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Is this the end of Islam? or there is some silver-lining?

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Nothing will happen. By end of this decade, something unexpected will happen which will put country back on track InshAllah

Like another indo pak war?-
civilized people.

I recommend you take a course on culture and religion at a well renowned university like I did.

"Who defines" part is not that easy to answer. If they do not impose their culture on us...do we have the right to do so on them?
I recommend you take a course on culture and religion at a well renowned university like I did.

"Who defines" part is not that easy to answer. If they do not impose their culture on us...do we have the right to do so on them?

Who defined you use left hand vs. right hand traffic.

how to fly passenger planes

how to run rail cars.

how to use th phone

how to use tooth brush

how to use internet.

modern system of government, courts, law making, military, schools, colleges,

Whoever taught the world all these things define civilization.

Hope you get it this time.
not to start a religious debate but the event of karbala is not part of Islam as a religion, it can be part of History but not part of religion LOL

Battle of Badr is part of religion because the prophet was fighting there? Or is it some other reason?
All these are signs of rise of islam to super power position. All non muslims are united against islam right from 1st day nothing new. Just observer within few years peak of anti islamic wars would result in fall of america and europe the allies and replaced by Islamic superpower. This is the max kufer could do...just wait for super reaction which is taking shape.
Who defined you use left hand vs. right hand traffic.

how to fly passenger planes

how to run rail cars.

how to use th phone

how to use tooth brush

how to use internet.

modern system of government, courts, law making, military, schools, colleges,

Whoever taught the world all these things define civilization.

Hope you get it this time.

Good. Good for them. Good for those that want to follow.

As a human, don't you have a choice to do whatever you like as long as you do not impose? So if tribals are not fighting to impose their culture on others - Do we have the right to do so?

It is a great philosophical discussion. I guess I am talking to the wall here. You do not have enough skills to have an intellectual debate. At least for this topic.

If you belong to or supprt LGBTQ community - Westernized lifestyle and so on - Does that mean you have the right to impose that on others? If you are a Muslim/Jew/Christian - Does that mean you have the right to impose your religion on others?

I think a civilized way is to live and let others live. However, the state has to follow the opinions of its citizens. For example, France or Germany cannot become Islamic states and practice Islamic culture.

Similarly, if they are expecting us to change...just because of their superior technology - They are delusional to say the least.
the only muslim country which is not Fvcked up right now is iran , interestingly i read some comments abt iran in this thread like that of @Irfan Baloch 's which cracked me up .

daily bombings , murders , attacks , secterian shyte has struck all muslim countries .
and they come here and talk BS abt iranian military . ok , our military is par to punjab's police :lol:

but ironically , i feel we iranians are the only ones here who can get out of home and be sure we can come back home with our heads in place :lol:

not only these ppl live in their stupid fantacies , but also they're so illiterate . one of the factors keeping iran safe is that our ppl are educated .members from some failed muslim states continue to brag abt their shitty army , whereas they're forgetting the fact that the same army has miserably failed in bringing safety to them , but iranians -thank to the lord above- are more than a 100% safe . our president takes a walk with ppl now and then , when normal civilians cant do that safely in other muslim countries .

these ppl are better described in this link :

SJR - International Science Ranking

go get a life !!

instead of thinking how to cut shia muslim's head off and how to bring shia muslims down , work on your fvcking education program !! live your life !! respect other ppl's rights !!

what did iran do to u ? what did shia muslims do to u ? is the answer terrorism ? is the answer massacre ?

how can u call ur self a muslim when u kill other human beings ? huh ? how can u live with that ? how can u chant "allaho akbar" with that ?

may the same allah teach u humanity , cause ur seriously fvkced up .
the only muslim country which is not Fvcked up right now is iran , interestingly i read some comments abt iran in this thread like that of @Irfan Baloch 's which cracked me up .

daily bombings , murders , attacks , secterian shyte has struck all muslim countries .
and they come here and talk BS abt iranian military . ok , our military is par to punjab's police :lol:

but ironically , i feel we iranians are the only ones here who can get out of home and be sure we can come back home with our heads in place :lol:

not only these ppl live in their stupid fantacies , but also they're so illiterate . one of the factors keeping iran safe is that our ppl are educated .members from some failed muslim states continue to brag abt their shitty army , whereas they're forgetting the fact that the same army has miserably failed in bringing safety to them , but iranians -thank to the lord above- are more than a 100% safe . our president takes a walk with ppl now and then , when normal civilians cant do that safely in other muslim countries .

