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To underestimates them due to the current events like LM/NWFP/Nuke deal would be suicidal. India's effort to destabilise NWFp is a calcualated attempt to make Pakistan concentrate on the west than the east read kashmir.

Is this more a case of your thoughts finding some ground or is there some hardcore truth behind the scene?

Please let us know of your source

I dont expect something like this to be out there in open, propounded by a big defence analyst or something - so even hints would do...
Wisdom tree and marathaman 1st see wht u fellows indians think, so we the not the only ones obessed but ur side is too. And most of u say indian economy booming, so wht about pakistan economy, go see tht as well and then post ur results. As for matching india we are not tht stupid to do that in terms of military coz india is much bigger then us has much more resources then we do and has a much bigger area to defend but tht doesnt mean that we are neglecting our defence needs and specially when india make conduct a misadventure.
Wisdom tree and marathaman 1st see wht u fellows indians think, so we the not the only ones obessed but ur side is too. And most of u say indian economy booming, so wht about pakistan economy, go see tht as well and then post ur results. As for matching india we are not tht stupid to do that in terms of military coz india is much bigger then us has much more resources then we do and has a much bigger area to defend but tht doesnt mean that we are neglecting our defence needs and specially when india make conduct a misadventure.

Indians are not obsessed with attacking Pakistan and invading AK (well....atleast the majority aren't). Infact, the last thing Indians want is a war. That doesn't mean that we recognise AK as part of Pakistan, of course.

It is foolish to attack another country in the 21st century. The gains are minimal (a mountainous region with little resources) and the costs are high ( economy, sanctions, loss of diplomatic relations etc).
On top of that we have the risk of nuclear war...and nuclear war is the last thing anyone wants.

I hope that most Pakistanis are thinking on those lines....but unfortunately we know that the mujahideens and jihadis are not. Now its just a matter of how many Pakistanis sympathise with Jihadis..... :coffee: ...i wonder...
Is this more a case of your thoughts finding some ground or is there some hardcore truth behind the scene?

Please let us know of your source

I dont expect something like this to be out there in open, propounded by a big defence analyst or something - so even hints would do...

The tribals are sincerely grieved at the stance taken by GOP after 9/11. Its in our interest to help them 'address' it. This is my gut feeling.
5 Embassy's in Afghanistan is not for visa processing for Afghan citizen's to india. We are paying back Pakistan in the same coin
5 Embassy's in Afghanistan is not for visa processing for Afghan citizen's to india. We are paying back Pakistan in the same coin
You assume things in your historic hate towards Islamic people and you have made a wrong choice.
I thought Indian rulers will show some responsibility but your President and other congress leaders openly pass remarks about Islamic people and threat to destroy us, now I think you can't go any further than this and we'll see how does Pakistan government plan to counter Indian terrorism on Pakistani soil and your international conspiracies.
One thing is clear, if Indian government did not put breaks to the bombing in Islamabad (which I hope they will) than worst is inevitable.
The tribals are sincerely grieved at the stance taken by GOP after 9/11. Its in our interest to help them 'address' it. This is my gut feeling.

What makes you think tribal are grieved and for that matter would require your assistance? Foolish perception. Its a few tailban who are grieved against pakistans cooperation on wot but india helping tailbans well i wuld wna see that, As for afghanistan, we know wht really indians ambitions are in afghanistan but once us and nato is gone we would really see how long this puupet government of hamid karzai whos not more then a mayor of kabul survive?
Adux and Bull, why do you think India is destabilizing western Pakistan ? Do you have some insider info that we common people don't know ? Or is it just speculation ? I for one don't find anything to support your assertions. Neither does India have enough troop strength in Afghanistan, not does it have the necessary clout among the tribals in FATA to be able to influence them as such. Nothing suggests that India is willing to or even 'can' do what you imply.
You assume things in your historic hate towards Islamic people and you have made a wrong choice.
I thought Indian rulers will show some responsibility but your President and other congress leaders openly pass remarks about Islamic people and threat to destroy us, now I think you can't go any further than this and we'll see how does Pakistan government plan to counter Indian terrorism on Pakistani soil and your international conspiracies.
One thing is clear, if Indian government did not put breaks to the bombing in Islamabad (which I hope they will) than worst is inevitable.

Musharaf should stop all his goodwill gesture with india. India can never be friendly towards us no matter what happens, terrorism is going on clearly in pakistani cities with indian help, government has the prove, all it now needs is to take a strong measure against this indian proxy war.:guns:
What makes you think tribal are grieved and for that matter would require your assistance? Foolish perception. Its a few tailban who are grieved against pakistans cooperation on wot but india helping tailbans well i wuld wna see that, As for afghanistan, we know wht really indians ambitions are in afghanistan but once us and nato is gone we would really see how long this puupet government of hamid karzai whos not more then a mayor of kabul survive?

So are you saying we are not playing any part in NWFP and Baluch?
Adux and Bull, why do you think India is destabilizing western Pakistan ? Do you have some insider info that we common people don't know ? Or is it just speculation ? I for one don't find anything to support your assertions. Neither does India have enough troop strength in Afghanistan, not does it have the necessary clout among the tribals in FATA to be able to influence them as such. Nothing suggests that India is willing to or even 'can' do what you imply.

Plain speculation or hope that we pay them back in kind.
So are you saying we are not playing any part in NWFP and Baluch?

Yes you are playing your part infiltrating terrorist frm afghanistan supported by RAW, not to forget the BLA.
Yes you are playing your part infiltrating terrorist frm afghanistan supported by RAW, not to forget the BLA.

What were you saying below?

What makes you think tribal are grieved and for that matter would require your assistance? Foolish perception. Its a few tailban who are grieved against pakistans cooperation on wot but india helping tailbans well i wuld wna see that,
I had given upon posting in this forum for the likes of you..

You assume things in your historic hate towards Islamic people and you have made a wrong choice.
No it is the historic hate towards pakistani's not some Islamic people.

I thought Indian rulers will show some responsibility but your President and other congress leaders openly pass remarks about Islamic people and threat to destroy us,

Are you feeling scared!!!!

now I think you can't go any further than this and we'll see how does Pakistan government plan to counter Indian terrorism on Pakistani soil and your international conspiracies.

When you have a really pathetic national situation the only thing you can do is blame it on the international conspiracy

One thing is clear, if Indian government did not put breaks to the bombing in Islamabad (which I hope they will) than worst is inevitable.

Your idiotism goes beyond my wildest imaginations, Lal Masjid wasnt created by India, Taliban and ISI wasnt created by India. Musharraf India's choice for the Pakistani President.
Adux and Bull, why do you think India is destabilizing western Pakistan ? Do you have some insider info that we common people don't know ? Or is it just speculation ? I for one don't find anything to support your assertions. Neither does India have enough troop strength in Afghanistan, not does it have the necessary clout among the tribals in FATA to be able to influence them as such. Nothing suggests that India is willing to or even 'can' do what you imply.

It is definitly speculation coupled with a little bit of insider information and our usual pakistani media!!!

Troop strength? what has that gotta do with supplying monetary and arms support to our Balochi brothers. Our connections in Afghanistan goes way beyond the immediate past.
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