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Is Mahendra Rajapaksha a Hindu or a Buddhist ?

there are news reports where kshenuka had given the SL's UN mission repairs to an LTTE owned company and they had installed equipment to eavesdrop...

I don't believe your "news reports" to be honest. You are welcome to believe them though.

Any bugger who knows SL's UN defeats knows that is largely due to KSHENUKA and SAJIN.....they even made sure Chris Nonis leave office...
AS i said before you know nothing!

Yes, only you know everything.

the ones who say that are dayan jayatillaka, Thamara Kumanayagam, Rajiva W and every foreign service employee who thinks about the country...
මහින්දයා යුද්දේ දින්නා වගේ ඊළමත් කොටින්ට දීල යි යන්නේ! තොපි වගේ මැටි හරක් ඉන්නකන් රට හදන්න බෑ

I do like Rajiva, but I'm not a big fan of Dayan Jayathilaka. I'm not sad that he's gone.

when Thamara K went to meet Sajin about the strategy to win UN, that bugger who live on our money said, 'no strategy!'

Kshenuka and sajin spend our money for partying and erases our victory!

They had a better strategy than handing control of Sri Lankan territory to the LTTE - like Ranil did.
Mahinda has done way more for Sri Lankan soldiers than the UNP or Ranil ever did. When Ranil was PM he was flying LTTE cadres into private hospitals to give them treatment, while our sodiers were being killed. He gave LTTE leaders helicopter rides all over the country while our wounded soldiers had to make do with road transport. The Defence Minister Thilak Marapana was taking baskets of fruit to the LTTE cadres, didn't even bother visiting our soldiers.

These are the same people that you want back in power.

I've already answered that.

When has the UNP ever done anything like this for our soldiers:

Ranil giving treatment to LTTE cadres was due to SLG being bound by an agreement. we had a cease fire agreement then. Go and get hold of a book published by military on its 50th anniversary in 99. They had specifically thanked Ranil for that.
MR should care for the soldiers because he is the president and the minister of defence. It is his responsibility and anyone coming as president will do the same....

And still you didnt comment on MR support to Sajin and Kshenuka who has supported LTTE in UN? Does it matter what he does to care for injured army soldiers after doing the greatest treachery against the country by supporiting LTTE in UN?

And i see you have stopped talking about corruption by MR and UNP.....no points and pointless as usual?

Ranil giving treatment to LTTE cadres was due to SLG being bound by an agreement. we had a cease fire agreement then. Go and get hold of a book published by military on its 50th anniversary in 99. They had specifically thanked Ranil for that.
MR should care for the soldiers because he is the president and the minister of defence. It is his responsibility and anyone coming as president will do the same....

No. The government was not bound by any agreement to provide health care to LTTE cadres at private hospitals in Sri Lanka. Please stop making stuff up to justify what they did. Ranil did that of his own accord to try and butter the LTTE - didn't work, they kept killing our soldiers, our informants and rival Tamils as well. Ranil and Thilak Marapana the defence minister were busy blaming our soldiers and pampering the LTTE. They provided free helicopter rides to LTTE leaders. This is the same man that you want back in power in Sri Lanka.

And still you didnt comment on MR support to Sajin and Kshenuka who has supported LTTE in UN? Does it matter what he does to care for injured army soldiers after doing the greatest treachery against the country by supporiting LTTE in UN?
And i see you have stopped talking about corruption by MR and UNP.....no points and pointless as usual?

I have already commented. Go back and read what I've written.
I don't believe your "news reports" to be honest. You are welcome to believe them though.
Ignoring the difficult FACTS, arent u?
They are not my news reports. Almost all reports of UN activies of by SL gover did disclose that. Assault of Chris nonis was also a part of it. Go and read a newspaper otehr than spending time for arsekissing.

Yes, only you know everything.

yeah i can safely say i know mre than you. The moment TN fishermen were given death penatly, i know MR will release them. Because i am well grounded on the actions and stupdities of MR. you dont.

I do like Rajiva, but I'm not a big fan of Dayan Jayathilaka. I'm not sad that he's gone.

It doesnt matter whether u like or not. Dayan and even rajiva had served this country unlike arse kissers like you. It was because of Dayan we won the 2009 UN resolution in our favor. MR, removed him because of sajin and SL in UN was a down fall. You cant remove your best soldier and win a war. Dayan was our best soldier their. MR, together with Sajin and Kshenuka made our best soldiers, dayan and thamara redundant and SL loss..

you are big ZERO on SL issues

They had a better strategy than handing control of Sri Lankan territory to the LTTE - like Ranil did.
How is having NO strategy better than anything? Are you that dumb?

