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Isis brings back slavery : Yazidi girls sold to Isis fighters

They are just following what the history is full off. And just following the practises which were being followed by the heroes of certain section of the society.

One can say the same about India every time the girl is raped. I guess rapist represent Hinduism
Pakistan wasn't in the middle of a military operation at that time and wasn't facing the same degree of instability as it is now.
It's amazing how a PDF think tank posts senseless bait like this.
It was an honest question of a curious human being. Besides if a forum can host Admins as trolls, this is nothing.

Shariah law really asks to enslave non-muslims
Read the texts yourself and decide. :)

It will come to us when Pakistan falls to ISIL, we should be prepared for it until then.
When Pakistan is under seige rest of islamic countries will look the other way just like Turkey is with tanks and troops on border just looking while the kurds are being torn to pieces by ISIL,
What goes around comes around.
Then we shall 'welcome them'.
feel sad for those girls. no hope for them.

as for isis, its not going anywhere soon. as we can see on the forum, even "educated" people have a soft corner for them

Wanna know about Islam ask a Muslim. When terrorist actions are called part of Islam by low lives, putting them in their place isn't called having soft corner for Terrorist.
Why Many Pakistani member suddenly become defensive whenever name of ISIS crop up in any thread.
Thats the reflexive action of the so called 'moderate Muslims' to defend Islam, instead of protect victims of Islamofascists.
Nothing. And we would like us to remain this way. We are no one's thekedars and it has nothing to do with us.
In life no problem which you can comprehend is alien ..its bound to bite you in one or other form ..
Are you that desperate to salvage face for your religion ? No one is forced to get a mortgage or a student loan. How absurd it is to compare a mortgage and a student loan to women abducted and forced into sexual slavery ? I guess not too absurd for a Muslim.

I would have thanked you if you had been able to keep my religion out of this. Islam has nothing do with these barbarians.
Question for pakistani members......

Pakistan sent it's pilots to Egypt, Jordan and Syria to support the Arabs in their battle against the Israelis.... Why is Pakistan now not doing the same against ISIS???
coz according to them it's Israeli and american backed organisation to malign Islam.

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