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Is There a Storm Brewing !

A War is Inevitable
As well as a war is least possible.

These people, already having their economy going downhill, GDP growth record low, and the eventual loss of grip of BJP in important states of india, means the village idiot going wild in his ‘Ashramic piss’. Either The Idiot is a very clever idiot or simply an idiot. Former means Feb 27 like situations, latter means, a deadly war.

Either way, they are doomed !!! Internationally!!!! Some here might not favor IK but that man has done unique things on international level with regards to pakistan which were really important !!! The previous wadera & dakoo couldn’t do that to that level. International recognition and highlight is really important to stop such conflicts.

If i were a General of PA, and IA would launch a war on my land for the sake of Kashmir dispute, given that I succeed in winning the war, I wouldn’t let the Kashmir state go for a freaking referendum after bringing death to our economic growth as well as economy and power. Rather i would declare it Pakistan’s territory. Hell with UN !!!
Then what's the difference between us and Bharti terrorists?
If war happens, it's not a matter of years but months.....how long can India keep Kashmiris under curfew....the day restrictions are eased, the storm will hit the fan.

It's the "Shit" that hits the fan. :)
Then what's the difference between us and Bharti terrorists?
Ask this to yourself. For the last 70 years, thousands of our jawans and officers have fought for this single cause which has never given us much fruits rather always stopped our economic growth and countless of our mothers and wives have been widowed, children orphaned.

Countless and valiant sacrifices by our officers will be given in future conflicts as well but the conflict will definitely take out (May Allah never let that happen and always slap the nukes of india upon themselves) Karachi, pindi/isd, or whatever. It will be the most destructive war in terms of economy and losses. If after all that, we are stupid to let go kashmir freely, then it’s simply a “TRAITOR” actor to the precious bloods of past as well as present and future of our nation.

On the other hand, Kashmiris have always been treated badly in IOK, but we aren’t BAD. Remember, just like the KartarPur move, Kashmir can also be pursued since in a basic war, you advance, the territory is your claim, it’s never AN OPTION to let go to someone FOR FREE.

And one more fact, don’t forget, there is still a certain class of people in kashmir who prefer India over Pakistan. How does destroying our economy, military might and greatest cities justify by holding a simple referendum upon your won territories ? Would you let them take it if your Father/Brother/Son gets martyred fighting on the front for NOTHING ?
But bhai jan, message was delivered: we are well prepared, and ahead of you guys.
I mean, the whole narrative of Pakistani defense is defensive, and that we were successful in holding.


The message delieverd by the Paf to india was---you have the wrong type of BVR missiles get better BVR missiles---you have poor communication system get better system---you have poor EW capabilities get better EW capabilities---you have poor aircraft get better aircraft---.

And this is what our capabilities are---and this is how we attack---.

This current air chief is dumb as molasses---. He is an imbecile---.

The last air chief had to hold his tongue with quiet an effort when questioned about how pakistan reacted---he wanted to rip apart ACM Mujahid Anwar Khan---but held his tongue---.

This guy Mujahid Anwar Khan is a total buffoon---so much tactical stuff leaked out in the aftermath of 27th feb---it was shocking---.

And supposedly if Israel leaks out something na dmentions something in the open---other than the western world equipment---no one can do anything about it---.

That is why when the F35 flew over Tehran without any hinderance at it pleasure and the iranian air guard chief was helpless---that was a show of power---'here I am---do whatever you can to challenge me'---.
No war plan survives day of combat.
Black Hawk Down Op was supposed to be a few hours.
Hitler was supposed to be done in Russia by end of summer.
That's why Gen Ghafoor and Imran Khan says no one knows how far things will go.
If war happens, it's not a matter of years but months.....how long can India keep Kashmiris under curfew....the day restrictions are eased, the storm will hit the fan.

And to top that off---the worst thing that ISPR General did was to explain the world what Paf did---and how they did it and with what they did it---.

And then later on---Paf had a large show of gathering where they openly showed their procedure---.
Whole sitution control was very poor.The toms on ground shared Abhi's video/photos on whatsapp and many in General Public knew about Abhi even before our PM and DG ISPR.

The Indians could or should have retaliated
With principle IAF BVR,WVR,Radio System and Interceptor radar lying on surgical tables of PAF engineers,IAF was in no position to retaliate.
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Sorry to burst your war hysteria bubble.

Those who think Kashmir will be liberated with Force from Indian occupation are delusional.

No War is going to happen. And trust me, I have been closely following events since february.

Dont waste your time.

Stick to economy issues, local politics and beat the @#$% out of local MNAs/MPAs who are not doing work for your constituency.

And please dear leaders, do something for city of Karachi. We are breathing, drinking and eating poison/contamination
No war plan survives day of combat.
Black Hawk Down Op was supposed to be a few hours.
Hitler was supposed to be done in Russia by end of summer.
That's why Gen Ghafoor and Imran Khan says no one knows how far things will go.


Both the incidences you mentioned were set up for failure even before they started---. Gen Ghafoor and Imran Khan just B'sed---.