I am not a fan of Ranil. There is a lot of criticism of how ranil acted during ceasefire period. Even i didnt vote for him after that. Listen i am not an a$$ kisser like you. If Ranil does that again, we will stop it.

And why are you talking about Ranil? Ranil is not even in election. Is that because you have no better argument other than usual ranil bashing?

Are you that much weak and incapable to make a coherent argument with facts?

No. The government was not bound by any agreement to provide health care to LTTE cadres at private hospitals in Sri Lanka. Please stop making stuff up to justify what they did. Ranil did that of his own accord to try and butter the LTTE - didn't work, they kept killing our soldiers, our informants and rival Tamils as well. Ranil and Thilak Marapana the defence minister were busy blaming our soldiers and pampering the LTTE. They provided free helicopter rides to LTTE leaders. This is the same man that you want back in power in Sri Lanka.
I already said, ranil didnt acted correctly during ceasefire period. that is why he was ousted. He was too much leninet on LTTE then. Does that sjustify

and why talk about ranil? ranil is not even in election race. This time JHU is also in opposition. DO you think JHU will let anyone to betray the country?

I have already commented. Go back and read what I've written.
you did not comment. you said you did not believe. That is IGNORING REAL facts.
Go and read how sajin vaas and kshenuka destroyed SL at UN..you a$$licker
Ignoring the difficult FACTS, arent u?
They are not my news reports. Almost all reports of UN activies of by SL gover did disclose that. Assault of Chris nonis was also a part of it. Go and read a newspaper otehr than spending time for arsekissing.

I don't think UNP rumour mongers count as "facts"

yeah i can safely say i know mre than you. The moment TN fishermen were given death penatly, i know MR will release them. Because i am well grounded on the actions and stupdities of MR. you dont.

I don't agree with Mahinda releasing the fishermen. But that doesn't mean I am going to vote for the opposition does it.

It doesnt matter whether u like or not. Dayan and even rajiva had served this country unlike arse kissers like you. It was because of Dayan we won the 2009 UN resolution in our favor. MR, removed him because of sajin and SL in UN was a down fall. You cant remove your best soldier and win a war. Dayan was our best soldier their. MR, together with Sajin and Kshenuka made our best soldiers, dayan and thamara redundant and SL loss..

I don't think Dayan served the country, he served himself. He has a pretty big ego and I dont find his self-righteous tone attractive at all. I'm not sure we won the 2009 UN resolution because of Dayan. Now Dayan certainly seems to think so, because everytime he writes an article he never fails to mention it. But at that time India took a very pro-Sri Lanka stance at the United nations.

you are big ZERO on SL issues

Can't be as big a zero as Ranil.

How is having NO strategy better than anything? Are you that dumb?

I am not a fan of Ranil. There is a lot of criticism of how ranil acted during ceasefire period. Even i didnt vote for him after that. Listen i am not an a$$ kisser like you. If Ranil does that again, we will stop it.

And why are you talking about Ranil? Ranil is not even in election. Is that because you have no better argument other than usual ranil bashing?

Are you that much weak and incapable to make a coherent argument with facts?

Of course you are a fan of Ranil. Just have a look at how you explode when there is any criticism of him and the UNP. You call others "*** kissers" but I'm afraid you ought to hold the mirror up to your own face. I find it funny how you keep repeating "if.... we will stop it." You and what army? Did you stop Ranil from trying to hand over parts of our country to the LTTE? Did you stop Ranil from providing a free helicopter service to LTTE leaders? Did you stop Ranil from destroying our LLRP?

Ignoring the difficult FACTS, arent u?
They are not my news reports. Almost all reports of UN activies of by SL gover did disclose that. Assault of Chris nonis was also a part of it. Go and read a newspaper otehr than spending time for arsekissing.

They are your news reports, basically what you want to believe.

yeah i can safely say i know mre than you. The moment TN fishermen were given death penatly, i know MR will release them. Because i am well grounded on the actions and stupdities of MR. you dont.

Sri Lanka has a death penalty but death sentences are automatically commuted.

I already said, ranil didnt acted correctly during ceasefire period. that is why he was ousted. He was too much leninet on LTTE then. Does that sjustify and why talk about ranil? ranil is not even in election race. This time JHU is also in opposition. DO you think JHU will let anyone to betray the country?

Of course Ranil is in this election. It is basically choice between him and Mahinda. Maithri is just a decoy.

