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Is Pakistan’s ‘aman ki asha’ for real or merely a PR blitz?

I find this whole "Pakistanis were never Indian" discussion hilarious.

Pakistanis believe they are Arab, Persian, Turk, Afghan, Mongol, etc etc.

Anything but Indian.

In effect, a melting pot of foreign invaders from outside.

But it begs the question - did the invading armies come in with women as well?

If not, are we to then assume that the XX chromosome was local and the Y was imported?

If so, it really requires a HUGE stretch of the imagination (human eugenics and genetics cannot keep up) to believe that ALL 180 million of you are a result of Y chromosome imports.

Its something like the bloodlines of thoroughbred horses all over the world being traced back to just 4 stallions. And that was with careful and selective breeding over centuries. With local mares.

So if that was not the case, what do Pakistanis do next?

They leap through time backwards all the way to the Indus Valley Civilization and Mohenjodaro.

Dear Pakistani brothers (and some sisters) - what happened to the 3000 years in between?

You don't look like Indians?

Is there an Indian template you have compressed and averaged out 1.2 billion of us into?

Come to think of it - is there a mean / median template which 180 million of you can be compressed into?

Grow up kids!

A fair terrorist is still a terrorist.

And a dark billionaire is still a billionaire.
We even have a Kashmir regiment in our army,So much for your fictional need of Indians to take kashmiri accounts.And having one or two baluchi speaking members does not prove anything,any pro freedom baluchi are immediately banned in this forum as accomodating their veiws are against forum policy.

Wow accept as equal..?Keep your superiority $hit among yourselves.In most part of the world superiority of a nation is not counted on the basis of number of terror attacks per day but rather on technology,science,wealth,achievements etc on which we all know where we both stand.History of getting your Hindu ancestry raped by invaders wont help either.

India what fails to understand here is that Kashmir is a disputed territory, which was illegally occupied by the Indians, read it properly Indians you had illegally occupied Kashmir ok get it through the think skull of your, faster you do it better its going to b for you all.

Aman ki Asha which is a total bull **** & Aman with India cannot happen because India has & always have back stabbed Pakistan many many times. Main issues such as India's illegal blocking of Pakistani waters & breaking the peace accord of Siachin by strengthening positions & again stopping Pakistani waters from there as well, India is funding terrorism in Pakistan, India has & are still supporting BLA. Gen. Musharraf said it openly & out loud that he is 100% sure that Indian's are involved in Balochistan & are supporting terrorism in Balochistan. TTP is another terrorist network supported by India there were unlimited evidence & it was shown on TV over & over again that India is supporting terrorism in Pakistan a report was also submitted by Pak Army on this with evidence.

SAFMA which always speaks against Pakistan is another group supported & made by the Indians. The main objective of this group is to destroy the mind set of young generation, the original plans include that our Legendary Heroes Quaid-E-Azam & Allama Mohammed Iqbal are liars & making of Pakistan was a mistake & so on.

In 2010 my friend went to Pakistan, Lahore over there he saw live arresting of RAW agents in Pakistan. Don't know what to them after that there was no media coverage.

The crimes that India is doing against Pakistan are nearly unlimited.

So there can be no Aman with India what so ever because they will & they are doing what ever they can to destroy Pakistan in every possible way.

How we Pakistani can come out of our current problems is by supporting Pakistan Army who are fully capable of saving Pakistan, there is no political solution for Pakistan as there are no capable politicians available to run Pakistan because they only dream Dollars & the Democratic system of Pakistan is totally corrupt & evil. I support full Military Coup or Martial Law & there are many more want Pakistan Army to take over.

India what fails to understand here is that Kashmir is a disputed territory, which was illegally occupied by the Indians, read it properly Indians you had illegally occupied Kashmir ok get it through the think skull of your, faster you do it better its going to b for you all.

