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Is religion a source of unity or division?

Again ....... I am not discussing how islam was spread. That requires a separate thread.

I am talking about how the "religion of peace" actually behaved on the ground and set an example for its followers. No point in blaming the mullahs and priests. I am talking about the "peace" of the graveyard and message of "unity" war brings.

The victor always writes the history ...... so its always the "Other Side" who started the war :P ......There is ALWAYS we attacked because the "Other side" was going to :P...... there was WMD on the "other side". I guess some thing never change.

LOL except you are making assumptions that Muslims wrote such history when orientalists have actually recorded the same events. Anyway there is nothing wrong with war, war is actually something common to all cultures even your beloved Ashoka butchered thousands before he felt remorse.
LOL the caliphate started after the death of Prophet Muhammad PBUH, as for the sword many scholars have examined such a fact but only hindutvas accept it as ordained fact because you guys are still butt hurt over your asses being conquered.

List of expeditions of Muhammad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of expeditions of Muhammad PBUH

1. Al Is Caravan Raid
2. Batn Rabigh Caravan Raid
3. Kharar Caravan Raid
4. Invasion of Waddan
5. Invasion of Buwat
6. Invasion of Dul Ashir
7. Invasion of Safwan
99. Demolition of Dhul Khalasa
100. Expedition of Usama bin Zayd

I hope the facts does not cause you too much "butt hurt" either. :coffee:

LOL except you are making assumptions that Muslims wrote such history when orientalists have actually recorded the same events. Anyway there is nothing wrong with war, war is actually something common to all cultures even your beloved Ashoka butchered thousands before he felt remorse.

LOL...... Thankfully Ashoka did not start a new "Religion of Peace"...... he actually quit butchering after going Dharmic. Bad e.g. :P
......Ya .....Muslim conquest ...... conquered people ......conquest of Makkah ........ you have convinced me. R....... of Peace and Unity. :tup:

Non so blind as those who choose not to see. ........

how about this one ............ missing the Forest for the Trees ?

If you wage war and lose you have nothing to bitch about, the pagans waged war they lost and their state was absorbed into the victors simple.

As for you Hindus it is just funny when you cry about war when somebody you consider God aka your boy Krishna actually advised Arjuna to engage in war when he preferred to sit it out.
If you wage war and lose you have nothing to bitch about, the pagans waged war they lost and their state was absorbed into the victors simple.

LOL..... so you admit that the religion of peace went about "establishing" peace in a funny way :P.......which was my point all along.

As for you Hindus it is just funny when you cry about war when somebody you consider God aka your boy Krishna actually advised Arjuna to engage in war when he preferred to sit it out.

...... except it was not a war to establish Religion :lol: ............. it was a war to establish Righteousness.
List of expeditions of Muhammad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of expeditions of Muhammad PBUH

1. Al Is Caravan Raid
2. Batn Rabigh Caravan Raid
3. Kharar Caravan Raid
4. Invasion of Waddan
5. Invasion of Buwat
6. Invasion of Dul Ashir
7. Invasion of Safwan
99. Demolition of Dhul Khalasa
100. Expedition of Usama bin Zayd

I hope the facts does not cause you too much "butt hurt" either. :coffee:

LOL...... Thankfully Ashoka did not start a new "Religion of Peace"...... he actually quit butchering after going Dharmic. Bad e.g. :P

I know of his military expeditions but the Caliphate started after his death. :)

LOL this religion of peace statement was not of our creation although many of our "liberal Muslims" have adopted it as such, Islam does not mean religion of peace it means peace through submitting to God there is a difference that some of the so called "liberal Muslims" try and disregard. Also was Ashoka not already a Dharmic Hindu while he was butchering thousands? How many did he kill in the Battle of Kalinga pray tell me? :lol:
I know of his military expeditions but the Caliphate started after his death. :)

Ya ..... . 100 wars in 10 years .... not bad for a "man of peace" :angel:

LOL this religion of peace statement was not of our creation although many of our "liberal Muslims" have adopted it as such, Islam does not mean religion of peace it means peace through submitting to God there is a difference that some of the so called "liberal Muslims" try and disregard. Also was Ashoka not already a Dharmic Hindu while he was butchering thousands? How many did he kill in the Battle of Kalinga pray tell me? :lol:

I am glad you have discarded the misnomer of religion of peace.

BTW ..There is no recorded evidence to suggest Ashoka was a Hindu before becoming a Buddhist. For all we know he could have been a Atheist.
LOL..... so you admit that the religion of peace went about "establishing" peace in a funny way :P.......which was my point all along.

...... except it was not a war to establish Religion :lol: ............. it was a war to establish Righteousness.

Yeah our war was not to establish Islam either it was to establish righteousness, the pagans did not become Muslim overnight. :lol:

Ya ..... . 100 wars in 10 years .... not bad for a "man of peace" :angel:

I am glad you have discarded the misnomer of religion of peace.

BTW ..There is no recorded evidence to suggest Ashoka was a Hindu before becoming a Buddhist. For all we know he could have been a Atheist.