these ppl are better described in this link :

SJR - International Science Ranking

go get a life !!

instead of thinking how to cut shia muslim's head off and how to bring shia muslims down , work on your fvcking education program !! live your life !! respect other ppl's rights !!

what did iran do to u ? what did shia muslims do to u ? is the answer terrorism ? is the answer massacre ?

how can u call ur self a muslim when u kill other human beings ? huh ? how can u live with that ? how can u chant "allaho akbar" with that ?

may the same allah teach u humanity , cause ur seriously fvkced up .

Let's not generalize @Irfan Baloch 's post, and he is no enemy of Shias, he is actually an enemy of these scumbags who blow up regularly, but I believe he has some misinformations about Iran's military system and how it works.
Battle of Badr is part of religion because the prophet was fighting there? Or is it some other reason?

Though a little confusing what I understood from his post was-

In his last sermon Holy Prophet PBUH has said " Al youma akmaltu lakim deenukim wa islami deena" *forgive me if there is any mistake in the actual wording*

Trans: Today I have completed the Religion for you and Chose Islam as your religion.

So any event incident taken place after that is not part of the religion- its just history-
Let's not generalize @Irfan Baloch 's post, and he is no enemy of Shias, he is actually an enemy of these scumbags who blow up regularly, but I believe he has some misinformations about Iran's military system and how it works.
its not abt irfan . i was talking in general abt the terrorism and its roots
From Morocco to Indonesia, or say from Atlantic to Pacific, entire Islamic World is up in flames, or in poverty, or under despotic oppressive governments...and Muslim masses are in misery, and utter hopelessness. Syria and Iraq are totally destroyed by civil war, superpowers have invaded, plundered, and destroyed many nations of Islamosphere. Israel is currently bombing Gaza, a territory it already illegally occupies and has colonized it for decades. On political front, Muslim masses are deeply divided and there is no order. From the dreams of Islamic Caliphate, to the vision of extreme secularism--all of the political thoughts are colliding within the fold of Islam. Muslims are globally being painted as "the problem" or as the "other" in the equation of civilized vs the other. Seems like entire world is on one side, and Muslims are on other. Any hope of empowerment due to revolutions in Arab World are turned completely upside down---with even status-quo forces returning back to power with even worse oppression.

I was just wondering, is this the worst Islam/Islamic World has ever seen? People would bring Mongol Destruction but as a student of history, I'd not buy this argument. Mongol Destruction of Baghdad just shifted the power-center of Islam from Arab-Persians to Turks. Even after Mongol destruction, Islamic World quickly regained its position of being the superpower/top dog of the world under the leadership of the Islamic Turks (Ottoman Empires, Mughals, Timurids etc were the greatest/most-powerful/largest empires of their time...and all established by Islamic Turks). Islamic World remained the most and/or one-of-the-most powerful civilization on Earth for centuries to come after Mongol invasion. But today, forget about being the most powerful, Muslim countries are marching towards being the worst, the least powerful, and most pathetic amongst all available competition (China, India, Europe/America (West), Latin America, and Far East etc).

So again, are we living through the worst of Islam today? There seems to be no hope. No sight of recovering back. Things are getting worse and even more worse by the hour. Just today, read the article where Prince Bandar was quoted saying "1 billion Sunnis have had enough of the Shia. There will be a time when "May God help the Shia" would be reality in Middle-East" (He said it to American Intelligence Chief before 9/11. I guess those days have come).

Add to all that the sectarian hate and intra-Muslim bloodshed. Sectarian hate and intra-Muslim conflict has never been more worse than its today. And this is the time when when millions of Muslims have already been killed in past 50 years due to internal civil wars and outside invasions and so on.

So, is it the worse of Islam the history has ever seen? Is is the end of Islam beyond the point of recovery? Or is there any silver-lining out there for Muslims of the world?

(Please no mudslinging with secular vs Islamist one-liners etc. Try to be more critical in your responses).