Aman ki Asha which is a total bull **** & Aman with India cannot happen because India has & always have back stabbed Pakistan many many times. Main issues such as India's illegal blocking of Pakistani waters & breaking the peace accord of Siachin by strengthening positions & again stopping Pakistani waters from there as well, India is funding terrorism in Pakistan, India has & are still supporting BLA. Gen. Musharraf said it openly & out loud that he is 100% sure that Indian's are involved in Balochistan & are supporting terrorism in Balochistan. TTP is another terrorist network supported by India there were unlimited evidence & it was shown on TV over & over again that India is supporting terrorism in Pakistan a report was also submitted by Pak Army on this with evidence.

SAFMA which always speaks against Pakistan is another group supported & made by the Indians. The main objective of this group is to destroy the mind set of young generation, the original plans include that our Legendary Heroes Quaid-E-Azam & Allama Mohammed Iqbal are liars & making of Pakistan was a mistake & so on.

In 2010 my friend went to Pakistan, Lahore over there he saw live arresting of RAW agents in Pakistan. Don't know what to them after that there was no media coverage.

The crimes that India is doing against Pakistan are nearly unlimited.

So there can be no Aman with India what so ever because they will & they are doing what ever they can to destroy Pakistan in every possible way.

How we Pakistani can come out of our current problems is by supporting Pakistan Army who are fully capable of saving Pakistan, there is no political solution for Pakistan as there are no capable politicians available to run Pakistan because they only dream Dollars & the Democratic system of Pakistan is totally corrupt & evil. I support full Military Coup or Martial Law & there are many more want Pakistan Army to take over.
I find this whole "Pakistanis were never Indian" discussion hilarious.

Pakistanis believe they are Arab, Persian, Turk, Afghan, Mongol, etc etc.

Anything but Indian.

Some pakistanis very few of them are actually decedents of Muslim foreigners and even decedents of Britishers who settled here have converted to Islam like my bro-in-law's family. Not every single Pakistani is a muslim foreigners decedents but like i said some of them are.
I find this whole "Pakistanis were never Indian" discussion hilarious.

Pakistanis believe they are Arab, Persian, Turk, Afghan, Mongol, etc etc.

which Pakistanis are you talking about?

there are Pakistanis who come from some Mughal or Central Asian or wherever roots. Let the family historians determine that, not a pointless thread on PDF that is already being flooded with the banter and drivel of your country people

furthermore, you also have to understand you have indigenous people who were always where they are now....the Pakhtuns, the Baloch, Sindhis, Kashmiris, etc. You do have people (and their ancestors) that came from British occupied hindustan and migrated during partition.

Pakistan's population is diverse and there are many sub-cultures within the country. Neither india nor Pakistan became sovereign independent countries until 1947. ''india'' we know today couldnt have been a country before 1947 because if it was, it wouldnt have been composed of princely states and lands being constantly conquered

If so, it really requires a HUGE stretch of the imagination (human eugenics and genetics cannot keep up) to believe that ALL 180 million of you are a result of Y chromosome imports.

You don't look like Indians?

Is there an Indian template you have compressed and averaged out 1.2 billion of us into?

A fair terrorist is still a terrorist.

And a dark billionaire is still a billionaire.

the fact that you keep addressing (harping on about) race and the fact that you're even delving into Y and X chromosomes :-)lol::lol::lol:) shows the incredible force of inferiority complex that has encumbered you and some of those people of yours
no i think we could make the case that it's ''au contraire'' !!

forget Pakistanis vis a vis bhartys.....for Gods sakes, you have internal inferiority complexes....untouchables vs touchables, north vs. south, etc.
forget Pakistanis vis a vis bhartys.....for Gods sakes, you have internal inferiority complexes....untouchables vs touchables, north vs. south, etc.

Did oxford just declare the terms 'inferiority complex' and 'internal strife', synonyms? Is that how you define what they mean when they bestow thee with embellishments such as 'P*A*K*I'? Whose 'inferiority complex' does it work out to be? Yours or theirs?

