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Is PAA going for 11-ton ATAK-II with Ukrainian engines?

ATAK-II will make its first flight on March 18, 2023. It will reach operational level in the range of 2026-2028. The primary customer is Turkish ground forces. So the possibilities discussed here (like Pakistan's Atak-II acquisition) are highly speculative. A progressively developing common logistics structure is forming, extending from T-129 Phase-2 to T-629 and upto Atak-2. Of course, for the T129 user forces, staying within this structure will provide a number of advantages in terms of common system and ammunition, ease of maintenance, combat readiness and personnel training. However, Pakistan's primary problem is to start deliveries of T-129 as soon as possible. It doesn't make much sense to draw forward projections without going through this step yet.

On the subject of engine planning, It seem that Mr. @RadarGudumluMuhimmat has clearly conveyed the developments to you. Saying anything beyond that would be a guesswork.

ساڈے نصیباں وچ چینی ہی لکھے ہوئے نے
شاید یہ معلومات کے فقدان کے بارے میں ہے
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Well, given that Motor Sich is now firmly in America's pocket, it's questionable whether it will supply Turkey with any engines.

So why is China trying to buy the company, if its so garbage?
To prevent Turkey getting engines from Ukraine I suppose. That why Pakistan would be forced to buy Z-10 from China instead of buy T129 from Turkey.

There are differences of opinion in China's Canadian diaspora, surprising. 🙃
There are differences of opinion in China's Canadian diaspora, surprising. 🙃
It's just facts. If China's Canadian diaspora happens to understand them and others don't and want to indulge in wishful thinking, that's not China's Canadian diaspora's fault.
The amount of space, hydraulics, and other parts needed to have that done would be more detrimental to the performance.
It would make it heavier and more complicated.
It's beneficial to have them outside
Can't they do something about the bloody undercarriage/wheels?

Its 2021!!!

They must be a drag (literally) in flight.
Ukrainian Engine for Turkey's ATAK 2 Helicopter
  • Our Bureau
  • 03:47 AM, March 16, 2021
  • 1102

Ukrainian Engine for Turkey's ATAK 2 Helicopter

ATAK helicopter
Turkey is looking to source a heavy helicopter engine from Ukraine for its proposed ATAK 2 combat helicopter, considered a competitor to the Boeing Apache.
Prof. Dr. Temel Kotil, General Manager of Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) announced that a Ukrainian-origin engine will power the heavy-class attack helicopter. The engine would be built by TAI, SavunmaSanayiST.com reported Monday.
The helicopter is scheduled to perform its first flight in 2024. Turkey’s Presidency of Defense Industries (SSB) and TAI signed a contract pertaining to the development of the engine in February 2019.
The rotorcraft will be the same class as U.S.-made Boeing AH-64 Apache and Russia’s Mi-28NM Night Hunter. It will have a maximum take-off weight of 10 tons and payload of over 1200kg. The helicopter should be equipped with a 30-mm cannon, missile armament from the latest T129 versions and modern avionics.
ATAK 2 is reportedly being developed on the basis of the combat experience gained in Syria. It will offer better protection for the pilot, modern electronics, and a wide variety of suspended weapons.
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It's time we heard some good news about this T-129 Project like a Delivery Date 8-)
Install the Prototype Engines we will test them on the Job
The best option for Pak is not wait endlessly for a heli which is not coming at a time of need. Get one now.
The Turkish heli purchase may be dropped for a next time, when it is available.
If Pakistan needs it so desperately, Should not Pakistan get China on board and get it done with their help? It will solve the problem once for all.
China is the obvious choice for Pakistan. The JF-17 has turned out to be extremely reliable and China as a whole is a much more reliable weapons supplier compared to Turkey. China is one of the worlds largest weapons producers.

Turkey more or less assembles weapons with the vital components more often than not being sourced from abroad. For example, Turkey's Bayraktar drones, engine German, optics Canadian, sensors from the USA and UK.

China is much more stable economically and firm in its foreign policy, politics as well. Turkey is somewhat wishy, washy in this regard. One day Turkey is aligned with NATO, the next they're buddy, buddy with Russia.

Right now, Turkey's tank program isn't going anywhere. The F-35 got cancelled and now the British are no longer building Turkey their 5th generation stealth jet. Ukraine is a corrupt and broken country. Ukrainians can't even supply their existing clients with contracted weapons systems.

Now Turkey is considering buying the SU-35 and SU-57 from Russia ? They seem to be all over the place with their weapons procurement as of late. Pakistan would be wise to stick with a reliable and steadfast partner, China, rather than making the more emotionally appealing choice in Turkey.

I am not sure if Pakistan will stick around for the program based on existing timelines.
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And what expert reasoning you have to back up that "troll like" statement.
ask cobra pilots whom waiting for this since last many years . and we are running behind turkey like its last helicopter on earth .
China is the obvious choice for Pakistan. The JF-17 has turned out to be extremely reliable and China as a whole is a much more reliable weapons supplier compared to Turkey. China is one of the worlds largest weapons producers.

Turkey more or less assembles weapons with the vital components more often than not being sourced from abroad. For example, Turkey's Bayraktar drones, engine German, optics Canadian, sensors from the USA and UK.

China is much more stable economically and firm in its foreign policy, politics as well. Turkey is somewhat wishy, washy in this regard. One day Turkey is aligned with NATO, the next they're buddy, buddy with Russia.

Right now, Turkey's tank program isn't going anywhere. The F-35 got cancelled and now the British are no longer building Turkey their 5th generation stealth jet. Ukraine is a corrupt and broken country. Ukrainians can't even supply their existing clients with contracted weapons systems.

Now Turkey is considering buying the SU-35 and SU-57 from Russia ? They seem to be all over the place with their weapons procurement as of late. Pakistan would be wise to stick with a reliable and steadfast partner, China, rather than making the more emotionally appealing choice in Turkey.
Sure, but the Chinese wont just give you their IP immediately and it is always better to have eggs in more than one basket.
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