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Is There a Storm Brewing !

Tum log economy per aajkal baat na he karovto axha hai.
Aur tum log to pichly 400 saal sy scores he settle karny ki koshish karty aa rahy ho.
Hum log tumharry dimagh per boojh banein rahein gayy. Jub tak hum hai tum log chain ni paa sako gayy. Humein survive karta dekho gayy ho pagal hoty raho gayy. Agly 4 maheeny economy per baat na karna plezz ye dekh

stop pasting fake news.they is rich
there is no ending of hostility.under unusual circumstances,we allowed iaf to go unharmed on 26 and we did 27 which was a weak response.they started things on border after 27 and karachi was almost ready for indian missile attack on 28.

i have said it many times and i am repeating it again,INDIA HAVE PERMISSION TO ATTACK PAKISTAN.for america and india,pakistan should be destroyed because they want to tackle china and indian dream of expansion can easily be fulfilled.modi and trump both are same.trump fooled our prime minister.what do you expect from a president who abused pakistan in his tweets and called pakistan a terrorist safe haven? i believe that we are waking up now.

war is inevitable.10 years or 2 months,doesn't matter.war will happen under bjp command and not under indian congress command.india have decided to attack pakistan and they will open multiple fronts.don't think that they will start a limited war.they aren't fools.war is coming.it's written on the wall.indian ibgs are deployed.spike atgm is also not a joke.su-30 is not a joke.all i can say that the mood in new delhi is anti pakistan and they can attack pakistan.pakistan is in a mess.look at internal situation of country.world can't believe that pakistan discussed army chief on tv channels.

pakistan should think about attacking first in case if they plan to attack.for ibgs,there is only one solution.use nasr directly on indian ibg before it crosses the border.we will be destroyed and there is no doubt about it but we should destroy them completely.they should fear us.all reports indicate towards a war.there are circumstances and india should pay a heavy price now.don't drop bombs on empty places and never teach any pilot to do terrible things like that.don't show humanity.there is no place for kindness in this world.enemy should be punished and punished hard.
Everyone, kindly reply @Srinivas only if you can get a good legit convo else ignore. Subcontinent lacks conversation code of conduct, we can’t bear the other, to keep this thread clean, only reply if only you have a legit message. This goes for srinivas as well.

Don't need to reply to him - just ignore them.
As per the desperate the pakistani economy is in and the chinese buying spree, next time of China want to invest they will buy the regions adjacent to its territory.

Secondly Chinese are already there in GB, as the desperate situation in pakistan increases, Indian agression also increases to protects its own territory under Pakistan.

Any way India and pakistan are enemies by birth and we also have scores to settle.
Why you so worry? You have to see your reflection in mirror to have audacity to talk about Settling scores because that’s one huge mistake that India will make. Your economy is heading for doom son and you’re talking about boom baby take this spoon you lacking nutrients.
You’re not but a 3rd world country with couple 100 of billionaire and millionaires in 1000s while about more den half billion are lacking their basic needs. But again you Indians lack basic nutrition which limit your capacity to understand. You know lack of intelligence.
Tum log economy per aajkal baat na he karovto axha hai.
Aur tum log to pichly 400 saal sy scores he settle karny ki koshish karty aa rahy ho.
Hum log tumharry dimagh per boojh banein rahein gayy. Jub tak hum hai tum log chain ni paa sako gayy. Humein survive karta dekho gayy ho pagal hoty raho gayy. Agly 4 maheeny economy per baat na karna plezz ye dekh

Please, you are derailing the thread. No OFFTOPICS
there is no ending of hostility.under unusual circumstances,we allowed iaf to go unharmed on 26 and we did 27 which was a weak response.they started things on border after 27 and karachi was almost ready for indian missile attack on 28.

i have said it many times and i am repeating it again,INDIA HAVE PERMISSION TO ATTACK PAKISTAN.for america and india,pakistan should be destroyed because they want to tackle china and indian dream of expansion can easily be fulfilled.modi and trump both are same.trump fooled our prime minister.what do you expect from a president who abused pakistan in his tweets and called pakistan a terrorist safe haven? i believe that we are waking up now.

war is inevitable.10 years or 2 months,doesn't matter.war will happen under bjp command and not under indian congress command.india have decided to attack pakistan and they will open multiple fronts.don't think that they will start a limited war.they aren't fools.war is coming.it's written on the wall.indian ibgs are deployed.spike atgm is also not a joke.su-30 is not a joke.all i can say that the mood in new delhi is anti pakistan and they can attack pakistan.pakistan is in a mess.look at internal situation of country.world can't believe that pakistan discussed army chief on tv channels.

pakistan should think about attacking first in case if they plan to attack.for ibgs,there is only one solution.use nasr directly on indian ibg before it crosses the border.we will be destroyed and there is no doubt about it but we should destroy them completely.they should fear us.all reports indicate towards a war.there are circumstances and india should pay a heavy price now.don't drop bombs on empty places and never teach any pilot to do terrible things like that.don't show humanity.there is no place for kindness in this world.enemy should be punished and punished hard.

