call it the knowledge of present day biology?

I don't know what it is about.I need more clarification on this.Is it about Semen.

And yeah what about water as I mentioned in my last post ..Thats also a very common knowledge back then right...

Give me some proof of anyother book of that age talking about these details..I am still waiting for that iron ore claim of yours

Iron and Steel in Ancient Times - Vagn Fabritius Buchwald - Google Books
Google Iron in prehistoric ages. you can find more.

You are making fun of your intellect by arguing with these lame words atleast say something solid .Some logic , some reason some proof??? You are only motivated by your belief that there is no Allah and you are your own God as thats the easy way?

Hmm,Interesting but unfortunate,Because this very process of arguing that helps science progress though out ages with out it science will die.Your way of thinking is very unfortunate and counter productive for the progress science.
I don't know what it is about.I need more clarification on this.Is it about Semen.

He has created both sexes, male and female from a drop of semen which has been ejected. (Qur'an, 53:45-46)

Was he not a drop of ejaculated sperm, then a blood-clot which He created and shaped, making from it both sexes, male and female? (Qur'an, 75:37-39)

Hmm,Interesting but unfortunate,Because this very process of arguing that helps science progress though out ages with out it science will die.Your way of thinking is very unfortunate and counter productive for the progress science.

Arguing for the sake of it is useless . You said religion and science cant go along and I gave you a dozen proofs where atleast our religion mentions things which no body knew in arabian deserts and still there are hundered of things which have not yet been deciphered.
To me a belief system is what we humans make to answer some of our very basic questions?

Where from we came? why we exist,purpose of our existence ? Where will we go once we die or its only this? Is there any supreme being ? was this universe made by itself or it was made by someone else? Is there some one who controls everything or its all random? whats there outside this planet? what are these stars and sun?

These are very fundamental questions,Science has played its part in explaining many of these.The question of the supreme being can be never be answered properly.But about the Questions of stars and sun and planets,many of them are all well explained.There are many yet to be explained but one day we will find answers to it too.

Whats your take on that dear? BTW I can see your silence regarding Quran about water and a little embryogeneis ?

I am answering all your queries one by one,But it needs time.
These are very fundamental questions,Science has played its part in explaining many of these.The question of the supreme being can be never be answered properly.But about the Questions of stars and sun and planets,many of them are all well explained.There are many yet to be explained but one day we will find answers to it too.

Okay moon and sun science is explaining now what would you say about this which dates back to 1400 years ago.
[size=+1]It is He who created night and day, the Sun and the Moon, each floating in its orbit. [21:33][/size]

The Quran would have been wrong according to astronomers just a couple of decades ago. But we now know that the Quranic account of the Sun’s motion is consistent with modern Astronomy.

But I guess you will say we knew it 5000 thousand years ago as well
speak for yourself, we are fine with our faith and our quest for knowledge our very first word is "Read"...
if Muslims choose to be ignorant then this not the problem with the source just like you cant blame the famous scientists and philosophers for the majority of ignorant people on this planet who cant articulate a single sentence without insulting someone

sadly your logic and reasoning is clouded by your prejudice and bigotry so for you the glass will always be half empty.
people take inspirations from different things, objects and people to achieve something in life.

when Muslim Mathematicians like Al Khwarzmi wrote books on Algebra and Jaber Bin Hayyan on Chemistry, Astrology, Maths .. they forgot to write a book for Fools who are incapable of realising that religion like Islam can coexist and actually help inspire some fine people of the past and present.

well co-existing of religion and science is different thing , but if you say all things comes form some religious scriptures then it's idiocy and i don't respect such people irrespective of religion . how al khwarzmi inspired by Islam to write book on mathematics ? hu ? it means without quran he coulden't ? though his work is not very inventive part real time mathematics
well blah blha blha reasons , and sir they(m. leaders) never invested and will never invest for science/education because Islam/jehad is been most important part of Islamic culture, which was always been very anti-science climate . instaed of producing scientist you people only produce hoax of conversion of scientist on INTERNET.

well All is not about money it's more about spirit and culture . low money conditions couldn't stop western inverters if you read about their lives .
Islamic world don't have science culture and spirit, intelligence required for science.

well enemy of Islam it's by default i am . beacause i am non-muslim according to your Islamic newtons Sharia rules written in quran , try to understand idiot you will ever improve if you will try to find every problem answer in quran . science and religion are different things

No Sir Science and Religion are not different things Sir not at all those who don't know about Islam think this way and this shows their ignorance
when Muslim Mathematicians like Al Khwarzmi wrote books on Algebra and Jaber Bin Hayyan on Chemistry, Astrology, Maths ..

Islam can coexist and actually help inspire some fine people of the past and present.

My Dear dear IB,

Good ole "Al" did his work long long long long time ago. Like in 8th century. Like One thousand two hundred plus years ago.

and you know how he got his maths and science going?

He was ardent follower of Non-Muslim scientists before him.

He first learned the "state of the art" from Greeks, Indians, and Persian "NON-MUSLIMS" or the way we say it these days "KUFFARS"


he revised and updated those works of "KUFFARS"

Because this is what science is.

You fall in love and get married "virtually speaking" to your contemporary scientists. And then you eat dream and drink their works.

then one fine day (may be may be) you can say Aha, string theory by Brian guy could be improved a bit.

Then you write it, document it, and spread it among your NON-MUSLIM role-models.

Then they say yes. My God. Mr. Irfan the Muslim has upended the string theory of Dr. Brian the Chrisitan.

Actually they don't say it.

For scientists, religion does not matter.

