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İs the British monarchy done?

İs the British monarchy still relevant or needed in today's world?

What are your thoughts??
Especially the British Pakistanis here
@waz @Verve @The Diplomat and all others

What are u saying man, be careful. Do u want the british Pakistanis to all get a heart attack?
The Royal monarchy is integral to Britain - and fully supported by the majority of its people.
They're not going anywhere anytime soon - And there are no valid reasons to abolish the system.
Maybe once the old lady keels over Canada will finally find its sac and become a republic.

*Sigh*, one can dream.
No - hate against the royals have increased due to the newer generation but Majority support the royal family, England without the royal family won’t be the same, it’s been a integral part of the history and culture here.
From revenue point of view yes, but to say their warm friends, it's rubbish. I think we need to as a nation stop looking through that lens because it's failed us miserably many times over, and a few visits here and their don't mean anything. I visited KSA for Umrah does it mean I love them, no absolutely not.

This Aman Ki Asha butt check claps need to stop at some point.

You visited out of religious obligation that’s not comparable to their visit to Pakistan, when no one comes near the country.
Aman Ki Asha has nothing to do with this.
Yes loving everyone hasn’t helped Pakistan but nor will hating on people who at least try. The value of it can be debated.
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Well I do understand the sentimental value attached to the throne. But if we analyze this practically does the crown really bring something to the table that the PMship or the Presidentship(which UK does not have) cant offer??

Those billion from the commonwealth can also be successfully brought by the FM or PM if the transition from monarchy to democracy(yes there still is a form of democracy I know) is handled gracefully. Kinda like Brexit which is another huge step.
This so called love of British monarchy is very recent to british people. Historically majority hated their monarchy and the religious oppression it used to bring on them. Some of they escaped and literally founded america.
Also remember Prince William the future heir to the throne is a very warm friend to Pakistan
Please come out of this delusion. Pakistan will not tolerate any mingling from these monarchs.. (which they have done on different occasions) and deep down they consider pakistan a commonwealth butler of the palace . this is not what we got independence for..this is not the Pakistan jinnah wanted.
Please come out of this delusion. Pakistan will not tolerate any mingling from these monarchs.. (which they have done on different occasions) and deep down they consider pakistan a commonwealth butler of the palace . this is not what we got independence for..this is not the Pakistan jinnah wanted.

There’s no delusion here, it’s called relations. If you want delusion there’s so many other areas Pakistan involves itself with other nations that can be catergroised as this. If Pakistan as in your own words “wouldn’t tolerate this” why did they let William’s visit happen and the country met him warmly? What about the ties with the Gulf Arab royal families, that many Pakistanis talk about?
As for what Baba Jinnah wanted, the state of the nation is currently so far removed from that, and that is largely do with the people who have ruled Pakistan.
Anyone this was a side point and people are going off-topic, these guys are not even political. It’s about abolition and their status in the U.K..
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No it's not.

Their youngsters especially William who will be king for the longest term, as his father is aged, are young, vibrant and in touch with the people. For example the Queen and William both came to the Grenfell Tower tragedy before politicians turned up.
They connect well to numerous nations throughout the world through the Commonwealth, which brings diverse nations together to discuss trade links, and cooperate in various fields such as climate change to poverty.

Also remember Prince William the future heir to the throne is a very warm friend to Pakistan and retains close links to the fatherland. Where others snub the nation, so called friends stay away with excuses, he and his wife embarked on a 5 day tour.

The royal family economically brings in a huge amount of revenue. They bring in £1.8 billion of revenue and cost £75 million. Without the royals I doubt we would see the level of numbers coming to Windsor Castle, Buckingham Palace, Balmoral Castle etc.

Many modern and progressive nations have monarchies e.g. Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands, Japan and so on.

Finally and I speak for the majority no one would want to see our nation pledging its allegiance to some idiot who got voted into office. I couldn't stomach a supreme leader of the republic like the US has. For example odious men like war criminal Tony Blair, greedy filth like David Cameron etc would be beyond approach. No thank you.

Long live our royal family, from a firm royalist.

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The highlighted part is why I would never support anyone trying to abolish the house of Windsor. People have short memories and do not realise what a blessing they are. The non-interference in political matters and not having a political views themselves, means that they can remain impartial. They cannot be corrupted or bought (at least in theory).

Take Brexit for instance - a highly divisive time in UK history. All politicians divided in different camps but the monarchy stayed out of it and was a unifying force. Swap them with a Blair or a Cameron and see proper riots and divisions in UK that will never heal.

When I was young I openly slanted them and took them for granted - my parent always spoke highly of them. Now that I am getting older I see why they had kept them in such a high regard. The young of today have not really seen the world their idealistic thoughts are unpractical and will not stand the test of time.

Yes they have flaws - look at Andrew - what was he thinking giving that interview - in fact what was he thinking fiddling with underage kids.

