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Is it time for Pakistan to reveal the Taimur(ICBM) ?

I'd like a naval version of Ababeel--SLBM with MIRV capability-- in Pak's missiles inventory. Morever, we can increase the range of Babur-3 to 2000+km with future versions.
yeah I share your thoughts on Ababeel
Btw regarding babur..i have serious doubts about it..see tomahawk is 2000km range CM..Pak is using babur for many years but still we can't enhance it range from 800km..particularly it is easy to increase range of land based missile than SLCM..so i have doubts about range of babur-3
yeah I share your thoughts on Ababeel
Btw regarding babur..i have serious doubts about it..see tomahawk is 2000km range CM..Pak is using babur for many years but still we can't enhance it range from 800km..particularly it is easy to increase range of land based missile than SLCM..so i have doubts about range of babur-3
Babur's range can be increased with a new and powerful turbofan and a rocket booster. May be in future, we'll be able to customize its operational range.
We are not North Korea .
Who made ICBM after making less than 10 actual working Nukes. You need warheads of significant yield for an ICBM as an ICBM starts a nuclear war.Unless we have 50--60 spare nukes to be left tied to same numbers of ICBM, we do not need to build an ICBM.
Currently all our nukes are for India which is way closer.
I remember being told on this forum that Pakistan was threatened with annihilation if age did not join the war on terror. And that was not by Bharat.
You do not think if Pakistan has full ICBM capabilites she will be in a better position to speak her mind?

Why does Pakistan need ICBMs at first? Our main adversary is our next door neighbour, and further, Isreal is within the targeting range of Shaheen 3 if you hypothetically assume her as Pakistan's potential enemy.
Inaddition, an ICBM test will alert the west, and you may get prone to sanctions.
It wasn't Bharat that threatened annihilation on Pakistan after the false flags of 9/11.

Good diplomacy with China and Russia can thwart sanctions no?
Thank God of defense related policy makers not Kid like O.P.

Why the hell we want whole west against Pakistan especially when they are suffering from Islam Phobia. They will quickly consider it threat against them and same time a retard named Trump will became their hero.
There is no doubt we have the capability when we already tested multi stage rockets. We will test our ICBM when time favor us not now when our economy is just taking baby steps towards right direction.
Government has a major role and duty to educate it's citizens, no doubt about it. Do you think the vote cast in the ballot box is representative of the poorest and most impoverished in our society? Civil society also has a role to play, keep dumping everything on politicians. Waiting for a great knight in shiny Armour to come to our rescue.

Just remember that the knight in shining armor is shining because s/he has not yet been tested in battle :). If only missile could make a nation productive and uplift society we would be like Singapore right now. Instead... Hat per hat tharey muntazir e farda ho!

Beta jee to compare Palestine to Pakistan shows how limited your own comprehension skills are. To compare an occupied territory with a population of of less than Islamabad with all of Pakistan.... Just sit down and put your brain in gear before you mouth is in motion!
First of all don't try to teach father how to make sons, secondly read the post again and you will find your logic very lame. I was not comparing but showing you a logical answer which you failed to understand.
Note: Next time you address some one then try to address with respect because it shows that how your family raise you and i am not your son.
I think this will help you to overcome your ego problem.

Now stop wasting more storage and get back to topic
I don't have an ego problem. It is you and your buddy that have a problem facing reality. Pakistan can't manage load shedding and here you children are taking about icbms. Sort our polio first please.
I don't have an ego problem. It is you and your buddy that have a problem facing reality. Pakistan can't manage load shedding and here you children are taking about icbms. Sort our polio first please.
Your approach his not correct to resolved issues, we need to address all problems and this is not correct way that to resolve other issues we left some issues unattended. We need to set priorities and we first need to create teams who can work on all issues freely and then we need to monitor those teams. This is correct approach
Dont worry, the National command authority are no foreigners. They are from this country and made policies and procedures as per our situation.

Defence budget dont stop peoples education or does it?
In fact Pakistanis spend 50% or more of their salaries on school fees which is one of the highest amount in the world.
The education our youth have been getting in the last 10-15 years is text books written by organizations such as British council , written by foreigners propagating foreign agenda. The GCSE kids of Pakistan are more Indian at heart then Pakistani as they been fed foreign propaganda. Such education is detrimental.
Education and health care are paramount... Education institutions have been allowed to fall apart at primary level; i am not taking about private but Government where bulk of the population studies at.
The ICBM will be called Tipu. How far is Pakistan from testing this? Regional geopolitics is reaching event horizon and ICBM needs to be tested in front of the world to send a message.
The ICBM will be called Tipu. How far is Pakistan from testing this? Regional geopolitics is reaching event horizon and ICBM needs to be tested in front of the world to send a message.
its time to bring transparency and expand econmic power

or declare nawaz sharif as king, that will stop this poltical mess we have

either people need to vote him out or vote him as king..you cant have democracy and corruption together
its time to bring transparency and expand econmic power

And for that also you need the ICBMs because if the system becomes transparent and economy becomes strong uncle sam won't be able to have its pet dogs in Pakistan. So uncle sam won't let that happen nicely, Pakistan will have to shove it down uncle sam's throat with the help of ICBMS.
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Pakistan does not need ICBM .

why you people want to live like north Koreans under sever sanctions ?!

uncle SAM will never attack Pakistan. okay calm down and work on economy .

Pakistan needs educational ,administrative , political and economical reforms.
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