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Is Urdu returning to Bangladesh?

O PaaJee,

Kun sajay pason ya khabay pason... farq koi nai ana!

In the end both Pakistan and BD have to align their geo-economic and geo-political interests to survive the ResidentEvil!

For local consumption till now it has been alright or profitable for BDz to create a narrative for what it is...but becoming prisoner of it will only make more of vassal to the FacistEmpire nextdoor.

There is time for everything.

As I have said a few times already... a strong, stable and FREE BD is in Pakistan's National Interests... it is food for thought for the good BD posters here...to factor in their reasoning that because the FacistEmpire has deployed most of its resources/assets against Pakistan.... this gives BD breathing room to grow economically without spending on defence.....

Anyhow, the BeautyRegime shall be making existential choices sooner than later... as the good Indians build their ConcentrationCamps ... to deport the Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan to BD...

And at that time it shall be Pakistan standing with BD...as always.... so let us at least on PDF take the First Step towards Alignment!

BD must now come out of the closet and stop towing the IndianLine on IoJK or be a part of IndianNarrative Against Pakistan...

Hopefuly, the PM of Pakistan attends BD summit in early summer... which might not happen because of the KhooniVirus!

I repeat: A strong, prosperous and FREE BD is in Pakistan's Strategic Interests!

Time for choices...here almost!


P.S. Can we just stop this nonsense on silly racism fadz...

Too much truth in one post!

We muslims often bark before we think.

"I repeat: A strong, prosperous and FREE BD is in Pakistan's Strategic Interests!"

The same can also be said for Pakistan in regards to Bangladesh's strategic interests.

This should not be forgotten by my fellow Bengalis.

IMO Pakistan has shouldered the burden of the protection of the muslims of South Asia disproportiantely.

Bangladesh needs to step up and recognize its role in this as well.

Otherwise, any such blindness to the reality of things will one day prove to be very costly.

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This is because Afghan royalty were still stooges of the British. They depended heavily on British and other Europeans for their pampered lifestyle (similar to the Pahlavis of Iran.) They had no care about Islam or other Muslims, and were ready to backstab their own for a profit.

They were content with letting former FATA, Sarhad/KPK, Hazara, and Punjab go to the British and even helped them suppress the Muslim rebels. One regent even helped the Sikhs, lol.

Instead of taking their anger out on the British occupiers, they instead unleashed fury on Quaid e Azam and the Muslim League for doing what they were incapable of, freeing Muslim land of the Indus valley from Kuffar occupation.

Thoughts? @Hakim Dawary

Hey bro, perhaps I can give a proper history of Afghanistan and also a brief history of the Khilifat movement, so that all here may understand properly in the context of truth rather than how it is typically viewed.

Afghanistan is positioned in the heart of Asia, back when Britain and Russia were the superpowers of the day, they both contested for power and influence. Britain was focused primarily in South Asia, meanwhile Russia in Central Asia. Afghanistan had the best of both worlds, South and Central Asia, the Pashtun half belonging to the South and the Tajik half belonging to the North.

As you are well aware that back then there were no borders, and both Super powers of the time were very well aware of the Thucydides dilemma, so they did their utter best to avoid having contact with one another, which is why the borders of Russia stopped at the Oxus river, and also the reason why they added the Wakhan Corridor to Afghanistan so that they both don't touch one another's border. Afghanistan was to serve as buffer zone, although the British did try to take it over on two different occasions, but failed.

Back then there was no sense of nationhood for Afghans as there is today (early 1800s and 1900s), and tribes vied for power. The British after they had overwhelmed the kingdoms of India started to expand outward into Sikh and Afghan territory, and they were revered by both Sikhs and Afghans, Dost Mohmmad Khan entertained their envoy Alexander Burnes whom he ended up having a close friendship with, this was the beginning of the "Great game" that first appeared in Afghanistan.

In this period, Afghanistan was not called Afghanistan, but rather the "Kingdom of Caubal", when the British realized that Pashtuns referred to themselves as "Afghans" did they call our location "Afghanistan", and so the borders were drawn, and divided based on geography between the Russians and British to have buffer zone in the middle.

Afghan kings tried to have a good relationship with the British in order to maintain power, and this started with first Amir Abdur Rahman Khan and later his son Habibullah Khan. Habibullah's son Amanullah Khan tried to annex the Pashtun areas that were forcibly taken by the British, but this came to a failure because of British superiority in discipline and gun power, the British gave us the right to decide our own foreign affairs thereafter, but Afghan kings thereafter were for the most part dependent on the British for money and support.

At that time, there occurred the Khilifat movement within the British Raj, and many Muslims travelled to Afghanistan, but were attacked by Pashtun tribesmen on the way, the king Amanullah accepted some of them, but sent the rest away due to lack of resources. Many of them settled in Kabul.

