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Islam and science: The road to renewal - ECONOMIST

,any early texts predicted man came from the water.There are many verses in Genesis with similar content


But by no means it means Quran revealed that Human body is comprised of water.Its an absurd argument.If it is the case it has to be specifically stated.

What can be more specific than this?

[size=+1]We made every living thing from water? Will they not believe?[21:30][/size]
how al khwarzmi inspired by Islam to write book on mathematics ? hu ? it means without quran he coulden't ? though his work is not very inventive part real time mathematics

please read your post I responded to and think hard and then understand why I bothered to mention two famous names for your benefit.

look you got an opinion thats fine but please dont decide for others on how they should form theirs.

What can be more specific than this?

[size=+1]We made every living thing from water? Will they not believe?[21:30][/size]

well then please see in quran and tell doctors how to make drugs for cancer and AIDS .

scientist are very much confused tell them how to create black hole/way to another part of universe , give us some "real time" new options for oil petrol , why all discovered things are "mentioned" in quran but not undiscovered or it tells us only after inventions by western scientists. lol
Rightly said as if this would not have been the case we wouldnt have seen so many of these scientists in US and west , science asks for research and motivation as Einstein kept thinking for 10 years how this world would look like if travelling at the speed of sound we need such determination to see outcome..

Thank you and I agree.

But as the thread title says Islam and science.

..So I gave a dozen of proofs in my previous posts where Quran gave us hints about some of very latest scientific developments

Please do not disrespect Quran by making it what it is not supposed to be. Quran is not a book of science. It is not even an encyclopedia.

Please let us keep it as our holy book without making foolish attributes to the book or the followers of the book.

Thank you.


so we can blame muslims for not pursuing knowledge once hulago burnt and ruined thousands of Muslims books in 1258 in baghdad thats our fault not of Islam.

Muslims in Indian subcontinent had ZERO impact from burning the books in Baghdad. it is just an Ali baba and Chalees chor story that is enjoyed by 3 year olds all around the world.

--- Off course you may be privy to the info that your neighborhood boys used to go checkout books from this library ;)

So do not blame the dimwit situation in science for the 500+million Muslims in India, Pakistan, and BDesh that some library in distant land got burned.

And yes 500+ million Muslims in the sub-continent are much more than collection of Muslims in Arab lands or far east.

This is about time you got rid of the Ali Baba chalees chor story to explain away the pathetic situation of Pakistani Muslims and the Muslims around us.


What can be more specific than this?

[size=+1]We made every living thing from water? Will they not believe?[21:30][/size]

That's not specific enough and its not some thing new either.This argument was also made by Aristotle in 2nd century BC.Its hardly a Quranic revelation.

"Animals and plants come into being in earth and in liquid because there is water in earth, and air in water, and in all air is vital heat so that in a sense all things are full of soul. Therefore living things form quickly whenever this air and vital heat are enclosed in anything. When they are so enclosed, the corporeal liquids being heated, there arises as it were a frothy bubble."
-Aristotle, On the Generation of Animals, Book III, Part 11

And like I also pointed out,This verse by no means a proof that Quran revealed the Human cells contain more than 80% of water.
That's not specific enough and its not some thing new either.This argument was also made by Aristotle in 2nd century BC.Its hardly a Quranic revelation.

"Animals and plants come into being in earth and in liquid because there is water in earth, and air in water, and in all air is vital heat so that in a sense all things are full of soul. Therefore living things form quickly whenever this air and vital heat are enclosed in anything. When they are so enclosed, the corporeal liquids being heated, there arises as it were a frothy bubble."
-Aristotle, On the Generation of Animals, Book III, Part 11

And like I also pointed out,This verse by no means a proof that Quran revealed the Human cells contain more than 80% of water.

Please dear poster.

Do not get indulged in the behs useless discussion on Quran and Bible and science.

This was the habit of Baghdadi Mullahs and before them the Christian Mullahs. We ought to behave a little better.

I have requested Albot in the previous post to not cheapen our holy book by attributing stuff that it was never intended to deliver in the first place.

Christian medieval priests used to do the same with Bible. In fact Some still try to deny evolution based on Bible. They still theorize that dinosaurs and man existed at the same time. So if Christians can do this stuff while living in America, I do not blame Albot to behave like Christian-priests while living in Pakistan.

I mean will it be fair to use Quranic or Bible references for internal combustion engine and its comparison with jet engine.

