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Is this the end of Islam? or there is some silver-lining?

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Stop Living in Past Glories. That era is gone and is not coming back. This is the era of nation states and alliance of nation states. Knowledge, education and wisdom are the most powerful tools of this era.

The caliphate were actually eras of knowledge for Muslims, look into the Abbasaid caliphate.
the cancer is spreading and like being a typical cancer these two countries dont feel it in its early stages.
in the far east..non-Muslims are being denied using the word "Allah". then there is Jama Islamiya and their saddist Bali Bombing smiling leader. Muslims who convert to "other faiths" or religions have been killed along with their families by the Muslim zealots.

Turkey? an unfortunate but willing partner in Syria's destruction something it should have stayed out and let Saudis and Qatar find another host state to play their proxy war. Turkey is what Pakistan was in 80s and 90s. strong and united. on the surface but the sectarian puss was building up that came out in the name of LeJ and TTP.

@TeesraIndiotHunter nice choice of name but that aside.
your title and reasoning can be termed just a POV and the most vocal, active and funded Muslims would argue that this time is the glory of Islam and they have every fatwa behind them to justify rape, cannibalism, terrorism and destruction.

so if you think lsam is doomed and all this glorious Jihad is wrong then either you are a Shia or if you are not a Shia then you are an Atheist Liberal Sunni who needs to be killed along with Shias
You surprise me.
You post very perceptively half the time, the other half like a 16 year old kid ?

I agree with you completely on Turkey. It has been my own understanding that Erdogan is the Zia of Turkey. All will be fine till he is there, because he is a strongman, he will control what needs to be controlled, keep Turkey strong with economy and support, but the direction he has pushed Turkey in...will manifest itself in a decade. In the long run Turkey will suffer because of his policies and push.

And I disagree with you on what is happening in East Asia. I think the action of the mullahs there on Allah is insecurity building up because the society is becoming liberal. Indonesia is by and large quite peaceful.
They will remain less affected largely because of the positive influence of their neighbours - Australia, Japan, Vietnam etc, etc. A culture of competition on growth, prosperity and education.
Unlike the Middle East, where its cesspool and the neighbours compete on retardation and bringing each other down.

But in all scenarios, there is a very perceptible and strong churn happening in the Islamic world, whether the heat and pressure leads it to become a Diamond or Coal remains to be seen, but it will be either of the two.
Iranian military is a fcking joke and I dont want to insult Lahore or Haryana police but Iranian military is just at par with them and might jsut save it self if ever Haryana or Punjab police attacks it. the Ayatullahs of Iran have been the biggest enemies of its own people and specially their military might.

Yeah, we are clearly seeing which armies are successful in deterring terrorists and which armies are failing so bad. Some armies are just strong on paper, haven't shown even slightest amount of success in either domestic or foreign military conflicts.

On the other hand, we are fighting the terror even before it reaches our borders and in a region that is already on fire, we have one of the safest countries. That's what I expect from an army or military system, be it a joke or not, not conquering other lands.
If you think worshipping graves and dead baba log is allowed in Islam then I have nothing to say to you.

if you think raping, canabalising, anal bomb jihad and beheading captives is allowed in Islam then I have everything to say to you

we will get you and we will give you a taste of your own medicine
if you think raping, canabalising, anal bomb jihad and beheading captives is allowed in Islam then I have everything to say to you

we will get you and we will give you a taste of your own medicine

What is this anal bomb jihad you keep mentioning- Kindly link me to the news- Thanks
Yeah, we are clearly seeing in which armies are successful in deterring terrorists and which armies are failing so bad. Some armies are just strong on paper, haven't shown even slightest amount of success in either domestic or foreign military conflicts.
I wont be PC
but it saddens me to see the state of Iranian military
your people have resolve and will
no one can doubt that but you need technology and modern weapons as well. all you have is repainted and reconditioned 60s and 70s era American hardware .

your success against the Jandullah is impressive but ISIS is a different story
when you will engage it.. Saudis and Qaratis might attack you directly out of their Burkas and they are armed to with modern weapons.

this time running to their Machine gun nests with Holy Quran in the hands wont last for long .. it didnt work before against Iraqi machine guns posts and it wont work now either.
if you think raping, canabalising, anal bomb jihad and beheading captives is allowed in Islam then I have everything to say to you
we will get you and we will give you a taste of your own medicine
What about the pain and suffering of those fighters? They went through a lot of hell. We have to as brutal and as extreme as possible to our enemies.

