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Is it true that the ancestors of Pakistanis were Hindu?

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We should respect our past or we will remain a confused nation. Our ancestors followed various Hindu cults/deities, Buddhism once had a flourishing civilisation in West Punjab and North & West Pakistan, it also had large followers in Sindh. There were other minority religions such as Zoroastrian religion and various Animist religions in remote North Pakistan.

Statue from Gandhara


Stupa from Sindh

1st or 2nd Centuary AD Stupa from KPK Province


Hinglaj temple on the Makran coast


Katas Raj Temple-One of the most holiest sites of Hindus


To Hindu Brahmins, although we were Aryans (of Iranic origin,) we were considered Mlechhas (impure) as we followed a primordial Aryan faith of idolatry and nature worship that did not care for caste, holy cows, or priests.

The influence of Persians, Greeks, Afghans, Iranics, Mongols, and Turks had always been more important on us than Brahminic Hindus.

From pre-Hindu Aryan/Iranic religions, it was inevitable that Pakistan and Afghanistan would embrace Buddhism and solidify it during Graeco-Bactrian rule.

Afterall Buddhist priests were some of the first to convert and lead others to Islam when the Arabs entered Sindh.
Is that true ancestors of mankind was reset from prophet nuh (Noah)
Or is that true mankind started from Adam and Eve
& There was no existence of Hinduism back then???

Is defence forum turning into Quora...
Shame is on you if you think conquering is your greatest pride ..
Hindus are proud people because Hinduism, in fact, is not a religion in first place. It is neither a philosophy or an ideology. Religions, philosophies and ideologies are too time-bound, too specific, too geographical ..your inferiority stems from the same ..
There as a time of Jahalia before Islam. I can also mention that Pakistan's ancestors have conquered and dominated S Asia numerous times in history. The Indus valley civilization was to first of its kind in S Asia. Chandra Gupta Maurya was most likely a Ghandharan (todays kp and punjab) prince that conquered and established the first Indian empire. The wheel on the Indian flag is a symbol of the Mauryan empire.
chandragupta maurya from Pattliputra (Today's Patna Bihar)
There as a time of Jahalia before Islam. I can also mention that Pakistan's ancestors have conquered and dominated S Asia numerous times in history. The Indus valley civilization was to first of its kind in S Asia. Chandra Gupta Maurya was most likely a Ghandharan (todays kp and punjab) prince that conquered and established the first Indian empire. The wheel on the Indian flag is a symbol of the Mauryan empire.
First muslim with no Islam !!! Strange like everything else.
It is Muslim belief that Islam has developed through a series of Prophets (numbering 124,000) beginning with the first humans (Adam and Eve) and ending with the final messenger, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

We believe that most of these messengers were killed by the people who rejected them or their teaching were twisted through time to form other religions.

To us, Islam has always existed and it's final form was reached under the Prophet Muhammad (SAW); so we don't necessarily regard him as the founder of Islam. Islam has always existed since the time of the first humans, though it may have had many names, the core belief revolved around believing in one God and following the teachings of his Prophets and Messengers.
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Truth be told, ancestors for every humans on earth were free thinkers

Cavemen dont have religion
It is Muslim belief that Islam has developed through a series of Prophets (numbering 124,000) beginning with the first humans (Adam and Eve) and ending with the final messenger, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

We believe that most of these messengers were killed by the people who rejected them or their teaching were twisted through time to form other religions.

To us, Islam has always existed and it's final form was reached under the Prophet Muhammad (SAW); so we don't necessarily regard him as the founder of Islam. Islam has always existed since the time of the first humans, though it may have had many names, the core belief revolved around believing in one God and following the teachings of his Prophets and Messengers.
Good ..that philosophy should give some peace as it points to universal brotherhood ..
chandragupta maurya from Pattliputra (Today's Patna Bihar)

His origins are not known for certain. He lived in taxila. The Greeks believed he was a Ghandharan prince. His son was named prince of Ghandhara...his military advisor was from taxila. His army consisted of Ghandharans and Persians. He has strong links to Ghandhara (todays kp and punjab)
Don't you feel shame of conquering of Kama sutra and yoga?:blah:
Though understanding things as they are is hard , it is easy to take care of not exposing your stupidity to all ..You are not even doing easiest thing ..
That Awan is testament to my linegae to the bani hashim clan, this is a religious lineage, not concerned with ethinicity. Without the link of Islam, i would have no reason for bieng a proud Awan.
Take a DNA test and you will see your supposed lineage to the Bani Hashim. Trust me; I have had 4 of my Pakistani friends claim they are descended from Arabs - had them all take a DNA test, paid for two of them and all of the results came back with absolutely zero Arab contribution.
Though understanding things as they are is hard , it is easy to take care of not exposing your stupidity to all ..You are not even doing easiest thing ..
You're right arguing a fool makes a fool out of yourself.
My stupidity is dubious as I realized it you are a fool of first degree Sir.
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