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which country changed its vote and voted against Iran to favor its new found friend hint----.

I like you a lot cheetah, we have so much in common, therefore I would expect you to write a fair and balanced post. It would be interesting for you to note, that China and Russia also voted against Iran. Now their are as friendly as India, Its a true fact Iran is making the BOMB, which none including India, China and Russia against it.

which country recently hosted American nuclear powered carrier.hint----.

That would be India, Which country is constantly bombed in the tribal areas by the US even though you are the MNNA, Coalition Partner.

which country is moving more and more closer to USA then any other country in the region.hint----.


and the last point which country wants to invade Iran.we can call it India's new best friend.common u no the name.

India is against USA making an attack on Iran, this already announced by the Prime Minister while we ALSO dont favour Iran acquirng Nukes

oh last i checked it was Pakistan that helped Iranians with there nuclear programme

NO NO, Pakistan Sold Nuke tech through the black market, Which is how it acquried the nuke tech in the first place. A Q Khan anyone....

but you are right.India and Iran's are the best friend.what have India done for Iran lately.oh yes Iranian president was guest of Honor.:enjoy:

Tell me when Iran has ever supported Pakistan for let say Kashmir..lol

and we all no Iranians are stupid they don't see India going in bed with USA more and more.

Iran see's India as a way of communicating with USA, while not engaging the USA by itself. Learn Politics, I know you are intelligent guy

you are remmebering yesterday when india was partners with russia and so was iran.but today is a different ball game.

India is a still Iranian and Russian ally, we are also a American Ally or partner...lol

india like it or not is moving towards usa''as a pakistani i coudnt be happier''.i doubt after all the help uncle sam is extending to india be a economic help or military what ever.they will allow india to be friends with russia at the same time.

India wouldnt be "used" like Pakistan has been by the Americans. Blame your politicans and Army men, We will not have your history. Though I dont see anything wrong in you praying for it..lol

india will have to keep uncle sams interest in mind when making her foreign policy.

Ah you wish!!!!!

As far as chances of war between 2 countries are concerned i think they are zero.

Depends who is in Power in Pakistan, a mullah comes into power, Lord save us all.

as in case of war chances of both sides glowing in the dark for 1000s of years is 2 real.for that reason i hope there is no war.and i doubt there is stupids sitting in dehli and islamabad iching to glow.

As always politicans are the same everywhere. Pakistan needs accountability, it needs Democracy fast.
Ah you wish!!!!!

NO no NO heck no I wish some one stands up to uncle SAM.i want there to b another super power all i care it could be India don't bother me.

Mullah to come in power. in pakistan this iam 100% sure will never happen.only 12% of people in pakistan ever vote for mullahs.
but for some reason i think that number will drop dramatically.after this episode.
Look Chrome, think strategically. Look through the sugar coated words of babudom.

i) Is it in Pakistan's interest to have a neighbour as a nuclear state.- no
ii) Iran is Shia whereas Pakistan is sunni. Does Pakistan want a shia competitor - no
iii) Pakistan no.1 ally is Saudi, physiologically. Saudi's influence is unchallenged in sunni world. But who moulds shias aims, its iran. i.e. Iran stops saudi from being unchallenged in muslim world. would Saudi want iran to be nuclear- a clear cut no. Everyone knows that it was Saudi who funded the Pakistan nuclear aim. Would it allow Pakistan to throw this away? -No
iv)Is it in Pakistan's interest to lose the status of being the sole muslim nuclear power -no.

Pakistan did not take a clear public stand on the iran nuclear issue simply because it didnt had to. It was not a member of NSG. So an ambigious stand was enough. Where as India had to vote.

You can say Iran relations with respect to India is a sort of balance for Saudi and Pakistan's relation. The only thing the relationship between India and Iran is not so much deeper.

