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Is it possible to give Iranian jewish conscripts special tasks?

Shapur Zol Aktaf

Feb 10, 2013
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Like protecting nuclear facilities and serving as amateur bodyguards for scientists. If Israel attacks these places or people, then Iranian Jews will become martyrs.

Or will they kill our scientists before mossad attacks?

Will Israel become concerned if soon Iranian Jews die by car accidents?

Is Iran able to decrease its jewish population like Ansarallah warriors did in Yemen? Or like Khomeini did before?

Will the Jews become fake muslims to stay and grab Iranian economy, medicine Industry, Banks, export and import like fake muslims and hidden jews asgarolladi did?

If we put hidden camera's in Iranian jewish houses, Will we see celebrations for terror attack against Fakhrizadeh or total indifference (we dont give a ****?) ??

Will it stay easy to fool and infiltrate the system by having beard, prayer mark, acting pious and suddently stealing billion dollars and escaping to Canada like Khavari did?

Will the Jews use these religious tricks against simple non-nationalist morons in Islamic Republic? They can use "people of book" trick or conversion trick like Asgharoladi.

What was the percentage to population of Iranian Jews dying during Iran Iraq war?

Will Iran be able to identify Bahais who were Jews before "conversion"?
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Like protecting nuclear facilities and serving as amateur bodyguards for scientists. If Israel attacks these places or people, then Iranian Jews will become martyrs.

Or will they kill our scientists before mossad attacks?

Will Israel become concerned if soon Iranian Jews die by car accidents?

Is Iran able to decrease its jewish population like Ansarallah warriors did in Yemen? Or like Khomeini did before?

Will the Jews become fake muslims to stay and grab Iranian economy, medicine Industry, Banks, export and import like fake muslims and hidden jews asgarolladi did?

If we put hidden camera's in Iranian jewish houses, Will we see celebrations for terror attack against Fakhrizadeh or total indifference (we dont give a ****?) ??

Will it stay easy to fool and infiltrate the system by having beard, prayer mark, acting pious and suddently stealing billion dollars and escaping to Canada like Khavari did?

Will the Jews use these religious tricks against simple non-nationalist morons in Islamic Republic? They can use "people of book" trick or conversion trick like Asgharoladi.

The only way to stop the above is for Muslims in general to become as intelligent and as cunning as the Jews.
The only way to stop the above is for Muslims in general to become as intelligent and as cunning as the Jews.
Iranian muslim kids are sent to Baluchistan and Kurdistan region to serve in dangerous circumstanses. I think Iranian jewish kids should in their own way do the same. They should have been acting as guards inside the Natanz building the day that it exploded.
My suggestions and questions serves as a wake up call for simple muslims and dreamy internationalized poet reading soft Iranians who have no knowledge about Irgun, Hagana, Nazi tactics, mass poisoning water and food production units by Jews, Nagasaki, Hiroshima etc.
Iranian muslim kids are sent to Baluchistan and Kurdistan region to serve in dangerous circumstanses. I think Iranian jewish kids should in their own way do the same. They should have been acting as guards inside the Natanz building the day that it exploded.
My suggestions and questions serves as a wake up call for simple muslims and dreamy internationalized poet reading soft Iranians who have no knowledge about Irgun, Hagana, Nazi tactics, mass poisoning water and food production units by Jews, Nagasaki, Hiroshima etc.

The jews are not as smart as you think. How come they have lived a life of subjugation and minorities for nearly 2000 years and life of refugees but just recently few decades ago Israel was created post world war 2 not because they were smart because things just aligned for them. The western bloc who won WW1 and WW2 needed a garrison there and that is how they got there and still there until today. There were never the once that should be targetted but the one behind them and if any admiration should be given atleast give it to the victor.

The Ottoman empire exited jerusalem few decades ago it was not jews who opened the city and it won't be jews who will defend it you have to look at the bigger picture
The jews are not as smart as you think. How come they have lived a life of subjugation and minorities for nearly 2000 years and life of refugees but just recently few decades ago Israel was created post world war 2 not because they were smart because things just aligned for them. The western bloc who won WW1 and WW2 needed a garrison there and that is how they got there and still there until today. There were never the once that should be targetted but the one behind them and if any admiration should be given atleast give it to the victor.

