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Is Mahendra Rajapaksha a Hindu or a Buddhist ?

Good point...will you say the same if Ranil goes to an Anglican church...just wondered

Ranil Always goes to Anglican church. But what I oppose is the fact that he try to hide it using national flag and being a fake Buddhist layman. He should come out of the closet.
LOL...where did you get that from.....:lol:

Anyway, I think people who are telling the OP not create an issue are helping him create an issue by replying to him...
Duniya mein sab milta hai ... sab nazar honi chahiye dhundne ke liye. :p:
As he wants?

Yes as long as he stays in power he can use the money the way he likes. It is our job be the jury.

Most LTTE were Catholics.. Just shows how little the shyt you know

Not most but few key people. Anyway the canon fodder of the LTTE was low cast Hindu.

Does being a Sanatan Dharmic follower makes him a lesser person???

Not at all. In fact the practicing Buddhism in SL is actually disguised Hinduism.
Sri Lanka Presidential Elections 2015

At Thirupathi Kovil, Andra Pradesh 09/12/14






Dhammapada Verses 188 to 192
Aggidattabrahmana Vatthu

Bahum ve saranam yanti
pabbatani vanani ca
manussa bhayatajjita.

Netam kho saranam khemam
netam saranamuttamam
netam saranamagamma
sabbadukkha pamuccati.

Yo ca buddhanca dhammanca
samghanca saranam gato
cattari ariyasaccani
sammappannaya passati.

Dukkham dukkhasamuppadam
dukkhassa ca atikkamam
ariyam catthangikam maggam

Etam kho saranam khemam
etam saranamuttamam
etam saranamagamma
sabbadukkha pamuccati.

Verse 188: When threatened with danger, men go to many a refuge, - to mountains and forests, to parks and gardens, and to sacred trees.

Verse 189:
But such a refuge is not a safe refuge, not the best refuge. One is not liberated from all evil consequences of existence (dukkha) for having come to such a refuge.

Verses 190 & 191:
One, who takes refuge in the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Samgha, sees with Magga Insight the Four Noble Truths, viz., Dukkha, the Cause of Dukkha, the Cessation of Dukkha, and the Noble Path of Eight Constituents which leads to the Cessation of Dukkha.

Verse 192:
This, indeed, is the safe refuge; this is the best refuge. Having come to this refuge, one is liberated from all dukkha.

The Difference

08/12/14 At Nominations
Politician doen't have a religion. He belongs to whatever religion he wants the vote from..
what genocide are you talking about?

Listen this very well. SL is a multi ethnic country where you will see people of all religions co existing with each other of course there are issues. And we are not living in a perfect world. SL is the only country which has a significant presence of all major 4 religions.
The SL issue has multiple reasons and external influences worsened it to the worse.

Sinhala Buddhists use denialism as sensible defense mechanism against criticism and accountability.

Siinhalas under the influence of Buddhist clergy (sangha) and racist politicians have been unleashing unprecedented violence and terror upon minority Hindu Tamil post independence. Black July 1983 , a state sponsored genocide claimed over 5,000 Tamil civilian lives, Tamil properties worth 1 + billion looted and destroyed by Sinhala Buddhist mob and the permanent exodus of 1 million Tamil out of Lanka. Black July triggered the 35 yrs civil war, ending in a genocide which culminated in the eradication over 100,000 trapped Tamil civilian in a single year in 2009.

The events of July 1983 are poignant for the entire Tamil population around the world. Between July 24 and 29, Tamils were systematically targeted with violence in Colombo and many other parts of Sri Lanka.

Sri Lankan Governments officials categorized the violence as uncontrollable race riots instigated by the killing of 13 Sinhala soldiers on the night of July 23. However, history and the course of events during Black July illustrate the Sri Lankan Government’s undeniable involvement in the genocidal acts against Tamils.