When the British left, we Afghans needed a new client of which we tried to get from either the Americans or the Russians (Soviets). Do consider that Afghanistan is a landlocked nation without industry, manufacturing, retail etc... All we have is farming and are missing the former three, the Americans denied us this, and the Soviets were willing, but you know the history of that and the bloody coup thereafter.

I can go into more detail about this, but I would have to write a 10-15 page essay, but I believe this brief is sufficient. But you are right for the most part, our regional history is a sad one, and some of us were either taken over, or were dependencies.

Our future in my opinion can be bright if there is a merge, and this is what one wise Afghan understood, but for some reason the Pakistani Prime minister at that time viewed this with suspicion for reason I don't know why... https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP80R01443R000300080015-6.pdf
Our future in my opinion can be bright if there is a merge, and this is what one wise Afghan understood, but for some reason the Pakistani Prime minister at that time viewed this with suspicion for reason I don't know why... https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP80R01443R000300080015-6.pdf

Afghan government's stance was so harsh in 1947 against Pakistan and so pro-Indian that it really did not leave any mystery as to their intentions. Abdul Ghaffar Khan, etc. and pro-Hindu Pukhtoonistan movement were actively supported by the Afghan kingdom. Even today the same support exists from Kabul regime to ANP/PTM (Asfandyar Wali, Malala's father, Manzoor Pashteen, Mohsin Dawar, etc.) TTP also came out of that kind of thinking.

Interesting that Pahlavi Iran was fully supportive of Pakistan, to the extent of being the first to recognize us. Situation is pretty much reversed now.

Afghan Taliban are very pro-Pakistan, regardless even of the backstabbing of our leaders like dictator Musharraf. It is quite unnerving to our neighbors, hence the hit on Mufti Taqi Usmani by Iran and promotion of anti-Afghan sentiment by liberal Pakistan media, even to the extent of calling Imran Khan as Taliban Khan and Afghan appeaser.

Then also the timing of the lockdown on Kashmir, foiled airstrikes in Balakot, increased border pressure, and attempt at creating a refugee crisis among Indian Muslims by Modi's government.

All a result of a loss in Afghanistan of all anti-Pakistan coalition (US, NATO, Israel, Iran, and India.) All to prevent the inevitable merger of the two countries which is our destiny.


Durrani Empire of Ahmad Shah Baba/Abdali
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Afghan government's stance was so harsh in 1947 against Pakistan and so pro-Indian that it really did not leave any mystery as to their intentions. Abdul Ghaffar Khan, etc. and pro-Hindu Pukhtoonistan movement were actively supported by the Afghan kingdom. Even today the same support exists from Kabul regime to ANP/PTM (Asfandyar Wali, Malala's father, Manzoor Pashteen, Mohsin Dawar, etc.) TTP also came out of that kind of thinking.

Interesting that Pahlavi Iran was fully supportive of Pakistan, to the extent of being the first to recognize us. Situation is pretty much reversed now.

Afghan Taliban are very pro-Pakistan, regardless even of the backstabbing of our leaders like dictator Musharraf. It is quite unnerving to our neighbors, hence the hit on Mufti Taqi Usmani by Iran and promotion of anti-Afghan sentiment by liberal Pakistan media, even to the extent of calling Imran Khan as Taliban Khan and Afghan appeaser.

Which is why on that matter I sympthasized with Pakistan at the time. Our aim at that time was nationalistic/tribalistic, while Pakistan's was religious adhering to a religious identity as Muslims.

I am very hopeful that this time around for us, the Taliban can move Afghanistan in a positive direction and we have some peace so that the rest of the regions can also see that Islam if applied in the right manner is actually of great benefit for the people. It will be only then that the region will have an Islamic awakening, or else we will be forever kept in this limbo.

And I am also hopeful that we can also have good relations with Iran, or perhaps I am being way too hopeful especially with their Zainabiyouns and Fatimyouns.
Which is why on that matter I sympthasized with Pakistan at the time. Our aim at that time was nationalistic/tribalistic, while Pakistan's was religious adhering to a religious identity as Muslims.

Yes, unfortunately that is the problem with kingship as we discussed previously in another thread. People's destiny is controlled by one man, it matters alot what that person believes. For example, Mughal king Akbar became murtad, persecuting orthodox Muslims and Musharraf had heterodox (Ahmadiyya) beliefs, shutting down masajid, removing Islamic concepts like jihad from curriculum, and sending foreign students of madaaris home.

I don't judge Afghans from some of their worst rulers, whether client Kings of the imperial era, Najibullah, or current NA/Kabulie regime.