The Ottoman empire exited jerusalem few decades ago it was not jews who opened the city and it won't be jews who will defend it you have to look at the bigger picture
Interesting points, however they own the media, banks, politicians, medicines. The only thing they lack is greater Israel, which they want to achieve with the mentioned tools.
Their goal is longterm, they plan for every 20-50 years. There was no Israel, there was no occupation of Jerusalem till recently, they stole it and now they will set new land grab goals for coming 50 years.
looks like O.P. is getting desperate.

its simply a job of Iranian intelligence and security apparatus regardless of any religion.
looks like O.P. is getting desperate.

its simply a job of Iranian intelligence and security apparatus regardless of any religion.
It's not desperation. My questions and suggestions could sound weird, but that triggers to think out of the box. For zionists, you have to put your fingers on their weak spot, that is, the comfort and life and safety of Jews. 99% of Jews are zionist and love Israel 99 times more than the place where they live.
Interesting points, however they own the media, banks, politicians, medicines. The only thing they lack is greater Israel, which they want to achieve with the mentioned tools.
Their goal is longterm, they plan for every 20-50 years. There was no Israel, there was no occupation of Jerusalem till recently, they stole it and now they will set new land grab goals for coming 50 years.

Jerusalem is only capital by name the city is split half and half. They will naturally try to settle in amongst the muslims because they hold the greener and living friendly areas. They will slowly try to fit in but they shouldn't be countered just let them resettle here and there. As long as they don't want to change status just let them be until their time is up. 30 years from now Israel won't exist and many other countries will cease to exist and the world map will change drastic in a post ww3.

Sykes–Picot Agreement

This agreement will be invalidated and the UN dispanded new organistations will come to power and countries. New countries and borders will emerge probably 6-7 billion will die leaving behind only 3 billion people to repopulate the world under a new superpower. It will be a new dawn and new age
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Jews are too infiltrated in the Iranian economy.. we have many jew businessmen and many of them became rich with very suspicious practices. We need to send jew soldiers to Pakistan and Afghanistan border. They are treated too nicely. We are under propaganda attack anyway so fk them.
It's not desperation. My questions and suggestions could sound weird, but that triggers to think out of the box. For zionists, you have to put your fingers on their weak spot, that is, the comfort and life and safety of Jews. 99% of Jews are zionist and love Israel 99 times more than the place where they live.

You assume zionism is about the interests of Jews, rather than the political aspirations of Greater Israel. You've heard the term "breaking a few eggs to make an omlette" right? Why assume that Israel would not sacrifice Jewish lives? Do Muslims not kill other Muslims? The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) stated that the life of a believer is more sacred than the Kabbah. Look at how cheap the life of the Muslims is - do you think we value it more than the Kabbah?

Also the rest of your comments are pretty bigoted towards your own Jewish community.
Also the rest of your comments are pretty bigoted towards your own Jewish community.
What he said that sounds ''bigoted'' to you ? Even during the latest Israeli agression we have not heard a single voice of condemnation from the Jewish community in Iran. We need to take off the gloves. If they do not have any allegiance or love for Iran they are free to leave.. or perhaps even deported.
What he said that sounds ''bigoted'' to you ? Even during the latest Israeli agression we have not heard a single voice of condemnation from the Jewish community in Iran. We need to take off the gloves. If they do not have any allegiance or love for Iran they are free to leave.. or perhaps even deported.

Billionair fake muslims Asgaroladi increased his wealth dramatically in the 90's when there were two official exchange rates for the US dollar. Those with trade license could obtain the lower exchange rate of 1750 rials but the market value of US dollars was at 8000 rials. During this period his brother Habibollah Asgaroladi was the commerce minister responsible for handing out trade licenses to obtain the lower exchange rate. He used his connections to obtain large quantities of US dollars at low exchange rate and resold them at the market value price for a profit of more than 300%

Also not in Social media or any known Iranian Jews outside of Iran. Do we see angry Iranian Jews coming to street to condemn murder of Iranian scientists (without Islamic Republic telling them to do so?)
Why Jews make life Iranians so difficult that even cancer patients and kids die, but at the same time Iranian Jews live in comfort (even safer than Jews in Europe) and still we dont see any action from them towards supporting Iran and Iranians, even after murdering our scientists. Iranian Jews in west have declared themselves enemies of Iran.

It wont surprise me if asgarolladi invented the mandotary hijab law in Iran because he was the one which made a huge deal which foreign factories to import Fabrics for hijab into Iran, getting rich fast and destroying internal Industry.
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Also not in Social media or any known Iranian Jews outside of Iran. Do we see angry Iranian Jews coming to street to condemn murder of Iranian scientists (without Islamic Republic telling them to do so?)
Why Jews make life Iranians so difficult that even cancer patients and kids die, but at the same time Iranian Jews live in comfort (even safer than Jews in Europe) and still we dont see any action from them towards supporting Iran and Iranians, even after murdering our scientists. Iranian Jews in west have declared themselves enemies of Iran.
This fact has been among us for many decades but we start to realize it now. I think Iranians have to act against such sick people.
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