Black July '83 - Events of Black July

While Sinhala Buddhist superficially appeared to worship Hindu gods for some selfish material gains, these same Buddhist have no qualms in destroying Hindu temples, an act sanctioned by their "dharmic" Sinhala Buddhism. Its considered an act of merit (punya) to rid Lanka of paganism and pagans, similar to IS/Daesh dealings with infidels like Yezidis and other non Sunni religious minorities in Syria/Iraq. In Lanka's context it reeks of bigotry, chauvinism and extremism.
To date over 2000 Hindu temple have been destroyed , many converted into Buddhist shrines and many more under direct military occupation or its properties taken over by military

This drama - 'Trupathi Pilgrimage' is a political gimmick - to troll Tamilnadu and boost Rajapaksa's image with MBA morons, playing "dharmic" religion political card.

TORONTO, January 25, 2013 : The International Policy Digest has authentically published a shocking news item, that 367 Hindu temples have been demolished in Sri Lanka, in areas, predominantly populated by Hindu Tamils. This document released in March 2012, has come out in the media now, and has created panic amongst the Tamils.

The Rajapakse government in Sri Lanka, according to this report, is all out to destroy the Tamil monuments in predominant Tamil areas, to prove that no such areas existed, while settling rural Sinhalese folks in those areas, and silently destroying Hindu temples.

The Tamil enthusiastics have vehemently protested that by destroying Hindu temples, the Sri Lankan government is determined to wipe-out the cultural heritage of the Hindu temples. It has been specifically mentioned that in Jaffna alone, 208 temples have been destroyed.

367 Hindu Temple Claimed Demolished in SRi Lanka - Hindu Press International - Hindu Press International - Hinduism Today Magazine

2500 Hindu temples destroyed in Sri Lanka « Struggle for Hindu Existence

Is Rajapaksa a Hindu or Buddhist ? The answer, Rajapaksa is a closeted Catholic, his wife Shiranthi is Catholic, their kids were baptised and they unofficially frequent the Vatican, try denying these facts, imbeciles


Rajapakse Ancestry Rajapaksas are born Catholics of Malaccan origin - Lanka News Blog | Lanka News Blog

Rest of your jingoistic rants don't deserves any response
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Ranil Always goes to Anglican church. But what I oppose is the fact that he try to hide it using national flag and being a fake Buddhist layman. He should come out of the closet.
His family is the custodian of Kelaniya temple. I think he has people of different faiths in his family.

How do you want Ranil to go to church then? make it a headline news in a paper with security arrangements around the church and the road wasting public money for his superstitions? Your hypocrasy is unbelieveable.

Yes as long as he stays in power he can use the money the way he likes. It is our job be the jury.
Not enough machan, bend more ,,,, not jury the payer

Rest of your jingoistic rants don't deserves any response
who the hell were talking to you to give you a response? None were conversing with you here
And what makes you think that I haven't started those pilgrimages to repent for the sins of the Hindutvas in India?

PS. I also ask the Almighty to forgive you and to wash away those sinful thoughts which you have about Muslims and Christians when I do those pilgrimages
First - your beef is with Hindus. Hindutva is just used as a vehicle, which is not needed. :P

Secondly -
Does not matter coz in the end you will still be denied entry to Mecca or Medina, forget about going on a pilgrimage there. :D

Rajapakshe is a powerful nationalist Sri Lankar statesman. You should be lucky you got such a headstrong leader who settled so many of your longstanding issues. I wish you the best.
Sinhala Buddhists use denialism as sensible defense mechanism against criticism and accountability.

Siinhalas under the influence of Buddhist clergy (sangha) and racist politicians have been unleashing unprecedented violence and terror upon minority Hindu Tamil post independence. Black July 1983 , a state sponsored genocide claimed over 5,000 Tamil civilian lives, Tamil properties worth 1 + billion looted and destroyed by Sinhala Buddhist mob and the permanent exodus of 1 million Tamil out of Lanka. Black July triggered the 35 yrs civil war, ending in a genocide which culminated in the eradication over 100,000 trapped Tamil civilian in a single year in 2009.

