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Is Pakistan’s ‘aman ki asha’ for real or merely a PR blitz?

Not withstanding internet hawks on both sides here. My statement is to Indians. If USA could have good relationships with Russia, then India can too ( some day).

1. Reagan said " Trust but verify" and that should be India's policy all the way.(goes both ways)

2. Pakistan must drop the Kashmir issue to where it is willing to compromise and India must give a little in return for an inland into Asia through that region ( both sides of the border)

3. Pakistan must stop all terrorism funding and supporting , be it Kashmir or Afghanistan. Pakistan must understand that just like them, any country has a fundamental right to chose its partners . And those partners whether Pakistan likes them or not should not be threatened by Pakistani terrorists. India does not threaten Pakistanis in Sri Lanka, china , Bangladesh, Burma or anywhere in the world if they formulate strategic partnerships. Why can't Pakistan extend the same civilized foreign policy in Afghanistan ?
same thing apply on you Indians , you are full of hate against Pakistan , anything anything happens in India you blame Pakistan but later on it proves otherwise (e.g. Samjhota express ) , but you Indian doing great i told you , you are angels .

Samjhota express was investigated by our agencies and the culprit apprehended by us, you host the worlds most dreaded terrorists and organisations, Your agencies haven't done a proper investigation about the Mumbai terror incident and your kangaroo court keeps releasing the culprits without conducting proper investigations. So where is the trust. You host our most notorious gangster Dawood, all terrorist organisations who attack India are based out of Pakistan, You have camps to recruit terrorists in Pk Kashmir. Your guys keep declaring jihad and gazwa hind and a thousand year war against us....and u want us to believe you just cos you suddenly had a change of heart.
Samjhota express was investigated by our agencies and the culprit apprehended by us, you host the worlds most dreaded terrorists and organisations, Your agencies haven't done a proper investigation about the Mumbai terror incident and your kangaroo court keeps releasing the culprits without conducting proper investigations. So where is the trust. You host our most notorious gangster Dawood, all terrorist organisations who attack India are based out of Pakistan, You have camps to recruit terrorists in Pk Kashmir. Your guys keep declaring jihad and gazwa hind and a thousand year war against us....and u want us to believe you just cos you suddenly had a change of heart.
i like bollywood movies . :tup:

What about Northern Areas? Also are you saying that you have the guts the get back the areas you ceded to China.
mr. read my comment you quoted , last part was your answer.
ok i will inform my Govt . BTW you sound childish (no offence ) anyway thanks for you advice

LOL ...You call me childish when you post like

we dont care what you offer or not , lets keep all this going

If you don't care what we have to offer, then why waste money in sending diplomats to India. You can do away with it and save money.
mr. read my comment you quoted , last part was your answer.

Sorry, you don't have any power to rectify the past mistakes. Even a hard state like Israel have problem in vacating few hundred Jewish settlers from occupied territories and you are speaking of moving thousands of non-Kashmiri Pakistani settlers back to their home and at the same time get back territories from China. Come back to the real world.
Peace has got no alternatives, It is more in the interest of Pakistan to sit on the table and solve problems including Kashmir. India is more than happy to wait and watch.
There is always two forces acting in nature ..you can call it positive negative ,true false,right wrong ,good evil ,love hate,light dark ...or aasha niraasha
these forces act against each other and one has to win ...but the point here is one should thrive for good so that darkness of evil should not conquer our world
The 'aman ki asha' is a tactic to cover-up pakistani army's genocide of a few more million minorities in Balochistan, NWFP & Sindh. But its not working, several RAW-funded journalists are exposing the jehadi army. :lol:
The Pakistanis that are deluded enough to think that the fascist indian state is for peace, are too be pitied more than condemned, having been to india, there are certain demographics that we can certainly befriend, they are the same people, that have often risked their lives to help our country.

The rest are a wretched poor rabble - that have hate for our country, like the many injuns on this forum.
The Pakistanis that are deluded enough to think that the fascist indian state is for peace, are too be pitied more than condemned, having been to india, there are certain demographics that we can certainly befriend, they are the same people, that have often risked their lives to help our country.

The rest are a wretched poor rabble - that have hate for our country, like the many injuns on this forum.

Again this having been to India BS..but still not no definitive answer as to where you visited.
Again this having been to India BS..but still not no definitive answer as to where you visited.

To protect those that have expressed their collaborative efforts this being an open forum, but have visited all the major cities, including some second tier cities, also some rural area.
The Pakistanis that are deluded enough to think that the fascist indian state is for peace, are too be pitied more than condemned, having been to india, there are certain demographics that we can certainly befriend, they are the same people, that have often risked their lives to help our country.

The rest are a wretched poor rabble - that have hate for our country, like the many injuns on this forum.

bhai aapne indian pe phd to nahi kiii loll
rafi is sacha hindustani. knows india more than i do even though i lived here for 18 yrs.

To protect those that have expressed their collaborative efforts this being an open forum, but have visited all the major cities, including some second tier cities, also some rural area.

how was delhi compared to ur karachi???
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