Heck no!

So please do not get baited into such discussions. And if they post foolish attributes to Quran. just ignore them.

We gotta keep the respect of Quran as a holy book
That's not specific enough and its not some thing new either.This argument was also made by Aristotle in 2nd century BC.Its hardly a Quranic revelation.

"Animals and plants come into being in earth and in liquid because there is water in earth, and air in water, ."
-Aristotle, On the Generation of Animals, Book III, Part 11


I tried to search for this online but couldnt find it so please refer me the source so that I can elighten myslef as well and its just about to get knowledge as I wasnt aware of this thing.
well instated of that you can claim some Indian inventions to feel proud (if you had Hindu ancestry)
i have given few of them bellow.

Brahmagupta's theorem
“ 598 „


AKS primality test
“ 2002 „


Algebraic abbreviations
“ 7th century „


Basu's theorem
“ 1955 „


Brahmagupta–Fibonacci identity
“ 598 „


Chakravala method
“ 1114 „


Hindu number system
“ 1500 BC „


“ 500 AD „


Infinite series for Sine, Cosine, and arctangent


Law of signs in multiplication
“ 2nd century BC „


Pell's equation
“ 598 „


Pi, infinite series
“ 1340 „


Ramanujan theta function
“ early 20th century „


Shrikhande graph
“ 1959 „


Sign convention
“ 6th century „


Trigonometric functions,
“ 5th century „


Urea Stibamine
“ 1873 „


Traditional Medicine
“ 1st millennium BC „


Cataract Surgery
“ 6th century BCE „


Inoculation and Variolation
“ 8th century „


“ 6th century BCE „


Plastic Surgery
“ 2000 BCE „


Lithiasis treatment
“ 6th century BCE „


Visceral leishmaniasis, treatment of
“ 1873 „


Diamond, mining


Zinc, mining and medicinal use
“ 300 BCE „


Ammonium nitrite, synthesis in pure form


Ashtekar variables


Bhatnagar-Mathur Magnetic Interference Balance
“ 1928 „


Bhabha scattering
“ 1935 „


Bose–Einstein statistics, condensate and Boson
“ 1924 „


Chandrasekhar limit and Chandrasekhar number
“ 1983 „


Galena, applied use in electronics of
“ 1904 „


Mahalanobis distance
“ 1936 „


Mercurous Nitrite
“ 1896 „


Ramachandran map
“ 1963 „


Raman Effect
“ 1928 „


Raychaudhuri equation
“ 1954 „

Please dear poster.

Do not get indulged in the behs useless discussion on Quran and Bible and science.

This was the habit of Baghdadi Mullahs and before them the Christian Mullahs. We ought to behave a little better.

I have requested Albot in the previous post to not cheapen our holy book by attributing stuff that it was never intended to deliver in the first place.

Christian medieval priests used to do the same with Bible. In fact Some still try to deny evolution based on Bible. They still theorize that dinosaurs and man existed at the same time. So if Christians can do this stuff while living in America, I do not blame Albot to behave like Christian-priests while living in Pakistan.

I mean will it be fair to use Quranic or Bible references for internal combustion engine and its comparison with jet engine.

Heck no!

So please do get baited into such discussions. And if they post foolish attributes to Quran. just ignore them.

We gotta keep the respect of Quran as a holy book

Dear @FaujiHistorian I have no intention of Cheapening your Holy Book,Only reason I posted it because of all his Quranic Science claims.These are all debunked by many in the internet again and again often to the point of making a mockery of it.The poster should know better by posting such claims he will only a fool of himself.May some televangelists can use this to trick ignorant masses,but not on educated people.I tried to remain cool and tried my best not to cause any insult to any Muslim,but for me its a worrying prospect when people link science and religion,Because a for religion critical thinking always leads to blasphemy and for science it is the lifeline.If you connect both you will have a situation where science students stop questioning scientific principles of the fear that they might offend Religion.I will not post any more on this subject.Thank you for the post.
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Please do not disrespect Quran by making it what it is not supposed to be. Quran is not a book of science. It is not even an encyclopedia.

Please let us keep it as our holy book without making foolish attributes to the book or the followers of the book.

Thank you.

I guess title of this thread should be changed to muslims and science not Islam and science as that way it is wrongly brought into this discussion.My point regarding Quran is that it gives us some knowledge mankind was unaware of earlier but I do agree with you that we shouldnt bring it in discussions like this as People tend to disrespect it .

