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Is it true that the ancestors of Pakistanis were Hindu?

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Sep 15, 2015
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United Kingdom
This question comes from Quora (I am copy-pasting my answer from there, as this is my Quora account)



Some of them? Yes. But not all of them.

First of all, Hinduism itself has only existed since the Vedic era:


That was only a few thousand years ago (a relatively short period of time in the grand scheme of things), prior to that, Hinduism did not exist. This means that the overwhelming majority of the ancestors of modern day Pakistanis were not Hindu.

Not only that, but even after Hinduism was established in the region, Buddhism also became very popular. Some of the oldest Buddhist texts in history come from what is now Pakistan:


Here’s an old Buddhist monument in Pakistan:


Taxila, an ancient city in what is now Pakistan, was also very well known for being a Buddhist hub:



King Kanishka, one of the greatest Buddhist rulers in history, also came from Peshawar (a city in what is now Pakistan). He ruled over the Kushan Empire:



Not only that, but during the Muslim conquests of the Indian sub-continent, there was gene-flow from foreign migrants (who were already Muslim) into the population of the region.

This has been quite well established, many Muslims from the sub-continent have at least some ancestry from these foreign migrants:


“The study showed that the Muslim Gujjars differ significantly from their counterpart, the Hindu Gujjars.”


“a significant degree of genetic contribution from Iran to Shia (47%) and Sunni (44%) Muslims suggests genetic inputs from the region”


“low levels of likely sub-Saharan African, Arabian and West Asian admixture were also observed among Indian Muslims”

Not enough for you?

Here are the DNA test results of multiple Pakistanis, confirming what I’ve said:

To conclude, some of the ancestors of modern day Pakistanis were Hindu (and some Pakistanis remain Hindu to this very day), but others were not.

@Talwar e Pakistan @Indus Pakistan @waz @WAJsal @Dubious @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @OsmanAli98 @Khafee @IbnAbdullah @Waqas @dexter @Horus @Great Janjua @Sher Shah Awan @Samlee @Desert Fox @DESERT FIGHTER @Zarvan @Clutch @maximuswarrior @Champion_Usmani @Army research @Reichsmarschall @Azadkashmir @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @newb3e @MultaniGuy @UnitedPak
they were buddhist, then they were converted to hinduism forcefully then they got enlightment of Islam..Happy now.? ?? false flagger?
Thank God our ancestors were smart enough to achieve enlightenment and became Muslim.

This is not a knock on our unenlightened neighbor, just glad that our ancestors figured it out.
Does it matter??NO as Islam said and proved from day one.U may also know Allama Iqbal grandfather was also hindu but look at his grandson .In case u wanna see more of his achievement dont forget one of starter who see and think the dream of seprate country for muslims and the one who convinced Quaid e Azam to return back
Aryans were Europeans? that may be the reason... We are rajputs so mainly son of soil.. My colour is like seasonal :lol: but mainly its dark. My great great grand father was a convert though idk his name.. but great grand father name is Mehtab Din.. now, if my DNA has some eurpean traces, then we all are **** up... Only my father was born in Pakistan rest of my uncle and aunts were born in east Punjab... or Shimla
No need figuring out about what Pakistanis were in the past, once u take that blessed shahdah, all of ur past is expunged and replaced with a new past, u become a part of the 1400 yr glorious history of muslims, that is the beauty of Islam.
No need figuring out about what Pakistanis were in the past, once u take that blessed shahdah, all of ur past is expunged and replaced with a new past, u become a part of the 1400 yr glorious history of muslims, that is the beauty of Islam.
actually Islam is still beginning like Moses is Muslim and Bani isreal of that time were muslims who followed him.. Adam is not only first muslim but also all human Father..
No need figuring out about what Pakistanis were in the past, once u take that blessed shahdah, all of ur past is expunged and replaced with a new past, u become a part of the 1400 yr glorious history of muslims, that is the beauty of Islam.

Alhamdulilah and blessings upon whichever of each of our familys' ancestors accepted Islam, otherwise we were not worthy enough or have strong faith in current circumstances to accept Islam.
actually Islam is still beginning like Moses is Muslim and Bani isreal of that time were muslims who followed him.. Adam is not only first muslim but also all human Father..
First muslim with no Islam !!! Strange like everything else.
We should respect our past or we will remain a confused nation. Our ancestors followed various Hindu cults/deities, Buddhism once had a flourishing civilisation in West Punjab and North & West Pakistan, it also had large followers in Sindh. There were other minority religions such as Zoroastrian religion and various Animist religions in remote North Pakistan.

Statue from Gandhara


Stupa from Sindh

1st or 2nd Centuary AD Stupa from KPK Province


Hinglaj temple on the Makran coast


Katas Raj Temple-One of the most holiest sites of Hindus

First muslim with no Islam !!! Strange like everything else.
dont talk of things u have zero knowledge about, have the decency to pick up a book and know things before babbling like a ignorant bufoon.

No ..Hindus are proud people .
proud about what?, what did hindus ever do other then getting conquered:lol:
No need figuring out about what Pakistanis were in the past, once u take that blessed shahdah, all of ur past is expunged and replaced with a new past, u become a part of the 1400 yr glorious history of muslims, that is the beauty of Islam.
Our history does not go back to 1,400 years; our history extends far beyond that. Adopting Islam does not mean that we forget and discard our lineage or heritage, or else your username would not have "Awan" in it.

dont talk of things u have zero knowledge about, have the decency to pick up a book and know things before babbling like a ignorant bufoon.
That is not how Muslims should speak to those who question their beliefs, it pushes people away from Islam and seeking knowledge of the religion.
Our history does not go back to 1,400 years; our history extends far beyond that. Adopting Islam does not mean that we forget and discard our lineage or heritage, or else your username would not have "Awan" in it.
That Awan is testament to my linegae to the bani hashim clan, this is a religious lineage, not concerned with ethinicity. Without the link of Islam, i would have no reason for bieng a proud Awan.

Our history does not go back to 1,400 years; our history extends far beyond that. Adopting Islam does not mean that we forget and discard our lineage or heritage, or else your username would not have "Awan" in it.

That is not how Muslims should speak to those who question their beliefs, it pushes people away from Islam and seeking knowledge of the religion.
I can differentiate between those seeking knowledge and those who seek to troll.
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