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Is Urdu returning to Bangladesh?

Cmon darling you can’t force people to speak a foreign language only... just like you can’t force people to practice a foreign religion... that shit doesn’t work. No harm in cultural exchanges

Indian movie songs are usually Urdu songs so, who can’t live without whom?

Yeah, same here. My dad also speaks urdu but he didn’t teach me. Whatever I can speak and understand is through my own effort. Idk if my children will understand though
Umm frankly this is an illusion. In Pakistan we have our national language as urdu. But still punjabi and phasto and sindhi are far more spoken languages in Pakistan.
But urdu is kind of bond that helps understand each others. 20 years ago far away in villages, people specially women don't understand urdu. But they do now due to media and education. But that doesn't mean they have left their own langauge or stop using it. Urdu was merely taught as a subject in school. It is in the same font as all other languages of pakistan. And it helps people bind and understand each other while preserving our identity.
Urdu was a joint langauge of the Muslims of South Asia. In South Asia Muslims are divided jn many ethnicities. Bengali, punjabi, phastoon, bihari, hyderabadi etc etc. But urdu used as a medium to communicate with each other.
The whole Pakistan bangaldesh issue was not imposition of a foreign language. But learning an additional language to have better understanding among ourselves. It could be English too.
But Bangladesh fought and get a seperate country if to preserve their culture then preserve it like tamils do. Or other ethnicities too. Bangaldeshi speaking urdu sounds to me the biggest denial of what you wanted to be.

I do not think that we created a country because of Bengali language. But, many politicians of BAL love to propagate this idea and people really believe them that 1952 language movement was the source of everything politics after that. Not language, but, other reasons are responsible for the division in 1971.

Even in and before 1952 no one uttered a word against Urdu nor anyone shouted Pakistan Murdabad. Rather, the slogan was "Bangla-Urdu bhai bhai, rastrybhasha Bangla chai". Hope you will understand the slogan. BY writing, "Bengali and Urdu shall be the two state languages of Pakistan" in the 1962 Constitution of Pakistan, Bengali was established.

So, language was no more an issue when it was 1971. But, politicians started saying something untrue after 1971.

Please, do not say movies can be good source of learning of language. A language consists of grammar and teaches how to write grammatically correct sentences. Movies have different functions.

People are not aware that unlike Bengali or English many Urdu words are grouped in genders (Muzaqqar and Muannas), male and female. For example, Meri Baat to Suno. It is not Mera Baat----. These things are learned when someone studies Urdu.

Afsos, we cannot speak even good Bengali!!
Come on...
Big problems always starts from small ones. Always the source of big fights turns out to be something very insignificant.
So now you have your own country and right so. (it should always been like having 2 prime ministers under Pakistan Union. One for bengal and one for Pakistan with only army, navy, presidency together) protect your own culture.
Why don't you?
What is stopping you now.
Basically urdu is bastardized version of Khadi Boli and Hindi literature dates beyond Urdu.
According to Khadi speaker from western UP, khadi is mother language of Hindi. Just google Khadi and listened to Khadi, it sound like street Hindi. Urdu is very sophisticated and better sounding than Khari /khadi boli which means standing language.

Urdu is an international language, it existed before Pakistan. It evolved during Mughal empire, therefore any region (from Afghanistan to Bengal) , once a Part of Mughal Empire will have Urdu speaker or listener.

It’s not uncommon for Afghans to understand Urdu, even tho they never visited Pakistan. Btw they also use Pakistan currency.
Bruh stfu. Pakistan wouldn’t have been a thing if bengalis didn’t fight for it so don’t come to me with your prejudice

I just looked up noorjahan. To me she looks better than shabnam. Idk why Pakistanis loved her so much, overhyped imo

I love your racism specially when I scoff watching Pakistani food vlogs frying up more fish street food than the whole Bengali nation combined.

Really, banglis were not able to get separate Provence without work of Jinnah and you talk about Independence, ML had good base but real work was done by those who knew their areas will not be part of Pakistan.

You are a big hypocrite and Indian boot liker.
Big problems always starts from small ones. Always the source of big fights turns out to be something very insignificant.
So now you have your own country and right so. (it should always been like having 2 prime ministers under Pakistan Union. One for bengal and one for Pakistan with only army, navy, presidency together) protect your own culture.
Why don't you?
What is stopping you now.
After what happened in 1971, there is almost no scope of any political union with (west) Pakistan in the future. It has become like a broken glass. However, instead of playing at the hands of India and blaming each other both the countries should make efforts to buildup the broken relationship whereby there are visits of people from each other and we respect each other.
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After what happened in 1971, there is almost no scope of any political union with (west) Pakistan in the future. It has become like a broken glass. However, instead of playing at the hands of India and blaming each other both the countries should make efforts to buildup the broken relationship whereby there are visits of people from each other and we respect each other.

