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Is Kashmir a lost case?

Kashmir problem is not a real issue though it has vital role in enemity between India and Pakistan. We have stop religious extremism from India and Pakistan. We are really tired of Mullah ideology here in Pakistan and I am sure every sane Indian is also tired of their religious extremist such as Bal thakre. If european countries can be united after so many wars than why can't we? We need to set european union like system where virtually borders mean nothing.

I think otherwise, Kashmir is the center of India pak issue, once it is settled everything is going to be alright.
India already had the parts it wanted, and then lost some of the most important to China in 1962. Pakistan has probably strategically more important parts through which it connects to China and the CAR (and blocks India very effectively which it resents). We are lucky that the population of Gilgit-Baltistan will always vote for Pakistan if there is a plebiscite. Same can not be said about Kashmiris which are so self-absorbed in their 'Kashmiriyat' and swing from 'Azadi' to 'Union with Pakistan' periodically.

As our Chinese friends did after Mao, they put economy first and achieved a 'Peaceful Rise', now there sphere of influence is so wide that their yesterday's staunch rivals (think Russia) have become allies. The only option for Pakistan is to become economically strong and militarily self-sufficient first before any adventurism for the Valley.
India already had the parts it wanted, and then lost some of the most important to China in 1962. Pakistan has probably strategically more important parts through which it connects to China and the CAR (and blocks India very effectively which it resents). We are lucky that the population of Gilgit-Baltistan will always vote for Pakistan if there is a plebiscite. Same can not be said about Kashmiris which are so self-absorbed in their 'Kashmiriyat' and swing from 'Azadi' to 'Union with Pakistan' periodically.

As our Chinese friends did after Mao, they put economy first and achieved a 'Peaceful Rise', now there sphere of influence is so wide that their yesterday's staunch rivals (think Russia) have become allies. The only option for Pakistan is to become economically strong and militarily self-sufficient first before any adventurism for the Valley.

U got the best parts ??? That entire region, the hindukush knot, is one of THE MOST geologically active regions of the world. CHinese may lay pipes through it but use it in extreme cases.. They are not gonna rely on this much touted oil pipeline to drive their economy.. So, the gilgit baltistan or whatever part ya guys have, can keep it.. We dont need it.. And we are happy that we dont have any border with afganisthan .. !
Offcourse it's a lot case for Pakistan ;)
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