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Is North Korea's military firepower threat to Peace & Stability?

The article just talks about NK test firing a missile nothing of the destruction of SK - besides all your comrades just keep talking of wiping out one country or the other when china attacks.

And whatever your neighbors are doing is trying to put up a defense against this aggression.
you forgot to mention that S. Korea has one of the best Air Forces in the world. I dont know much about the pilots but I am pretty sure they are better than North's (being trained by the west and joint exercises with Nato). People forgot that wars are not decided at land anymore. Israeli Air Force won the wars against Arabs many times(I know terrain is different but South of the penunsila is open for air strikes).

Propably north's soldiers more brainwashed than what you see in SF movies but Their equipment is old and propably useless in modern warfare. Naton would side with South too I presume

But there is one thing that many didnt mentioned. North Korea is like a wild animal and will not hesitate to use nuclear if things did not progress in its favour.

So it is lose, lose situation for everybody.
SK can't really do anything again, NK is so poor that if South tries to annex it or reunify with it, SK economy will be crippled for the next 20 years. not to mention NK does not need nukes to harm south, NK has artillery just above the hills near the DMZ that can hit the Seoul basically economic hub of SK and kill up to millions of people and hurt or destroy the SK economy.

Not to mention NK is heavy fortified, it has thousands of tunnels underground that are ready for war, and NK population is brainwashed to fight to the death for the kims it won't be like Iraq, Sure NK weapory is outdated however they have a pretty good arsenal that can really hurt any country that trys to attack them.


North Korea has enough plutonium to build six or seven atomic weapons, according to international estimates. It remains unclear whether the North can manufacture nuclear warheads for its missiles but analysts believe it is likely close to that point.


The North has at least 1,000 missiles of various types, including some with a range of more than 3,000 kilometers (1,860 miles), according to South Korea's defense ministry. It has also test-launched three intercontinental Taepodong missiles.


Military planners believe that the North would be overwhelmed in a conventional war with the South, but they worry how Pyongyang would use its arsenal of chemical and biological weapons.

The North has a large stockpile of 2,500-5,000 tons of chemical weapons, Seoul's defense ministry and other estimates say, enough to inflict terrible casualties on South Korea.

The chemical agents could be delivered with long-range artillery, multiple rocket launchers, ballistic missiles, aircraft and naval ships.

The North also has a biological weapons program but analysts say it is unclear if the regime has moved beyond the research and development phase.

Pyongyang is believed to possess anthrax, mustard gas, sarin, botulism and phosgene.


With conscription starting at age 17, the armed forces currently number about 1.2 million. The country also has reserves of 7.7 million.


The army has a vast array of heavy guns pointed at Seoul. The weaponry includes 3,500 main battle tanks, 560 light tanks, 2,500 armored personnel carriers, 3,500 pieces of towed artillery, 4,400 pieces of self-propelled artillery, 2,500 multiple rocket launchers, 7,500 mortars, an unknown number of anti-tank guided weapons, 1,700 recoilless launchers, and 11,000 air defense guns, according to US government estimates and analysts.


The navy has a large fleet of submarines, estimated at 92.

It also has three frigates, six corvettes, 43 missile craft, 158 large patrol craft, 103 fast torpedo craft, more than 334 patrol force craft, 10 amphibious ships, two coastal defense missile batteries, 130 hovercraft, 23 minesweepers, eight midget ships, and four survey vessels.


The air force, designed for quick strikes across the border, has an estimated 80 bombers, 541 fighters and ground attack fighters, 316 transport planes, 588 transport helicopters, 24 attack helicopters and at least one unmanned drone as well as an ample supply of air-to-air missiles and surface-to-air missiles.
''Is North Korea's military firepower threat to Peace & Stability?''

Its simple, dont attack them and peace will prevail
So did anyone attacked North Korea before that warship incident?
if N.Korea attacked first,S.Korea will be doomed,they wont have time to respond,their capital will be totally levelled in one hour,there's not much you can do in one hour.
if N.Korea attacked first,S.Korea will be doomed,they wont have time to respond,their capital will be totally levelled in one hour,there's not much you can do in one hour.
What if South Korea attack first?

This is going to be interesting seeing...A bunch of conscript rejects talking about strategies.
What if South Korea attack first?

This is going to be interesting seeing...A bunch of conscript rejects talking about strategies.

Then the south will be badly damaged, basically Seoul is the most important Target for NK.
North Invaded South in 50's however today North Can't do that Neither can the South basically Cold Peace is best for now.

I agree the current status is better than war, but the current status can be potentially IMPROVED. The tensions between the two nations are very high and the NK people are suffering.

if N.Korea attacked first,S.Korea will be doomed,they wont have time to respond,their capital will be totally levelled in one hour,there's not much you can do in one hour.

Seoul changed hands more than once in the Korean war. Loss of a capital doesn't mean loss of a war. The economic impact would be huge, though.
I agree the current status is better than war, but the current status can be potentially IMPROVED. The tensions between the two nations are very high and the NK people are suffering.

Seoul changed hands more than once in the Korean war. Loss of a capital doesn't mean loss of a war. The economic impact would be huge, though.

SK and NK relations were going well until Bush called them Axis of Evil, then North got mad, and not to mention SK current President Lee is hawkish, and we tried to get them to open up their country however their juche ideology is to stubborn, and all the sanctions by the USA don't seem to change Kim's mind either certainly are Hurting NK people more.
Then the south will be badly damaged, basically Seoul is the most important Target for NK.
This is why the label 'conscript rejects' is so apt for the lot of you. Even before WW II, there were signs by Nazi Germany that war is imminent. If tensions between the two Koreas are sufficient to war, even a surprise attack by either side would not be as militarily crippling as Desert Storm, assuming the fight is ONLY between the two Koreas. Both sides would have their major population centers prepared for war long before any 'surprise' attack by any mean. The leaderships dispersed into safe areas. The militaries on high alert. And so on...
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