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Is Japan Planning to Create an Anti-China "Asian NATO"?

Of course not, just a Greater East Asian Co Prosperity and Co Security Sphere. :cheers:
Security Sphere means. . . .....................?????????????????

India wishes Nihon the best of luck in implementing the Greater East Asian Co Prosperity and Co Security Sphere. May nothing obstruct Japan. You guys are truly a altruistic people!
Pak allies with China...You allies with Japan........?????????????

Sorry ,I am not your friend.
For the countries and people that you had hurt, and did huge massacre in, you said you are peaceful people, it is very ironic, don't ask me where is the love, I don't know, I can sure is it don't exist in Japan.
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I want to remind you that you are a Communist and the US will not trust you as they are still very much into the cold war mentality. They are using you as a pawn for us. Fried meat. Stupid Viet like you don't understand this. This is why @ViXuyen need to kick your ***. LOL

how is stupid Chinese ?
I want to remind you that you are a Communist and the US will not trust you as they are still very much into the cold war mentality. They are using you as a pawn for us. Fried meat. Stupid Viet like you don't understand this. This is why @ViXuyen need to kick your ***. LOL
you are a moron.

you failed to understand that Vietnam government considers your act of placing the oil rig in our EEZ water as Chinese invasion. It is you that threatens Vietnam security. Vietnam had ben very cooperative with China in the past, but now things have changed. If it comes to core national interests, Vietnam as nation never cares of the color of political parties.

I am pretty sure as soon as Vietnam gets backings and supports from other great powers, we will start a military campaign against China. Learn history of Vietnam a bit and you will understand. the images I posted ealier come from the website of VCP. why should ViXuyen spank me?
you are a moron.

you failed to understand that Vietnam government considers your act of placing the oil rig in our EEZ water as Chinese invasion. It is you that threatens Vietnam security. Vietnam had ben very cooperative with China in the past, but now things have changed. If it comes to core national interests, Vietnam as nation never cares of the color of political parties.

I am pretty sure as soon as Vietnam gets backings and supports from other great powers, we will start a military campaign against China. Learn history of Vietnam a bit and you will understand. the images I posted ealier come from the website of VCP. why should ViXuyen spank me?
A military campaign against us? LOL I hope it doesn't come to that because trust me, you don't want to see that happening. Also it is not what you think or care that matter in the realm of ideological war. It is the US's thinking that matter because they have the influence and power to cause real damage. You, on the other hand, don't posses that level of deadly weapons.

You are never cooperative. Don't lie. We drill very near the island we control and you cry. This is not cooperative at all. He will spank you because of your naive idiotic thinking! US will never trust a communist country. For you to ask them to supply you with their advance weapons, you better offer some tangible assets in return. Perhaps, your women, sovereignty, or as a pawn to test our new toys effectiveness. Like I said, someone has to test our toys. Look like the US will choose you because you are a communist. They don't want the Philippines to do it since at least they are democrat.
A military campaign against us? LOL I hope it doesn't come to that because trust me, you don't want to see that happening. Also it is not what you think or care that matter in the realm of ideological war. It is the US's thinking that matter because they have the influence and power to cause real damage. You, on the other hand, don't posses that level of deadly weapons.

You are never cooperative. Don't lie. We drill very near the island we control and you cry. This is not cooperative at all. He will spank you because of your naive idiotic thinking! US will never trust a communist country. For you to ask them to supply you with their advance weapons, you better offer some tangible assets in return. Perhaps, your women, sovereignty, or as a pawn to test our new toys effectiveness. Like I said, someone has to test our toys. Look like the US will choose you because you are a communist. They don't want the Philippines to do it since at least they are democrat.

No, but at least I think, Vietnam can create no ship zone over its EEZ.

BTW, I never understand whats the legality of chinese claim over Vietnam EEZ, can you explain to me?
you are a moron.

you failed to understand that Vietnam government considers your act of placing the oil rig in our EEZ water as Chinese invasion. It is you that threatens Vietnam security. Vietnam had ben very cooperative with China in the past, but now things have changed. If it comes to core national interests, Vietnam as nation never cares of the color of political parties.

I am pretty sure as soon as Vietnam gets backings and supports from other great powers, we will start a military campaign against China. Learn history of Vietnam a bit and you will understand. the images I posted ealier come from the website of VCP. why should ViXuyen spank me?
Ya, you are a country being war ruined again and again, that is your history. Why? because your short-sighted, stupidity and treacherousness. you really should learn from Thailand, otherwise your country would become rubbles again.
No, but at least I think, Vietnam can create no ship zone over its EEZ.

BTW, I never understand whats the legality of chinese claim over Vietnam EEZ, can you explain to me?
Legally, you have no right to stop any ship from operating in EEZ. You can harass and monitor but not go to war over it because if you do, you break international norm and face the consequence of your mistake. The US constantly sail inside our EEZ. You can only fire if it is within your territorial water, which extends only 12nm. Learn, my friend.

In order for me to say anything further, do you accept the islands we control entitle to an EEZ or not? If you do, then you understand that any potential settlement on maritime delimitation on the overlapping EEZ, the area we drilled is completely within our EEZ water. For example, the area we drill is 50 miles off Woody Island (a big natural island clearly entitled to an EEZ under UNCLOS), 17 miles off Triton Island (may not entitle to EEZ but who care). For legal purpose we focus on the Woody Island's 50 miles from the drill area. On the Vietnamese's side, their closest island facing East is 120 miles from the drill area. If we settle an agreement on equidistant principle, the overlapping EEZ will split in half and the drill area is completely within our water.
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