In black hawk down---the americans did not take their partners into confidence---ie the pakistanis---.

Incidently---the US congress did not approve of US military being equipped with armor in somalia---. In somalia---the US military fighting with it hand tied behind its back---.

When the operation started and the US military moved in without telling pakistan to send in it armor---this skirmish was setup for failure right from gitgo---.

As for Hitler---the plan of war got delayed by two months---. That was the reason for failure---.

In our case---there was no such thing of wrong equipment---the equipment was right---the enemy was cornered---and 6 planes that were sitting ducks and 1 submarine were let go---.

There was no other reason except for PURE COWARDICE on part of pakistan military general command---.

Reminded me of 1971---almost 15 years old then---that was another time when the west pakistani general command acted like cowards---.

The Indian command was afraid that if they went into east pakistan---their flank on the west pakistan would be open---pak military could strike hard and fast and conquer massive amount of land---.

If Paf had given support to pak armor at Longewala---pak military would have smashed thru and taken a large area of enemy territory---.

But the Paf refused the army---telling them we did not start the war---you did not get our permission---you did not get us involved in the decision---we will not help you---. The treason of the men in blue of pakistan runs deep in their veins---.

That was a massive turning point---1/3 to 1/2 of pakistan military was sitting in the camps in west pakistan---.

The jungle next to Khanewal is PIROWAL---a division of pakistani tanks were sitting their idle during whole of the war---.

This comes from my first cousins who resided in Khanewal and saw the forest full of tanks sitting under the cover of the trees---.

Our 'dear member' of mirage buying disaster infamy claimed that the Paf aircraft did not have the ability to fly that far---even though there was an airport at Hyderabad---and one at Sukkur and possibly one at Badin---.

The germans and the americans lost due to incompetence---.

The germans lost because they slaughtered the russian population they conquered---if they had just treated the occupied russians a little better---they would have conquered russia---.

Once the russians noticed that the germans were butchered the conquered population---they decided that at least communism was better and fighting and dying for the motherland had honor rather than being slaughtered at the hands of the germans---.

So---basically no comparison betwen the geramn coquest --- american failure---and pakistani indecision---.

In case of pakistan---the decision came in 16 seconds late---which means the action was justifiable---but no body had prepared in advance for that action---which means the planning was bad---and secondly---the AVM flying with the squad was an indecisive coward---.

Just like the chief of the air base in karachi who was told that missile boats being towed behind a ship were coming towards karachi and he did nothing---.

Both the incidences you mentioned were set up for failure even before they started---. Gen Ghafoor and Imran Khan just B'sed---.

In black hawk down---the americans did not take their partners into confidence---ie the pakistanis---.

Incidently---the US congress did not approve of US military being equipped with armor in somalia---. In somalia---the US military fighting with it hand tied behind its back---.

When the operation started and the US military moved in without telling pakistan to send in it armor---this skirmish was setup for failure right from gitgo---.

As for Hitler---the plan of war got delayed by two months---. That was the reason for failure---.

In our case---there was no such thing of wrong equipment---the equipment was right---the enemy was cornered---and 6 planes that were sitting ducks and 1 submarine were let go---.

There was no other reason except for PURE COWARDICE on part of pakistan military general command---.

Reminded me of 1971---almost 15 years old then---that was another time when the west pakistani general command acted like cowards---.

The Indian command was afraid that if they went into east pakistan---their flank on the west pakistan would be open---pak military could strike hard and fast and conquer massive amount of land---.

If Paf had given support to pak armor at Longewala---pak military would have smashed thru and taken a large area of enemy territory---.

But the Paf refused the army---telling them we did not start the war---you did not get our permission---you did not get us involved in the decision---we will not help you---. The treason of the men in blue of pakistan runs deep in their veins---.

That was a massive turning point---1/3 to 1/2 of pakistan military was sitting in the camps in west pakistan---.

The jungle next to Khanewal is PIROWAL---a division of pakistani tanks were sitting their idle during whole of the war---.

This comes from my first cousins who resided in Khanewal and saw the forest full of tanks sitting under the cover of the trees---.

Our 'dear member' of mirage buying disaster infamy claimed that the Paf aircraft did not have the ability to fly that far---even though there was an airport at Hyderabad---and one at Sukkur and possibly one at Badin---.

The germans and the americans lost due to incompetence---.

The germans lost because they slaughtered the russian population they conquered---if they had just treated the occupied russians a little better---they would have conquered russia---.

Once the russians noticed that the germans were butchered the conquered population---they decided that at least communism was better and fighting and dying for the motherland had honor rather than being slaughtered at the hands of the germans---.

So---basically no comparison betwen the geramn coquest --- american failure---and pakistani indecision---.

In case of pakistan---the decision came in 16 seconds late---which means the action was justifiable---but no body had prepared in advance for that action---which means the planning was bad---and secondly---the AVM flying with the squad was an indecisive coward---.

Just like the chief of the air base in karachi who was told that missile boats being towed behind a ship were coming towards karachi and he did nothing---.