...or have you been taking English classes, which you so obviously seem to have not gotten hold of, lately, champ? :laugh:
You only said it twice. I don't believe you. You have to say it thrice.

India what fails to understand here is that Kashmir is a disputed territory, which was illegally occupied by the Indians, read it properly Indians you had illegally occupied Kashmir ok get it through the think skull of your, faster you do it better its going to b for you all.

Aman ki Asha which is a total bull **** & Aman with India cannot happen because India has & always have back stabbed Pakistan many many times. Main issues such as India's illegal blocking of Pakistani waters & breaking the peace accord of Siachin by strengthening positions & again stopping Pakistani waters from there as well, India is funding terrorism in Pakistan, India has & are still supporting BLA. Gen. Musharraf said it openly & out loud that he is 100% sure that Indian's are involved in Balochistan & are supporting terrorism in Balochistan. TTP is another terrorist network supported by India there were unlimited evidence & it was shown on TV over & over again that India is supporting terrorism in Pakistan a report was also submitted by Pak Army on this with evidence.

SAFMA which always speaks against Pakistan is another group supported & made by the Indians. The main objective of this group is to destroy the mind set of young generation, the original plans include that our Legendary Heroes Quaid-E-Azam & Allama Mohammed Iqbal are liars & making of Pakistan was a mistake & so on.

In 2010 my friend went to Pakistan, Lahore over there he saw live arresting of RAW agents in Pakistan. Don't know what to them after that there was no media coverage.

The crimes that India is doing against Pakistan are nearly unlimited.

So there can be no Aman with India what so ever because they will & they are doing what ever they can to destroy Pakistan in every possible way.

How we Pakistani can come out of our current problems is by supporting Pakistan Army who are fully capable of saving Pakistan, there is no political solution for Pakistan as there are no capable politicians available to run Pakistan because they only dream Dollars & the Democratic system of Pakistan is totally corrupt & evil. I support full Military Coup or Martial Law & there are many more want Pakistan Army to take over.

India what fails to understand here is that Kashmir is a disputed territory, which was illegally occupied by the Indians, read it properly Indians you had illegally occupied Kashmir ok get it through the think skull of your, faster you do it better its going to b for you all.

Aman ki Asha which is a total bull **** & Aman with India cannot happen because India has & always have back stabbed Pakistan many many times. Main issues such as India's illegal blocking of Pakistani waters & breaking the peace accord of Siachin by strengthening positions & again stopping Pakistani waters from there as well, India is funding terrorism in Pakistan, India has & are still supporting BLA. Gen. Musharraf said it openly & out loud that he is 100% sure that Indian's are involved in Balochistan & are supporting terrorism in Balochistan. TTP is another terrorist network supported by India there were unlimited evidence & it was shown on TV over & over again that India is supporting terrorism in Pakistan a report was also submitted by Pak Army on this with evidence.

SAFMA which always speaks against Pakistan is another group supported & made by the Indians. The main objective of this group is to destroy the mind set of young generation, the original plans include that our Legendary Heroes Quaid-E-Azam & Allama Mohammed Iqbal are liars & making of Pakistan was a mistake & so on.

In 2010 my friend went to Pakistan, Lahore over there he saw live arresting of RAW agents in Pakistan. Don't know what to them after that there was no media coverage.

The crimes that India is doing against Pakistan are nearly unlimited.

So there can be no Aman with India what so ever because they will & they are doing what ever they can to destroy Pakistan in every possible way.

