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Is it possible to give Iranian jewish conscripts special tasks?

Rothschild needed Palestine to be colonized by jews so he set up world war to scare jews into Palestine they should thank hitler vice versa. plus the transfer agreement. of course some jews got killed but thats part of the deception to be used as propaganda. plus those jews were antizionist or did not want to move.
Evil rothschild are known for doing rituals and weird parties, he probably has the biggest jinn in him, hence why Jerusalem is important.

Crypto jews do exist around the world including Muslim world.

But iran is no immune to this they have had there ayatollah jew clerics. Anyway iranians shoudl look into operation talpiot by brandon o O'Connell. on you tube. oh yh look up benjamin freedman as well he is jew who converted to Christianity and exposes it aswell.
Like protecting nuclear facilities and serving as amateur bodyguards for scientists. If Israel attacks these places or people, then Iranian Jews will become martyrs.

Or will they kill our scientists before mossad attacks?

Will Israel become concerned if soon Iranian Jews die by car accidents?

Is Iran able to decrease its jewish population like Ansarallah warriors did in Yemen? Or like Khomeini did before?

A sick thread by a twisted mind.

A country with 90 million people cant even absorb 7000 Jewish people.

In Israel we are 9 million people , 18% of Israelis citizens are Arab Muslims.

Imagine if someone suggested they should be illtreated because we had conflicts with some Muslim country ,

Lol just when I thought the threads on this forum couldn't get more retarded. PDF, the gift that keeps on giving. ๐Ÿ˜‚
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