Masterfully put bro — some family members serving in the Pak military right now have said the same thing as you mentioned in your post. The other issue with our military is junior members are often ignored when making recommendations during the planning stages — the old mentality don’t question your seniors.

I did one year of schooling in Pakistan during a 1 1/2 year vacation — if you question your teacher about a question or point our their mistake the whip comes out. Thankfully in the US I argued day and night with my teachers either pointing out their mistakes or they correcting mines during debates. It generates ideas and critical thinking, but never the case in Pakistan — lakir da fakir — is how I’ll describe our higher ups.

But this time around the higher ups were way to relaxed and with these type of officers you don’t win wars.

Another issue with Hitler — WWII when his officers recommended reinforcing the western front as they feared a beach landing Hilter repelled any suggestion and ordered troops back to Berlin defend against the Red Army — again the case of not listening or planning it out either. And then opening a bigger western front and dividing ones army.

The message delieverd by the Paf to india was---you have the wrong type of BVR missiles get better BVR missiles---you have poor communication system get better system---you have poor EW capabilities get better EW capabilities---you have poor aircraft get better aircraft---.

And this is what our capabilities are---and this is how we attack---.

This current air chief is dumb as molasses---. He is an imbecile---.

The last air chief had to hold his tongue with quiet an effort when questioned about how pakistan reacted---he wanted to rip apart ACM Mujahid Anwar Khan---but held his tongue---.

This guy Mujahid Anwar Khan is a total buffoon---so much tactical stuff leaked out in the aftermath of 27th feb---it was shocking---.

And supposedly if Israel leaks out something na dmentions something in the open---other than the western world equipment---no one can do anything about it---.

That is why when the F35 flew over Tehran without any hinderance at it pleasure and the iranian air guard chief was helpless---that was a show of power---'here I am---do whatever you can to challenge me'---.
Sir, your experience of life is lot more than mine, let me give you a good example from human history.
In WW2, Germans had everything good. Weapons, tactics everything. See the demage done by U boats and MG3s. Allies were simply helpless infront of German weaponry.
But then came Russians with simple weapons but with great great brute force.
Pakistan is good at tactics, and I have no doubt that we are more professional and more tactical than Indians. In short clashes, we will cluch Indian arm with no problem.
The problem will be when conflict is prolonged. And in long conflict, we will definitely be needing Afghan help, as they have better/evolved/more developed brute force than Pakistan.
So Taliban, not our tactics, will be our last line of defense, anyway. What happened in 1948 and 1971 are evident on my thesis.
Sir, your experience of life is lot more than mine, let me give you a good example from human history.
In WW2, Germans had everything good. Weapons, tactics everything. See the demage done by U boats and MG3s. Allies were simply helpless infront of German weaponry.
But then came Russians with simple weapons but with great great brute force.
Pakistan is good at tactics, and I have no doubt that we are more professional and more tactical than Indians. In short clashes, we will cluch Indian arm with no problem.
The problem will be when conflict is prolonged. And in long conflict, we will definitely be needing Afghan help, as they have better/evolved/more developed brute force than Pakistan.
So Taliban, not our tactics, will be our last line of defense, anyway. What happened in 1948 and 1971 are evident on my thesis.

In long drawn conflict , the only way to survive is to push whole nation into the war and declare " Total war "
Small tactical and limited war will achieve nothing. Don't do things halfheartedly.
In long drawn conflict , the only way to survive is to push whole nation into the war and declare " Total war "
Small tactical and limited war will achieve nothing. Don't do things halfheartedly.
Imran Khan will have to declare a world wide JAHAD against India in that case. I am pointing towards the fact since long time that when India attacks Pakistan, Indian army will be accompanied with millions of chaddi guys. At Pakistani side, we don't have such arrangement.
Honestly, I was thinking, its like God is doing something else rather than looking at Muslims or anything, set us up with stupid leaders while giving the West patriots for their nations and us looters and jahils -- I myself have come to a point in life where ever if I hear certain things being done to Muslims I've grown numb to it, if God ordained something to happen like this why the hell bother with it -- God could have given us capable leaders. I have left it up to God to either fix the Muslims or just let it be as is --
We have to fix ourselves bro . Only then God will change our destiny .
Imran Khan will have to declare a world wide JAHAD against India in that case. I am pointing towards the fact since long time that when India attacks Pakistan, Indian army will be accompanied with millions of chaddi guys. At Pakistani side, we don't have such arrangement.

Yeah then we will lose.

How long do you think an army of 0.6 million will hold against a nation of 1.5 billion ? Russians won because because they threw every available men into the grinder.... You do that or you lose.

Do you really see a such plans being carried out over here.. Zaid hamid actually wanted government to start basic military training for all able bodied males if it ever wanted to free kashmir.

meagre 0.6 million troops are just good for defense..

We have to fix ourselves bro . Only then God will change our destiny .
@Pak Factor

How long do you think an army of 0.6 million will hold against a nation of 1.5 billion ?
Population of Pakistan is close to 220 million not 6 lakh
There isn't any scarcity of people or soldiers in Pakistan

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