Fully agree and appreciate.
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Indian pseudohistory. Urdu predates that even. As stated earlier, Urdu is originally a dialect of Dari/Farsi. Pakistan is an Iranic nation originally, our languages descend from the same source.

Waiting for you Gangus to be banned. Mods taking a while this time.
Show me Pakistani history.... how come Urdu became a direct of Farsi when all helping verbs are from Khadiboli? Jayenge Khayenge Piyenge ??? "Hai"??? where are those words in Farasi? and by the way show me any literature that's date beyond Hindi.
Really, banglis were not able to get separate Provence without work of Jinnah and you talk about Independence, ML had good base but real work was done by those who knew their areas will not be part of Pakistan.

You are a big hypocrite and Indian boot liker.
Jinnah was okay with being one state with gandhi for a long time pfft.
Speaking of hypocrisy, you can’t be having blatant racism and then blame bengalis for breaking Pakistan

Umm frankly this is an illusion. In Pakistan we have our national language as urdu. But still punjabi and phasto and sindhi are far more spoken languages in Pakistan.
But urdu is kind of bond that helps understand each others. 20 years ago far away in villages, people specially women don't understand urdu. But they do now due to media and education. But that doesn't mean they have left their own langauge or stop using it. Urdu was merely taught as a subject in school. It is in the same font as all other languages of pakistan. And it helps people bind and understand each other while preserving our identity.
Urdu was a joint langauge of the Muslims of South Asia. In South Asia Muslims are divided jn many ethnicities. Bengali, punjabi, phastoon, bihari, hyderabadi etc etc. But urdu used as a medium to communicate with each other.
The whole Pakistan bangaldesh issue was not imposition of a foreign language. But learning an additional language to have better understanding among ourselves. It could be English too.
But Bangladesh fought and get a seperate country if to preserve their culture then preserve it like tamils do. Or other ethnicities too. Bangaldeshi speaking urdu sounds to me the biggest denial of what you wanted to be.

Come on...
Big problems always starts from small ones. Always the source of big fights turns out to be something very insignificant.
So now you have your own country and right so. (it should always been like having 2 prime ministers under Pakistan Union. One for bengal and one for Pakistan with only army, navy, presidency together) protect your own culture.
Why don't you?
What is stopping you now.
Well I agreed with all you had to say until the end, bangladeshis didn’t seperate for language... that problem was solved in the 60s. Let’s just say military dictatorship broke the country in simple terms...
Well I agreed with all you had to say until the end, bangladeshis didn’t seperate for language... that problem was solved in the 60s. Let’s just say military dictatorship broke the country in simple terms...

A united Pakistan was never going to work for the same reason that a united Scandinvia never emerged or the fact that the United Arab Republic (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Arab_Republic) failed. Most successful pan-national movements have been led by one entity which is decisively larger and more powerful than the others. Prussia for example was an industrial and economic powerhouse already prior to the emergence of Germany. The smaller German nations therefore could not resist its growing influence over their domestic affairs.

Copenhagen meanwhile could never influence Stockholm in the same way (when it tried this happened https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_Bloodbath) and neither could Islamabad influence Dhaka. Its a futile exercise for one party to blame the other because ultimately faults lie on both sides and that is the inevitable consequence of such unions.

From the Pakistani point of view, Bengalis demanding Bengali to be given equal status to Urdu as the national language made no sense given that their regional languages were not given that status either. Why are Bengalis so special that their language should be awarded a special status? Meanwhile from the Bangladeshi point of view the civilian and military of Pakistan established themselves in the western wing following independence. It was clear the center of power would emerge in the western wing and Bengal was simply too large to lose so much political influence. It has always been my belief that a more amicable solution would have been a negotiated decentralization of the nation where the two wings functioned as separate political entities with some level of cooperation on the international level. This way much less blood would have been spilled not to mention the chance for India to spoil the relationship between our countries.
A united Pakistan was never going to work for the same reason that a united Scandinvia never emerged or the fact that the United Arab Republic (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Arab_Republic) failed. Most successful pan-national movements have been led by one entity which is decisively larger and more powerful than the others. Prussia for example was an industrial and economic powerhouse already prior to the emergence of Germany. The smaller German nations therefore could not resist its growing influence over their domestic affairs.

Copenhagen meanwhile could never influence Stockholm in the same way (when it tried this happened https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_Bloodbath) and neither could Islamabad influence Dhaka. Its a futile exercise for one party to blame the other because ultimately faults lie on both sides and that is the inevitable consequence of such unions.