Agree with your latter point is that we need to strike first to cause disarray and keep lobbing CMs at the enemy by first striking their vital installations -- Radars, Missile Batterys, etc. that can be the ear and eyes of the enemy.

This was similar issue during the 1st Gulf War -- Saddam knew they were coming for months, because the allies were building up around his border -- he should have struck 1st and cause massive casualties -- and launched air raids on the forces building up by the border. But he waited too long thinking it will not happen, thinking his propaganda would save him.

We showed failure during the 26th when we did not retaliated against the incoming and outgoing Indian Jet's - we played our hands weak and failed to listen to their Chiefs who said we will strike -- we pulled a Saddam on ourselves and military planners failed.

I agree we showed initiative by doing our own strike on the 27th but should have hit their installations on point to send a clear cut message.

The 2nd issue we handed their pilot back -- we should have not been in a rush to do this -- and used him as propaganda to tarnish Modi's image and let the media cry about it -- right off the back their media started saying we threaten Pakistan to release the pilot - but IK the pacifist did just that and these sort policies don't help. If Modi never picked up the phone before per your UN speech, what made this fool think returning the pilot would have done anything?

My main issue I have with our officers -- even after speaking with retired ones -- always have this fear of doing the maximum and settle for the minimum, not knowing this plays into the enemy's hands and shows incompetence to the enemy.
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Bring in Chinese influence. Do some military exercises with a loud and clear message. Have some J-20s parked at Mianwali or Sargodha. Only with the help of Chinese, Pak can push it back.

this is the problem.i said the same thing several times.why there is no policy to involve china? be realistic.we can't continue any type of war against india for too long.we need a friend that can turn things around but it looks like we never pay any heed towards it.tactically and strategically,it is a blunder.look at india and count number of indian allies.russia might send navy,america might join india too and france will definitely help india so where are we? nothing happens without a logic.it's logical for india to attack pakistan because they have waited for this moment for a very very long time.your enemy definitely likes to attack your armed forces when you give them chance.we have given them chance on 27.now they are not only chest thumping,they are serious and this is not good for pakistan.
Agree with your latter point is that we need to strike first to cause disarray and keep lobbing CMs at the enemy by first striking their vital installations -- Radars, Missile Batterys, etc. that can be the ear and eyes of the enemy.

This was similar issue during the 1st Gulf War -- Saddam knew they were coming for months, because the allies were building up around his border -- he should have struck 1st and cause massive casualties -- and launched air raids on the forces building up by the border. But he waited too long thinking it will not happen, thinking his propaganda would save him.

We showed failure during the 26th when we did not retaliated against the incoming and outgoing Indian Jet's - we played our hands weak and failed to listen to their Chiefs who said we will strike -- we pulled a Saddam on ourselves and military planners failed.

I agree we should initiative by doing our own strike on the 27th but should have hit their installations on point to send a clear cut message.

My main issue I have with our officers -- even after speaking with retired ones -- always have this fear of doing the maximum and settle for the minimum, not knowing this plays into the enemy's hands and shows incompetence to the enemy.
First focus in any conflict should be to wipe out the triad. Country will be safe. Despair and lack of morale in enemy. Perfect...
Once again we need to understand the Total Picture and not see through a tiny peephole...

Whence we look at the Map of Eurasia ... Pakistan is The Gatekeeper ... always has been and always shall be...

We are The New Great Wall For China...

CPEC is NOT about roads, powerplants or SEZs... it is a vital component of The New Global Power Architecture ...

Before we get cocky and overestimate ourselves... a reminder: we are still the Cannonfodder for this Struggle of Architects ...

WinterWar relying heavily on Airpower is highly possible.. as @Signalian has elaborated in CeaseFireLine thread in PakArmy section....

The Fundamental Principle of attacking an enemy is when the enemy is in disaray...and the UglyTruth is we are... in deep disaray...

During ObamaRegime Kerry invested $1,5Bln directly in SocialEngineering... creating 'moderate Islam'... and 'soical equality' ....

Results of this deep investment is MarasiMedia, KhooniLiberals, MerJismMeriMarzi , PTM and now SurkaStudents.. and let us not forget FazoolMullahMaffia... they have invested deeply into open-for-business religious parties


Regarding, the Chinese involvement .
.. it really depends what is there StrategicPlanning and Threat Evaluation Model.

