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Is There a Storm Brewing !

there is no ending of hostility.under unusual circumstances,we allowed iaf to go unharmed on 26 and we did 27 which was a weak response.they started things on border after 27 and karachi was almost ready for indian missile attack on 28.

i have said it many times and i am repeating it again,INDIA HAVE PERMISSION TO ATTACK PAKISTAN.for america and india,pakistan should be destroyed because they want to tackle china and indian dream of expansion can easily be fulfilled.modi and trump both are same.trump fooled our prime minister.what do you expect from a president who abused pakistan in his tweets and called pakistan a terrorist safe haven? i believe that we are waking up now.

war is inevitable.10 years or 2 months,doesn't matter.war will happen under bjp command and not under indian congress command.india have decided to attack pakistan and they will open multiple fronts.don't think that they will start a limited war.they aren't fools.war is coming.it's written on the wall.indian ibgs are deployed.spike atgm is also not a joke.su-30 is not a joke.all i can say that the mood in new delhi is anti pakistan and they can attack pakistan.pakistan is in a mess.look at internal situation of country.world can't believe that pakistan discussed army chief on tv channels.

pakistan should think about attacking first in case if they plan to attack.for ibgs,there is only one solution.use nasr directly on indian ibg before it crosses the border.we will be destroyed and there is no doubt about it but we should destroy them completely.they should fear us.all reports indicate towards a war.there are circumstances and india should pay a heavy price now.don't drop bombs on empty places and never teach any pilot to do terrible things like that.don't show humanity.there is no place for kindness in this world.enemy should be punished and punished hard.


Educate us laymen...what are indian ibgs & spike atgm?
If war comes in a few years, the first target to hit better be the $70 billion oil refinery being built by our Ummah brothers in Maharashtra :wub:

Umma brothers don't want to work with their hands, they just want to put their "money to work", earlier they were putting it in USA but now trying to diversify it.
Meanwhile some pathetic Pakistanis keep making youtube videos about how they want peace with india and how they are so much alike. They should be the first to taste indian 'hospitality'. Enough of this open heart generous attitude.
The Valley is too hot already for India. It's not Pakistan but in fact, India is now frustrated and decorate to get out of situation. India's warmongering and so-called drum beating to annex AJK GB etc isn't from the point of dominance over matters at hand rather haunting in IOK.

Susrailis advised them, pushed them & fueled them to attack because they don't have anything to loose but it's India in the end which is merely like one of the fighting dogs for current fight. Their miscalculated move is already haunting them because IoK isn't Palestine nor Pakistan is Syria or Lebanon or you name it. Although, they couldn't succeed directly hence, sponsored political turmoil as well as student march type propaganda for unrest from within. Until & unless, we aren't weak from inside while country is progressing, they wouldn't dare to provoke. There is no doubt that instability and chaotic forces are being activated and pushed with more money and interestingly, most of actors doesn't even know the real cause behind so-called political differences hence opposition goes totally offensive even if it is on the cost of our sovereignty.

Military is preparing and it isn't just a hunch. A wise man once said that never let the dust on your weapon. The hostilities exist and growing further because of India's thinking of offensive and over confidence under estimating our retaliatory strikes.

Foreign powers are now finally in last moves and they don't have anything to loose here. Instead, growing CPEC and strong economy are becoming some sort of concern for them. CPEC isn't alone about Pakistan but China's strength and Russia in the block is the real concern for most of them and on other hand Susrailis wants us to be weaken and for that they want Iran to be done at first. A strong peaceful Pakistan is the guarantee of safe Iran and same goes for GCC as well. So in all the regional strategic planning, Pakistan is the main party standing strong and can influence any development when it comes to change the shape of outcome.

US etc may have trade wars etc with Russia China but for susraelis, Pakistan is the most important concern as well as main post to get rid of. India is merely a pawn in the game under the sense of powers being on her side but in new world order, none will be taking side openly or directly. The brainchild of world order is actually feeling threatened of Pakistan.

We do have domestic minions and they are also like fuel to domestic unrest and sabotage in the name of democracy, freedom of speech and so-called modesty or progress or whatever you call it. Isn't surprising that Syria or Libya like designs have been thwarted by Pakistan in past and that isn't long ago. So they do have one after another plan having deep pockets to execute and fools within are falling for it.

I love this thread.

Calling students RAW paod agents, hahaha.

No war will happen. PTI better focus on its failed government.
Meanwhile some pathetic Pakistanis keep making youtube videos about how they want peace with india and how they are so much alike. They should be the first to taste indian 'hospitality'. Enough of this open heart generous attitude.

