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Is Urdu returning to Bangladesh?

Many of them know Farsi too.

I will need further examples and proof of this. I have never heard of this in modern BD.

I can read and speak Urdu. I didn't study in Madrassa though. It's in our gene. We can speak it easily of we want to.

Hindi is very unpleasant to hear. )

Its time we reintroduce the ideology of Allama Iqbal and discart foreign element Rabindra guy.

You are woke, my brother. True hierloom of Sultanate of Bengal, Dilli Sultanat, and Mughals. I salute you.

Bangalis started hate towards west Pakistan because Urdu was chosen as national language of Pakistan it was right choice as it was language of Muslims of India and they had struggled for its existence against Hindi, Founder of Pakistan clearly said Urdu will be National language which was not accepted by heart in east Pakistan.

In many ways, modern Pakistanis made the most compromises and suffered most. We imported Muslims from India and took on another province in Bengal.

These people have very little racial, civilizational, or cultural similarities with us. Pakistan was forced to placate Muslims who still idolized Hindus of India for a long time.

It was only until 1971 that Pakistan started searching inward for its soul and recovered its true racial, national identity.

As for the Indian Muslims who immigrated to Pakistan, they adopted the culture and became sons of the soul, their ties to India were eroded over time.

We even compromised on our official language which was Dari (Eastern Persian) and adopted Urdu. I love Urdu as a language, but every advantage Urdu has, Dari has it in even more abundance. This is why Allama Iqbal switched to this tongue later on in his poetry.

Furthermore, adoption of Dari is key to merging Pakistan with Afghanistan and re-unifying the Indus basin. The king of Afghanistan was given money/support by the British to stay out of the partition and they even sold out areas like former FATA to the British for cash stipends.

Otherwise, Pakistan and Afghanistan are contiguous, we still don't have a real border, it cuts towns and areas in halves, cuts families. Pukhtoons and Wakhis are divided between two nations.
Students have a hard tine learning English properly, lets not increase their burden by forcefully teaching languages that will bot come to any significant use to them in life.
Students don't need to learn urdu in text books. Just let them watch urdu TV channels and songs, they will automatically learn Urdu ,just like they are learning Hindi fluently from Hindi channels.

And they will automatically read urdu because they already know it when learn reading quran that is basically written in scripts other than Arabic,as Arabic doesn't have nooktas.
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Students don't need to learn urdu in text books. Just let them watch urdu TV channels and songs, they will automatically learn Hindi,just like they are learning Hindi fluently from Hindi channels.

And they will automatically read urdu because they already know it when learn reading quran that is basically written in scripts other than Arabic,as Arabic doesn't have nooktas.

You are mixing several languages here.

Hindi like what Indians speak is not the same as Urdu. Furthermore the Urdu spoken in Pakistan is more pure than the one spoken by Indian Muslims.

BDs can learn proper Urdu if they watch Pakistani dramas and serial, though.

Arabic written in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Central Asia, and Western China is in Nastaliq script, which is similar to the script of languages of those regions including Urdu.

Urdu alphabet is much larger than the Arabic one too, and pronounciation of some letters are different.
You are mixing several languages here.
When I did that?
BDs can learn proper Urdu if they watch Pakistani dramas and serial, though.
Yes thats why I said if we can learn Hindi, we can learn urdu too.
Urdu alphabet is much larger than the Arabic one too, and pronounciation of some letters are different.
I don't know much about urdu alphabet. Is it written in nastaliq or any other script?

In Bangladesh we have Quran written in two or maybe three types of scripts. I only can read one type that is bigger and straight. Don't know what this script actually is. But common people always take them for Arabic script with nooktas ( zer zabur pesh).
I don't know much about urdu alphabet. Is it written in nastaliq or any other script?

In Bangladesh we have Quran written in two or maybe three types of scripts. I only can read one type that is bigger and straight. Don't know what this script actually is. But common people always take them for Arabic script with nooktas ( zer zabur pesh).

Urdu Alphabet in Nastaliq script

Written Urdu, Nastaliq is used (Lahore 1920 ad for a Ford)


Quran in Nastaliq script (what you are familiar with)


Uthmani Quran Arabic script (found in the Arab world)


'They also read Arabic, Persian and Urdu classics, according to “Political Economy of Madrassa Education in Bangladesh: Genesis, Growth, and Impact,” a research work by Abul Barkat." @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan

I wonder which classics, probably Masnavi/Rumi, Iqbal, and maybe Hafez.
I will need further examples and proof of this. I have never heard of this in modern BD.

You are woke, my brother. True hierloom of Sultanate of Bengal, Dilli Sultanat, and Mughals. I salute you.

In many ways, modern Pakistanis made the most compromises and suffered most. We imported Muslims from India and took on another province in Bengal.

These people have very little racial, civilizational, or cultural similarities with us. Pakistan was forced to placate Muslims who still idolized Hindus of India for a long time.

It was only until 1971 that Pakistan started searching inward for its soul and recovered its true racial, national identity.

As for the Indian Muslims who immigrated to Pakistan, they adopted the culture and became sons of the soul, their ties to India were eroded over time.

We even compromised on our official language which was Dari (Eastern Persian) and adopted Urdu. I love Urdu as a language, but every advantage Urdu has, Dari has it in even more abundance. This is why Allama Iqbal switched to this tongue later on in his poetry.

Furthermore, adoption of Dari is key to merging Pakistan with Afghanistan and re-unifying the Indus basin. The king of Afghanistan was given money/support by the British to stay out of the partition and they even sold out areas like former FATA to the British for cash stipends.

Otherwise, Pakistan and Afghanistan are contiguous, we still don't have a real border, it cuts towns and areas in halves, cuts families. Pukhtoons and Wakhis are divided between two nations.

What our founder did was correct and still stand correct, the problem is that what they saw as Pakistan was never allowed by landlords, Civil and military servants, it was Jinnah who asked people from Indian provence to migrate to Pakistan as the land given to Pakistan was kept below par then rest of India by British due to majority Muslim population so education and skilled labour was non existing and that is one of many reason that Gandhi did his best to stop migration, he even hot angry on his Hindu mobs who did riots and killings of Muslims as he knew if educated and skilled Muslims migrated to Pakistan then Jinnah will make sure that Pakistan thrives into future.
I think at the time of partition, that was done by sikhs to Punjabi Muslims as many Muslim majority areas of Punjab were given to India

They were systematically provoked by Hindus also Hindus were with them.

It was not just in Punjab other Muslim areas in pre partition India saw brutal riots and killings of Muslims by Hindus.
What our founder did was correct and still stand correct, the problem is that what they saw as Pakistan was never allowed by landlords, Civil and military servants, it was Jinnah who asked people from Indian provence to migrate to Pakistan as the land given to Pakistan was kept below par then rest of India by British due to majority Muslim population so education and skilled labour was non existing and that is one of many reason that Gandhi did his best to stop migration, he even hot angry on his Hindu mobs who did riots and killings of Muslims as he knew if educated and skilled Muslims migrated to Pakistan then Jinnah will make sure that Pakistan thrives into future.

Ofcourse I can never critique Quaid e Azam, brother, what I meant was the price we had to pay to bring in Indian Muslims and Bengalis on board.

There are both positives and negatives.

Ideally, Afghanistan could have done more for us during partition but they were led by corrupt, ineffectual rulers. Yet interesting that the mere threat of Iranian and Afghan involvement and declaration of jihad scared the British into conceding Pakistan.
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