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Is Pakistan’s ‘aman ki asha’ for real or merely a PR blitz?

The Hindu does not understand that no matter what my background is, I am a Punjabi. I speak Punjabi, and I am Pakistani.

My identity is Pakistani-Muslim-Punjabi. It burns these guys that we don't accept them as equals.

Should it be a surprise? After all they oppress Kashmiri people, so what respect can I have for them?

I wouldn't mind if some of my ancestors were Hindus. I am sure some of them might have been. However, I will not align myself with injustice.
DNA testing is going to prove that our forefathers chose Islam over Hinduism?
MAN, you need to stop using your swami and get a real education.
Preferably at an accredited education institution.
No amount of Yoga will replace formal education :no:
We can see your real education from the conclusion you draw "DNA testing is going to prove that our forefathers chose Islam over Hinduism"
DNA testing is going to prove the origin of your genes you genious :D and from that point you will know who your ansesters where and are :D stop talking about something that you don't know. Don't be GENERALLY KHAN dude :D
BTW if by swami if you mean Mr. SUBRMANYAM SWAMI his lectures in Oxford are on YouTube. Very interesting if you have guts to see them
Yoga is not a education it's more of health exersice which give peace to brain and mind. You need it. I nightly recommend :D
it's a useless slogan; and it sounds gay

I don't know if it's a useless slogan , but it definitely sounds gay :D

aww poor palestanian :(

btw just to make ur day worse i will make u listen to the pakistani officer in uk ambassey, enjoy. plz listen carefully.


Why are you trying to prove he's not arab, lol. In today's world , the last thing that I would like to be called is an Arab. They are seen as stupid , fat and lazy who can't contribute to science and who occasionally try to blow themselves up over cartoons and south park.
I don't know what's wrong with pakistanis , i mean ,i totally understand that they don't like to be associated with indians , but atleast associate yourself with a "good race" LOL , not arabs , who are seen as fat and stupid. The only good things that have ever come out of arabia are algebra (nice job) and shawarma ( even better), nothing else though :rolleyes:

Indians talking out of their ***.

My zaat is not something I chose. I am whatever I am, but my ancestry does not define me.

You bhartis can read about my zaat and it will describe our people as not indigenous to the subcontinent. The fact that I don't look like Indians should be another factor.

I've never been one to judge someone by their race or religion. Muslim or Hindu is still a human being for me. But the Indians, I judge on the basis of their heart. They oppress innocent mountain people known as the Kashmiris. This is why I look down on Indians.

Indians talking out of their ***.

My zaat is not something I chose. I am whatever I am, but my ancestry does not define me.

You bhartis can read about my zaat and it will describe our people as not indigenous to the subcontinent. The fact that I don't look like Indians should be another factor.

I've never been one to judge someone by their race or religion. Muslim or Hindu is still a human being for me. But the Indians, I judge on the basis of their heart. They oppress innocent mountain people known as the Kashmiris. This is why I look down on Indians.

i find the bold part funny since you guys do the same to Balochis and Pashtuns so why do u castigate others on the same stuff you do every day?
i find the bold part funny since you guys do the same to Balochis and Pashtuns so why do u castigate others on the same stuff you do every day?

It's hilarious that those very same people are on these forums countering Bharti propaganda, while you Indians try to make fake accounts to represent Kashmiris and we expose them, because they cannot speak Kashmiri, while many of our members can.

It proves that Kashmir is close to Pakistan, not India.
i find the bold part funny since you guys do the same to Balochis and Pashtuns so why do u castigate others on the same stuff you do every day?

u on weed or something, Pakistan may not be the best part of the world but dude or army doesnt plunder and pillage our own nationals or any other nationals now you may talk about Bangladesh dude I say screw u and ur propaganda my grandfather fought there and there was nothing horrible done ion comparision to what is happening as we speak......our army is for the people and by the people so go sell this **** on some other forum, as far as the Pathan community is concerned the army is revered and majority look like me look forward to a military career, i have alot of Baloch friends and most of them look upto a career in the army,navy or airforce......
Lol the BALOCH (not "Balochis") and the Pashtuns on this forum would strongly disagree with you.

We have mods that are both Baloch and Pashtun. Who cares if these bhartis blow hot air from their backsides?
u on weed or something, Pakistan may not be the best part of the world but dude or army doesnt plunder and pillage our own nationals or any other nationals now you may talk about Bangladesh dude I say screw u and ur propaganda my grandfather fought there and there was nothing horrible done ion comparision to what is happening as we speak......our army is for the people and by the people so go sell this **** on some other forum, as far as the Pathan community is concerned the army is revered and majority look like me look forward to a military career, i have alot of Baloch friends and most of them look upto a career in the army,navy or airforce......

Who cares what your grandfather said. I say he's a downright liar.The whole world knows what happened in Bangladesh and it's futile trying to deny it. You think you can change people's views by merely stating what your "great" grandfather said ? You are funny and so is your grandfather.
It's hilarious that those very same people are on these forums countering Bharti propaganda, while you Indians try to make fake accounts to represent Kashmiris and we expose them, because they cannot speak Kashmiri, while many of our members can.

It proves that Kashmir is close to Pakistan, not India.
We even have a Kashmir regiment in our army,So much for your fictional need of Indians to take kashmiri accounts.And having one or two baluchi speaking members does not prove anything,any pro freedom baluchi are immediately banned in this forum as accomodating their veiws are against forum policy.

My identity is Pakistani-Muslim-Punjabi. It burns these guys that we don't accept them as equals.
Wow accept as equal..?Keep your superiority $hit among yourselves.In most part of the world superiority of a nation is not counted on the basis of number of terror attacks per day but rather on technology,science,wealth,achievements etc on which we all know where we both stand.History of getting your Hindu ancestry raped by invaders wont help either.
Karachi is a prettier city being on the coast, found many people in Delhi that you think are well off, but would be considered dirt poor in Karachi.

delhi economy is bigger than entire pakistan combined with just 10 mill population. and growing at the ratre of 11% a year.loll have u travelled on metro of delhi??? how worse it is than booming pakistan railways???

Rafis lies getting nailed..:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:..Btw never knew delhi had nominal gdp equal to the level of their entire nation..
By the same exact logic pakistan wasn't a country till 1972, right?

well Pakistan got independence before hindustan/india did

to think india was a country at any point before '47 is laughworthy; if it were a country then why did it break up?

i guess you could make the case that "Pakistan wasn't exactly a country" ; well it was, but there were obviously flaws and those flaws were exacerbated by criminally negligent and chauvinistic attitude of people we called "leaders" who helped divide the country - and of course fostered by an enemy india that trained and armed anti-state terrorists/militants

(strangely, curiously - the same thing they acccuse us of in occupied-Kashmir territories)
never even heard of this guy.....looks like he's not even an active diplomat and i can sure as hell see why :laugh:

cheap blow man, i wonder how many videos i can collect from youtube of tamils, assamese, maripuris, sikhs, muslims (including deccans) as well as a plethora of other groups under dominion of india professing that they arent' "indian" ......scores of such videos online, but no need to prove a point when you indians already prove yourselves to be delusional day-dreamers (in need of employment)
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