There were no 100 wars many of those were battles in the same war lol. Anyway the Quran is not against war if it brought against Muslims we have no problem with war unlike apparently hypocritical Hindus whose text also speak of times when war is necessary yet want to lecture Muslims. :rolleyes:

At a time when all Kings of South Asia were Hindus he must have been atheist lol.
Yeah our war was not to establish Islam either it was to establish righteousness, the pagans did not become Muslim overnight. :lol:

Unfortunately for you there is NO evidence that the "Pagans" were not righteous. ....... plenty to suggest otherwise.

But thank you for Admitting that the "pagans" become "muslims" by the sword. :angel:

There were no 100 wars many of those were battles in the same war lol. Anyway the Quran is not against war if it brought against Muslims we have no problem with war unlike apparently hypocritical Hindus whose text also speak of times when war is necessary yet want to lecture Muslims. :rolleyes:

Hindu's do not go around claiming to be a "religion of peace". ......... Hinduism is very clear about what one's Dharma is. For a Hindu, Peace cannot be at the cost of Injustice or in the face of Evil. That is not peace, it is cowardice.

HOWEVER No war has been fought by Hindu religious establishment to establish Hinduism. Therein lies the difference.
Whether or not Islam was spread by the sword is a different narrative.

I am talking about how the "perfect man" went about "uniting" people under the name of the religion. That was the topic in this thread, is it not ?

In the name of the Dharmic religion ? NO............... unless of course it was self defence from invaders.

It would have been a wonderful story except RSS is NOT a Hindu Religious organization :P

I know what a "Kafir" is, does that help ?

First you were railing against khilafat, now you talk about kafir. Are you just confused or what. What exactly are you trying to say. You know the meaning of the words of Kafir and khilafat? Good for you. Now please expand your point.
Unfortunately for you there is NO evidence that the "Pagans" were not righteous. ....... plenty to suggest otherwise.

But thank you for Admitting that the "pagans" become "muslims" by the sword. :angel:

Hindu's do not go around claiming to be a "religion of peace". ......... Hinduism is very clear about what one's Dharma is. For a Hindu, Peace cannot be at the cost of Injustice or in the face of Evil. That is not peace, it is cowardice.

HOWEVER No war has been fought by Hindu religious establishment to establish Hinduism. Therein lies the difference.

You have comprehension issues meanwhile historians have noted Muslim prosecution at the hands of the pagans. Conversion to Islam was a gradual process and not by the sword if you want to see conversion by sword check out safavid conversion of Iran to shia Islam that was done in a few years whereas Islam spreading in other lands took hundreds of years.

Neither do most Muslims we know what our faith is as well it means peace through submitting to God in fact informed Muslims do not call Islam a religion either we call it a deen which is different.

White washing history? How did Buddhism nearly become extinct from South Asia ? Do they not teach hindutvas that part of your history? :lol:
Unfortunately for you there is NO evidence that the "Pagans" were not righteous. ....... plenty to suggest otherwise.

But thank you for Admitting that the "pagans" become "muslims" by the sword. :angel:

Hindu's do not go around claiming to be a "religion of peace". ......... Hinduism is very clear about what one's Dharma is. For a Hindu, Peace cannot be at the cost of Injustice or in the face of Evil. That is not peace, it is cowardice.

HOWEVER No war has been fought by Hindu religious establishment to establish Hinduism. Therein lies the difference.

You obviously missed your history classes then. Do you know what religion were the rulers of ancient India when they were subverting jains and Buddhists? Please, I really want to see on what basis you form your opinions on.
First you were railing against khilafat, now you talk about kafir. Are you just confused or what. What exactly are you trying to say. You know the meaning of the words of Kafir and khilafat? Good for you. Now please expand your point.

I was railing against Khilafat ?:cheesy: ......... where ?

What is there to explain about the concept of "uniting" people under the fear of death ? ...... that is what war does, right ?
You have comprehension issues meanwhile historians have noted Muslim prosecution at the hands of the pagans. Conversion to Islam was a gradual process and not by the sword if you want to see conversion by sword check out safavid conversion of Iran to shia Islam that was done in a few years whereas Islam spreading in other lands took hundreds of years.

Neither do most Muslims we know what our faith is as well it means peace through submitting to God in fact informed Muslims do not call Islam a religion either we call it a deen which is different.

White washing history? How did Buddhism nearly become extinct from South Asia ? Do they not teach hindutvas that part of your history? :lol:

According to this guy, 200 millions muslims in Indonesia must have been converted by muslims flying on magic carpets. He also has no clue about the expansion of Islam in Yemen or Bahrain. What do you say to people who make huge claims but have not studied history of religions apart from their own (even there, he seems to have missed some parts).
......White washing history? How did Buddhism nearly become extinct from South Asia ? Do they not teach hindutvas that part of your history? :lol:

You should know ........ most Buddhist become Muslims ...... and yes, it was by the sword :P (yes, I am talking about pakistan history)

From Afghanistan, to pakistan to Bangaldesh. :angel:
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