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Is it time for Pakistan to reveal the Taimur(ICBM) ?

technically US sanctions never create much problem for Pakistan (that's history)
Your assessment is misplaced.

We have no missiles designed to hit anything beyond the threat we face from India, that's a necessary part of our deterrence and all of our focus is dedicated to that end. We have no ICBM, nor do we need one. Especially not for the US.

Yes we have uneasy relations with the US, but we're not enemies. We've never been at war with them and probably never will be. And even if the situation was worse, what would an ICBM change?

The US' greatest offensive tools for jumped-up pipsqueak nations who've acquired nukes isn't war, it's sanctions, economic damage, diplomatic and political damage at every level. They can do us harm without firing a single bullet, what's more, far from an ICBM changing that, it would only add further justification for taking such action against Pakistan. Right now, most of the world is not against us in the way the Trump administration is, what members are asking for would be sure to change that.

North Korea's diplomatic strategy is certainly a bad one for us to follow.

Well said, bro.

Shooting from hips?

Osama Drama was an Election boost for Obama and was mutually agreed. Obama's ratings went through the roof after little Pakistani help and he is still tankful for that. Still defends Pakistan even in India.
Kindly provide evidence of your claims. Solid evidence.

I also want to know why Dr. Shakil Afridi is in jail.
Dont worry, the National command authority are no foreigners. They are from this country and made policies and procedures as per our situation.

Defence budget dont stop peoples education or does it?
In fact Pakistanis spend 50% or more of their salaries on school fees which is one of the highest amount in the world.
The education our youth have been getting in the last 10-15 years is text books written by organizations such as British council , written by foreigners propagating foreign agenda. The GCSE kids of Pakistan are more Indian at heart then Pakistani as they been fed foreign propaganda. Such education is detrimental.

So, education, your kids are getting in England is bad for Pakistani kids?
An ICBM would checkmate Trumps policies and it would put US on notice, the world will listen to and recognize Pakistan’s position much firmly in the world. European countries already don’t like Trump, so, possibility is the he would get the blame for pushing Pakistan to such a limit where the nation decided to test an icbm to ensure states surivial, while a superpower on our door, working with our enemies, threating our state.
So, education, your kids are getting in England is bad for Pakistani kids?
Yup.. They are not taught Indian written Pakistan history via British Council and the history of Pakistan they know is what i told them . They are also not taught the Hindu or Ingraiz version of Islamic studies. The Islam they know is what they been taught in our local mosque by a qualified Imam.
So there is the difference between the GCSE kids of Pakistan and my kids..
P.S .. My boys Love Pakistan more than the GCSE kids of Pakistan as they have engaged multiple school friends in defending Pakistan when the school friends rubbished the country. How many PAkistani GCSE kids do that? None.. They insult Pakistan more than Indians.
Also my 10 year old gets up for Fajar everyday.. How many GCSE kids of Pakistan do that or even try to do that? Their "Moderate Islam" says that calling yourself Muslim is good enough without actually practicing the religion.
So there.
An ICBM would checkmate Trumps policies and it would put US on notice, the world will listen to and recognize Pakistan’s position much firmly in the world. European countries already don’t like Trump, so, possibility is the he would get the blame for pushing Pakistan to such a limit where the nation decided to test an icbm to ensure states surivial, while a superpower on our door, working with our enemies, threating our state.

Your point is valid.

But USA will never attack a nuclear armed country. Have look at North Korea.

They don't need to attack directly a country. They will use others tricks to harm, weaken and finally help us to implode ourselves.... They already started to study the impact of article, caoons about our beloved Prophet...how our jahil awam reacted. They also know how to create hate among differents sects, groups inside muslims countries...

An ICBM wouldn't help us a lot.

An ICBM test now will only give all the world argument to finally agree with Trump even if they don't agree for now.
Let trump to be "isolated" itself... But it doesn't mean that we shouldn't work for newer systems.
I maybe wrong in my analysis.
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we should develop submarine launch icbm and also land based like df41
MRBM of 4000-5000 km are enough for subs to hit anywhere in the world.. because they can covertly close in to that distance of any country and launch a punishing counter strike.. this is already a deterrent.. and I still think that a modern and sophisticated ICBM should be worked on and ready to be tested at anytime.. just in case!
This will double the deterrence value, and this is all it is basically needed for.. and in case of very serious threats it can be tested in few days..because all the components will be ready..just like what has happened with Pakistan's nuclear tests..
Quran says to prepare everything possible to deter your enemies and enemies of God.. some of them you might know, some of them..only God knows..
This goes also in line with the principle that if you want peace you should prepare for war..
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I was under the opinion that we must spend more money on our education system then expensive toys but if our nation survival is at stake then we must go for ICBM and also few battalions of carrier killer manoeuvrable radar guided ballistic missiles in excess of 1500 km range like China have. Also few batteries of air defence long range anti aircraft missiles we must seriously look into.
There is something cooking in the air and i blame NZ last government responsible for that. We didn't had the foreign minister we didn't had a lobby to put forward our case in the US and let Washington to control and led by Indians and now finding us in this mess.
Unless enemy knows regardless how powerful they are we will hit them back they will not dare. US went into Iraq even checking the mushroom farms in case Saddam is not hiding something their.
We should have tested ICBM long time ago and let them bark at us as it has never stopped in any case.
Why does Pakistan need ICBMs at first? Our main adversary is our next door neighbour, and further, Isreal is within the targeting range of Shaheen 3 if you hypothetically assume her as Pakistan's potential enemy.
Inaddition, an ICBM test will alert the west, and you may get prone to sanctions.
I think Pak needs an ICBM in the category of SLBM..look Pak has currently SLCM with 450 km range which is not enough..on the contrary india got 2000+km range SLBM..So it will not only ensure our 2nd strike capability but yes also put other enemies of our at a bey.
Should Pakistan take a leaf out of North Korean play book to test and reveal the Taimur(ICBM) ?

What do you think? Will Pakistan get another opportunity in the near future? Shouldn't Pakistan test it immediately before things cool off?

When the air chief said we will be putting a man in space in two years he is saying we have ICMB technology. If the yanks pushed hard they probably will but right now there is no need for attention. I wouldn't be surprised if they have tested the components

This is not a sound assumption.

If US can impose economic sanctions on Russia, it can do the same with Pakistan.
Yes that pushes Pakistan and Russia and other countries which have sanctions closer. But Pakistan has always thrived under sanctions. It was the war of 71 and sanctions that had lead to missile tanks warship aircraft and ammo self sufficiency. Thanks Allah for sanctions.
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ICBM is a strategic weapon and not meant for actual use. It also acts as a deterrent against being targeted by an adversary who also possess an ICBM. As for Pakistan , the question is , who is targeting her with an ICBM and why ?
I think Pak needs an ICBM in the category of SLBM..look Pak has currently SLCM with 450 km range which is not enough..on the contrary india got 2000+km range SLBM..So it will not only ensure our 2nd strike capability but yes also put other enemies of our at a bey.
I'd like a naval version of Ababeel--SLBM with MIRV capability-- in Pak's missiles inventory. Morever, we can increase the range of Babur-3 to 2000+km with future versions.
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