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Is Mahendra Rajapaksha a Hindu or a Buddhist ?

I just noticed.. When did Mahinda become Mahendra Rajapaksa ??
His actual name is Percy Mahendra Rajapaksha.
I have just used it for the purpose of not being included in google search results.
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I though the crap ton amount of "hindus" he killed over the years has solidify his Buddhist, Sinhalese reputation?

Most LTTE were Catholics.. Just shows how little the shyt you know

His actual name is Percy Mahendra Rajapaksha.

Whatever dude.. Dont drag religion in to this.. Cos it will not differ you from him
And what makes you think that I haven't started those pilgrimages to repent for the sins of the Hindutvas in India?

PS. I also ask the Almighty to forgive you and to wash away those sinful thoughts which you have about Muslims and Christians when I do those pilgrimages

See, itna saccha Musalmaan. Do pray harder. You will need more than 5 namaz a day.
Most LTTE were Catholics.. Just shows how little the shyt you know

& the dead bodies he piled up over the year is somehow doesn't count. Let's be honest "I don't like him" (understatement) because of the obvious reason.
& the dead bodies he piled up over the year is somehow doesn't count. Let's be honest "I don't like him" (understatement) because of the obvious reason.

Nah.. Nothing compared to the dead bodies that would have piled up if he didn't.. To like him or not is an option for Lankans not for some nobody to crow about.. They would choose what to do with him.. You just worry how not to get a Chinese missile up your sorry arse
this man follows, Hinduism, Buddhism, worship sai baba, catholic...but i guess he is a Hindu in his heart
I don't understand what is the problem whether he is a Sanatan Dharmic or a Buddhist as long as he performs satisfactorily in his office!!Does being a Sanatan Dharmic follower makes him a lesser person???
there is no question he is not a good bu
I really doubt, is it him the true Buddhist leader (as per BBS).
But, at least we should criticize him for wasting public money.

I don't understand what is the problem whether he is a Sanatan Dharmic or a Buddhist as long as he performs satisfactorily in his office!!Does being a Sanatan Dharmic follower makes him a lesser person???
i have no problem what religion he believes. I just mentioned he goes to every temple but a Hindu by heart. I just commented according to the topic
He is a Buddhist only for the name and the votes.
He doesn't mind advice of Mahanayaka Theros even for 5 cents.
Buddhist principles don't apply for him anymore rather going away from them.
It is not that difficult to understand his afraidness of the defeat from this incident.
Brother both Sanatan Dharma and Buddhism are branches of the same tree and we have co-existed thousands of years peacefully without making a fuss.Heck most of the Sanatan Dhamic homes including mine has got a statue or a photo of Lord Buddha whom we consider as an Avatar of Supreme Lord Vishnu.
Nah.. Nothing compared to the dead bodies that would have piled up if he didn't.. To like him or not is an option for Lankans not for some nobody to crow about.. They would choose what to do with him.. You just worry how not to get a Chinese missile up your sorry arse

Of course my apprehension towards him means nothing. Those are the jobs for the Tamils that actually have legitimate grievances on what he did during his administration.

He saved many lives by finishing war..

That he end with a genocide. Usually an armistice inter group is what ends war.
That he end with a genocide. Usually an armistice inter group is what ends war.
what genocide are you talking about?

Listen this very well. SL is a multi ethnic country where you will see people of all religions co existing with each other of course there are issues. And we are not living in a perfect world. SL is the only country which has a significant presence of all major 4 religions.
The SL issue has multiple reasons and external influences worsened it to the worse.

SL faced a war for 30 years and the prime reason it was dragged for 30 years destroying both people and property was the sustance of it by so called 'peace talks' and peaceful settlement. You cannot talk peace with an entity that holds onto their own objective and seek to attain it by any means.
In other words SL's only option was war. We tried your method for 30 years and because some people living in west believing in peaceful settlement our people continued to die.

And about civilian deaths, it is a highly exaggerated figure and mostly western propaganda. During the final war, Tamils came towards SL defence lines and LTTE shot at them. There are witnesses for this. LTTE used them as human shield which caused civilian deaths.

I dont know from which country you are, anyway Tamils are a community spread around SL, close to 25% tamil speakers in SL, capital colombo is 30 tamil ethnic and Tamils were part of the military onslaught against LTTE.
Whatever dude.. Dont drag religion in to this.. Cos it will not differ you from him
there is no question he is not a good bu
Brother both Sanatan Dharma and Buddhism are branches of the same tree and we have co-existed thousands of years peacefully without making a fuss.Heck most of the Sanatan Dhamic homes including mine has got a statue or a photo of Lord Buddha whom we consider as an Avatar of Supreme Lord Vishnu.
I am not insulting any religion here.
The fact I want to highlight is the reality and result of blindfold faith.
One should comprise his behavior with the principles of particular religion. Otherwise there is no point of following it blindly.
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Now I am a Muslim simply because I point out your bigotry :undecided:

By all objective means you are a Muslim or more appropriately a minion of Islam. Your hatred of Hindus and Hinduism far exceeds your love of Muslims and Islam. I have not heard you fear mongering about Muslims despite ISIS, taliban, Al Qaeda, but you started off warning people about Hindus right at the start of this thread. That should be enough to tell anyone with half a brain who is the bigot here.
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