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Is it possible to give Iranian jewish conscripts special tasks?

What he said that sounds ''bigoted'' to you ? Even during the latest Israeli agression we have not heard a single voice of condemnation from the Jewish community in Iran. We need to take off the gloves. If they do not have any allegiance or love for Iran they are free to leave.. or perhaps even deported.

Do you publicly condemn every criminal act carried out by people who share a religion with you?

These acts are carried out by Israel - what relation do Iranians jews have to Israel?
Do you publicly condemn every criminal act carried out by people who share a religion with you?

These acts are carried out by Israel - what relation do Iranians jews have to Israel?
What is the matter with you ? If a Jew is disloyal to Pakistan you would say the same. Do not be a hypocrite.
Iranian muslim kids are sent to Baluchistan and Kurdistan region to serve in dangerous circumstanses. I think Iranian jewish kids should in their own way do the same. They should have been acting as guards inside the Natanz building the day that it exploded.
My suggestions and questions serves as a wake up call for simple muslims and dreamy internationalized poet reading soft Iranians who have no knowledge about Irgun, Hagana, Nazi tactics, mass poisoning water and food production units by Jews, Nagasaki, Hiroshima etc.

It's not just Iranian Muslims that are like this. Plenty of Pakistani and Turkish Muslims are like this too.
What is the matter with you ? If a Jew is disloyal to Pakistan you would say the same. Do not be a hypocrite.

If an individual was disloyal then yes. If a group openly declared themselves or acted in a disloyal manner (like many in our country do) and someone associated with them, i'd call them disloyal. I'd never blanket suggest that someone of a particular race, religion or ethnicity is disloyal.

I hear this rubbish all the time - in Pakistan some people automatically assume that shia are more loyal to Iran than Pakistan. Others suggest that migrants from India who came to Pakistan when it was created as closet Indians, other people suggest the Wahhabi's are loyal to the Saudi's over Pakistan. The majority on this forum are overseas Pakistani's, yet people will suggest we are disloyal to Pakistan. This is all discrimination.

If an individuals or organsations statements or actions prove disloyalty then fine - but don't throw the baby out with the bathwater; it's a horrible feeling to be on the recieving end of that.
Here are IRGC officers participating in a Jewish Funeral prayer for Jewish Iranian soldiers who gave their lives in defense of Iran

Here is Khamenei visiting the family of a christian/armenian martyred hero who gave his life for Iran's defense.

sorry my friend but i have to strongly disagree with you. Iran would lose its soul if it started to turn on Iranians out of sheer desperation. Iranian jews are Iranians. they have lived here for 1000s of years, and as long as they see themselves as loyal Iranians, the Iranian state has every obligation to protect them.period. we are not fascist turkey here.
Here are IRGC officers participating in a Jewish Funeral prayer for Jewish Iranian soldiers who gave their lives in defense of Iran

Here is Khamenei visiting the family of a christian/armenian martyred hero who gave his life for Iran's defense.

sorry my friend but i have to strongly disagree with you. Iran would lose its soul if it started to turn on Iranians out of sheer desperation. Iranian jews are Iranians. they have lived here for 1000s of years, and as long as they see themselves as loyal Iranians, the Iranian state has every obligation to protect them.period. we are not fascist turkey here.
I'm only talking about Iranian Jews, not zoroastrians or Christians.

The Jews that died were probably conscripts, not volunteers. Also what is the proportion of martyrdom among them compared to their population. Lets calculate.

15 jewish conscripts (not volunteers) out of 55000 Jews living in Iran during the 80s.
In comparison about 500000 Iranians died out of population out of 45 million people during the war.

It means relatively non-jew Iranians gave 41 times more martyrs!!!
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How many Jews are there in Iran? 1-2%?

Less than 0,01% (excluding crypto-Jews, maximum total is thus unlikely to exceed 0,02%), or some 7500 individuals according to a recent population census.


To all: please use the name of the secondary community as an adjective and Iranian as a noun.

For example: Jewish Iranians rather than Iranian Jews; Kurdish Iranians rather than Iranian Kurds; Azari Iranians rather than Iranian Azaris; etc.

I hope it is clear to everyone why I'm inviting to do so. The enemy is making extensive use of semantics, a psy-ops weapon par excellence. Just look how their media systematically turn this around and speak of "Iranian Kurds", "Iranian Jews" etc, implicitly suggesting to their audience that the core identity of these citizens (and thus their loyalty) is Kurdish, Jewish etc before being Iranian, and thereby cultivating in their audience's minds a preliminary form of legitimization for minority irredentism and separatism, as well as loyalty to (hostile) foreign entities, as part of their strategy to target Iran's national unity and territorial integrity.
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I'm only talking about Iranian Jews, not zoroastrians or Christians.

The Jews that died were probably conscripts, not volunteers. Also what is the proportion of martyrdom among them compared to their population. Lets calculate.

15 jewish conscripts (not volunteers) out of 55000 Jews living in Iran during the 80s.
In comparison about 500000 Iranians died out of population out of 45 million people during the war.

It means relatively non-jew Iranians gave 41 time more martyrs!!!
There is a reason these scum were always despised throughout history.
Or maybe grow a spine and target Israel and its assets directly rather than targeting innocent jewish citizens in Iran. Not all jews are like Zionist cultists in Israel as many find their human rights violations detestable.
I don't think targeting Jews in Iran is especially good optics.
There is a reason these scum were always despised throughout history.
They always control the money flow and keep it in there circle ... its old saying ... .with the one hand they grab your neck and second they squeeze your balls.... and ask you to breath ....
Like protecting nuclear facilities and serving as amateur bodyguards for scientists. If Israel attacks these places or people, then Iranian Jews will become martyrs.

Or will they kill our scientists before mossad attacks?

Will Israel become concerned if soon Iranian Jews die by car accidents?

Is Iran able to decrease its jewish population like Ansarallah warriors did in Yemen? Or like Khomeini did before?

Will the Jews become fake muslims to stay and grab Iranian economy, medicine Industry, Banks, export and import like fake muslims and hidden jews asgarolladi did?

If we put hidden camera's in Iranian jewish houses, Will we see celebrations for terror attack against Fakhrizadeh or total indifference (we dont give a ****?) ??

Will it stay easy to fool and infiltrate the system by having beard, prayer mark, acting pious and suddently stealing billion dollars and escaping to Canada like Khavari did?

Will the Jews use these religious tricks against simple non-nationalist morons in Islamic Republic? They can use "people of book" trick or conversion trick like Asgharoladi.

What was the percentage to population of Iranian Jews dying during Iran Iraq war?

Will Iran be able to identify Bahais who were Jews before "conversion"?

Make them manufacture Kosher foods and then export them goods for money.
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