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Is this the end of Islam? or there is some silver-lining?

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watch it. and take heed. ban all direct funding of wahabi madrasshs in India.. I singled out wahabis because they are the sole-traders of Islamic terrorism.
Wahabi donations are helping poor Indian Muslims. While Barelvis are making money off their dargahs by selling expensive chadars and God knows what. Wahabis are spending their money on upliftment of the poor Muslims.
Muslims can put KGB/ RAW and MOSSAD out of the job because they are doing a pretty good job themselves. joke aside, these organisations (KGB etc) will take advantage of the infighting and chaos for their jobsake otherwise their governments should disband them

you know what pains the wahabis? and why India has been also added in the ISIS map of conquest like Iran Afghanistan and Pakistan? because India houses the most Shias and they are so far safe from Wahabi jihad. and then there are so many Sunni Sufi / Beralvi Saints and their tombs that need to be destroyed.

Petrodollar is not the problem. these Arabs will continue to cut each other like they have been for centuries.

when i see the handywork of AL Qaeda, LeT, LeJ, TTP, Al Shahab, Jama Islamiyah, FSA and all their other Wahabi clones I recall the movie called World war Zee.

watch it. and take heed. ban all direct funding of wahabi madrasshs in India.. I singled out wahabis because they are the sole-traders of Islamic terrorism.
Point well taken, and considering we got some of our own loonies in power they will make sure to keep it under check and they might take it over the board at times.

Wahabi donations are helping poor Indian Muslims. While Barelvis are making money off their dargahs by selling expensive chadars and God knows what. Wahabis are spending their money on upliftment of the poor Muslims.

Yes they are known for their charity across the globe .
I don't care whether it will end or not. Hope this mess won't create rift among muslims living in non-Islamic countries. They have nothing to do with this mess.
Point well taken, and considering we got some of our own loonies in power they will make sure to keep it under check and they might take it over the board at times.
our Army will be fighting fighting ISIS sooner than later

Afghanistan is a mess and will breakdown once NATO leaves it like Iraq. Iranian military is a fcking joke and I dont want to insult Lahore or Haryana police but Iranian military is just at par with them and might jsut save it self if ever Haryana or Punjab police attacks it. the Ayatullahs of Iran have been the biggest enemies of its own people and specially their military might.

how can you argue or talk to someone who thinks taking bomb up the *** is service to god and make anus more flexible anal sex is justified? and chewing on human corpses and drinking blood of heretic shias and Christians earns you bonus virgins?

I wonder if I can rig my custom built flamethrower

Wold War Zeeeeee
Wahabi donations are helping poor Indian Muslims. While Barelvis are making money off their dargahs by selling expensive chadars and God knows what. Wahabis are spending their money on upliftment of the poor Muslims.
ok fine.. thats great

there is always small text . watch that out.. thats how wahabis started in Pakistan too. converted the mud Mosques into plush marble palaces and "helped" poor Muslims with correct faith teachings all expenses paid.
there is always small text . watch that out.. thats how wahabis started in Pakistan too. converted the mud Mosques into plush marble palaces and "helped" poor Muslims with correct faith teachings all expenses paid.
Most of the barelvi clerics are multi-billionaires.Live lavishly. What have they done to help poor muslims? Nothing.

If you think worshipping graves and dead baba log is allowed in Islam then I have nothing to say to you.
It is not the end of Islam, nor will it be.

Those who call themselves Muslims are another matter.
Wisdom, not that much...... it's mostly about being able to project power...........
or throwing your weight around through manipulations!

Stop Living in Past Glories. That era is gone and is not coming back. This is the era of nation states and alliance of nation states. Knowledge, education and wisdom are the most powerful tools of this era.
And day in and day out Indians tell me knowing history is necessary :tsk:

Mind you I was just taking a step into History to show what bad is and if this is bad then that too was bad after which Islam hit the road to success....History is there to teach us not to ignore so you can repeat and live in a day's pride!
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