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Is Mahendra Rajapaksha a Hindu or a Buddhist ?

Buddhists don't go to pray but to seek divine help. They don't care which god it is they just want their work done. I think the 33 crore god theory applies in this scenario.

His sexual orientation or his religious orientation dose not count. What counts is the fact that he try to hide it from general public IMHO to garner few more votes. AFAIK it is cheating. There is no harm admitting who he is.

Apart from his known orientation that he tries to hide, we as general public and voters don't know what else he's hiding from us. So we need to proceed with him cautiously.
If he has not revealed his sexual orientation, how do you know it? DId u have a personal encounter or do you know him very closely to know that?

Does he gets additional votes in being straight? As far as i know the people who have respect for him do that mostly because of his policies and prinicpled stance?
Is it really necessary that a person disclose his sexual orientation in public? what is the intention of it? Is every closet gay a dangerous person? Doesnt he has lot to lose in this immature society by disclosing it (if true)?

How does his sexual orientation and disclosing of it matters in economic, defence and all the other policies regarding SL?

I will tell you what RW has disclosed. During all these period, it was Ranil and another who disclosed his personal assets to parliament when he is elected. All the others did not including MR. declaring assets is a law in SL but not practiced by politicins like every other law.
You have no problem with such matters that affect our country, but need a piblic declaration on whose orifice he inserts his thing!
Wonder why SL is this much fcuked up!
If he has not revealed his sexual orientation, how do you know it? DId u have a personal encounter or do you know him very closely to know that?

Well it's an open secret. I think almost everyone knows about it. Anyway why you ask me how do I know him gay? Have I ever ask you how do you know Rajapaksha steal public money?

Does he gets additional votes in being straight? As far as i know the people who have respect for him do that mostly because of his policies and prinicpled stance?

Yes, it brings additional votes being straight person. That's how it works in SL. And yeah he has some respect from people like you. But not from the majority.

Is it really necessary that a person disclose his sexual orientation in public? what is the intention of it? Is every closet gay a dangerous person? Doesnt he has lot to lose in this immature society by disclosing it (if true)?

Do you think I'm homophobic? BTW Ranil is the immature person because he tries to hide the reality while it is pretty obvious to public that he is gay.

How does his sexual orientation and disclosing of it matters in economic, defence and all the other policies regarding SL?

It doesn't have any effect in economic or defense matters. But he should be honest to the public and more importantly to himself. We as voters have genuine concern when he hide things from us. How can we trust this person who don't trust us?

I will tell you what RW has disclosed. During all these period, it was Ranil and another who disclosed his personal assets to parliament when he is elected. All the others did not including MR. declaring assets is a law in SL but not practiced by politicins like every other law.
You have no problem with such matters that affect our country, but need a piblic declaration on whose orifice he inserts his thing!
Wonder why SL is this much fcuked up!

Being honest in his personnel assets is just one thing of so many other aspects of being a national political leader. What use does he have to the country when he fails terribly from other political aspects as a national leader. Do we need to vote him solely because he's honest in disclosing his personnel assets?
Well it's an open secret. I think almost everyone knows about it. Anyway why you ask me how do I know him gay? Have I ever ask you how do you know Rajapaksha steal public money?
Yes, it brings additional votes being straight person. That's how it works in SL. And yeah he has some respect from people like you. But not from the majority.

Do you think I'm homophobic? BTW Ranil is the immature person because he tries to hide the reality while it is pretty obvious to public that he is gay.

It doesn't have any effect in economic or defense matters. But he should be honest to the public and more importantly to himself. We as voters have genuine concern when he hide things from us. How can we trust this person who don't trust us?

Being honest in his personnel assets is just one thing of so many other aspects of being a national political leader. What use does he have to the country when he fails terribly from other political aspects as a national leader. Do we need to vote him solely because he's honest in disclosing his personnel assets?

You are not homophobic, you are incredibly hypocratic..had MR was a closet gay you wont be talking like that. it is simply every wrong done by MR is ok for you while what his rival does in his private life matters to you. MR steal public money and make SL bankrupt everything is fine with you but wonder whose orifice Ranil inserts.......

And no Ranil does not need to disclose his personal things like sexuality. It is only clueless MR supporters who have nothing to say points at what someone does inside his bedroom. Because you have absolutely nothing to talk about REAL issues like policies. It is just the unluck of this country we got people like you were born here. I wonder what else you would do if MR asks for. Such a pathetic shameless fellow you are!

DOnt question others honesty, because you are the least person to talk about honesty, MR's a$$kissing traitors of this country!

