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Is Kashmir a lost case?

For god sake just stop replying to that idiot arya desa
Listen I constanly insult you sheep to do something more for this country than sit and yap your crap. Who said Southies cannot fight? Your mother? Or your sister? Why fight? You Northies are just as dark. You Northies are ones who sucked British lund. No North Indian can compete nor look at me. You guys are weak in mind and physique.

Kerala. I bring this up so ppl in every state look closely at the problems at hand. What;s going on?

You southies haven't spilled blood for Mother India yet you claim it as your own. Your "civilization" didn't begin at the banks of the Indus, yet you call your self Indian. Listen here, you southies aren't Indian. Your country should be called Tamildesh or Tamilstan but not India.
Of course we are different from you people. You southies think you can lead this country? If you people in charge we would get no investments because people would confuse us for Africa. :omghaha: You're not leaders you're followers. Sheep that need a Shepard.

I suggest you read up on your history. When your ancestors were shitting in the Ganges and drinking cow urine 2000 yrs ago, the South was trading with Rome :azn:. As for investments, we prefer investments that are balanced not for the sake of making a quick buck that may harm us in the long run. Want a good example? Ship breaking in Gujurat with no concern for uman life or environment. Want more evidence that the South has a better model of growth? Just read up on Amartya Sen, a Nobel Prize winner unless of course you think you are smarter than him? :coffee:

Of course you a different ppl, you have lost your identity and have done nothing to correct the wrongs in the past. Centuries of ppl beating, killing and raping Northies has diluted your population. Hinduism is most conservative in the South, because we are good fighters. It took Sri lanka how many yrs and support from multiple nations to defeat the LTTE? Where are the Khalistan fighters lol? Look at Northeast, NCSN are no joke and are better euqipped than our own Indian army. When I see the corruption involving crores of rupees, I mostly see North Indian names listed. When you look at the list with Indian money parked in foreign banks, all I see are Northie names. And guess what, elections are coming up next yr, and our govt HAS STILL NOT ACTED ON SUCH INFO> GEE I wonder why?

GTFO here with your BS of mistreatment. We Southies have class and morals, we don;t mistreat anyone. The same cannot be said about you Northies. You guys have lost your soul.

You southies haven't spilled blood for Mother India yet you claim it as your own. Your "civilization" didn't begin at the banks of the Indus, yet you call your self Indian. Listen here, you southies aren't Indian. Your country should be called Tamildesh or Tamilstan but not India.

And we should call you Northies...... Central Asians coz you couldn;t fight and your ancestors were sent all over the world as slaves. At least CHolas were making an empire outside of India. What are you boasting of? Sikhs and their peanut sized empire? We got more heart than you buddy. We always have. Don;t test us, otherwise we'll make the Foreign Islamic invasions look like kid's play.

Why this North South fight ? I have been with many South people, they are great people, only few were bad. It depends on what type of people you met.

Similarly, in North, you can have great people here too, so are bad people also there.

I don't know why people generalize.

Nah more bad idiots in the North. Just look at UP.
A couple of idiots going at each other - no one gives a damn about what you think of each others regions. You are too miniscule to even count....so stop the retard fight because its not worth sh!t and concentrate on the thread topic.
Kashmir is a lost cause for Pakistan not India. If Kashmiris who live in India want out, give them a visa and kick them out. Make them refugees. I don;t understand why our govt is so lax about allowing Hurriyat leaders and such to visit Pakistan and mingle with terror leaders over there. It just works against us. Im sure there might be a hidden reason but if there isn;t, it unbelieveable we alowed these jokers to go and come as they wish. Just ban entry once and for all.
Of course we are different from you people. You southies think you can lead this country? If you people in charge we would get no investments because people would confuse us for Africa. :omghaha: You're not leaders you're followers. Sheep that need a Shepard.

muh kholne se pehle soch liya karo... kisi ne kuch ghusa diya to rote rahoge... Disappointed at hearing such venom from a fellow Indian...

I don't have problem with your observation. I meant for other guys. Even I agree there are certain traits of people from different region.

That's why I like to talk to people who have more experience and who are from other regions I haven't got chance to talk to people of that region.
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this is the worst thing i wanted to see, abusing each other that too on a pakistani forum :rolleyes:
Northies and Southis fighting...Wow that is something new..


@axisofevil - I'm a south indian, but this is in reply to your comment that "make a south indian as a PM and see". Well who do you wnat to be made a PM ?

SM Krishna ? AK Anthony ? Chidambaram ?

They would rape the country right left and center.

The days of Kamaraj or Anna or NTR are over.

Chidambaram in particular is the most corrupt politician in country today perhaps rivalled only by Sharad Pawar.

