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Is Pakistan’s ‘aman ki asha’ for real or merely a PR blitz?

No, my ancestors were Jatt warriors, my ancestor Manga was a cavalry commander in Porus's Army that fought Alexander on the Jhelum river, may God have mercy on his soul. We are the original sons of the soil.

The Purus settled between the Asikni and the Parusni, whence they launched their onslaught on the Bharatas, and after the initial rebuff in the Dasarajna War, soon regrouped and resumed their march on the Yamuna and the Sarasvati and subsequently merged with the Bharatas, Some of their off-shoots lingered on in the Punjab and one of their scions played a notable part in the events of the time at Alexander's invitation. They probably survived in the Punjab under the name of Puri, which is a sub-caste of the Kshsatrya???

Alaxender's conquest was around 800 years before the prophet of islam was born, so you are saying your ancestor was a "HINDU JATT"
as for missiles im sure the "MUSLIM PUKHTOON" kings didnt "rape,kill or loot" muslims maybe ur ancestors bore the brunt....
People who faced invaders,ie ancestors of most present day pakistanis were hindus/buddhists during the periods of invasions..they were looted,their temples destroyed and their women taken as war trophy.And btw the later invaders have killed numerous muslims too.
PS:It is not related to the point in question but have you read babur nama..?He proudly describes how he created an artificial mountain out of severed head of muslim pashtuns..Be proud...very proud of invaders.

As for vedic n stuff.. if ur talkin about INDUS CIVILISATION or HARRAPA,GANDHARA OR EVEN MEHRGARH CIVILISATIONS... Dnt tell me ur ancestors LOL migrated from modern day Pakistan to Kairela...
Vedic civilization-Sanathana dharma..Or more commonly called hinduism..And Yes my ancestors were hindus for thousands of years and i am still proud of its haritage ,unlike some converts who bash their hindu ancestors.
Some pakistanis very few of them are actually decedents of Muslim foreigners

Not every single Pakistani is a muslim foreigners decedents but like i said some of them are.

By the discourse on PDF, it seems most of them have congregated here.

What I cannot understand for the life of me is that what is there to be so proud of that fact - to the extent of rubbing it into the faces of those who are indigenous to the land?

It reeks of inferiority complex when you try to distance yourself from your land and people to somehow feel special on the basis of your skin color and features.

Not to mention exhibits deep seated insecurities about one's place in the world and ones origins as a people.

We Parsis came lock stock and barrel from Persia to India in 700 AD. We do not convert. We do not inter-marry. We never have for 1300 years.

How often have you heard a Parsi Zoroastrian talking about his/her fair Persian roots compared to dark Indians or Pakistanis (you have some of yours too)?

and even decedents of Britishers who settled here have converted to Islam like my bro-in-law's family.

We call them anglo-Indians. Do you call them anglo-Pakistanis?

which Pakistanis are you talking about?

there are Pakistanis who come from some Mughal or Central Asian or wherever roots. Let the family historians determine that, not a pointless thread on PDF that is already being flooded with the banter and drivel of your country people

furthermore, you also have to understand you have indigenous people who were always where they are now....the Pakhtuns, the Baloch, Sindhis, Kashmiris, etc. You do have people (and their ancestors) that came from British occupied hindustan and migrated during partition.

Pakistan's population is diverse and there are many sub-cultures within the country.

I agree to everything you have said.

Now look eastward towards a continental mass that is 5 times your size, with 6 times your population. You think you are more diverse than us?

So when guys from your side talk down to dark Indians, they are projecting one extreme of Pakistan to another extreme of India in terms of skin tone and morphological features.

Because in the current scheme of things vis a vis India and Pakistan, that is probably the only thing they can cling on to and feel good - while the rest of their world implodes around them.

Inferiority complex and insecurity yes. But by who?

Neither india nor Pakistan became sovereign independent countries until 1947. ''india'' we know today couldnt have been a country before 1947 because if it was, it wouldnt have been composed of princely states and lands being constantly conquereds

Historically, it is your part of India (Pakistan) and your part of the idigenous native population that has been conquered by outsiders most often.

You have always been the traditional gateway - both geographically, culturaly, and militarily - to foreign invaders.

Always the first to fall.

Always the first to bend over.

Till it was left to the rest of us deeper inland to stem the rot you let in.

I wouldn't feel very proud of that historical bagage if I were you.

Even post Independence, your military history is less than inspiring.

Give it up already man. You cannot take on the mantle of outside conquering armies and cloak your own inadequacies as fighters.

the fact that you keep addressing (harping on about) race and the fact that you're even delving into Y and X chromosomes :-)lol::lol::lol:) shows the incredible force of inferiority complex that has encumbered you and some of those people of yours

No. Just trying to show you and yours the biological imposibility of your studly delusions. LOL :)
By the discourse on PDF, it seems most of them have congregated here.

What I cannot understand for the life of me is that what is there to be so proud of that fact - to the extent of rubbing it into the faces of those who are indigenous to the land?

It reeks of inferiority complex when you try to distance yourself from your land and people to somehow feel special on the basis of your skin color and features.

Not to mention exhibits deep seated insecurities about one's place in the world and ones origins as a people.

We Parsis came lock stock and barrel from Persia to India in 700 AD. We do not convert. We do not inter-marry. We never have for 1300 years.

How often have you heard a Parsi Zoroastrian talking about his/her fair Persian roots compared to dark Indians or Pakistanis (you have some of yours too)?

We call them anglo-Indians. Do you call them anglo-Pakistanis?

I agree to everything you have said.

Now look eastward towards a continental mass that is 5 times your size, with 6 times your population. You think you are more diverse than us?

So when guys from your side talk down to dark Indians, they are projecting one extreme of Pakistan to another extreme of India in terms of skin tone and morphological features.

Because in the current scheme of things vis a vis India and Pakistan, that is probably the only thing they can cling on to and feel good - while the rest of their world implodes around them.

Inferiority complex and insecurity yes. But by who?

Historically, it is your part of India (Pakistan) and your part of the idigenous native population that has been conquered by outsiders most often.

You have always been the traditional gateway - both geographically, culturaly, and militarily - to foreign invaders.

Always the first to fall.

Always the first to bend over.

Till it was left to the rest of us deeper inland to stem the rot you let in.

I wouldn't feel very proud of that historical bagage if I were you.

Even post Independence, your military history is less than inspiring.

Give it up already man. You cannot take on the mantle of outside conquering armies and cloak your own inadequacies as fighters.

No. Just trying to show you and yours the biological imposibility of your studly delusions. LOL :)

Good one Doc, but it would have bounced over the majority of your targeted audience, because for them it is beyond belief to think that they were the one's who fell first to invaders, anyways a few invaders came by sea as well.
Historically, it is your part of India (Pakistan) and your part of the idigenous native population that has been conquered by outsiders most often.

You have always been the traditional gateway - both geographically, culturaly, and militarily - to foreign invaders.

Always the first to fall.

Always the first to bend over.

Till it was left to the rest of us deeper inland to stem the rot you let in.

I wouldn't feel very proud of that historical bagage if I were you.

Even post Independence, your military history is less than inspiring.

Give it up already man. You cannot take on the mantle of outside conquering armies and cloak your own inadequacies as fighters.

No. Just trying to show you and yours the biological imposibility of your studly delusions. LOL :)

I agree with that.
We were the first first to fall. Especially when the Aryans invaded and forced their religion of Hinduism on us, and their Indo-European language.
Unfortunately we were unable to stop these Aryans and the result was Hinduism and Sanskrit for the masses of India.

Who knows what kind of indigenous culture India would have had if not for the Aryan invaders.
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