I will tell you how people say MR steals public money....list is ENDLESS....as we are unlucky to have such c0cksuckers like you his corruption continues.
Read COPE reports, see how he earns commissions, see how road projects budgeted at 7 million dollar becomes 20+ million dollars, look at the bill boards covering the country where is that money? Look at how MR pakaya install his puppets in presiding commissions like bribary, judiciary so that non of the investigations cannot be carried out. Helping Hambanthota fraud, etc etc etc....that is EXCEPT that MR pakaya's stupid playing with people's money...

How do his sons import cars that worth 400millions? and you are asking for evidence for MR's corruption!

පුක ලෙවකාපිය තව තව මහින්දයාගේ පුක ලෙව කාපිය!!! මහින්දයා යනකොට රට කාලා ඊළම හදලා බංකොළොත් කරලා, මේ රටේ කොල්ලෝ කුඩ්ඩෝ කරලා රට ඉවර කරලා තමයි යන්නේ.....එත කොට මහින්දයාගේ පුක ලොවන තොපින්ව හොයාගෙන මරන්න ඕනි.
If he has not revealed his sexual orientation, how do you know it? DId u have a personal encounter or do you know him very closely to know that?

Does he gets additional votes in being straight? As far as i know the people who have respect for him do that mostly because of his policies and prinicpled stance?
Is it really necessary that a person disclose his sexual orientation in public? what is the intention of it? Is every closet gay a dangerous person? Doesnt he has lot to lose in this immature society by disclosing it (if true)?

How does his sexual orientation and disclosing of it matters in economic, defence and all the other policies regarding SL?

I will tell you what RW has disclosed. During all these period, it was Ranil and another who disclosed his personal assets to parliament when he is elected. All the others did not including MR. declaring assets is a law in SL but not practiced by politicins like every other law.
You have no problem with such matters that affect our country, but need a piblic declaration on whose orifice he inserts his thing!
Wonder why SL is this much fcuked up!


Chandrika called the UNP government when Ranil was the Prime Minister, "corrupt and murderous." She blamed Ranil for hundreds of murders that took place in a place called Batalanda. She even went to the extent of appointing a Presidential Commission of Inquiry. The Commission's report pointed the guilty finger at Ranil and the matter went to courts. Although the court didn't find enough evidence to find Ranil guilty, Chandrika kept calling him the murderer of Batalanda. The 'Queen of Thieves' and the 'Murderer of Batalanda.' Do you want them to lead Sri Lanka?

I will tell you how people say MR steals public money....list is ENDLESS....as we are unlucky to have such c0cksuckers like you his corruption continues.
Read COPE reports, see how he earns commissions, see how road projects budgeted at 7 million dollar becomes 20+ million dollars, look at the bill boards covering the country where is that money? Look at how MR pakaya install his puppets in presiding commissions like bribary, judiciary so that non of the investigations cannot be carried out. Helping Hambanthota fraud, etc etc etc....that is EXCEPT that MR pakaya's stupid playing with people's money...

How do his sons import cars that worth 400millions? and you are asking for evidence for MR's corruption!

පුක ලෙවකාපිය තව තව මහින්දයාගේ පුක ලෙව කාපිය!!! මහින්දයා යනකොට රට කාලා ඊළම හදලා බංකොළොත් කරලා, මේ රටේ කොල්ලෝ කුඩ්ඩෝ කරලා රට ඉවර කරලා තමයි යන්නේ.....එත කොට මහින්දයාගේ පුක ලොවන තොපින්ව හොයාගෙන මරන්න ඕනි.

Wow. You sound like a completely sane and pleasant individual.

Chandrika called the UNP government when Ranil was the Prime Minister, "corrupt and murderous." She blamed Ranil for hundreds of murders that took place in a place called Batalanda. She even went to the extent of appointing a Presidential Commission of Inquiry. The Commission's report pointed the guilty finger at Ranil and the matter went to courts. Although the court didn't find enough evidence to find Ranil guilty, Chandrika kept calling him the murderer of Batalanda. The 'Queen of Thieves' and the 'Murderer of Batalanda.' Do you want them to lead Sri Lanka?

CBK was in power for 11 years she could have punished Ranil for that. As far as i know sufficient eivdence against him was not found..
MR was in power for 9 years now, he could have punished both Ranil and CBK...he did not do....

If they are wrong PUNISH them, i have no issue with that, I am not an arse kisser of anyone like you, just a person who wish the best for his country. I had never been a supporter of CBK...

The reality is under MR we have seen corruption and wastage to such a scale unimaginable. Forget corruption and wastage, he is dividing the country because of his stupidity!

Our boys did not die in the front lines so this corrupt family can make riches, they did not lie down their lives so that his royal family can waste public money,............and engage in tamashas....

what do you get buy arse kissing MR? Your country is destroyed! what is left to you? what is left to you when MR drag SL to bankruptcy and make our people drug addicts? Arent these a problem to you?

For a second stop being a useless arselicker and think about the country!