Like Winston Churchill said, "Victory at any cost".

Once this phase gets over we will have peace and prosperity. Until then we need to fight the enemies of Islam.
From Morocco to Indonesia, or say from Atlantic to Pacific, entire Islamic World is up in flames, or in poverty, or under despotic oppressive governments...and Muslim masses are in misery, and utter hopelessness. Syria and Iraq are totally destroyed by civil war, superpowers have invaded, plundered, and destroyed many nations of Islamosphere. Israel is currently bombing Gaza, a territory it already illegally occupies and has colonized it for decades. On political front, Muslim masses are deeply divided and there is no order. From the dreams of Islamic Caliphate, to the vision of extreme secularism--all of the political thoughts are colliding within the fold of Islam. Muslims are globally being painted as "the problem" or as the "other" in the equation of civilized vs the other. Seems like entire world is on one side, and Muslims are on other. Any hope of empowerment due to revolutions in Arab World are turned completely upside down---with even status-quo forces returning back to power with even worse oppression.

I was just wondering, is this the worst Islam/Islamic World has ever seen? People would bring Mongol Destruction but as a student of history, I'd not buy this argument. Mongol Destruction of Baghdad just shifted the power-center of Islam from Arab-Persians to Turks. Even after Mongol destruction, Islamic World quickly regained its position of being the superpower/top dog of the world under the leadership of the Islamic Turks (Ottoman Empires, Mughals, Timurids etc were the greatest/most-powerful/largest empires of their time...and all established by Islamic Turks). Islamic World remained the most and/or one-of-the-most powerful civilization on Earth for centuries to come after Mongol invasion. But today, forget about being the most powerful, Muslim countries are marching towards being the worst, the least powerful, and most pathetic amongst all available competition (China, India, Europe/America (West), Latin America, and Far East etc).

So again, are we living through the worst of Islam today? There seems to be no hope. No sight of recovering back. Things are getting worse and even more worse by the hour. Just today, read the article where Prince Bandar was quoted saying "1 billion Sunnis have had enough of the Shia. There will be a time when "May God help the Shia" would be reality in Middle-East" (He said it to American Intelligence Chief before 9/11. I guess those days have come).

Add to all that the sectarian hate and intra-Muslim bloodshed. Sectarian hate and intra-Muslim conflict has never been more worse than its today. And this is the time when when millions of Muslims have already been killed in past 50 years due to internal civil wars and outside invasions and so on.

So, is it the worse of Islam the history has ever seen? Is is the end of Islam beyond the point of recovery? Or is there any silver-lining out there for Muslims of the world?

(Please no mudslinging with secular vs Islamist one-liners etc. Try to be more critical in your responses).