From the Pakistani point of view, Bengalis demanding Bengali to be given equal status to Urdu as the national language made no sense given that their regional languages were not given that status either. Why are Bengalis so special that their language should be awarded a special status? Meanwhile from the Bangladeshi point of view the civilian and military of Pakistan established themselves in the western wing following independence. It was clear the center of power would emerge in the western wing and Bengal was simply too large to lose so much political influence. It has always been my belief that a more amicable solution would have been a negotiated decentralization of the nation where the two wings functioned as separate political entities with some level of cooperation on the international level. This way much less blood would have been spilled not to mention the chance for India to spoil the relationship between our countries.
well said, unfortunately people of sub continent loves nothing more than power and they're willing to go to any length to have it. this is why two nation theory failed.
Jinnah was okay with being one state with gandhi for a long time pfft.
Speaking of hypocrisy, you can’t be having blatant racism and then blame bengalis for breaking Pakistan

Well I agreed with all you had to say until the end, bangladeshis didn’t seperate for language... that problem was solved in the 60s. Let’s just say military dictatorship broke the country in simple terms...
Bangladesh’s Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wajid claimed that Sheikh Mujibur Rahmans had visions of Bangladesh in 1948 on the basis of Bengali language.
Speaking at the inauguration of a four-day program of the International Mother Language Institute at Shegunbagicha in Dhaka on the occasion of Amar Ekushey and International Mother Language Day on February 21, this year
well said, unfortunately people of sub continent loves nothing more than power and they're willing to go to any length to have it. this is why two nation theory failed.

I would not say the two nation theory failed at all. As Modis actions in India are showing at the moment, Bangladesh was right to get out of any "one India". Hindu nationalists were ultimately going to take over the country and the Muslim intelligentsia saw this all the way back during the last days of the Mughals in the form of Syed Ahmed Khan and his subsequent Urdu movement following the British take over.

However the lack of "B" in Pakistan also says a lot. Bangladesh was not supposed to be part of Pakistan and Jinnah even supported the United Bengal initiative of Bose and Suhrawardy*(see below). The fact that Bangladesh essentially forcibly ended up becoming part of Pakistan was due to the Congress's demand for partition of Bengal and Calcutta which Mountbatten agreed to as he was inevitably in favor of Nehru over Jinnah.

Unlike Nehru who vetoed against the United Bengal plan, Jinnah endorsed it as he saw in it benefits for the Bengali Muslims. In his interview with Jinnah on 26 April, 1947, Lord Mountbatten appraised him that Suhrawardy "thought he might be able to keep a United Bengal on condition that it joined neither Pakistan nor Hindustan."
Even in early May 1947, Suhrawardy was confident regarding Jinnah's consent regarding the setting up of an independent Bengal. Analysing the situation, Wolpert wrote "Jinnah would have welcomed the emergence of an independent, United Bengal with open arms; but Nehru and Patel considered it an anathema to Congress and Indian interests and feared that a unified Bangladesh led by a Muslim premier, would form closer alliances to Pakistan than India."

Page 285, Bangladesh: Past and Present by Salahuddin Ahmed
Bangladesh’s Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wajid claimed that Sheikh Mujibur Rahmans had visions of Bangladesh in 1948 on the basis of Bengali language.
Speaking at the inauguration of a four-day program of the International Mother Language Institute at Shegunbagicha in Dhaka on the occasion of Amar Ekushey and International Mother Language Day on February 21, this year
Please do not refer to what this Hasina Bibi says now and then. She is a muddle-headed and stupid woman. She says something that suits BAL and creates another myth on her father.
I would not say the two nation theory failed at all. As Modis actions in India are showing at the moment, Bangladesh was right to get out of any "one India". Hindu nationalists were ultimately going to take over the country and the Muslim intelligentsia saw this all the way back during the last days of the Mughals in the form of Syed Ahmed Khan and his subsequent Urdu movement following the British take over.

However the lack of "B" in Pakistan also says a lot. Bangladesh was not supposed to be part of Pakistan and Jinnah even supported the United Bengal initiative of Bose and Suhrawardy*(see below). The fact that Bangladesh essentially forcibly ended up becoming part of Pakistan was due to the Congress's demand for partition of Bengal and Calcutta which Mountbatten agreed to as he was inevitably in favor of Nehru over Jinnah.


Page 285, Bangladesh: Past and Present by Salahuddin Ahmed
What’s your opinion on suhrawardhy? I wonder how he became the first prime minister of Pakistan without anyone in the west objecting to it

Bangladesh’s Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wajid claimed that Sheikh Mujibur Rahmans had visions of Bangladesh in 1948 on the basis of Bengali language.
Speaking at the inauguration of a four-day program of the International Mother Language Institute at Shegunbagicha in Dhaka on the occasion of Amar Ekushey and International Mother Language Day on February 21, this year
A bit of propaganda here and there doesn’t hurt
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