In the order of questions posted above, I would rank them as- i),iv),iii),ii).
1.) No not really but Pakistan has already got two India and china.
2)It is because there are two mortal enemies of Pakistan namely Israel and India. Pakistan can take India whilst Iran can keep an eye on Israel
3) Wanting competition?? Pakistan does not want, Hindu/chinese or any other competition for that matter. If it were upto Pakistan then Pakistan would want to be the sole super power.
4)Correct but even saudi agrees with aquiring peaceful nuclear tech
At the end of the day no muslim country on this planet does not want Iran not to produce peaceful nuclear tech. It's only the west, with Inidan backing that opposes Iran from enriching uranium in it's home. Pakistan doesn't really support Iran goin full fledged nuclear due to the geo-political imbalances though it does support Iran enriching Uranium and Indeginising there nuclear tech instead of relying on the west for it;s fuel. Something that India does not agree to.
Pakistan does not want, Hindu/chinese or any other competition for that matter. If it were upto Pakistan then Pakistan would want to be the sole super power.

Perfect, this is the attitude of all countries. If you see closely in the ranking of questions I put, the saudi issue was at the last. Why? It is ultimately saudi's responsibility to see its own safety and similarly with any other country.

If you exclude the last questions which has a very low weightage, In the questions asked I did not put any where what the relationships between Iran and Pakistan and anyother thing which represents today's situations. I simply put what will be Pakistan's objectives in the future, regardless of what alliances Pakistan is going to make or break.
It is because there are two mortal enemies of Pakistan namely Israel and India. Pakistan can take India whilst Iran can keep an eye on Israel
Look if we dont go into rhetoric, "strictly speaking" pakistan does not have an enemy in israel. After all what are Pakistan's direct disputes with Israel?-zero. For all of Pakistan's strategic imperatives, Israel is in mars, for all its worth.
You are doing a big mistake here. With respect to other countries for defence scenarios, dont look at the intentions of the other country, look for its capabilities. The best example I can give is "Hindi-chini bhai bhai" to 1962 in flat 6 years or lahore bus to kargil. Intentions change over time.
Today Iran in the near future will not attack Pakistan, Are you going to guarentee the same after 30 years? Who would have expected the berlin wall to fall in 30 years after the cuban missile crisis. So instead of your scenario, it might become Iran against Pakistan, while India becomes a neutral observer.
India also has two nuclear neighbours, but does it want a third one? India wouldnt like even maldives which almost lives in our protection to have it, forget about Bangladesh or Srilanka. Similarly Pakistan, it definitely wouldnt want another nuclear neighbour.
At the end of the day no muslim country on this planet does not want Iran not to produce peaceful nuclear tech.

What is the difference between a gslv rocket and an icbm? Some American minister put it one single word "intention". Similar is the case with "peaceful" and "weaponised" nuclear tech. If you have peaceful nuclear tech, you have 90% of weaponised nuclear tech. The difference is so small as to say, that India's 1974 explosion was "peaceful", if only fools can believe it. This was the lesson learned by the world after India, Pakistan and NKo episodes. With all the oil in the world which is sufficient for Iran for the next 500 years, if it all it wants is "peaceful" energy, why does it want the nuclear technology? Simply because it sees the NKo example and understands that once it has nuclear technology, it becomes the world's problem to bring Iran into mainstream. Earlier it was Iran's problem.
Perfect, this is the attitude of all countries. If you see closely in the ranking of questions I put, the saudi issue was at the last. Why? It is ultimately saudi's responsibility to see its own safety and similarly with any other country.