MR's arse kissers ask how a new gover is stopping corruption, listen up...
1. first investigations into corruption
2. Action on COPE reports,
3. Independant bribery commissions
4. Investigations into SriLankan, Mihin and every gover owned corps.

And remember we will have a seperate civilian units/forums with experts on every subjects where gover spending will be monitored. A new gover wont be able to play games like MR does with his hegemony where he controlls police, judiciary and every commission
Our boys did not die in the front lines so this corrupt family can make riches, they did not lie down their lives so that his royal family can waste public money,............and engage in tamashas....


Many soldiers have sacrificed their lives and limbs to protect our motherland. Sagara Silva a resident of Kudavaskaduwa was born on the 29th of March 1981. After finishing his school education he joined the Sri Lanka army and in 2001 he joined the Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment. Afterwards he was stationed in Muhamalai, Poonani, Trincomalee, Mannar and Adampan areas during his tenure. He was wounded at Adampan in 2008 when an anti-personnel mine exploded. This brave soldier has lost both legs. He is married and is a proud father of a ten month old infant.

As this brave soldier had no home or land to his name a donation of a house with all modern facilities in Navagamuwa area was made under the patronage of Ministry of Defence Seva Vanitha Unit.

Do you think a UNP government will help our soldiers in this way? Do you think Ranil Wickremasinghe would care about the many men and women who sacrificed their lives in defence of our country? He almost sold our country to the LTTE once. The UNP belittled and dismissed the victories of our heroes, laughed at their accomplishments and preferred to visit LTTE cadres in hospital, rather that take care of our brothers and sisters.

Many soldiers have sacrificed their lives and limbs to protect our motherland. Sagara Silva a resident of Kudavaskaduwa was born on the 29th of March 1981. After finishing his school education he joined the Sri Lanka army and in 2001 he joined the Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment. Afterwards he was stationed in Muhamalai, Poonani, Trincomalee, Mannar and Adampan areas during his tenure. He was wounded at Adampan in 2008 when an anti-personnel mine exploded. This brave soldier has lost both legs. He is married and is a proud father of a ten month old infant.

As this brave soldier had no home or land to his name a donation of a house with all modern facilities in Navagamuwa area was made under the patronage of Ministry of Defence Seva Vanitha Unit.

Do you think a UNP government will help our soldiers in this way? Do you think Ranil Wickremasinghe would care about the many men and women who sacrificed their lives in defence of our country? He almost sold our country to the LTTE once. The UNP belittled and dismissed the victories of our heroes, laughed at their accomplishments and preferred to visit LTTE cadres in hospital, rather that take care of our brothers and sisters.

1. Do you think MR cares for them? Army has stopped paying for many injured soldiers and the families of deceased. Because money is spent on tamashas and not on real issues.
2. Taking care of injured soldiers is done by the army and defences of this country irrespective of the government in power. That is acted by law and not based on some wishes of a single king. That is based on procedures.
3. How does what army does to provide for these heros whitewash corruption of MR

4. Ranil is a person who has been instrumental in developing the armed forces in SL. Both in 80s and later in 2001-2. He sought US support and did research on SL military capabilities. The restructuring of SL armed forces was done based on these research. It is mentioned even in book Gota's war. You know nothing about the real history of SL.

You are an ignoramous who got up after 2009.

5. You are talking about these heroes. right now tell me what is kshenuka and Sajin Vaas doing in UN and foreign service? Sajin Vaas and Kshenuka has supported LTTE ne. They have destroyed our foriegn affairs and strategy to combat LTTE propaganda..why is MR tolerating them? Is MR now supporting LTTE?

6. I remember you were jubilient when TN fishermen were given death penalty but within a week MR released them. I wondered where you were. That showed how much of an ignorant fool you were about how MR has fukced up foreign services in this country......

And I repeat why does MR support elements like Sajin Vaas and Kshenuka who support LTTE in UN ? Is nt that against our men who laid down their loves for this country?
1. Do you think MR cares for them? Army has stopped paying for many injured soldiers and the families of deceased. Because money is spent on tamashas and not on real issues.
2. Taking care of injured soldiers is done by the army and defences of this country irrespective of the government in power. That is acted by law and not based on some wishes of a single king. That is based on procedures.
3. How does what army does to provide for these heros whitewash corruption of MR

4. Ranil is a person who has been instrumental in developing the armed forces in SL. Both in 80s and later in 2001-2. He sought US support and did research on SL military capabilities. The restructuring of SL armed forces was done based on these research. It is mentioned even in book Gota's war. You know nothing about the real history of SL.

You are an ignoramous who got up after 2009.

5. You are talking about these heroes. right now tell me what is kshenuka and Sajin Vaas doing in UN and foreign service? Sajin Vaas and Kshenuka has supported LTTE ne. They have destroyed our foriegn affairs and strategy to combat LTTE propaganda..why is MR tolerating them? Is MR now supporting MR?