So I dont know where you are basing your thoughts on. But they are simply ridiculous.

Yes but North India is not India. India is North, South, East, West, and Central India all together. Today people look down on Bihar and Biharis as bimaru. Yet for most of our history, Bihar was the center of power and learning.

lol that is so true..

Nandas,Mauryas and even some Guptas were based in Magadha region which is knows as Bihar today..Nalanda the biggest university in the world those days was in modern day Bihar..

Can you imagine that ? :woot:
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Attitude of such idiocracy is the reason we have a armed rebelion in NE. why don't you try to convince your brothers from the rest of INDIA on the lines of respect and equal rights rather behaving like super beings.
you are not helping but increasing the divide.
The worst part is that no north indian is shutting u up wth a strong reply

I guess he is from Maharashtra, which itself is not North India..


Jeez, cant you guys take a joke..?

A couple of idiots going at each other - no one gives a damn about what you think of each others regions. You are too miniscule to even count....so stop the retard fight because its not worth sh!t and concentrate on the thread topic.

LOL...seriously !!!

If this was an Indian forum, I too would have joined the fun..for shits and giggles..Slow evening..:omghaha:
I guess he is from Maharashtra, which itself is not North India..


Jeez, cant you guys take a joke..?

LOL...seriously !!!

If this was an Indian forum, I too would have joined the fun..for shits and giggles..Slow evening..:omghaha:

so would have I ..somewhere else ...but not here. :lol:
Northies and Southis fighting...Wow that is something new..


@axisofevil - I'm a south indian, but this is in reply to your comment that "make a south indian as a PM and see". Well who do you wnat to be made a PM ?

SM Krishna ? AK Anthony ? Chidambaram ?

They would rape the country right left and center.

The days of Kamaraj or Anna or NTR are over.

Chidambaram in particular is the most corrupt politician in country today perhaps rivalled only by Sharad Pawar.

So I dont know where you are basing your thoughts on. But they are simply ridiculous.

lol that is so true..

Nandas,Mauryas and even some Guptas were based in Magadha region which is knows as Bihar today..Nalanda the biggest university in the world those days was in modern day Bihar..

Can you imagine that ? :woot:

I know bro. I remember hearing my father telling how honest and trustworthy Chidambaram was. I don't know but him winning the election after loosing was highly suspect especially with evidence proving our electoral process is not fullproof. As for which leaders, I was pinning my hopes on ppl who aren;t really actively engaged in politics. I feel ppl like that think differently and better. Exposure to politics for the most part has corrupted ppl, at least in India. I know very general statement but it is what it is. Anyway, I thought AK Anthony would be a good fit if I had to choose a politican seriously. Plz tell me more about Chidambaram and why you think or feel he is corrupt to the core.

I don't think Anna is done but I feel we have let him down. Unless we fight like we did for Nirbyha, nothing will matter.

As for Bihar, I would never make or poke fun of Biharis. I know their history very well. Back then, many Northies would go thru grat extent to put such ppl down. I always knew they had great potential if given the chance. Im glad to see them coming up and wish them great success. At least, if they become more modern and developed, it will serve as an ultimate slap/reminder to the rest.
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I know bro. I remember hearing my father telling how honest and trustworthy Chidambaram was. I don't know but him winning the election after loosing was highly suspect especially with evidence proving our electoral process is not fullproof. As for which leaders, I was pinning my hopes on ppl who aren;t really actively engaged in politics. I feel ppl like that think differently and better. Exposure to politics for the most part has corrupted ppl, at least in India. I know very general statement but it is what it is. Anyway, I thought AK Anthony would be a good fit if I had to choose a politican seriously. Plz tell me more about Chidambaram and why you think or feel he is corrupt to the core.

I don't think Anna is done but I feel we have let him down. Unless we fight like we did for Nirbyha, nothing will matter.

As for Bihar, I would never make or poke fun of Biharis. I know their history very well. Back then, many Northies would go thru grat extent to put such ppl down. I always knew they had great potential if given the chance. Im glad to see them coming up and wish them great success. At least, if they become more modern and developed, it will serve as an ultimate slap/reminder to the rest.

Listen, one can appreciate your differing opinions on politics and the leadership of this country. But you do realize that if you and the other member @Arya Desa decide to bash each other while resorting to the usage of invective aimed at people from each other's regions and propagate the idea of cessation from the Union of India- even if it be in a jesting manner- your posts lose their credibility. If you people wish to decree and adjudicate who qualifies to be an Indian and who doesn't then bug off and find another forum for that. Do not use the pretext of the wider political problems of our nation to bash regional groups or generalize people in order to insult them.
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