@dexter @WebMaster @Aeronaut @Abu Nasar @Akheilos @Leader @Jazzbot @PWFI @HRK @RAMPAGE
@MastanKhan @Armstrong @Zizou @Jungibaaz @GreenFalcon @Evil Flare @rockstar08 @farhanalee7 @Multani @Zarvan @al-Hasani @Areesh @SHAMK9 @Ulla @Kaan @Devil Soul @Indos @KAL-EL @JonAsad @chauvunist @Marshmallow @Yzd Khalifa @Hazzy997 @Sinan @Azeri @rmi5 @haman10 @Serpentine @CENTCOM @Pukhtoon @ghilzai @Icarus @Chinese-Dragon @Arabian Legend @DESERT FIGHTER @Irfan Baloch @kalu_miah @idune @Al-zakir @Mav3rick @RazPaK @Alpha1 @Neptune @razgriz19 @KingMamba @Luffy 500 @AUz @Hyperion @Aether @Jaanbaz @Pakistani Exile @nair @Ayush @Manticore @Oscar @Fulcrum15 @blain2 @Chak Bamu @RazPaK @Informant @Imran Khan @DESERT FIGHTER @Umair Nawaz @qamar1990 @Abu Nasar @Slav Defence @Secur @slapshot @batmannow @BATMAN @MastanKhan @S.U.R.B. @RescueRanger @Raja.Pakistani @Rajput_Pakistani @Pukhtoon @pk_baloch @Patriots @Pakistanisage @Mugwop @Mirzay @Men in Green @Luftwaffe @LoveIcon @liontk @JonAsad @ghazaliy2k @Durrak @Devil Soul @Developereo @Darth Vader @Desert Fox @Cheetah786 @cb4 @Bratva @balixd @Air marshal@A.Rafay @Proudpakistaniguy
@SOHEIL @Targon @BLACKEAGLE @BDforever @Sher Malang @Afghan-India @TOPGUN @Rafi @@Donatello @wasm95 @Metanoia @@cabatli_53 @graphican @Mosamania @@American Eagle @BronzePlaque @@BordoEnes @@Malik Alashter @@Bubblegum Crisis @@LegionnairE @RiazHaq @AgNoStiC MuSliM @Nihonjin1051 @Marwat Khan Lodhi @OCguy @Thoryalai Zazai @@A1Kaid @Jigs @Awesome @Chinese-Dragon @Hyperion

@gambit I'd also like to hear what do you have to say about the issue..


Please keep this as troll-free as possible.

All tribal societies are up in flames, not just Muslim countries.

And it will remain so until they get civilized.
I wont be PC
but it saddens me to see the state of Iranian military
your people have resolve and will
no one can doubt that but you need technology and modern weapons as well. all you have is repainted and reconditioned 60s and 70s era American hardware .

your success against the Jandullah is impressive but ISIS is a different story
when you will engage it.. Saudis and Qaratis might attack you directly out of their Burkas and they are armed to with modern weapons.

this time running to their Machine gun nests with Holy Quran in the hands wont last for long .. it didnt work before against Iraqi machine guns posts and it wont work now either.

Wake up my dear friend, wake up.

Only 30 days ago, Iraqi army proved that having fancy American equipment doesn't win you a war, I don't know when will people understand that only expensive F-15s or Typhoons and Falcons doesn't guarantee a win.

Iran may not have the most advanced weapons, but it has proper trained forces to get best use of what they have. We are under sanctions, can't buy any advanced weapons, so we get to build what we can and no matter if it's advanced or not, I admire it. Every country began at some point and we should too, while the neighbours you mentioned will be absolutely nothing if you take their American support and equipment from them.
You surprise me.
You post very perceptively half the time, the other half like a 16 year old kid ?

you cracked me up



I stand by my comment. you might not see it simmering below surface but no Muslim society is immune to extremism and violence.
maybe the Statistics in the far east not as "material" for you yet but the problem is there no matter how liberal, welcoming and relaxed outlook seems to be.


it starts with objections and insecurities and then it goes to burning alive families. even when the far east is safely away from Middle east. .

Wake up my dear friend, wake up.

Only 30 days ago, Iraqi army proved that having fancy American equipment doesn't win you a war, I don't know when will people understand that only expensive F-15s or Typhoons and Falcons doesn't guarantee a win.

Iran may not have the most advanced weapons, but it has proper trained forces to get best use of what they have. We are under sanctions, can't buy any advanced weapons, so we get to build what we can and no matter if it's advanced or not, I admire it. Every country began at some point and we should too, while the neighbours you mentioned will be absolutely nothing if you take their American support and equipment from them.

All the best and i wish you to be proven correct and me proven wrong

Islamic world need its version of reglion reformation. Split religion from mundane life and break its confinements.
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