If you exclude the last questions which has a very low weightage, In the questions asked I did not put any where what the relationships between Iran and Pakistan and anyother thing which represents today's situations. I simply put what will be Pakistan's objectives in the future, regardless of what alliances Pakistan is going to make or break.
I'm just saying that there are much more intense rivalries that Pakistan has to face both economically and strategically. The whole Iran (shia) vs Pakistan (sunni) is being blown out of proportion. Pakistan would rather have a muslim state as an ally even if it is shia than having it as some sort of competitor.
Look if we dont go into rhetoric, "strictly speaking" pakistan does not have an enemy in israel. After all what are Pakistan's direct disputes with Israel?-zero. For all of Pakistan's strategic imperatives, Israel is in mars, for all its worth.
You are doing a big mistake here. With respect to other countries for defence scenarios, dont look at the intentions of the other country, look for its capabilities. The best example I can give is "Hindi-chini bhai bhai" to 1962 in flat 6 years or lahore bus to kargil. Intentions change over time.
Today Iran in the near future will not attack Pakistan, Are you going to guarentee the same after 30 years? Who would have expected the berlin wall to fall in 30 years after the cuban missile crisis. So instead of your scenario, it might become Iran against Pakistan, while India becomes a neutral observer.
India also has two nuclear neighbours, but does it want a third one? India wouldnt like even maldives which almost lives in our protection to have it, forget about Bangladesh or Srilanka. Similarly Pakistan, it definitely wouldnt want another nuclear neighbour.
True many things can change, but the only reason I judged Israel is because of History. No one can judge the future but people can judge history. Israel tried to take out Pakistan's nuclear facilities before. Meaning Israel clearly feels Pakistan is a threat to her, and is not hesitant to take out the threat either. Pakistan might not want another nuclear power neighbour but they would certainly at this moment of time want a stable middle east where a large number of their allies are concentrated. In an Ideal world Pakistan would want a nuclear weapons free middle east. But Israel will never accept to it, so what is the solutio here I ask? Should Pakistan risk having al it's allies held hostage any time Israel wants, Does Pakistan want to ever get involved with another nuclear power?
What is the difference between a gslv rocket and an icbm? Some American minister put it one single word "intention". Similar is the case with "peaceful" and "weaponised" nuclear tech. If you have peaceful nuclear tech, you have 90% of weaponised nuclear tech. The difference is so small as to say, that India's 1974 explosion was "peaceful", if only fools can believe it. This was the lesson learned by the world after India, Pakistan and NKo episodes. With all the oil in the world which is sufficient for Iran for the next 500 years, if it all it wants is "peaceful" energy, why does it want the nuclear technology? Simply because it sees the NKo example and understands that once it has nuclear technology, it becomes the world's problem to bring Iran into mainstream. Earlier it was Iran's problem.
Wrong under international law Iran has every right to aquire peaceful nuclear technology. The thing is even if they have oil, they still have the right to indeginise and aquire what ever peaceful nuclear technology they want and generate as much power as they can. Saying Iran has oil is no excuse.
And what if Bjp comes into play in india??:guns:

BJP was in power before, what happened? and Nothing will happen unless Pakistan provoke's India by causing a terror attack.
BJP was in power before, what happened? and Nothing will happen unless Pakistan provoke's India by causing a terror attack.

I dont need to remind u that it was BJP regime under which india went nuclear and threat pakistan with bomb, it was BJP government when massive troops were deployed on pakistan border aacusing it of so called attack on the indian parliament and u say nothing happened...let me state a fact here that BJP came into power on the fact that it will destroy pakistan and that is the only reason the extermist hindus voted them. So i may ask u then what makes u think that they cannot come in power again to fulfill they dream agenda.
Pakistan doesnt cause terror attacks in india but its india who always drag pakistan into 1 and lets not forget abt the attact on samjhauta express.
I dont need to remind u that it was BJP regime under which india went nuclear and threat pakistan with bomb, it was BJP government when massive troops were deployed on pakistan border aacusing it of so called attack on the indian parliament and u say nothing happened...let me state a fact here that BJP came into power on the fact that it will destroy pakistan and that is the only reason the extermist hindus voted them. So i may ask u then what makes u think that they cannot come in power again to fulfill they dream agenda.
Pakistan doesnt cause terror attacks in india but its india who always drag pakistan into 1 and lets not forget abt the attact on samjhauta express.

u suffer from BJP phobia mate. BJP's election mandate had nothing to do with Pakistan.

Ithat is the only reason the extermist hindus voted them[/COLOR]. So

And who voted them out?
And what if Bjp comes into play in india??:guns:

In all probability, BJP will come in power in the next elections. Wait and watch. Anyhow i prefer them after this stint by Congress, this time i was for Congress, not anymore, i feel BJP is stronger on issues of National Security and can take a tough line, unlike Congress. They get my vote anyways.
Well domestic issue's congress are a better bet while national security and foriegn policy BJP are a far better bet.
I dont need to remind u that it was BJP regime under which india went nuclear
Then you dont know Indian history. It was the Congress that started the nuclear weapons programme. When the BJP came to power, the only thing it did was blow the bomb in front of the world. It was the congress who started it.