I am very hopeful that this time around for us, the Taliban can move Afghanistan in a positive direction and we have some peace so that the rest of the regions can also see that Islam if applied in the right manner is actually of great benefit for the people. It will be only then that the region will have an Islamic awakening, or else we will be forever kept in this limbo.

Ameen. Islam needs this.

Imran Khan finally brought Islamic ideals to the fore in Pakistan, running a campaign on tabdeeli (systemic change,) hisab (accountability,) and riyasat e Madina (Prophet saws state of Madina.) Wven if he did not succeed, the landscape of Pakistan has been changed forever. KPK has become another center of power, racial politics of 90s liberal parties is buried in favor of national consciousness, and the danger of Kuffar forces (US, India) has cemented Pakistan into a single racial, cultural, civilizational entity.

I am so impressed how IK was able to end another cartoon controversy in the bud by threating economic repercussions to the Netherlands.

And I am also hopeful that we can also have good relations with Iran, or perhaps I am being way too hopeful especially with their Zainabiyouns and Fatimyouns.

Whatever is Iran's destiny, we Afghan+Pakistanis will decide it. They forget their country has been conquered repeatedly from the East. It behooves them to act with some tact and discretion least they find a unified alliance against them on their ill-prepared borders.
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Which war did we start and where is the evidence for your claims?

Failed to capture?..........:lol:.......We have domain over 35% of Kashmir and annexed over 35% of former indian territory to create Pakistan on August the 14th 1947........:azn:........think you are getting your info from india today and hindustan times.........:lol:
!948 Kashmir, 1965, Run of Kutch, 1971, Battle of kargil and all other small wars were started by Pakistan. Change your motto and build your economy.
!948 Kashmir, 1965, Run of Kutch, 1971, Battle of kargil and all other small wars were started by Pakistan. Change your motto and build your economy.

Can you provide GENUINE evidence that they were started by Pakistan?........:azn:........please don't use the same source that also claimed 40,000 Pakistani Soldiers killed 3 million bengalis and raped 10 million bengali women in 5 weeks in 1971......... :lol:
Can you provide GENUINE evidence that they were started by Pakistan?........:azn:........please don't use the same source that also claimed 40,000 Pakistani Soldiers killed 3 million bengalis and raped 10 million bengali women in 5 weeks in 1971......... :lol:
Read the war history that started with your invasion of Kashmir in 1948 when Dogra Maharaja was still undecided whether to join Pakistan or India or remain independent. This invasion caused Dogra to flee to Delhi and seek Indian help. All other wars are similarly initiated by Pakistan. I have little energy to write elaborate essays on those other wars. But, please find out if my short statement is wrong on Kashmir.
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Siachen?? 1971 was actually provoked by India
Not actually. What a stronger country should do when its neighbor bullies its Hindu citizens who then flee to a poor India. They were more than 9 million refugees.

When Muktis were winning in the East, Pakistan started war in the West so that the outcome can be manipulated to claim that Pakistan lost to India and not to the Muktis who it regarded as Bhukha Bangali. Both Pakistan and India thus stole our contributions.
!948 Kashmir, 1965, Run of Kutch, 1971, Battle of kargil and all other small wars were started by Pakistan. Change your motto and build your economy.
1948, Pakistan had to intervene because of Dogra Raja & his ilk who was massacring hundreds of thousands of Muslims.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1947_Jammu_massacres Read this.

Nice Joke. you won only when Indian army intervened militarily
So you're saying your army was such weaklings that they were defeated in 13 days?
Read the war history that started with your invasion of Kashmir in 1948 when Dogra Maharaja was still undecided whether to join Pakistan or India or remain independent. This invasion caused Dogra to flee to Delhi and seek Indian help. All other wars are similarly initiated by Pakistan. I have little energy to write elaborate essays on those other wars. But, please find out if my short statement is wrong on Kashmir.

So you INDIRECTLY admit you have NO EVIDENCE whatsoever to support your claims...........:lol:

1948, Pakistan had to intervene because of Dogra Raja & his ilk who was massacring hundreds of thousands of Muslims.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1947_Jammu_massacres Read this.

So you're saying your army was such weaklings that they were defeated in 13 days?

It took 100 million bengalis surrounded by 500 million indians to defeat 40,000 Pakistani troops in 13 days who were stranded nearly 3000 kms from their mainland...........:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
1948, Pakistan had to intervene because of Dogra Raja & his ilk who was massacring hundreds of thousands of Muslims.
Whatever may be the pretext, it was Pakistan that started fighting in Kashmir. That is the point.
Whatever may be the pretext, it was Pakistan that started fighting in Kashmir. That is the point.

Of which you have 0 evidence of.........:lol:..........you also believe that 40,000 Pakistani troops killed 3 million bengalis and raped 10 million bengali women in 5 weeks in 1971.........are we supposed to believe that too?...........:lol:
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