I don't think UNP rumour mongers count as "facts"
what UNP? as far as i know UNP hasnt even mentioned about this,....do you know who disclose this? the very poeple who worked for SL in UN like Dayan J, Rajiva and Thamara K...they are not UNP, but diplomats selected by MR himself and people who worked for MR. (including Chris Nonis)
I see you have no POINT to say...because it is not country that matters to you, only MR.....
රටට හෙන ගැහුවත් කමක් නෑ....මහින්දට රජවෙලා හොරකම් කරන්න වෙනවා නම්
I don't agree with Mahinda releasing the fishermen. But that doesn't mean I am going to vote for the opposition does it.
I didnt say you will vote for opposition because he released fishermen. your comprehension is very weak.
it was a forgone conclusion that MR wil release them. You did not understand that. In otherwords you dont realise the depth SL foreign affairs had been brought by MR regime...
මහින්දයා ජාත්‍යන්තර සම්බන්ධතා හා අපිට තියෙන වාසි නැති කරගෙන තියෙන්නේ මහින්දගේ ගොන් වැඩ නිසා....ඒ හින්දා ඉන්දියාව කියන විදිහට ලංකාව නටවනවා....එහෙම නැත්තම් තමිල්නාඩුවේ පුකට වැඳගෙන ඉන්න වෙනවා............මහින්දගේ එකම ගැලවිජ්ජාව ඉන්දියාව කියලා එයා හිතන් ඉන්නවා
I don't think Dayan served the country, he served himself. He has a pretty big ego and I dont find his self-righteous tone attractive at all. I'm not sure we won the 2009 UN resolution because of Dayan. Now Dayan certainly seems to think so, because everytime he writes an article he never fails to mention it. But at that time India took a very pro-Sri Lanka stance at the United nations.
Dayan has served SL big time in UN than you can even imagine. It is true he is a bit of bragging fellow but still he did the job. whatever wrong he has, he is our best soldier in UN...he won a resolution when all european and US were against us.
India did take a pro SL position,
මොකද දහතුන්වන සංශෝධනය ක්‍රියාත්මක කරනවා කියන පොරොන්දුව මහින්ද දීලා තිබ්බ නිසා. යුධ ජයග්‍රහණයෙන් ටික දවසකට පස්සේ ඒ පොරොන්දුව ඉෂ්ඨ කරාවි කියන දේ ඉන්දීය රජය හිතුවා...අනික චැනල් ෆෝ වීඩියෝ එක තිබ්බේ නෑ.
ඔය කියන ඉන්දියාවේ pro SL position එක තියාගන්න නම් 13 ක්‍රියාත්මක කරන්න කියලා දයාන් කිව්ව නිසා තමයි මහින්ද ඒ මනුස්සයාව අයින් කළේ. දයාන් එදා කිව්ව දේ කළා නම් ලංකාව මුහුණ දීලා තියෙන ප්‍රශ්න ගොඩාක් අද නෑ....මහින්දයා ලංකාවේ මිනිස්සුන්ව බොරු කිය කිය රවට්ටනවා වගේ ඉන්දියාවත් එක්කත් කරන්න හැදුවා....එතනයි ඔය ප්‍රශ්නය ආවේ....
2012 දී ඉන්දියාව ලංකාවට පක්ෂපාතීව ඡන්දය දෙනවා කියලා තිබ්බා....එත් කට පියාගෙන තමිල්නාඩුව අවුසන්නේ නැතිව ඉන්න කිව්වා....ආණ්ඩුව මොකද කලේ? ගොන් කතා කියන්න ගත්තා....තමිල්නාඩුව දැනගත්තා හරි තමයි ඉන්දියාව ලංකාවට පක්ෂයි කියලා පාරට බැහැලා වලි අදින්න ගත්තා....ඊට පස්සේ තමයි ඉන්දියාව ඡන්දය වෙනස් කළේ....
Can't be as big a zero as Ranil.
No you are lower than your presumed Ranil's zero. Ranil is a seasoned politician. When he came to power in 2001-2 SL economy growth rate was negative. He turned it around. He might be loser in front of a stupid crowd, but educated people like him.
When he said he will stop the port project, the whole business community in the meeting were happy. Why Ranil knows these things. Go and read army's 99 commerative book where they had thanked RW for his contribution. Go and read Gota's war how Ranil transformed SL armed forces.
Ranil has something MR lacks big time, CREDIBILITY!!! International community and people with intellect consider RW as a credible man. MR has lost it or never had it. Just as a false promise giver.
Of course you are a fan of Ranil. Just have a look at how you explode when there is any criticism of him and the UNP. You call others "*** kissers" but I'm afraid you ought to hold the mirror up to your own face. I find it funny how you keep repeating "if.... we will stop it." You and what army? Did you stop Ranil from trying to hand over parts of our country to the LTTE? Did you stop Ranil from providing a free helicopter service to LTTE leaders? Did you stop Ranil from destroying our LLRP?