I extremely hate those type of Pakistanis with a passion. It gained steam with that Aman Ki Asha garage few years back - I ask these Pakistanis do you not see what is being done to Kashmiris or Indian Muslims, what happened to Gadafi and others.

Liberalism is a disease that rots the nation from within. And I feel lots of military officers also displaying these tendencies.

We should have programs to what the Turks had after the fall of the Ottoman - a nationalist foundation program to teach youth and compulsory military service so these liberals can get a taste of what its like facing an enemy in heat that’s waiting for an opening.
Meanwhile some pathetic Pakistanis keep making youtube videos about how they want peace with india and how they are so much alike. They should be the first to taste indian 'hospitality'. Enough of this open heart generous attitude.

Normal people in pakistan have no time to make such videos, these videos are usually made by "agencies people".
Once again we need to understand the Total Picture and not see through a tiny peephole...

Whence we look at the Map of Eurasia ... Pakistan is The Gatekeeper ... always has been and always shall be...

We are The New Great Wall For China...

CPEC is NOT about roads, powerplants or SEZs... it is a vital component of The New Global Power Architecture ...

Before we get cocky and overestimate ourselves... a reminder: we are still the Cannonfodder for this Struggle of Architects ...

WinterWar relying heavily on Airpower is highly possible.. as @Signalian has elaborated in CeaseFireLine thread in PakArmy section....

The Fundamental Principle of attacking an enemy is when the enemy is in disaray...and the UglyTruth is we are... in deep disaray...

During ObamaRegime Kerry invested $1,5Bln directly in SocialEngineering... creating 'moderate Islam'... and 'soical equality' ....

Results of this deep investment is MarasiMedia, KhooniLiberals, MerJismMeriMarzi , PTM and now SurkaStudents.. and let us not forget FazoolMullahMaffia... they have invested deeply into open-for-business religious parties


Regarding, the Chinese involvement .
.. it really depends what is there StrategicPlanning and Threat Evaluation Model.

HongKong is a fly bugging but bugging nontheless.. Taiwan is almost settled... SouthChinaSea and EastChinaSea is in an almost status quo stage... it depends on JP/SK willingness to take massive hit in case of war... so its going to be Great Game of Go ...

China, in my view, would wish not to engage in something 'small' ...

China in essence is looking at Sikkim and then South Tibet becomes a ripe fruit... North Eastern states under GanguOccupation in the Chinese hands will change the strategic calclus of Aisa and Malaka Straits....

So, Chinese 'help' should not be seen... but it is there... for simple reason of Self Perservation of the Chinese Soft Underbelly ....

The Greatest Game is in Town and Pakistan is The Heartland.

All we have to do now is NOT become another round of cannonfodder which we have been since 1979.

Stealth Annexation of Kabulistan is what we must focus and focus we must @Pakhtoon yum
It's a must and the only outcome that will ensure Pakistans and of itself people, a bright future.

Thanks for the tag---.

Pakistani cowardice has come forward one more time---by the statements given by IK and the military and air force---.

India has IOK where it wants---where there is 1 soldiers for 3 civilians---which means that within minutes---all of the kashmiris in indian occupied kashmir can be executed---.

The storm is at full steam right now---the time for brewing ended awhile ago---now it is the eye of the storm---.
Bring in Chinese influence. Do some military exercises with a loud and clear message. Have some J-20s parked at Mianwali or Sargodha. Only with the help of Chinese, Pak can push it back.

Pushing it back is not an option. We can't let them continue their slaughter in Kashmir, Its now or never. Pushing it back 2, 3 years and there will be nothing left to fight for.
Same was said in September earlier this year. Nothing happened

because they are smart and not Idiots to start a war in which even Americans won't dare fight in that area.. From mid Sept all that area start to see heavy to low snow falls, Land slides and rain.. most of the roads and valley's become inaccessible.
I love this thread.

Calling students RAW paod agents, hahaha.

No war will happen. PTI better focus on its failed government.

Who is the student? PTM? Unless you want to say that TTP is saint and Pakistan is evil. Marxist March is for education and student March isn't backed by BLA elements. By the way you haven't listen the speech. You can just choose to not to be funny in a serious discussion or try to quote someone else before making a thoughtless post as such.

Wait till march april next year for india to finalize the issue---.
April may be.. But I see end of May more feasible. But if Pakistan waited for that time than it will be a great foolishness. Better roast all forces in Kashmir.

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