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Is Pakistan aiding Syrian rebels?

You say this as if i am supposed to be surprised? Of course i know you'd think that, you're a "Saudi". :laugh: What else would a thief, a terrorist and a liar think?

So sorry! We're Saudis, no Taqqyiah or lies or whatever.

Coming to Terrorism, I think your comments are as laughable as they can be, given the fact that Iran is labled as a state sponsoring terror in many countries, and above all the United States:

State Sponsors of Terrorism

Here is what the UK had to say about it as well:

State-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Canada too:

Canada puts Iran on terror list | Sherwood Park News

And god knows how many.

Dont worry about trying to defend your 1930s British invented thiefdom. Nobody buys your camel shit of a history. Even Islam teaches what a shit hole Arabia is

Islam never gave any reference of racial profiling against any race or ethnic groups The Muslims annihilated your great Persia for good:

Muslim conquest of Persia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If being an Arab is viewed by Iranians negatively, then this shows how much of a racism does Iran have toward non-Persians.

that is why the Prophet was sent there wasnt it

Many prophets had been sent to different ethnic groups not just Arabs.

You say this as if i am supposed to be surprised? Of course i know you'd think that, you're a "Saudi". :laugh: What else would a thief, a terrorist and a liar think?

Dont worry about trying to defend your 1930s British invented thiefdom. Nobody buys your camel shit of a history. Even Islam teaches what a shit hole Arabia is, that is why the Prophet was sent there wasnt it, because you are the most disgusting and dirtiest people and society in the entire World. Nothing has changed in your thiefdom, has it? I mean, just look at you. :laugh:
The Bin Laden Family doesn't actually have a Saudi origin. They came to KSA in the 40s as tradesmen, gained their citizenries later.

Sauds + Ladins & Wahabites have been "governing" Arabia since 1700's, under 'certain' terms & conditions, however, you are correct to state that the name "Arabia" was changed to "Saudi Arabia," and the foundation of a sovereign state was put on the date stated by you.

Yazdi, mate, where do my favorite sheep come from, on the following map.... which tone of green? o_O

@Yzd Khalifa

They're coming to your way :lol:
The Afghanistan story is getting repeated here again.

It's the US / Saudi's on one side and Russia on the other.

Though the US seems like a reluctant partner in this - there are other interested parties here like Israel, turkey etc.

Also, it's not that Pakistan is aiding the Syrian rebels for free - the Saudi's are paying for its services and supplies.

America has little interests inside Syria but Arab have various discipline.
America has little interests inside Syria but Arab have various discipline.

Their major allies in the ME have interests - or must one say - a need to change the regime and possibly the power equation.
Well about time they do arm the FSA, i was watching an interview few days ago where an officer claimed that the weapons they were waiting for for 2-3 years has arrived and he said the tide will turn soon in the war. (he said the weapons they got were modern Anti Tank Missiles and advanced SAM'S capabilities). Game over For Bashar al assad he can't win this war, he knew that from the start he just wanted to buy time for political exit but that never came since the Gulf arab countries sabotaged it.

The only way he can sustain this war is to use the chemical weapons almost daily the opposition has almost 300,000 Fighters now and increasing by few hundred every day (defection, foreign fighters, locals joining the FSA) while assad army is almost non existent now and his operation is run by hizbollah and iranian revo guards.

The Iranian are pouring Billions of dollars into assad while their country is suffocating because of sanctions, but in a game of who's pocket is bigger they are still no match to the arab states who are throwing much more to support the FSA, and now the same game is getting played back at the iranians stirring problems inside iran with the baloch,ahwaz arabians kurds etc i wouldn't be suprised with iran back pressed against the wall everyday they will start swinging harder and more chaos will emerge in the region.
It doesnt really matter if they are, they wont be able to make any difference to the war there. Syria is not Afghanistan and the Syrian army and Hezbollah are not the Americans, they arent restricted by any ROE that ties one hand behind their backs. They'll make short work of the Taliban and any other terrorists from Pakistan that are stupid enough to try and involve themselves in a real life or death fight (ie Syria).

Those pajama wearing neanderthals may be good at dressing up in women's burqa's to do suicide bombings and shooting at school girls, but they wont be able to blend into Syria and do the same, they'll just get slaughtered over there by the Syrians.

Saudi Arabia woos Pakistan with $1.5 billion grant. Why now? - CSMonitor.com
Shia in syria are a little minority, not more than 5% alawite included. You are lucky because hezbollah and iraqi scum
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