I am not a fan of ranil. I have my own criticism against him and i can criticise his policies and show weaknesses than you do. I dont insult a man, but point at their policies. To be honest i can give a more coherent criticism of his actions than you ranil hater do.
There is no point in crticising RW at this point as the bigger danger for this country at the moment is MR policies.
I am not an a$$kisser like you, but an open minded rational person.
Yes we stopped Ranil, by ousting him. Then i was a supporter of JHU and we threw him out. We did not and will not keep on whitewashing wrongs. And if he try again, that will be his end.
As i told you RW has his own weaknesses, but at the sametime he has good thing, the things that we want now.
It is good that you talk about LRRP. That was an incident that turned the tables for UNP and a reason why people like me wanted to oust RW. At the same token, arent Kshenuka and Sajin doing the samething to our soldiers who do the diplomatic war in UN like policeman Udugampola did to LRRP unit? Arent the outcomes the same.
SO when you point at LRRP incident why do you ignore Kshenuka and Sajin destruction in foreign service with MR's blessings while both are equally dangerous to country?
They are your news reports, basically what you want to believe.
So facts that are hard for you to digest are my news reports :omghaha:
Dayan's J, Rajiva W, Thamara K all UN representative's witnesses are my reports?....investigative reports by Lasanda Kurukulasuriya are my reports....no dear i am not an investigative reporter.
Newspaper articles about how LTTE proxyies built up support bases in UK since 2006 and Kshenuka doing nothing but wasting time for partying are my reports.....?
remember this very well. No matter how much of robber MR is, i have respect for him as our president. He will be brought down to the lowest level and හේග් ගෙනියන්න උනත් because of his stupid supporters around him like kshenuka, Sajin, his robbing ministers.
If you love your president as much as you like to a$$kiss, save him because he is on a self destructive path.
Sri Lanka has a death penalty but death sentences are automatically commuted.
where did i say otherwise? you didnt get the point. My point was your jubilation and failure to realise MR will release them shows
ලංකාව විදේශ සේවය අතින් කොච්චර පහළට ගිහින්ද කියන එක ඔයාට නොතේරෙන හින්දා.....වෙන විදිහකට කියනවා නම් ඉන්දියාව කියන විදිහට බල්ලා වගේ ඉන්න වෙලා
Of course Ranil is in this election. It is basically choice between him and Mahinda. Maithri is just a decoy.
DO you think a person in politics for 40+ years is gonna leave his presidential position as soon as he won it or someone else? You have a high regard for Maithree then.
When Maithree is a president what can ranil do? the only thing is he will have to stand for a general election and people will decide it.
Why I like Maithree over MR. Maithree has not darkened his image like MR in front of IC. He is a very diplomatic man. And he is well grounded with the ground reality of SL than MR. MR lives in a fantasy created by him and his people around him. And one day he will be destroyed by that fantasy itself.
By all objective means you are a Muslim or more appropriately a minion of Islam. Your hatred of Hindus and Hinduism far exceeds your love of Muslims and Islam. I have not heard you fear mongering about Muslims despite ISIS, taliban, Al Qaeda, but you started off warning people about Hindus right at the start of this thread. That should be enough to tell anyone with half a brain who is the bigot here.
Naa ........ he is a Hindu.