The Queen however has been magnificent and I think Charles and William will be too. I do hope that once HM is gone Charles takes the Throne but abdicates after 5-10 years as William is the best person to be the face of their family. Young vibrant and more in tune with modern world.

In my opinion the Monarchy should stay but the House of Lord needs to go - those old dinosaurs do not have my respect. UK needs an elected upper house and fast
No it's not.

Their youngsters especially William who will be king for the longest term, as his father is aged, are young, vibrant and in touch with the people. For example the Queen and William both came to the Grenfell Tower tragedy before politicians turned up.
They connect well to numerous nations throughout the world through the Commonwealth, which brings diverse nations together to discuss trade links, and cooperate in various fields such as climate change to poverty.

Also remember Prince William the future heir to the throne is a very warm friend to Pakistan and retains close links to the fatherland. Where others snub the nation, so called friends stay away with excuses, he and his wife embarked on a 5 day tour.

The royal family economically brings in a huge amount of revenue. They bring in £1.8 billion of revenue and cost £75 million. Without the royals I doubt we would see the level of numbers coming to Windsor Castle, Buckingham Palace, Balmoral Castle etc.

Many modern and progressive nations have monarchies e.g. Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands, Japan and so on.

Finally and I speak for the majority no one would want to see our nation pledging its allegiance to some idiot who got voted into office. I couldn't stomach a supreme leader of the republic like the US has. For example odious men like war criminal Tony Blair, greedy filth like David Cameron etc would be beyond approach. No thank you.

Long live our royal family, from a firm royalist.

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Waz, I wouldn't call myself a loyalist like you did. But I admit I like Queen. Actually I love her. She is a very decent human being.

With the same token I never liked her husband, he was a bad omen and a very bad person. I leave it to that because he is dead, otherwise I would have used stronger words for him.

I think we have to see "King Charles" rein before deciding about the Monarchy.
Prince William may never be the King, you never know. Charles may finish the Monarchy in his time as King. lolz

In my opinion overwhelming British people are loyalists because of Queen Elizabeth II.
There’s no delusion here, it’s called relations. If you want delusion there’s so many other areas Pakistan involves itself with other nations that can be catergroised as this. If Pakistan as in your own words “wouldn’t tolerate this” why did they let William’s visit happen and the country met him warmly? What about the ties with the Gulf Arab royal families, that many Pakistanis talk about?
As for what Baba Jinnah wanted, the state of the nation is currently so far removed from that, and that is largely do with the people who have ruled Pakistan.
Anyone this was a side point and people are going off-topic, these guys are not even political. It’s about abolition and their status in the U.K..
Sure they wouldnt if they learn reality but the truth is not broadcasted. How Charles came to Pakistan to get a convicted man off the death row who btw happens to be from their beloved Agha Khan clan they ACTUALLY have good relations with..With you and me its a master-slave thing where they can rollover local laws and take away their boy. Could they do same at home?

They are messengers who deliver political messages on behalf of their state. Even the recent visit of William had to do with letting Nawaz fly to UK ..

I say the same for GCC royals. They are not our friends..
Sure they wouldnt if they learn reality but the truth is not broadcasted. How Charles came to Pakistan to get a convicted man off the death row who btw happens to be from their beloved Agha Khan clan they ACTUALLY have good relations with..With you and me its a master-slave thing where they can rollover local laws and take away their boy. Could they do same at home?

They are messengers who deliver political messages on behalf of their state. Even the recent visit of William had to do with letting Nawaz fly to UK ..

I say the same for GCC royals. They are not our friends..
Mate there are no friends in global politics, I don't understand how hard it is for Pakistan to understand. All states work to press their narrative and achieve their goals. The Monarchy has been instrumental in deploying UK's soft power, convince and coerce diplomatically. Other countries utilise their ambassadors and diplomats.

There is no such thing as a Master and Slave - Pakistan is free to leave the commonwealth if it so desires and be rid of its so called master.
There is no such thing as a Master and Slave - Pakistan is free to leave the commonwealth if it so desires and be rid of its so called master.
Im sure we are there for a few pennies thrown at us and will leave in future once we have honorable rulers. And i totally understand and agree there are no friends in foreign relations however there is a relationship built on common goals. Thats why i quoted him where he called William a very warm friend of Pakistan. What is our common goal with Monarchs? They are just a tool of UK state, a tool cant be a friend,
Im sure we are there for a few pennies thrown at us and will leave in future once we have honorable rulers. And i totally understand and agree there are no friends in foreign relations however there is a relationship built on common goals. Thats why i quoted him where he called William a very warm friend of Pakistan. What is our common goal with Monarchs? They are just a tool of UK state, a tool cant be a friend,
Actually most of my friend are TOOLS. It takes one to know one. What is friendship? He came to Pakistan gave some Great British Pounds and got something in return - that is a friend. All friendships rely on give and take - a one sided friendship doesn't exist.

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