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Is Japan Planning to Create an Anti-China "Asian NATO"?

Only you vietnamese believe these bullsh!t, keep doing "good" things, hehe!
NO, the world knows Vietnam saved the Cambodian people from the abyss.
Haven´t you followed the international trial against the Khmer Rouge?

It was China under Mao Zedong that exported revolution and genocide to Cambodia.
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NO, the world knows Vietnam saved Cambodia from the abyss.
Haven´t you followed the internationa trial against the Khmer Rouge?

It was China under Mao Zedong that exported revolution and genocide to Cambodia.

The world?!
Keep deluding yourself, hehe!
The world?!
Keep deluding yourself, hehe!
you are the one who suffers delusion.

The UN tribunal has been set up in 2006 and is expected to deliver a verdict in August. No surprise, China as complice has long tried to sabotage the tribunal. Your dirty politics will be exposed soon.



Khmer Rouge Tribunal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the mass murderer Pol Pot in Beijing on 22 October 1977, Deng Xiaoping on the left and Hua Guofeng in the foreground.

Pot Pot Tells China in 1977 that Killings Underway, to Continue - Nate Thayer - Journalist
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you are the one who suffers delusion.

The UN tribunal has been set up in 2006 and is expected to deliver a verdict in August. No surprise, China as complice has long tried to sabotage the tribunal. Your dirty politics will be exposed soon.



Khmer Rouge Tribunal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the mass murderer Pol Pot in Beijing on 22 October 1977, Deng Xiaoping on the left and Hua Guofeng in the foreground.

Pot Pot Tells China in 1977 that Killings Underway, to Continue - Nate Thayer - Journalist
I have said keep deluding yourself, don't forget to let UN award you, or even with Nobel peace prize.
how is stupid Chinese ?
every time if it comes to America and Japan, he calls ViXueng to intervene LOL

Ya, you are a country being war ruined again and again, that is your history. Why? because your short-sighted, stupidity and treacherousness. you really should learn from Thailand, otherwise your country would become rubbles again.
keep the advice to yourself or at least adopt it: China can become a failed state like Thailand.
Can our Vietnamese members account for this. A document signed by then Vietnamese foreign minister Pham Van Dong in 1958 recognising China's sovereignty over the Xisha (Paracel) Islands.

As I already wrote in another post, the only capable country of this "alliance" is Japan, the rest are dirt poor, underdeveloped or developing countries.

The real NATO in Europe has Germany, UK, Benelux, France and Scandinavia, all highly industrialized and developed.

So, LOL to this wet dream … :lol:
As I already wrote in another post, the only capable country of this "alliance" is Japan, the rest are dirt poor, underdeveloped or developing countries.

The real NATO in Europe has Germany, UK, Benelux, France and Scandinavia, all highly industrialized and developed.

So, LOL to this wet dream … :lol:
Lolz. Japan to lead East asia?
After Butchering countless Koreans, Thais, Malays and chinese. Now some one seriously believe that people of South Korea Taiwan Malaysia Indonesia Singapore will simply accept japan as there leader againat China just because uncle sam says so?
Lame and funny by a NATO lover :p:
every time if it comes to America and Japan, he calls ViXueng to intervene LOL

keep the advice to yourself or at least adopt it: China can become a failed state like Thailand.

You know the success of China, it's because of a strong and capable government that could arrange and dispatch as much as resource to support its goal. Besides this, China has many great thoughts serving the governance, like Legalism (Chinese philosophy) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The most famous people behind Legalism is Guan Zhong, he strongly proposed government controlled economy, which is the early type of state owned company, sounds familiar? :smitten:I was always wondered how a people born in 720 BC has such great thought and perspective, it's amazing! Guan Zhong - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

China has a very long history of mature governance, China has established a whole set of discipline to guide our government and its economic plan. Our government is so experienced to handle any kind of turbulence, unlike Thailand.

Besides Legalism, we also have Mohism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (it's core concept is about impartial care or universal love), but the the most famous is confucious. Even today, many ppl still read these people's thoughts, try to learn something.
Lolz. Japan to lead East asia?
After Butchering countless Koreans, Thais, Malays and chinese. Now some one seriously believe that people of South Korea Taiwan Malaysia Indonesia Singapore will simply accept japan as there leader againat China just because uncle sam says so?
Lame and funny by a NATO lover :p:

Finally, a Pakistan bro stand on China's side against Japan, thank you very much
Don't know why, I always think you type the comments while you was crying.

no, dude.

I'm rather laughing when china is member of UNSC but china do stupid things here in SCS. people in the world look down at you.

when China respect your neighbors sovereignty, they will respect China in the same manner. China will be the boss without corona. Dont forget that after Vietnam war Philippine stopped permit USA hire Subic military port.

and now, Philippine invite US navy come back. If China is going to be more aggressive, Vietnam could join to ally with Japan and US to protect our country sovereignty. It is no rumor.
Can our Vietnamese members account for this. A document signed by then Vietnamese foreign minister Pham Van Dong in 1958 recognising China's sovereignty over the Xisha (Paracel) Islands.


don't lie.

In the letter he said about "sea territory" 12 miles, he didn't mentioned about Islands. China and North Vietnam signed in to Geneva Accords 1954, it stated that Island belong to South Vietnam.

North Vietnam don't have right to say about sovereignty of South Vietnam.


North Korean can not say that Dokdo island belong to Japan, Don't forget that Lee Teng Hui, Taiwan president said that Senkaku belong to Japan.

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