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İs the British monarchy done?

The highlighted part is why I would never support anyone trying to abolish the house of Windsor. People have short memories and do not realise what a blessing they are. The non-interference in political matters and not having a political views themselves, means that they can remain impartial. They cannot be corrupted or bought (at least in theory).

Take Brexit for instance - a highly divisive time in UK history. All politicians divided in different camps but the monarchy stayed out of it and was a unifying force. Swap them with a Blair or a Cameron and see proper riots and divisions in UK that will never heal.

When I was young I openly slanted them and took them for granted - my parent always spoke highly of them. Now that I am getting older I see why they had kept them in such a high regard. The young of today have not really seen the world their idealistic thoughts are unpractical and will not stand the test of time.

Yes they have flaws - look at Andrew - what was he thinking giving that interview - in fact what was he thinking fiddling with underage kids.

The Queen however has been magnificent and I think Charles and William will be too. I do hope that once HM is gone Charles takes the Throne but abdicates after 5-10 years as William is the best person to be the face of their family. Young vibrant and more in tune with modern world.

In my opinion the Monarchy should stay but the House of Lord needs to go - those old dinosaurs do not have my respect. UK needs an elected upper house and fast
Agree house of lords don't make sense in a democratic nation should be elected upper house like our senate in the states with longer terms .

I'm not a royalist but see how much revenue they bring in and unify the nation in times of need by being non-political. Also, think harry needs to grow a pair and come back to the UK he did lots of work for military charities. Megan did have a bad time with the British press but I think she never planned to leave the US permanently and Hollywood this was a way to the top of the film industry she thought.
Agree house of lords don't make sense in a democratic nation should be elected upper house like our senate in the states with longer terms .

I'm not a royalist but see how much revenue they bring in and unify the nation in times of need by being non-political. Also, think harry needs to grow a pair and come back to the UK he did lots of work for military charities. Megan did have a bad time with the British press but I think she never planned to leave the US permanently and Hollywood this was a way to the top of the film industry she thought.
I would like a senate but not like the states, it should be fixed term of 2.5 years max two terms. Zero lobbying allowed, you cannot be a serving CEO or a board member of any company or corporation. Pick retired candidates who are in the upper house based on their experience. This will shuffle things up. Their role can remain the same i.e. no real power.

Harry - Oh Harry - The ginger one was a lost cause he can stay in USA. He has no future here in UK. He does need to reign in his wife and stop using his royalty to prop her up and their new life.
I would like a senate but not like the states, it should be fixed term of 2.5 years max two terms. Zero lobbying allowed, you cannot be a serving CEO or a board member of any company or corporation. Pick retired candidates who are in the upper house based on their experience. This will shuffle things up. Their role can remain the same i.e. no real power.

Harry - Oh Harry - The ginger one was a lost cause he can stay in USA. He has no future here in UK. He does need to reign in his wife and stop using his royalty to prop her up and their new life.
Agree on all but a couple of things term times I say 6 like the senete and real power oversite of the MPs who are in my view corrupted. The ginger eunuch did good work for military servicemen he got my respect for that .
Agree on all but a couple of things term times I say 6 like the senete and real power oversite of the MPs who are in my view corrupted. The ginger eunuch did good work for military servicemen he got my respect for that .
See I advocate for short terms because it keeps you from becoming complacent in your role. I think the current oversight is ideal and should not be expanded otherwise they will become a hinderance to the process. With the MP's yes they are corrupt but every 5 years you get to kick them out so it's not like the current House of Lords where they can sit till there last dying breath.
See I advocate for short terms because it keeps you from becoming complacent in your role. I think the current oversight is ideal and should not be expanded otherwise they will become a hinderance to the process. With the MP's yes they are corrupt but every 5 years you get to kick them out so it's not like the current House of Lords where they can sit till there last dying breath.
I think the short term will keep them in election mode and so they be more populist than the long term times. The way around that keep it to one term limit of 6 years and that's it you out. The lords should have been abolished in Blairs time he tweaked it but that's all he did. Also with the EU, no more I'm worried that we will lose worker's rights .A strong upper house of one six-year term only members with no links to the business world will protect the working man because unions are not strong anymore. I was remain but saw both sides and could u7nderstand ourt campaign and their reasons mine was better the devil you know. But the EU protected workers' rights which a tory government won't. A strong upper house with no links to business or lobby groups can be the safety net for British workers and for this country in general. I live in the states and own business in both countries but i see the benefits workers in the UK have compared to US and hope that will be safeguarded
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I think the short term will keep them in election mode and so they be more populist than the long term times. The way around that keep it to one term limit of 6 years and that's it you out. The lords should have been abolished in Blairs time he tweaked it but that's all he did. Also with the EU, no more I'm worried that we will lose worker's rights .A strong upper house of one six-year term only members with no links to the business world will protect the working man because unions are not strong anymore
I don't think we will lose worker rights if anything they will be beefed up. Comparing to some EU countries working conditions and attitudes are very good in the UK. I am not a fan of unions as I have seen how they have been used to disrupt any change - be it practical or not. Harsh reality is that more and more people will be made redundant as jobs and roles become obsolete - unions or no onions - will make no difference.