So tell me now, do you hate Congress as well?

and threat pakistan with bomb, it was BJP government when massive troops were deployed on pakistan border aacusing it of so called attack on the indian parliament and u say nothing happened...let me state a fact here that BJP came into power on the fact that it will destroy pakistan and that is the only reason the extermist hindus voted them. So i may ask u then what makes u think that they cannot come in power again to fulfill they dream agenda.
Pakistan doesnt cause terror attacks in india but its india who always drag pakistan into 1 and lets not forget abt the attact on samjhauta express.
Listen mate, the attacks on Parliament were not a small thing. It was an attack at the highest level. The highest level at which a terror attack can possibly occur. The seat of democracy, the building that houses the political leadership. I dont say this to demean you, but to you it might not mean a lot, that the parliament being the seat and symbol of democracy, to you it would be just a building.

But understand this, BJP did the right thing, for India that is, they showed that India is willing to take a tough line with Pakistan for the attacks. At the end of the day, the result was Pakistan pledging to stop terror attacks from its territory. Dont joke with me if you say Pakistan doesnt cause error attacks in India. It is a renowned fact that most of terrorists come from Pakistan for the world and more specifically for India.
Well domestic issue's congress are a better bet while national security and foriegn policy BJP are a far better bet.

exactly, last time, because of the domestic issues, i was rooting heavily for Congress, but after seeing their contribution in their entire tenure, they did not take the army modernization forward, AF acquisitions, Navy acquisitions, i think its BJP better after all.

The last time there was major decisions taken for the Armed Forces was by the BJP and upped the ante in this region by getting AWACS, not some 'will do' type, but one of the finest. They ordered the second Carrier for the Navy, they also started the artillary modernization programme, which congress derailed and has now issued RFP's again cuz Bofors won it. Congress has done nothing for national security, they cannot take tough measures in retalitation for terrorist attacks, etc, etc.

They bend toooo easily to the will of other countries, the moment pressure is applied on congress, they bend. BJP was strong in this aspect.

While on the home turf, they are better in domestic situations, but again they messed up with ULFA, when they declared ceasefire.

So as you can see, i was a staunch supporter of Congress last time, but i hate them now, i am a staunch supporter of BJP this time round.
Then you dont know Indian history. It was the Congress that started the nuclear weapons programme. When the BJP came to power, the only thing it did was blow the bomb in front of the world. It was the congress who started it.

So tell me now, do you hate Congress as well?

Listen mate, the attacks on Parliament were not a small thing. It was an attack at the highest level. The highest level at which a terror attack can possibly occur. The seat of democracy, the building that houses the political leadership. I dont say this to demean you, but to you it might not mean a lot, that the parliament being the seat and symbol of democracy, to you it would be just a building.

But understand this, BJP did the right thing, for India that is, they showed that India is willing to take a tough line with Pakistan for the attacks. At the end of the day, the result was Pakistan pledging to stop terror attacks from its territory. Dont joke with me if you say Pakistan doesnt cause error attacks in India. It is a renowned fact that most of terrorists come from Pakistan for the world and more specifically for India.

Exactly! this was the attitude of india blaming pakistan for every failure that occurs in india. You dont need to tell me what parliament is? coz we have 1 too and it means alot for a country. What my point was India did not had any prove about the fact that attact on indian parliament was caused by pakistan even the usa offered assistance in this regard and yet they didnt accepted. Why? coz they got a chance to drag pakistan into.
Most of the terrorists comes from pakistan lol. If a guy whos in uk and a british citizen but was a pakistani either in childhood or not even that and he has lived all of his life in uk causes a terror attack in uk does that means it was pakistan's fault? i would leave the answer up to you. As for india, pakistan did supported the kashmirs morally and politically but what about india supporting militants in bangladesh in the name of liberation and then in balochistan. So mate!!! stop accusing others and look into ur self 1st. As for u voting for BJP illustrates exactly my point! God bless us all.
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