I also know that many Buddhists revere Ganesh and other Hindu deities. Since the two religions are both dharmmic.
It's "dharmic" which means based on dharma not "dharmmic".
there goes yet another grand plan Pakistanis thought was happening to surround India --- hindi movie villains launch better schemes than ISI !
CBK was in power for 11 years she could have punished Ranil for that. As far as i know sufficient eivdence against him was not found..
MR was in power for 9 years now, he could have punished both Ranil and CBK...he did not do....

Ranil was not charged because of lack of evidence not because he's innocent. And no one can punish Chandrika now unless someone change the constitution making ex-precedents responsible for their acts.

No you are lower than your presumed Ranil's zero. Ranil is a seasoned politician. When he came to power in 2001-2 SL economy growth rate was negative. He turned it around. He might be loser in front of a stupid crowd, but educated people like him.
When he said he will stop the port project, the whole business community in the meeting were happy. Why Ranil knows these things. Go and read army's 99 commerative book where they had thanked RW for his contribution. Go and read Gota's war how Ranil transformed SL armed forces.
Ranil has something MR lacks big time, CREDIBILITY!!! International community and people with intellect consider RW as a credible man. MR has lost it or never had it. Just as a false promise giver.

No point arguing. If general public do not like him. He should step down. He's not humble but power greedy.
What use is there if such educated men cannot convert their knowledge into practical problem solving? They are just pothe gura's.

I have read Gota's war there is no mention of such that Ranil transformed SL armed forces into effective fighting machine. Don't spill lies.

Why the heck the international community (actually US and EU only) has such high regards for Ranil? What is the reason? Can you tell me?

Yes we stopped Ranil, by ousting him. Then i was a supporter of JHU and we threw him out. We did not and will not keep on whitewashing wrongs. And if he try again, that will be his end.

You are a Olcott Buddhist as I suspected. "ඔලුව ජපන් කද ජර්මන්" type.
Ranil was not charged because of lack of evidence not because he's innocent. And no one can punish Chandrika now unless someone change the constitution making ex-precedents responsible for their acts.
yeah CBK cannot be punished, but all her corruption deals could have been investigated and revealed.

How does a person gets discharged from a court? how does the court decides he is innocent?
Isnt that because of lack of evidence against someone?

That is the exact reason RW was discharged in sinhala, 'nidos kota nidahas'. That was too during a time when CBK government was very agressive towards RW. Had there even was a shred of evidence CBK in late 90s would certianly have punished the guy!

If you dont have any answer regarding MR's corruption, wastage, lack of rule of law, high handedness, lack of regard for people, nepotism and total approval of rapist ministers in his gover,...silently a$$kiss without bringing arguements from rear end.
No point arguing. If general public do not like him. He should step down. He's not humble but power greedy.
If general public doesn’t like him, he wont get elected. Everytime in a general election, he is the candidate with highest or second highest votes in western province. That will tell you whether he is popular or not, or whether people don’t like him or not.

And the fact that MR and MR a$$kissers like you hate him is because he is a challenge. පල ඇති රුකටනේ ගල් ගහන්නේ!

I don’t know whether he is humble or not, I don’t know him personally. But he is certainly a gentleman like person, a rare breed in SL politics. Something that cannot be understood by MR a$$kissers.

He might be power greedy, every politician is, but there is none as much as greedy as MR who changed the constitution so he can become president until he dies.

That is the epitome of greediness. He cant even share ministerial portfolios properly that his own ministers abandon him. When MR was elected as PM, he got Temple of Trees as residence which he should have left when he became president. But the greedy pig did not want to leave Temple trees even after he got president’s house. He wanted both and kept both making that poor Rathnasiri to find accommodation somewhere else…:D talk about greediness!
MR is the epitome of greediness and shamelessness!

What use is there if such educated men cannot convert their knowledge into practical problem solving? They are just pothe gura's.

The reason idiot is because people like you a$$kissers don’t let such people solve problems. You like people who shout ‘motherland’ even shaking podiums while he himself empty and plunder the wealth of the country.! With people like you, we cannot get the use of educated men, but have to bear monkeys like Wijithamuni, Weerawansa, bla bla bla….

I have read Gota's war there is no mention of such that Ranil transformed SL armed forces into effective fighting machine. Don't spill lies.

You have seriously not read Gota's war...either read but could not understand....which is understandable....

Go and see page Chapter 46, page 278, title The 2002 US Defence Dept Report
it says, 'During the ceasefire in 2002, a comprehensive assessment of both the Sri Lankan armed forces and the LTTE was carried out by the US Defence Department at the invitation of the Ranil Wickremesinghe government. In later years, this report would inspire many of those who played a key role in the defeat of the LTTE. ' _|_

Mind you the author of the book, who is a lackey of MR government could not even drop this infor, because it is vital.
Now i see why you couldnt enter a uni....what u read doesnt go to your head :whistle:

Why the heck the international community (actually US and EU only) has such high regards for Ranil? What is the reason? Can you tell me?
Not US and EU, whole IC especially india...because RW has the image of a credible gentleman who keep his promises....not a street thug who always says one and does another.....the problem with MR is he has deceived the IC too much that no one cares what he says!

You are a Olcott Buddhist as I suspected. "ඔලුව ජපන් කද ජර්මන්" type.
what is Olcott buddhist? Dont throw in words that you urself doesnt understand...

You might be immature and blind not to understand what is support given based on rational understanding and making decisions critically,,,,becoming forever a blind supporter of one even exceeding the limit of a$$ kissing is only your area.

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