Muslims in Indian subcontinent had ZERO impact from burning the books in Baghdad. it is just an Ali baba and Chalees chor story that is enjoyed by 3 year olds all around the world.

I didnt know it was only about subcontinent muslims as I was taking it for all muslims.

And yes 500+ million Muslims in the sub-continent are much more than collection of Muslims in Arab lands or far east.

I doubt the time I mentioned 1258 had this much muslims here.

This is about time you got rid of the Ali Baba chalees chor story to explain away the pathetic situation of Pakistani Muslims and the Muslims around us.

By this if you mean that we need to look at the real causes of why we are where we are in terms of science and tech then I agree with you cent percent and among the biggest reasons its lack of education and likes of some crazy mulla's giving baseless fatwa's e.g dont ride aeroplanes and all in earlier 20th centuries but all this have no link to Islam or its teachings and message then why title says Islam and science ?

That's not specific enough and its not some thing new either.This argument was also made by Aristotle in 2nd century BC.Its hardly a Quranic revelation.

"Animals and plants come into being in earth and in liquid because there is water in earth, and air in water, and in all air is vital heat so that in a sense all things are full of soul. Therefore living things form quickly whenever this air and vital heat are enclosed in anything. When they are so enclosed, the corporeal liquids being heated, there arises as it were a frothy bubble."
-Aristotle, On the Generation of Animals, Book III, Part 11

And like I also pointed out,This verse by no means a proof that Quran revealed the Human cells contain more than 80% of water.

I tried to search for this online but couldnt find it so please refer me the source so that I can elighten myslef as well and its just about to get knowledge as I wasnt aware of this thing.
I wrote that from a book related to Spontaneous generation.
You can also read the book named History of Animals by him.These are all available in all common libraries.
Oh yes I got it.

Please refer me to the exact page by telling the number , as thats a big book ..
And whichever book you refer kindly tell the page as that would be easy for you as it looks you have read them all..And I cant just read a whole book just to find a line as you see thats impossible ..Give me something like I gave you regarding quranic verses mean with numbers...thanks
I tried to search for this online but couldnt find it so please refer me the source so that I can elighten myslef as well and its just about to get knowledge as I wasnt aware of this thing.

C'mon yaaar.

Leave it.

That's old old old old old old stuff (dare I say more?)

As I requested earlier,

Do not bring Quran, Bible or Torah or Bhagvad Gita in the discussion of science. These books are not meant to be the source of scientific research.

If you are interested in zoology, go read the latest books from American/EU libraries. But for Allahs sakes do not look for this info in Quran.

If you are interested in astrophysics, then again go read the latest books from American/EU libraries. But for Allahs sakes do not look for this info in Quran.

If you are interested in chemistry, then again go read the latest books from American/EU libraries. But for Allahs sakes do not look for this info in Quran.

What on earth will you achieve by going back to science discussions that happened 1000s of years ago. and then try to prove or disprove anything mildly referenced in Quran.

What? What will you achieve my piaraay piaraaay poster? What will you achieve?

Do you still travel by donkey cart?

I m sure not!

Then why on earth you are trying to dig stuff up and add in Quran when it was not supposed to be the book on science in the first place.
Please refer me to the exact page by telling the number , as thats a big book ..
And whichever book you refer kindly tell the page as that would be easy for you as it looks you have read them all..And I cant just read a whole book just to find a line as you see thats impossible ..Give me something like I gave you regarding quranic verses mean with numbers...thanks

On the Generation of Animals, by Aristotle : Book III
Here is another link look or part 11 towards the end.I am not sure if this has the same translator as the one I've written.I wrote that from an old zoology text book of mine.Some words may be different but nevertheless the concept will be same.
@FaujHistorian Okay there is still something I can say against something you wrote but chalo ;) I will let it go but not without saying there was some reason it was said that Quran will remain relevant for all ages ...
Actually this fella with his claims like such things have got refuted many times made me lil angry but anyways I have now sent him to find some proofs so lets see ..

On the Generation of Animals, by Aristotle : Book III
Here is another link look or part 11 towards the end.I am not sure if this has the same translator as the one I've written.I wrote that from an old zoology text book of mine.Some words may be different but nevertheless the concept will be same.

My friend I am asking you about exact page number where it is written what you claimed..Thanks

And yeah you asked earlier if that was specifically referring to sperms so I gave you proof , Are we on the same page regarding that?
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