@dexter @WebMaster @Aeronaut @Abu Nasar @Akheilos @Leader @Jazzbot @PWFI @HRK @RAMPAGE
@MastanKhan @Armstrong @Zizou @Jungibaaz @GreenFalcon @Evil Flare @rockstar08 @farhanalee7 @Multani @Zarvan @al-Hasani @Areesh @SHAMK9 @Ulla @Kaan @Devil Soul @Indos @KAL-EL @JonAsad @chauvunist @Marshmallow @Yzd Khalifa @Hazzy997 @Sinan @Azeri @rmi5 @haman10 @Serpentine @CENTCOM @Pukhtoon @ghilzai @Icarus @Chinese-Dragon @Arabian Legend @DESERT FIGHTER @Irfan Baloch @kalu_miah @idune @Al-zakir @Mav3rick @RazPaK @Alpha1 @Neptune @razgriz19 @KingMamba @Luffy 500 @AUz @Hyperion @Aether @Jaanbaz @Pakistani Exile @nair @Ayush @Manticore @Oscar @Fulcrum15 @blain2 @Chak Bamu @RazPaK @Informant @Imran Khan @DESERT FIGHTER @Umair Nawaz @qamar1990 @Abu Nasar @Slav Defence @Secur @slapshot @batmannow @BATMAN @MastanKhan @S.U.R.B. @RescueRanger @Raja.Pakistani @Rajput_Pakistani @Pukhtoon @pk_baloch @Patriots @Pakistanisage @Mugwop @Mirzay @Men in Green @Luftwaffe @LoveIcon @liontk @JonAsad @ghazaliy2k @Durrak @Devil Soul @Developereo @Darth Vader @Desert Fox @Cheetah786 @cb4 @Bratva @balixd @Air marshal@A.Rafay @Proudpakistaniguy
@SOHEIL @Targon @BLACKEAGLE @BDforever @Sher Malang @Afghan-India @TOPGUN @Rafi @@Donatello @wasm95 @Metanoia @@cabatli_53 @graphican @Mosamania @@American Eagle @BronzePlaque @@BordoEnes @@Malik Alashter @@Bubblegum Crisis @@LegionnairE @RiazHaq @AgNoStiC MuSliM @Nihonjin1051 @Marwat Khan Lodhi @OCguy @Thoryalai Zazai @@A1Kaid @Jigs @Awesome @Chinese-Dragon @Hyperion

@gambit I'd also like to hear what do you have to say about the issue..


Please keep this as troll-free as possible.
Few Things i wanna Share with You Guys I wont Bring Allah or Quran or religion it so my other friends can understand it better
Two were the main points for which muslim rose to power and one of them when they forget they were destroyred
It has happend in the past two
1 Knowledge by Science , Quran When Muslim rose to top they were the epi center of knowledge in the whole world
2 United this is what makes us strong and this what makes us most weak

All nations face these problem not only muslims look at History all the nations they reach a point where their are only 2 options 1 be Destroyed 2 Survive and change History plenty of examples are their, Muslims suffered the most loss from snakes from inside not from others now same thing is happening again these snakes who are inside us are hurting us the most , until we cut out these Snakes we will keep suffering this problem ( these Mullahs , al qaeda , isis , ttp etc ) these are the snakes
Now what is the solution Muslim world desperately need a leader who can unite them On the basis of Humanity , religion , peace , Not on the basis of sunni , shia , wahabi .
Like another indo pak war?-

Nah, evolution and revolution from within. This country was made for a purpose. It can't remain astrayed from it's purpose for ever.
If you are not a Muslim, I suggest you don't comment on issues you have no idea about.

The moment Islam opens up to debate, questions and criticism will be the day there will be a renaissance in Islam, labeling anyone questioning Islam as munafiq, apostate etc will only help in leaving its control in the hands of the mullah. Claiming Islam to be the perfect religion that does not require any change or that it's better than all other religions and does not have to tolerate or take inspiration from any other faith will not help - because what's on display in the name of Islam right now is far from perfect.
Nah, evolution and revolution from within. This country was made for a purpose. It can't remain astrayed from it's purpose for ever.

You talking about the supposedly devine purpose? -
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