Black July '83 - Events of Black July

While Sinhala Buddhist superficially appeared to worship Hindu gods for some selfish material gains, these same Buddhist have no qualms in destroying Hindu temples, an act sanctioned by their "dharmic" Sinhala Buddhism. Its considered an act of merit (punya) to rid Lanka of paganism and pagans, similar to IS/Daesh dealings with infidels like Yezidis and other non Sunni religious minorities in Syria/Iraq. In Lanka's context it reeks of bigotry, chauvinism and extremism.
To date over 2000 Hindu temple have been destroyed , many converted into Buddhist shrines and many more under direct military occupation or its properties taken over by military

This drama - 'Trupathi Pilgrimage' is a political gimmick - to troll Tamilnadu and boost Rajapaksa's image with MBA morons, playing "dharmic" religion political card.

367 Hindu Temple Claimed Demolished in SRi Lanka - Hindu Press International - Hindu Press International - Hinduism Today Magazine

2500 Hindu temples destroyed in Sri Lanka « Struggle for Hindu Existence

Is Rajapaksa a Hindu or Buddhist ? The answer, Rajapaksa is a closeted Catholic, his wife Shiranthi is Catholic, their kids were baptised and they unofficially frequent the Vatican, try denying these facts, imbeciles


Rajapakse Ancestry Rajapaksas are born Catholics of Malaccan origin - Lanka News Blog | Lanka News Blog

Rest of your jingoistic rants don't deserves any response
What a load of BS in one post.
who the hell were talking to you to give you a response? None were conversing with you here


Saiva temples located along the border of the Batticaloa district are being desecrated and demolished under the guise of archaeological excavation, Tamil National Alliance (TNA) parliamentarian P. Ariyanethran said Wednesday at Thaan-thoan’ri-eesvarar temple situated in Kokkaddich-choalai of Batticaloa district. The parliamentarian blamed Buddhist monks for constructing Buddhist viharas on such sites with the backing of Colombo government and the occupying Sri Lanka Army.

In the meantime, Sr Lankan Police elite commandos, who were on treasure hunt at an archaeological site have been confronted by the local people of Mahawilachchiya in Anuradhapura district in the North Central Province.

Media reports in Colombo also revealed that illegal treasure hunting in archaeological sites have increased with the connivance or participation of the SL military occupying the country of Eezham Tamils at the bordering forest areas.

The ‘Army and Archaeology’ has entered into a phase of ‘Army and antiquarian trade’, civil sources in the island commented

Tamil Hindu Temples Desecrated and Demolished Under Guise of “Archaeology” | GLOBAL REVOLUTIONARY ALLIANCE

Sri Lankan officials have decided to demolish a mosque and a Hindu temple after a group of Buddhist monks and their supporters demanded their removal from a Buddhist sacred area.

Sri Lanka to demolish mosque & Hindu temple due to the demands of Buddhist Monks - NewBuddhist

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There are TNA MPs in SL and there is a media in SL. Free media which are constantly critical of MR or SL that operate from abroad has not ever mentioned about it. You need to grow up and realise there is a difference between 'propaganda' and 'real news'....
what I see is in every part of SL from Colombo to Nuwara Eliya and Galle hindu temples are coming up.

"""In the meantime, Sr Lankan Police elite commandos, who were on treasure hunt at an archaeological site have been confronted by the local people of Mahawilachchiya in Anuradhapura district in the North Central Province.Media reports in Colombo also revealed that illegal treasure hunting in archaeological sites have increased with the connivance or participation of the SL military occupying the country of Eezham Tamils at the bordering forest areas.
The ‘Army and Archaeology’ has entered into a phase of ‘Army and antiquarian trade’, civil sources in the island commented"""""""

Ha ha you were caught without being able to talk and read or even not being able identify a tamil character in alphabet....Now as usual you dont know Mahavilachchiya in Anuradhapura is a sinhala area...:) treasure hunting is a serious problem in SL and the one you mentioned was in Sinhala area and the locals were Sinhalese ....another facepalm situation...?

