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Is the ISI competent? (your opinion)

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The Silent One

Jan 14, 2015
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United States
I'm sorry if you consider this a stupid question, but it's something i've been wondering for a while. (I'm rather ignorant in South Asian Military Affairs, my speciality is Africa & the Arabs)

I always hear mixed opinions about the ISI, some people say it's corrupt & weak , others (mainly pakistanis) say it's extremely competent and can do almost anything.

I remember on one occasion , a news article claimed that ISI is corrupt and works independently of the Pakistani Government.
ISI corrupt? thats the first time im hearing this. It still has zero % defection that is even greater then CIA..........As far as performance is then its certainly one of the best known intel agencies and known for its long success record since its creation in 1950.

One just need to study the track record of her to know about her performance.......One more thing however is that it is master in making double agents in foreign intel services, diplomats and governments.

And to simply tell u abt its performance of today ask anybody in the American Embassy in Pakistan:lol:
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Those who've ever met an ISI field agent have never lived to speak of their encounter.
However the only real place we lack in my POV in the War of information technology and propaganda.
ISI corrupt? thats the first time im hearing this. It still has zero % defection that is even greater then CIA..........As far as performance is then its certainly one of the best known intel agencies known based on its long success record since its creation in 1950.

One just need to study the track record of her to know about her performance.......One more thing however is that it is master in making double agents in foreign intel services, diplomats and governments.

And to simply tell u abt its performance of today ask anybody in the American Embassy in Pakistan:lol:

BBC News | SOUTH ASIA | Profile: Pakistan's military intelligence agency
^ It's a super old article i couldn't find the other one basically:

Critics of the shadowy Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), believed to have worked closely with the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, say it is a "rogue agency" - functioning as an "invisible government".

It's just claims that the ISI doesn't report back to the Pakistani Government and does whatever it pleases.
See intelligence can be the best in the world but one mistake and terrorist can hit, plus all agencies have leakages be it ISI, Mossad or RAW. Nothing is full proof but ISI is a professional organisation and very deadly I can say that.
It's just claims that the ISI doesn't report back to the Pakistani Government and does whatever it pleases.

Maybe because ISI is very well aware of corruption of the Pakistani government. The only backbone of Pakistan is the Army & ISI & they will do anything to protect the interest of the country.
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BBC News | SOUTH ASIA | Profile: Pakistan's military intelligence agency
^ It's a super old article i couldn't find the other one basically:

It's just claims that the ISI doesn't report back to the Pakistani Government and does whatever it pleases.
that is its administrative approach. Its nothing to do with its effectiveness and performances.

BTW the video that was shared in the post#2 is from a man who was working with ISI in the Afghan war.

Two different analytic approach from two different media houses..........Like i said that we lack in Information Technology and propaganda war.
Effective at what? Looking out for Pakistan's best interest? No.

You are overrun with insurgent movements and outright rebellion. OBL was hiding in Abbottabad. The ISI has run moronically counterproductive terrorism programs that have bitten back. Are these things by design? If so, they are effective (at making Pakistan miserable). If not, they are ineffective.

BTW, not finding turncoats could mean:
1) not admitting it
2) not being able to detect them

That a substantial organization doesn't have people playing for the other team is impossible to believe. The ISI's reputation is that it has rogue factions internally - I guess you could say they aren't turncoats, depending on your particular political persuasion, but no one else is going to buy it.
Intelligence Agencies and their Performance Depends on Roles they carry for example:

1. If we talk about Espionage then I dont have much knowledge but I think its something that need to work on because mostly ISI is Accused by India and even for an average Pakistani its not much difficult to mix with Indian people then you can expect how easy that could be for Intelligence Agencies(Same goes for Indian Intelligence RAW). I never heard of their missions like that in Western Countries or Russia for that matter.

2. Covert Opes then ISI is most Professional this region can offer and that is because Pakistani has one of the best Spec Ops in the region and Pakistan's Involvements in different Conflicts have made them few of the most Capable the region can offer.

3. In terms of Efficiency in Usage of Available resources I think ISI has no Equal because kind of operation they are running requires lot of Funds and Pakistan's economic Conditions cant support that much so managing in such circumstances makes ISI Best in the region at least.

Over all ISI if not being the best in the world but they are definitely Best in the region and throughout history they had Protected Pakistan from most Dangerous situation that not many Countries in the world had faced and survive.
Maybe because ISI is very well aware of corruption of the Pakistani government. The only backbone of Pakistan is the Army & ISI & they will do anything to protect the interest of the country.

Says who??? Do you want me to write about the money that Pakistani generals have made? The biggest corruption network in Pakistan was run by its military and then transferred to the civilians. You forget, majority of your politicians were given bags of cash to become a politician against some other opponent of the military........
Says who??? Do you want me to write about the money that Pakistani generals have made? The biggest corruption network in Pakistan was run by its military and then transferred to the civilians. You forget, majority of your politicians were given bags of cash to become a politician against some other opponent of the military........
Sure please go ahead would love to learn a thing or two from you
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