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Is Pakistan on its way to becoming the first country to defeat a large scale Islamist insurgency?

First, that theory of Aryans movingr in is debunked.

According to whom?
Are you sure about it? You mean the Peshwar and TTP and air base attacks had nothing to do with us?

Those were Afghans and Uzbeks pulling the trigger. I doubt a Hindu would be able to pull a trigger on a beef-eating Muslim man towering over him without soiling his pants.
Dear all please any one tell me what's the procedure to join pak Rangers sindh as a sub inspector.
Pakistan wont be the first country to defeat a large scale islamist insurgency, that prize goes to Algeria. As it defeated islamists in a decade long conflict in 2002.
Algerian Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If we want to truly exterminate terrorism from our soil, we need to De-radicalize a certain section in our country. National action plan is inadequate to deal will this issue in the long term. Instead we need large scale reforms. We need to impose madrassa reforms. Reforming police is also imperative.
Pakistan wont be the first country to defeat a large scale islamist insurgency, that prize goes to Algeria. As it defeated islamists in a decade long conflict in 2002.
Algerian Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If we want to truly exterminate terrorism from our soil, we need to De-radicalize a certain section in our country. National action plan is inadequate to deal will this issue in the long term. Instead we need large scale reforms. We need to impose madrassa reforms. Reforming police is also imperative.
Nobody here is radicalized... Only in some isolated parts, according to a recent Gallup poll, a whopping 93% of Pakistanis support the Military and it's operations.
Pakistan wont be the first country to defeat a large scale islamist insurgency, that prize goes to Algeria. As it defeated islamists in a decade long conflict in 2002.
Algerian Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If we want to truly exterminate terrorism from our soil, we need to De-radicalize a certain section in our country. National action plan is inadequate to deal will this issue in the long term. Instead we need large scale reforms. We need to impose madrassa reforms. Reforming police is also imperative.

Oh yara.

this is a moot point. People will continue going back to 1990s 1980s 1970s telling us who defeated whom first.

This discussion can go all the way back to baba Adam and Amma Hawwa.

So please quit this childish stuff.

Islamist militancy is constant, and winning the war against it is constant. The title of the thread is a more metaphorical instead of historical.

Thank you

First, that theory of Aryans moving in is debunked.

Sarthak bhai

Aaap bhi!

Eh tu Brute?

Jaanay do bhai. Kuch thread title he ka khyal karo.

Must we bring this Hindu $hit vs. Muslim $hit in every damned thread.

I think that would be Iran. We completely defeated MeK terrorist group inside Iran (Islamist-Marxist Iranian terrorist group, I know, that's a weird combination) who killed more than 10,000 Iranians (including senior officials, president, head of parliament) in 80s. We kicked them out of Iran, they went to Iraq and sided with Saddam Hussein against Iran, and launched their last major offensive from Iraqi border in 1988 to capture Tehran, fell in a huge ambush, lost 4500 in just 2 days (Operation Mersad), and Iran was cleansed from their presence forever.

They did terror attacks in Iran that TTP could only dream of, in first years of revolution and war when country was still in chaos.

Now their remnants are living in misery in west and in a camp in Iraq.

As you'd expect, U.S and Europe de-listed them from their terror group list, because obviously, terrorist attacks are fine as long as they target west's enemies.
Mek are like boy scouts compared to TTP, dude you are delusional lol.
According to whom?

Those were Afghans and Uzbeks pulling the trigger. I doubt a Hindu would be able to pull a trigger on a beef-eating Muslim man towering over him without soiling his pants.

Times are changing. :)
Nobody here is radicalized... Only in some isolated parts, according to a recent Gallup poll, a whopping 93% of Pakistanis support the Military and it's operations.

Yeah , i said "certain section" , go check out how many students study in Lal Masjid. There are many more radicalized madaras all over our country. Their curriculum contains anti state and jihadist ideology. These are like ticking time bombs. But political parties like JUI-F and Jamati Islam will never allow the state to curtail them.

Oh yara.

this is a moot point. People will continue going back to 1990s 1980s 1970s telling us who defeated whom first.

This discussion can go all the way back to baba Adam and Amma Hawwa.

So please quit this childish stuff.

Islamist militancy is constant, and winning the war against it is constant. The title of the thread is a more metaphorical instead of historical.

Thank you


Chill out dude, i am not trying to undermine our Military and nations anti-terror efforts. I am just trying to say that its been done before. Which is all the more reason to believe that our national drive against islamist will bear fruits aswell. The Algerian civil war contains a lot of lessons for Pakistan aswell.
Those rest of them constitute 1.4 million people...a very dangerous number.

Survey didn't that 7% fully support.

Bhai jaan

there has been sea change in People's attitude since APS days.

The numbers are down to really really low.

But they are now largely ineffective because their training grounds, and their safe houses in big cities are mostly gone.
If Pak can ensure peace and stability along with removal of terror camps and a regulation of the clergy like in Turkey.. Then yes.. Because terrorism has to be confronted from the lowest levels and not just via military operations but also ideologically.
This is true that since the time of bigot Zia and his bigoted crony Gen Hamid Gul, ISI & the militants have had very close links. One can imagine the radicalisation of the ISI when people like Major Amir were selected to hold key position in the ISI. For the record Major Amir is son of the Wahhabi Cleric Mulla Mohmmed Tahir of the Panjpiri organization. Current TTP Chief Fazlullah & Sufi Mohammed of Swat were students of Mulla Tahir. Major Amir was one of the leaders who attempted to dislodge Benazir Bhutto gov’t in 1989 and was cashiered from the Army.

Otherwise the article describes well-known historical facts and simply summarizes the circumstances that led to the Talibanization of large sections of Pakistan society as well as Pakistan’s polity.

There is little doubts that both the political parties that came out on top after the 2013 elections were Taliban sympathisers. PTI blockaded NATO supplies for 3 months in protest against drones killing Imran Khan’s beloved Taliban; he has been nicknamed Taliban Khan for good reason. PML- N also has close links with extremists of SSP & LeJ thru Rana Sana ullah. Major Amir is also one the darlings of Sharif brothers. Had it been left to Nawaz Sharif; Operation Zarb-e Azb would probably never have begun.

Due to these links; it still remains to be seen as to how serious Sharif bro's really are for eliminating extremism from Pakistan. Gen Raheel Sharif has only about a year of his term left and it is possible that the next COAS selected by Nawaz Sharif is not so enthusiastic about fighting Taliban.

I was not aware of the ‘3 colonels’ recommending “The mujahedeen, or holy warriors, returning home after inflicting defeat on the Red Army should be disarmed” and a few other things and would like thank Hon Zaravan for posting this.

I have also one question. When there is always the option to resign; where is the conscience of all the army officers while they are in service?

It is apparent the “Conscience” of service personnel is a beast that only wakes up after they retire.
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