6. I remember you were jubilient when TN fishermen were given death penalty but within a week MR released them. I wondered where you were. That showed how much of an ignorant fool you were about how MR has fukced up foreign services in this country......

And I repeat why does MR support elements like Sajin Vaas and Kshenuka who support LTTE in UN ? Is nt that against our men who laid down their loves for this country?


The UNP dismissed them. They belittled the enormous sacrifices our soldiers made. They laughed at our soldiers' victories. And when the final battle was won, they had nothing to say. They flew LTTE cadres to be treated at the best private hospitals in Colombo but didn't spend a cent on our war heroes who had lost their limbs and lives fighting for our country. Do you want our motherland to be run by people who never supported the men and women of our armed forces?

The UNP dismissed them. They belittled the enormous sacrifices our soldiers made. They laughed at our soldiers' victories. And when the final battle was won, they had nothing to say. They flew LTTE cadres to be treated at the best private hospitals in Colombo but didn't spend a cent on our war heroes who had lost their limbs and lives fighting for our country. Do you want our motherland to be run by people who never supported the men and women of our armed forces?[/QUOTE]

I guess now you have nothing left to talk about corruption of this government and no new method of whitewashing them.....go and read a history book. No party whether SLFP and UNP had acted infavor of LTTE until end of war.

I know some unp members are useless. But your point is shallow.

And read what i said without saying the same thing..

Ranil is a person who has been instrumental in developing the armed forces in SL. Both in 80s and later in 2001-2. He sought US support and did research on SL military capabilities. The restructuring of SL armed forces was done based on these research. It is mentioned even in book Gota's war. You know nothing about the real history of SL.

You are an ignoramous who got up after 2009.

5. You are talking about these heroes. right now tell me what is kshenuka and Sajin Vaas doing in UN and foreign service? Sajin Vaas and Kshenuka has supported LTTE ne. They have destroyed our foriegn affairs and strategy to combat LTTE propaganda..why is MR tolerating them? Is MR now supporting MR?

6. I remember you were jubilient when TN fishermen were given death penalty but within a week MR released them. I wondered where you were. That showed how much of an ignorant fool you were about how MR has fukced up foreign services in this country......

And I repeat why does MR support elements like Sajin Vaas and Kshenuka who support LTTE in UN ? Is nt that against our men who laid down their loves for this country?
@samv, answer this!

why does MR support elements like Sajin Vaas and Kshenuka who support LTTE in UN ? Is nt that against our men who laid down their lives for this country?
@samv, answer this!

why does MR support elements like Sajin Vaas and Kshenuka who support LTTE in UN ? Is nt that against our men who laid down their lives for this country?

I don't think they support the LTTE at all. Maybe you think they do.

Now why did Ranil meet with Jayadevan Rajasingham, LTTE point man in the UK?
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Certainly a heck of a lot more than the UNP.

we will take care whether UNP take care of them....and MR doesnt take care of them, he even steals from the injured soldiers' pay!

and answer this,

why does MR support elements like Sajin Vaas and Kshenuka who support LTTE in UN ? Is nt that against our men who laid down their loves for this country?
we will take care whether UNP take care of them....and MR doesnt take care of them, he even steals from the injured soldiers' pay!

Mahinda has done way more for Sri Lankan soldiers than the UNP or Ranil ever did. When Ranil was PM he was flying LTTE cadres into private hospitals to give them treatment, while our sodiers were being killed. He gave LTTE leaders helicopter rides all over the country while our wounded soldiers had to make do with road transport. The Defence Minister Thilak Marapana was taking baskets of fruit to the LTTE cadres, didn't even bother visiting our soldiers.

These are the same people that you want back in power.

why does MR support elements like Sajin Vaas and Kshenuka who support LTTE in UN ? Is nt that against our men who laid down their loves for this country?

I've already answered that.

When has the UNP ever done anything like this for our soldiers:

I don't think they support the LTTE at all. Maybe you think they do.
there are news reports where kshenuka had given the SL's UN mission repairs to an LTTE owned company and they had installed equipment to eavesdrop...

Any bugger who knows SL's UN defeats knows that is largely due to KSHENUKA and SAJIN.....they even made sure Chris Nonis leave office...
AS i said before you know nothing!

the ones who say that are dayan jayatillaka, Thamara Kumanayagam, Rajiva W and every foreign service employee who thinks about the country...
මහින්දයා යුද්දේ දින්නා වගේ ඊළමත් කොටින්ට දීල යි යන්නේ! තොපි වගේ මැටි හරක් ඉන්නකන් රට හදන්න බෑ

when Thamara K went to meet Sajin about the strategy to win UN, that bugger who live on our money said, 'no strategy!'

Kshenuka and sajin spend our money for partying and erases our victory!

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