HongKong is a fly bugging but bugging nontheless.. Taiwan is almost settled... SouthChinaSea and EastChinaSea is in an almost status quo stage... it depends on JP/SK willingness to take massive hit in case of war... so its going to be Great Game of Go ...

China, in my view, would wish not to engage in something 'small' ...

China in essence is looking at Sikkim and then South Tibet becomes a ripe fruit... North Eastern states under GanguOccupation in the Chinese hands will change the strategic calclus of Aisa and Malaka Straits....

So, Chinese 'help' should not be seen... but it is there... for simple reason of Self Perservation of the Chinese Soft Underbelly ....

The Greatest Game is in Town and Pakistan is The Heartland.

All we have to do now is NOT become another round of cannonfodder which we have been since 1979.

Stealth Annexation of Kabulistan is what we must focus and focus we must @Pakhtoon yum

Our Intelligence agencies failed by not taking out these traitors from within -- should follow the Russian model to take out gardars rather than having them linger around and create more discord.
Our Intelligence agencies failed by not taking out these traitors from within -- should follow the Russian model to take out gardars rather than having them linger around and create more discord.
Our agencies knows and they never failed, it’s just if they take any action Jahil awaam and sold out media houses will create civil war like situation which is what our enemies want. At the moment these traitors still have some awwami support but taking out by agencies right away when they don’t. It’s just our awaam is too naive to understand how these rats feast on em.
Our agencies knows and they never failed, it’s just if they take any action Jahil awaam and sold out media houses will create civil war like situation which is what our enemies want. At the moment these traitors still have some awwami support but taking out by agencies right away when they don’t. It’s just our awaam is too naive to understand how these rats feast on em.

Create an accident or something their are millions of things that can be done --
Agree with your latter point is that we need to strike first to cause disarray and keep lobbing CMs at the enemy by first striking their vital installations -- Radars, Missile Batterys, etc. that can be the ear and eyes of the enemy.

This was similar issue during the 1st Gulf War -- Saddam knew they were coming for months, because the allies were building up around his border -- he should have struck 1st and cause massive casualties -- and launched air raids on the forces building up by the border. But he waited too long thinking it will not happen, thinking his propaganda would save him.

We showed failure during the 26th when we did not retaliated against the incoming and outgoing Indian Jet's - we played our hands weak and failed to listen to their Chiefs who said we will strike -- we pulled a Saddam on ourselves and military planners failed.

I agree we showed initiative by doing our own strike on the 27th but should have hit their installations on point to send a clear cut message.

The 2nd issue we handed their pilot back -- we should have not been in a rush to do this -- and used him as propaganda to tarnish Modi's image and let the media cry about it -- right off the back their media started saying we threaten Pakistan to release the pilot - but IK the pacifist did just that and these sort policies don't help. If Modi never picked up the phone before per your UN speech, what made this fool think returning the pilot would have done anything?

My main issue I have with our officers -- even after speaking with retired ones -- always have this fear of doing the maximum and settle for the minimum, not knowing this plays into the enemy's hands and shows incompetence to the enemy.

imran khan is too kind.obviously army also wanted to hand over abhinandan but it was our biggest mistake.have you ever seen a group of pilots dropping bombs on empty places? i think this kind of mentality is the biggest weakness and it became strength of india.concept in india about pakistan is clear.they know pakistan will kill indian army but how many? how many? they realized that they have numerical superiority just because we allowed them to feel this thing.we made mistakes but we can't run away now.we have to deal this problem.

if ibgs enter inside pakistan in large numbers,that is game over for pakistan and we know this.intelligence should pinpoint location and nasr should be used no matter what.they are watching our every movement through different types of satellites and they carefully mapped our terrain which is even more worrying.i know we might did the same but we need to attack first.if pakistan attacks first,every country will intervene but if india attacks first,nobody will intervene.this is very worrying as well and that is a reality.you can't start war without permission and in indian case,they will never start without permission so they have permission.pakistan should't care.make entire ibg a graveyard in indian territory.don't allow them to cross border.if they cross and come inside pakistan,even targeting them from other directions would be difficult and cutting their supply route could become the last option but in any way,get ready for war.

i have seen many members who was making fun of india and said that india didn't have the balls to attack pakistan but balakot happened.indian attack can also happen.delusions aren't reality.attack them first and use everything.don't care about international community.international community wants elimination of pakistan as a country and that's a reality.
Time is the ultimate essence here!! The more time India loses the more deadlier it’s going to be for them!! Alas, they can’t do anything decisive about it either....

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