How we Pakistani can come out of our current problems is by supporting Pakistan Army who are fully capable of saving Pakistan, there is no political solution for Pakistan as there are no capable politicians available to run Pakistan because they only dream Dollars & the Democratic system of Pakistan is totally corrupt & evil. I support full Military Coup or Martial Law & there are many more want Pakistan Army to take over.
well Pakistan got independence before hindustan/india did
fine a day before.

to think india was a country at any point before '47 is laughworthy; if it were a country then why did it break up?
Why did it break up, it is usually argued by pakistanis on the forum because of failure of cabinet mission plan. jinnah was ok with united india only if the power was de-centralised and was more of a union of states, nehru wanted a centralised state because of his socialist ideology. Jinnah refused to complyand cabinet mission failed. Jinnah created pakistan which he envisaged to be a decentralised unit with more provincial autonomy and guiding power in the center. 3 years after his death his plans were thrown in the trash and military ruled ever since with the strogest centralised power. So centralized that it didn't even give a damn about the eastern half, the bread winners of the economy. So jinnah's pakistan was gone the day Army took power.

Existence of pre-47, India and indian nationalism is an alien concept to you and I can understand as you are not aware of history of India. Unless you understand the inception of swaraj and how the concept of swaraj sowed by a great man in 1600's kept reverberating in every revolutionary mind that grew up hearing those stories of incredible valor and sacrifices. Hence the concept of pre-47 India's existence or non-existence according to you doesn't change any of our minds. I wonder how did jinnah or Iqbal identify themselves when they went to UK for their studies? what was their answer when asked , where are you from?

i guess you could make the case that "Pakistan wasn't exactly a country" ; well it was, but there were obviously flaws and those flaws were exacerbated by criminally negligent and chauvinistic attitude of people we called "leaders" who helped divide the country - and of course fostered by an enemy india that trained and armed anti-state terrorists/militants

As far as bangladesh, have you ever wondered why was india sucessfull in doing what it did. you guys often say you were outnumbered, or did not have supplies for the conflict. Answer this, why was 60% of your country was left unguarded, with 55000 soldeirs, nominal airforce, and barely any Navy. If you can explain this lack of security/resources/development in East pakistan, maybe you can get the answer for your 1971 debacle.

Kashmir: If think you are mature enough to understand the difference between the situation of bangladesh and kashmir. If you want to draw up similarity between muktibahini and LET, you will just sound funny
indians with their inferiority complexes.
Inferior and shameless indeed are those who have to to name their misssiles after invaders who killed and raped their own ancestors,not us.The same inferiority complex which makes them claim arab ancestry only to be mocked by real arabs.After the failed arabisation attempts these losers are trying to claim vedic civilization and propogate white lies like this:
No, my ancestors were Jatt warriors, my ancestor Manga was a cavalry commander in Porus's Army that fought Alexander on the Jhelum river, may God have mercy on his soul. We are the original sons of the soil.
FYI JATS SETTLED IN MODERN DAY PUNJAB CENTURIES AFTER ALEXANDER'S INVASION.Did you think that giving an unbelievable name "MANGA" will make your lie more believable?lol..
Inferior and shameless indeed are those who have to to name their misssiles after invaders who killed and raped their own ancestors,not us.The same inferiority complex which makes them claim arab ancestry only to be mocked by real arabs.After the failed arabisation attempts these losers are trying to claim vedic civilization and propogate white lies like this

How many do actally claim arab history? except the syeds? who many claim to be turks except chugtais etc? as for missiles im sure the "MUSLIM PUKHTOON" kings didnt "rape,kill or loot" muslims maybe ur ancestors bore the brunt....As for vedic n stuff.. if ur talkin about INDUS CIVILISATION or HARRAPA,GANDHARA OR EVEN MEHRGARH CIVILISATIONS... Dnt tell me ur ancestors LOL migrated from modern day Pakistan to Kairela...
FYI JATS SETTLED IN MODERN DAY PUNJAB CENTURIES AFTER ALEXANDER'S INVASION.Did you think that giving an unbelievable name "MANGA" will make your lie more believable?lol..

A south indian tamil-dravidian talkin abt jat history ... ROFL... ..Also im sure jats didnt teleport centuries after alexander frm kerala/ south india in general.. Go learn a few things instead of making urslf look like a ignorant .....

So better learn the history or shut it.
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