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Is it possible to give Iranian jewish conscripts special tasks?

We never kneel to muslims but muslims will kneel in front of us. Did you forget what is happening in Myanmar, Sri lanka and Thailand with muslims. You should call me your father.
where's India? or they are not brutal enough
That is what I meant Bengal sultanate invaded them both... Where were the might buddhist and monks.. That is right they kneel..

They were ruler and conquerors while you were praying in shrines and graves.. Bizarrely offering sacrifice to saints or what not
Your Rohingya muslim brothers are serving us and you say we kneel in front of Buddhists? Very strange.
We never kneel to muslims

We could kill buddhist as there are more buddhist in our countries but that doesn't account as an argument nor furthers anyones case.. Just shows you as Petty.. I conquered your sorry azz and i can do it again if i wanted.. Which means you kneel infront of me.. I defeated you period..

We could kill 2 mio buddhist as sacrifice tomorrow in Indonesia what honor is in that? Don't account minorities of your own country as military war
We could kill buddhist as there are more buddhist in our countries but that doesn't account as an argument nor furthers anyones case.. Just shows you as Petty.. I conquered your sorry *** and i can do it again if i wanted..

We could kill 2 mio buddhist as sacrifice tomorrow in Indonesia what honor is in that?
Oh you are Indonesian? I thought you are a Pakistani. Indonesians are peaceful but you are pretty aggressive.
Oh you are Indonesian? I thought you are a Pakistani. Indonesians are peaceful but you are pretty aggressive.

I am not aggeessive just saying we could tomorrow if we wanted kill 50m buddhist who live in muslim countries and nobody could do anything for them... Minorities mean jackshxt in military context in state to state matter it would just be extremely petty act and unnecessary
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You assume zionism is about the interests of Jews, rather than the political aspirations of Greater Israel. You've heard the term "breaking a few eggs to make an omlette" right? Why assume that Israel would not sacrifice Jewish lives? Do Muslims not kill other Muslims? The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) stated that the life of a believer is more sacred than the Kabbah. Look at how cheap the life of the Muslims is - do you think we value it more than the Kabbah?

Also the rest of your comments are pretty bigoted towards your own Jewish community.
"The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) stated that the life of a believer is more sacred than the Kabbah"
So according to Prophet Muhammad, the life of a muslim is precious but non muslims and kafirs do not have the right to live? What a peaceful religion I see.
Like protecting nuclear facilities and serving as amateur bodyguards for scientists. If Israel attacks these places or people, then Iranian Jews will become martyrs.
If a Jew is serving Iran, a nation devoted to drive all Jews to the sea, Israel couldn't care less.
Anyways, stupid post.
The jews are not as smart as you think. How come they have lived a life of subjugation and minorities for nearly 2000 years and life of refugees but just recently few decades ago Israel was created post world war 2 not because they were smart because things just aligned for them. The western bloc who won WW1 and WW2 needed a garrison there and that is how they got there and still there until today. There were never the once that should be targetted but the one behind them and if any admiration should be given atleast give it to the victor.

The Ottoman empire exited jerusalem few decades ago it was not jews who opened the city and it won't be jews who will defend it you have to look at the bigger picture
Things were aligned for us because Jews had very powerful, leveraged positions all over the world because us Jews are smart.

You surely aren't smart for not understanding such a simple reason.
"The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) stated that the life of a believer is more sacred than the Kabbah"
So according to Prophet Muhammad, the life of a muslim is precious but non muslims and kafirs do not have the right to live? What a peaceful religion I see.

We couldn't give a shit what you think, nor do we claim to be "peaceful".
"The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) stated that the life of a believer is more sacred than the Kabbah"
So according to Prophet Muhammad, the life of a muslim is precious but non muslims and kafirs do not have the right to live? What a peaceful religion I see.
How exactly you reached to that conclusion from that sentence.
If a Jew is serving Iran, a nation devoted to drive all Jews to the sea, Israel couldn't care less.
Anyways, stupid post.
Another Zionist drama to show themselves as victim.
We know you don't claim to be peaceful. That's why you have Al Qaeda, Taliban, ISIS etc

Please - they're just reactionary little nuisances, mostly serving the agenda of our enemies and killing 100 times more Muslims than anyone else.

Right now our military and political standards are pathetic. Our frontiers are shrinking rather than expanding.
Please - they're just reactionary little nuisances, mostly serving the agenda of our enemies and killing 100 times more Muslims than anyone else.

Right now our military and political standards are pathetic. Our frontiers are shrinking rather than expanding.
You guys have lot of enemies because you could not come into to terms with others and see others as enemies.

You won't see a buddhist or a Hindu fighting a Christian, or a Jew fighting a Hindu, or a buddhist fighting a Christian.

Learn to coexist and make peace with others and you won't have enemies.
I am not aggeessive just saying we could tomorrow if we wanted kill 50m buddhist who live in muslim countries and nobody could do anything for them... Minorities mean jackshxt in military context in state to state matter it would just be extremely petty act and unnecessary
LOL try it man just try it. Did you forget how Indonesia lost East Timor to Christian West.

Another East Timor will be created if you try to kill Buddhists in Indonesia. Already Christians of West Papua are fighting for independence, you do not want more trouble do you.
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