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Is Pakistan on its way to becoming the first country to defeat a large scale Islamist insurgency?

You still havent answered my question. Who supported the tamil tigers. The real fact is that most countries us such groups for their benefit and india is no exception. You said lashkar e jhangvi. Do you know that there is an operation against them in pakistan just a couple of days ago their commander was killed.
No country use there own citizens/civilians for sub conventional warfare, that is the difference between India & Pakistan.
Pakistan is the only country in the world which uses Islamic terrorism as its state policy.....there is hardly any difference between the ISIS and the Islamic terrorist state of Pakistan

something which is good and right is never hated
Are you saying that only islamic insurgencies are bad and others are good? Who supported the tamil tigers which was made up of hindus?
Ok they are doing that.....
Now who ever in world wants to stop them... can send their forces our way....
Whether Pakistan is the first state or not, the bottom line is that by the grace of Almighty Pak armed forces have broken TTP and their sympathizer's back. I can say that because I can see and feel the peace in Karachi, one of the most troubled city. Though there is still a lot of work to be done still the effort of our armed forces cannot be neglected.

Salute to our soldiers. May Almighty bless them and give them the strength to get Pakistan rid from these scums and restore the image that Pakistan once had.:pakistan:
what about Pakistani terrrorist organizations like Lashkar-e-Tayyaba,Jaish-e-Mohammad,lashkar-e-Jhangvi??...Aren't they Pak army and ISI's creations??Fact is that Pak army and the ISI,both are islamic terrorist organizations...they support and fund these pakistani terror outfits...they will never act against their friends.....Peace will prevail in the sub-continent only if notorious Pak army and the ISI are destroyed....they are threat to global security

i would love to see the eunich puppies or their masters try that.....

why do they only bark? why not put your money where your mouth is ..... pick up a gun and try....
beg your masters to try.
who is stopping you
Short answer: No.

Syria and Russia did it first. It's entirely possible to destroy Islamic insurgency, you just have to stoop to their level and evict or totally disempower the populations that are sympathetic to it.
Short answer: No.

Syria and Russia did it first. It's entirely possible to destroy Islamic insurgency, you just have to stoop to their level and evict or totally disempower the populations that are sympathetic to it.[/QUOTE

Whether Pakistan is the first state or not, the bottom line is that by the grace of Almighty Pak armed forces have broken TTP and their sympathizer's back

The so-called Almighty forces create them in first place and when they went freelance then they went after them. Cleaning up your own created mess does not give you any rewards.
The so-called Almighty forces create them in first place and when they went freelance then they went after them. Cleaning up your own created mess does not give you any rewards.

i hope u will judge americans on same standards in iraq and syria and...... well libya .....
and afghanistan.........
i hope u will judge americans on same standards in iraq and syria and...... well libya .....and afghanistan.........and well....

Pakistan is neighbor of Afghanistan it effects us directly. Libya and Afghanistan are not neigbors of US.
in UK they don't give you lawyer (solicitor) anymore and it very very expensive. UK is almost becoming third world. poor go to jail to rot rich pay bail and get good solicitor and get away with serious crime.
Pakistan is neighbor of Afghanistan it effects us directly. Libya and Afghanistan are not neigbors of US.

Yes they made mistakes... especially in 90's....
But dont judge the situation on morality .... proxy wars are reality of 21st century....having said that i really hope pakistan has learned a lesson to an extent... and i think they have
Even isis was once a proxy of people currently bombing them...
Heck al nusra is still a proxy...
Yes they made mistakes... especially in 90's....
But dont judge the situation on morality .... proxy wars are reality of 21st century....having said that i really hope pakistan has learned a lesson to an extent... and i think they have
Even isis was once a proxy of people currently bombing them...
Heck al nusra is still a proxy...

You've got to know when to hold them, when to fold them, when to walk away and especially when to runaway. The Almighty Army still don't know and they continue to play the same losing hand.

The so-called Almighty forces create them in first place and when they went freelance then they went after them. Cleaning up your own created mess does not give you any rewards.
Pakistan paid for it good deeds when they allowed the afghan refugees to settle in Pakistan and later these refugees became the biggest sympathizers of TTP. BTW you totally misunderstood the line where I thanked Allah for his help in fighting the terrorist as a reward that got, or am I wrong?
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