"Sri Lankan officials have decided to demolish a mosque and a Hindu temple after a group of Buddhist monks and their supporters demanded their removal from a Buddhist sacred area."

Got that pin head? answer is there!

@waz, you removed some of my posts in a previous thread saying they are off topic. I have no issue and i respect you're concerns.

Same time this fellow manlion has been posting off topic posts in all SL related thread. I wonder how he is allowed....
Ha ha you were caught without being able to talk and read or even not being able identify a tamil character in alphabet....Now as usual you dont know Mahavilachchiya in Anuradhapura is a sinhala area...:) treasure hunting is a serious problem in SL and the one you mentioned was in Sinhala area and the locals were Sinhalese ....another facepalm situation...?

thanks for admitting, the issue is destruction of Hindu temples and I have deliberately highlighted the text and increased the font , for those with reading disability.

"Sri Lankan officials have decided to demolish a mosque and a Hindu temple after a group of Buddhist monks and their supporters demanded their removal from a Buddhist sacred area."
Got that pin head? answer is there!

To Sinhala Buddhists Hinduism is not a 'dharmic' religion but considered to be pagan ? Hindu temples in Buddhist 'scared areas' must either 1) be relocated or 2) demolished or 3) converted into Buddhist shrines ?

Meanwhile, a mob had ordered the occupants of the Badraamman Kovil to leave taking with them the statue of the deity claiming that Polwatte too came under the sacred area, MP Yogarajan noted, adding “

A total of 107 Tamil, Muslim and Sinhala families evicted from their houses down Kandalama Road, Dambulla over 18 months back, on the grounds that it belonged to the Rangiri Dambulla sacred area were still waiting for the alternative land promised by the government, UNP MP R. Yograjan said yesterday.

Families evicted from Rangiri Dambulla sacred area still waiting for promised land | Forum for Peaceful Coexistence, Sri Lanka
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By all objective means you are a Muslim or more appropriately a minion of Islam. Your hatred of Hindus and Hinduism far exceeds your love of Muslims and Islam. I have not heard you fear mongering about Muslims despite ISIS, taliban, Al Qaeda, but you started off warning people about Hindus right at the start of this thread. That should be enough to tell anyone with half a brain who is the bigot here.

My "hatred of Hindus and Hinduism" was adequate to have me laughing my gut off here. I am not interested in Islam and its problems or issues. Look within yourself before you point out the faults of others is a motto which I always abide by. This is tantamount to telling a person that because he is critical of his family's faults , he must support those who have issues with his family. A somewhat lame conclusion on your part
My "hatred of Hindus and Hinduism" was adequate to have me laughing my gut off here. I am not interested in Islam and its problems or issues. Look within yourself before you point out the faults of others is a motto which I always abide by. This is tantamount to telling a person that because he is critical of his family's faults , he must support those who have issues with his family. A somewhat lame conclusion on your part

A serial abuser of his family is no critic. A man who stands and watches his family assaulted time and again and denies them agency to protect themselves and find restitution is equally a sick man.
His family is the custodian of Kelaniya temple. I think he has people of different faiths in his family.

How do you want Ranil to go to church then? make it a headline news in a paper with security arrangements around the church and the road wasting public money for his superstitions? Your hypocrasy is unbelieveable.

Go to church, be a homosexual doesn't require him to show it off. But he should honestly acknowledge it.
Go to church, be a homosexual doesn't require him to show it off. But he should honestly acknowledge it.
I think those who are in his private circles may know that (if it is), and the fact that you know it already does mean it is not something hidden, unless you are in his private circles..

SL is filled with hypocritic, shameless and judgemental souls, one reason why we are in this state, in such a scenario a gay christian who wants to go to a leadership position in this country might not be able to that. That is not his problem, SL society which is abundantly clear even here is not matured enough and tribal for such a thing. One from that society is hardly in a position to point at a supposedly gay politician

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