I read an article - I will post it if I can find it - it alludes to the fact the future governments will follow the universal income doctrine. Where an income regardless of your status is paid to you, you can supplement it with work or not - that's your choice. It is a contrived way of reshaping the system as most common roles like shop assistants will be obsolete.
I don't think we will lose worker rights if anything they will be beefed up. Comparing to some EU countries working conditions and attitudes are very good in the UK. I am not a fan of unions as I have seen how they have been used to disrupt any change - be it practical or not. Harsh reality is that more and more people will be made redundant as jobs and roles become obsolete - unions or no onions - will make no difference.

I read an article - I will post it if I can find it - it alludes to the fact the future governments will follow the universal income doctrine. Where an income regardless of your status is paid to you, you can supplement it with work or not - that's your choice. It is a contrived way of reshaping the system as most common roles like shop assistants will be obsolete.
I think I heard someone talk about that on Joe Rogan podcast on it something called universal basic income a guaranteed income payed to all. Will make the lazy sit on their arse but they do that with welfare. And others like us carry on working and save it . I have hard time getting staff to increase their hours because of tax credits they get they only want upto 16 hours and that's it or they want the extra paid cash in hand.

I hope working conditions in this country are not lost . My dad before he started his buisness worked un the foundries in Birmingham and was a union man . He said unions went wrong in the 70s but they were needed and his cousin was a train driver massive union man aslef I think his union so it ingrained . I think zero hours was a bad thing in this country lost some privileges workers had with permanent jobs.
İs the British monarchy still relevant or needed in today's world?

What are your thoughts??
Especially the British Pakistanis here
@waz @Verve @The Diplomat and all others

What monarchy are talking about? That monarchy is a show piece, nothing more. Britain lost its sovereignty (if they had any to begin with) back in 1815 when they won the Battle of Waterloo and the Rothschild Banking Dynasty took full ownership of the Bank of England and the London Stock Exchange. The British Monarchy, Parliament and it's citizens are the proverbial (b!tch) sorry, Slaves of the Zionist Rothschild. Prior to 1815, the Zionists were already spreading into the British Society like a Parasitic Cancer, 1815 was the final nail in the coffin of any Britishness about british people or politicians or monarchy ever having any real power or writ.

People really don't read history, let alone study and for Muslim, forget about even studying the Noble Qur'an. So go live in the state of ignorance, hope it's as blissful as they say it is, for the ignorant's sake.
Actually most of my friend are TOOLS. It takes one to know one. What is friendship? He came to Pakistan gave some Great British Pounds and got something in return - that is a friend. All friendships rely on give and take - a one sided friendship doesn't exist.
:-) that's business,as cold as it gets. Not friendship.. regardless by tool of UK state most understood what I meant.. UK has been instigating political instability in Pakistan for some time, monarchs are lucky pakistanis are not too aware about UK/Mi6s dastardly role.
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