They will say


Dr. Irfan has improved the theory of Dr. Brian.

That's all.

there is no Islam, or Christianity no Hinduism.

Just science.

Just Dr. Irfan, Dr. Fauj and Dr. Brian and the brand new version of string theory.

And oh btw there is no "Al" or "Khwarzmi" in this. Because that poor guy was long long long long time ago.

Hope you understand this.


p.s. No disrespect intended as you know me very well by now.
Water is essential for all living things. We all know that water is vital to life but the Quran makes a very unusual claim:

[size=+2]We made every living thing from water? Will they not believe? [21:30][/size]

In this verse water is pointed out as the origin of all life. All living things are made of cells. We now know that cells are mostly made up of water . For example, 80% of the cytoplasm (basic cell material) of a standard animal cell is described as water in biology textbooks.

The fact that living things consist mostly of water was discovered only after the invention of the microscope. In the deserts of Arabia, the last thing someone would have guessed is that all life came from water.

This is about people like you ..WILL THEY NOT BELIEVE IT..

I suppose this is about the water content on the body of all living being and its importance of it for the survival.I suppose its obvious even for the Iron age man the importance of water for Humans.And also why immediate thing that comes to my mind does the same theory apply to other elements like calcium magnesium or even air,which is also present in living beings in excess amounts.So are we now concluding that we are also constructed from other elements as well.The answer is no,due the fact that the water is the most important element for the survival of man,Many early texts predicted man came from the water.There are many verses in Genesis with similar content.But by no means it means Quran revealed that Human body is comprised of water.Its an absurd argument.If it is the case it has to be specifically stated.
My Dear dear IB,

Good ole "Al" did his work long long long long time ago. Like in 8th century. Like One thousand two hundred plus years ago.

and you know how he got his maths and science going?

He was ardent follower of Non-Muslim scientists before him.

He first learned the "state of the art" from Greeks, Indians, and Persian "NON-MUSLIMS" or the way we say it these days "KUFFARS"


he revised and updated those works of "KUFFARS"

Because this is what science is.

You fall in love and get married "virtually speaking" to your contemporary scientists. And then you eat dream and drink their works.

then one fine day (may be may be) you can say Aha, string theory by Brian guy could be improved a bit.

Then you write it, document it, and spread it among your NON-MUSLIM role-models.

Then they say yes. My God. Mr. Irfan the Muslim has upended the string theory of Dr. Brian the Chrisitan.

Actually they don't say it.

For scientists, religion does not matter.

They will say


Dr. Irfan has improved the theory of Dr. Brian.

That's all.

there is no Islam, or Christianity no Hinduism.

Just science.

Just Dr. Irfan, Dr. Fauj and Dr. Brian and the brand new version of string theory.

And oh btw there is no "Al" or "Khwarzmi" in this. Because that poor guy was long long long long time ago.

Hope you understand this.


p.s. No disrespect intended as you know me very well by now.

well that's science guy speaking in pure English 100% fact .
Arguing for the sake of it is useless . You said religion and science cant go along and I gave you a dozen proofs where atleast our religion mentions things which no body knew in arabian deserts and still there are hundered of things which have not yet been deciphered.
Not yet deciphered? You mean the muslims are waiting for the non-muslims to make the discoveries and inventions, then they will interpret Quranic passages to suit and claim to have foreknowledge is said discoveries and inventions. Exactly what you are doing now. You have no idea how pathetic this make the muslims look, do you?

By the way, please entertain us with the appropriate Quranic passage that 'predicted' the computer.
My Dear dear IB,

Good ole "Al" did his work long long long long time ago. Like in 8th century. Like One thousand two hundred plus years ago.

and you know how he got his maths and science going?

He was ardent follower of Non-Muslim scientists before him.

He first learned the "state of the art" from Greeks, Indians, and Persian "NON-MUSLIMS" or the way we say it these days "KUFFARS"


he revised and updated those works of "KUFFARS"

Because this is what science is.

You fall in love and get married "virtually speaking" to your contemporary scientists. And then you eat dream and drink their works.

then one fine day (may be may be) you can say Aha, string theory by Brian guy could be improved a bit.

Then you write it, document it, and spread it among your NON-MUSLIM role-models.

Then they say yes. My God. Mr. Irfan the Muslim has upended the string theory of Dr. Brian the Chrisitan.

Actually they don't say it.

For scientists, religion does not matter.

They will say


Dr. Irfan has improved the theory of Dr. Brian.

That's all.

there is no Islam, or Christianity no Hinduism.

Just science.

Just Dr. Irfan, Dr. Fauj and Dr. Brian and the brand new version of string theory.

And oh btw there is no "Al" or "Khwarzmi" in this. Because that poor guy was long long long long time ago.

Hope you understand this.


p.s. No disrespect intended as you know me very well by now.

Rightly said as if this would not have been the case we wouldnt have seen so many of these scientists in US and west , science asks for research and motivation as Einstein kept thinking for 10 years how this world would look like if travelling at the speed of sound we need such determination to see outcome..
But as the thread title says Islam and science...So I gave a dozen of proofs in my previous posts where Quran gave us hints about some of very latest scientific developments so we can blame muslims for not pursuing knowledge once hulago burnt and ruined thousands of Muslims books in 1258 in baghdad thats our fault not of Islam.
beyond the scope of this thread
I know that you know very well what I meant.

check this link and eat your heart
Islam,Science and Muslims: J

I know all about the things that are explained in the link,But as the @FaujHistorian explained it in his post.They acquired this knowledge from all around the world and developed it.Later Europeans did the same.Its nothing new.
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